kill immortals

Chapter 224 Fall

On the purple hammer, under the vitality, several purple light arcs rushed out. However, these purple light arcs were obviously not as powerful as the huge purple waves just now, and were soon scattered by the red giant sword, but these purple arcs were also scattered by the red giant sword.

Li Xuan's face just showed an exhilarating look, but when he saw the boy, he had already laughed and rushed to himself.

"What does this boy want to do? How can a monk rush up like this? Li Xuan was deeply surprised and quickly waved the sledgehammer twice, condensed two purple arcs, trying to knock the strange boy away, and then continue to deal with him. He is no longer expected to kill this boy. After all, his strongest blow just now has not played a role. He just wants to procrastinate and wait for Yan Peng and Yue Laowei to come to help.

Mighty is very close to Xuanshen, so the purple arc almost rushed out of the purple hammer and hit the mighty. When the corners of Li Xuan's mouth were slightly upturned, he saw the boy who should have been knocked out of the purple arc a few miles away, but his easy palm knocked down the purple arc, as simple as tearing a silk silk.

"It's not good!" Li Xuanshen was shocked and hurriedly wanted to retreat. Unfortunately, he was too close to the mighty at this time, and the purple arcs he made did not block at all.

Seeing that the boy had rushed to him, Li Xuan shouted deeply, raised the sledgehammer and went to the mighty hammer. On the purple hammer, the purple light flashed, obviously condensing a lot of vitality.

For Li Xuanshen's powerful blow, he roared excitedly and suddenly waved his arm. Instead of avoiding the sledgehammer, he met him with a fierce face.

"He... actually wants to use his body to hard connect the Xianyang weapon?" Li Xuan's face was a trace of surprise, but his men were not slow. Under his rapid wave, the sledgehammer faintly felt like rolling up the whirlwind, and the air was as if it had been torn, thorny.


A banging spiritual weapon impact sounded in this space of the Jedi. Li Xuanshen and Huo Yixun hummed at the same time, especially Li Xuanshen. In an instant, his body was covered with blood stains, and his whole body was like a broken kite, swaying back.

"In fact, relying on the body, he not only received the blow of Xianyang hammer, but also defeated the Li Xuanshen couple, whose strength was no less than Yue's old monster? This..." Qian Zhen looked at the mighty without blinking, and his eyes were full of confusion. By this time, he naturally fully believed what he said when the mighty came back and hit the mid-term monk to the ground.

Mighty didn't know what was wrong with him at all. He laughed, and his whole body was blue again. As soon as he lifted his feet, he caught up with the Li Xuanshen couple who flew backwards. Although he has seen two figures coming from a distance, which should be Yan Peng and Yue Laowei, it is enough for him to kill Li Xuanshen and his wife.

"You bastard, go to hell..." Li Xuanshen was rolling and saw Yan Yue coming quickly. Naturally, he knew that at their speed, there was no time to save himself at all. Seeing the mighty approach him again, Li Xuanshen suddenly shouted repeatedly and waved his hand. Suddenly, the purple hammer in his hand and Huo Yixun were thrown out by him.

When Pingjiang saw the figures of Yan Peng and Yue Lao, he told Qian Zhen and his wife to stay where they were, and he rushed to the front battlefield by himself. After all, Yan Peng's strength made Pingjiang a little worried, and there was also a strong old Yue next to him. He didn't want to let the mighty deal with it alone. But at this time, Li Xuan's deep roar pulled his heart over.

Li Xuanzhen's skin suddenly turned gray, as if all his vitality had suddenly disappeared strangely, and a breath of silence appeared. Although Wei Wu also found the strangeness of Li Xuanshen, he still waved his palm and slapped his head.

"Sea of Thorn!" A sharp voice that made people's whole body numb sounded from Li Xuan's mouth, which was so deep that even tore the corners of his mouth. Under Pingjiang's gaze, he only saw that Li Xuanshen had opened his mouth as if he could stuff his head, facing the mighty head. Then, his powerful fist hit Li Xuanshen's head, which was about to be torn into two halves, smashing it.

In the roar of Yan Peng, Yue Laoxun, and Huo Yixun, a gray-black fog suddenly gushed out of Li Xuan's deep bursting head, quickly condensed into a fist-sized Danwan, and then brushed the ground and rushed to the powerful head in everyone's sight. Although the mighty patted the Danwan continuously, the palm of his hand passed through the gray-black Danwan every time. This Danwan is not a physical thing!

In the blink of an eye, the gray and black pills flashed and disappeared into the powerful head. Pingjiang was shocked to find that the mighty man suddenly stopped, and then all the blue light on his body disappeared. The whole person, like an inanimate stone, was smashed from a thousand feet high to the ground.


Pingjiang was so frightened that he didn't have time to think about it. He rushed to the figure falling down powerfully. However, after the mighty fell down, the bottom was the fire that had just been thrown away by Li Xuanshen and had just flown up. She was surprised to see that the mighty was falling towards her and quickly turned her wrists. A pale yellow scissors appeared in her hand. She screamed and sacrificed the scissors. Suddenly, dozens of orange and yellow boulders of five or six square meters appeared. On her body, she quickly pointed her hand, and all the boulders hit with a harsh roar.

"Thief woman!" Pingjiang was about to crack. At this time, he was still far away from the mighty, and even Yan Peng was closer to the mighty than him.

"Brother. Shall we go up and help?" Wei Yujing clenched her hands and looked at the Pingjiang River that flew over desperately, as well as the power that kept rolling and falling, and looked a little anxious.

Qian Zhen's eyes flashed a few times, and then snorted angrily. He stood up and was about to help, but he saw two thick blue and white beams of light flashing in front of Pingjiang. When it flashed out again, he had arrived in front of Huo Yixun. One hit the chest and one hit the abdomen. At this time, Huo Yixun controlled the boulder to hit the mighty with resentment and excitement. He didn't expect that the two blue and white beams would be so strange. Suddenly, his head and waist were directly passed by the blue and white beams and fell to the ground.

"How could this happen?!" Before Huo Yixun fell into darkness, his happy and excited eyes suddenly appeared ashes. She had seen that although the boy's figure had been hit by a boulder hundreds of times, his body had not changed at all, and even a drop of blood was not exposed.

Yan Peng's light rainbow, which was approaching quickly, paused unconsciously. Not only did Huo Yixun find out before he died, but he also really saw that all the boulders hit the mighty and did not smash the boy's body at all. You know, these boulders gathered through the Xianyang ware, even Yan Peng himself, could not take the body to take the body. After all, human monks are good at magic and even divine consciousness, not the body.