kill immortals

Chapter 229 Ghost

Pingjiang quickly controlled the fog and came to a place like an independent space. However, this space is not a connected space bag, but in the mighty body, right at the chest, like the right of the human heart.

In this space, the fog is lingering, and there are dazzling light rays everywhere, which are several times stronger than the fog in Pingjiang's body, and all the fog rays are also more active.

In the center of the space is a living thing like a heart, which is like transparent glass. The heart the size of two fists will shake with the fog around every time it is agitated. Even if he has come in once before, Pingjiang is still intoxicated by the dazzling scenery in front of him.

However, Pingjiang immediately reacted, controlled the fog, and rushed to this space, rushing to the gray-black clouds that were constantly devouring and anti-engulfing with the dazzling fog. There should be what jumped into the mighty head before, and it was also the culprit of the mighty coma.

Mighty said that in this space, just like the human mind, once he is hurt, it is likely to cause him to be unable to control his body. Pingjiang Shicai has also found that almost all the fog that should have wandered in the powerful body has returned to this space and fought with the gray and dark clouds.

What reassured Pingjiang was that the obvious powerful fog prevailed in the devouring of both sides. Although the gray and black clouds desperately want to rush into the heart of the space, every time it moves forward, the clouds will be consumed by a small circle by the countless fogs surrounding it. In this way, although the mighty will not be dangerous, I'm afraid it will take several days to completely swallow the gray and black clouds at this speed.

If Pingjiang and Qian Zhen have entered the secret collection, he naturally doesn't care about these days, but now, they are still outside the secret collection. When they are about to enter the secret collection, they don't know what will happen. In particular, Yan Peng's escape made Pingjiang a little uneasy.

The mighty soon discovered the arrival of the Pingjiang River. The dazzling fog in the space was immediately like one, wrapped in the continuous fog of the Pingjiang River and rushed to the gray and black clouds together.

Although the gray-black fog is constantly consumed by the mighty fog, many fogs are swallowed by the gray-black clouds all the time. Yuntuan strangely seems to be able to absorb the fog for its own use, which makes it take a lot of time to completely kill Yuntuan.

The appearance of the fog in the Pingjiang River suddenly became a new force, and the gray and black clouds also found something wrong. Although it drilled into the center of the glass more desperately, after the fog of the Pingjiang River arrived, the speed of consumption of the gray and black clouds immediately accelerated a little.

In the cave, Qian Zhen and Wei Yujing sat so quietly, looking at Pingjiang and the mighty in surprise. Since Pingjiang said that he wanted to heal the mighty, Qian Zhen and his wife could see a trace of gorgeous fog from time to time, emanating from Pingjiang and the mighty body. With their knowledge, no monk has never seen such a fog.

Qian Zhen was curious and ingested a trace of fog in his hand by some means. Unexpectedly, this fog that was much thinner than his hair could make him clearly feel its weight and not light. This surprised him and secretly guessed that this is the reason why Pingjiang and the power is far stronger than his peers? It's just that the fog is too strange. Not only has Qian really never seen it, but he hasn't even heard of any skills that can practice this kind of thing.

Time passed day after day, and finally, under the anxious gaze of Qian Zhen and his wife, Pingjiang and Wei Wu woke up at the same time. It has been more than two days, and there is still about one to two days before the hole calculated by Qian Zhen.

After Pingjiang and Wei Wu woke up, they first looked at each other with some lingering heart, and then there was a trace of surprise in their eyes.

"I can't imagine that that thing is the yuan god of ghost cultivation that makes countless monks in Tianfeng mainland headaches. This ghost practice has devoured Li Xuanshen's mind and his yuan god, and has been dressed up for about half a year. It seems that he also plans to enter the secret treasure hunt!"

The divine voice of Pingjiang sounded in the mighty mind.

"It must be. Before the gray and dark clouds dissipated, we could all see some of his previous experiences. Before he devoured Li Xuanshen Yuanshen, he had already attached a Yangdan monk. However, the Yangdan monk was killed by the enemy, and he devoured the Li Xuanshen Yuanshen who happened to pass by. And he insisted on staying in Li Xuanshen's body, which must be because Qian Zhen had just found Yue Laowei at that time, so he also knew about the secret.

"No wonder these ghosts make it difficult for other monks to deal with. Even if their bodies are destroyed, their natural divine consciousness is strong, and the yuan gods are stronger than the monks in our Tianfeng Continent. Once they enter the sea of knowledge, they can't deal with their yuan gods at all.

"Ye, so, you can only destroy them before they enter the flesh. It's just that these gens have no entity at all. If you want to deal with them, you must use some special means. Unfortunately, many of those methods need the realm of Yangying to be used, so Yangdan Xiuwei can only rely on some Xianyang weapons with strange abilities to deal with them. No wonder old Jin said that a large number of monks will die every time on the battlefield of the ghost world.

"Now that we know, we can take precautions in the future. Fortunately, before the yuan god dissipated just now, we learned a lot of ghost secrets. Although these yuan gods are very powerful, they are also limited after all. Each ghost god can only be swallowed up three times in a lifetime. For the first swallowing, the yuan god will not have any damage, but for the second and third swallowing, the yuan god will be lowered to the first level. This Yuanshen's ghost cultivation was originally very powerful and was a powerful role in the later stage of Yangdan, but when he swallowed it for the second time, he could only find Li Xuanshen in the middle of Yangdan. And if you kill Li Xuanshen, he can only devour you, who only look like Yang Dan in the early days.

"Haha..." The mighty laughed in his consciousness and said, "This guy was originally very powerful, but he was too arrogant and unlucky. When he was on his own body, he actually provoked the existence of a yang baby in Tianfeng mainland and was directly destroyed. Then he took away a late Yangdan monk. Within a few days, he was blocked by the monk's enemy. Later, he could only hurriedly take away the Yuanshen of Li Xuanshen. After all, the yuan gods alone can't exist for a long time. If they can't give up in a year, these yuan gods will be finished if they continue to consume.

Pingjiang and Wei Wu looked at each other and shook their heads, obviously surprised by these ghost cultivation methods.

After all, although human monks can also give up, the conditions are much harsher than these ghost cultivation. Each monk can only give up once in his life, and it must be a monk who is much weaker than himself to succeed easily. Moreover, the human monk's motoshin can exist alone for very little time, only about a month. Of course, the more powerful the monk, the longer the yuan god can survive.