kill immortals

Chapter 230 Secret Hole

In the cave, it seemed that Pingjiang and Heping Weiwu were talking divinely, and Qian Zhen and his wife did not come up to disturb them.

Pingjiang smiled and continued to say in his consciousness: "Anyway, this time, I was blessed by misfortune. I not only learned a few powerful skills to cultivate divine consciousness from this ghost's cultivation, but also knew that our fog could deal with them. In particular, our fog can also devours their genocre energy, so that our fog does not have to consume so much. Otherwise, if there are two or three ghosts, I'm afraid our fog will be polished.

Mighty nodded excitedly, "After discovering that the Yuanshen, who could devouring them to replenish the fog energy, I immediately swallowed all the scattered clouds, not only to make up for the previously consumed fog, but also some growth, which is really profitable!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Although the two of us worked together to kill the ghost god faster. However, I'm afraid it took a lot of time. The secret cave should be about to open. Get ready to go right away.

Pingjiang got up and chatted with Qian Zhen. He was relieved to hear that more than two days had passed and more than a day to open the secret.

Qian really hesitated for a moment and finally didn't ask about the dazzling fog. After all, the martial arts and so on are the secrets of the monks. Qian Zhen guessed that even if he asked, he was afraid that Pingjiang and the mighty would not answer, and it would be better to pretend not to know.

"Senior Qian, there should be no problem with the opening time you calculated, right?"

"Don't worry, the surface of the Jedi looks irregular. In fact, in my opinion, it is the most regular place on the Tianfeng continent. There will certainly be no difference in the time it takes for all Lingshan and Linghe to run for a week. For thousands of years, the operation of every mountain and river has been calculated by some monks. The opening time of the cave is noon one day later.

Pingjiang nodded. Since the time had been so accurate, he was more relieved. Everyone chatted for a while and saw that the mighty had completely recovered, and Mr. and Mrs. Qian Zhen were also relieved. Obviously, before entering the secret hide, there were more powerful guys, which could make them safer.

After that, Pingjiang, Qian Zhen and others began to adjust interest again. Just now, all the ghost cultivation yuan god energy, Pingjiang was swallowed up by the mighty. After all, for the mighty, the fog directly affects his strength. However, it has little impact on Pingjiang. Although he lost some fog, he would slowly make up for it later.

The next day, as soon as the sky lit, a ball of blue light rushed out of the cave where several people were resting and quickly flew to the heavens. Two hours later, Qingguang stopped at the place where they fought with Yan Peng and others before. Although all the spiritual mountains are constantly fluttering, there is no change in just a few days.

As soon as everyone identified it, they immediately saw that the spiritual mountain that flew out of Yan Peng and Yue Lao Monster a few days ago was indeed the one shown in the treasure map.

Pingjiang and others looked at each other happily.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring Lier here! Otherwise, if it is there, we can be completely hidden. When the hole is opened, we can rush in directly.

From time to time, there are single or groups of monks flying through here, making Pingjiang and Qianzhen look bad. It seems that a few days ago, the war that broke out here provoked the ideas of the monks around. Moreover, Yan Peng, who didn't know where to escape, also had a Yue old monster, which also made everyone worried.

"Don't worry, those two old monsters absolutely dare not tell the secret news. Otherwise, if some old monsters of Yangying know about it, this secret will be their share. Qian is really confident.

Pingjiang nodded. Although he also thought so, he always felt that he could not be completely relieved. It seems that compared with these monks who have practiced for hundreds of years, in addition to cultivating treasures, Pingjiang feels that his experience, mind and so on are worse after all.

Just like Yan Peng who soon found the weakness of Pingjiang gyro that day, if it were Pingjiang, he would definitely not be so powerful.

"Two old monsters, you'd better not appear, otherwise, this time, you will never let you escape." Pingjiang thought hard. Unfortunately, not to mention whether Yue's monster will appear, Yan Peng will definitely not come after using the mysterious skill of great damage.

Time seems extremely slow under the anxious waiting of Pingjiang and others. However, after all, it won't take long. Time, under the eyes of Pingjiang and Qian Zhen, finally arrived at noon.

"Don't move. That hole is extremely secretive. I'll go and explore it at will. If there is no problem, I'll call you back. Otherwise, if we go there together and disappear, it will definitely cause other monks to suspect.

After listening to Qian Zhen's words, he looked at the monks who floated from here from time to time, and about a dozen monks actually stopped directly in the air not far away. After all, for these monks, stopping anywhere in the Jedi has little impact. And here, the war a few days ago naturally made them more interested.

Pingjiang gently touched the heavy star folding fan and nodded to Qian Zhen. Since the heavy star stack sun fan is in his hand, he is naturally not afraid that there will be any change in money.

Qian Zhen went out for a ray of incense and flew back. Although he tried his best to keep calm, Pingjiang still saw the uncontrollable excitement from it.

"I saw the hole!" Qian Zhen's voice trembled a little. Although he has practiced for hundreds of years, he can't be relieved in the face of the secret of the gods monks close at hand.

Pingjiang, mighty and Wei Yujing also showed a happy look in his eyes.

"Senior, what should we do now?" Pingjiang thought for a while and decided to let Qian Zhen make up his mind. After all, for the secret, money is really urgent, and I'm afraid it's still above me. In the face of this hour when the secret cave appears, we must reduce the movement as much as possible and not provoke other monks.

"Pingjiang, mighty, if you believe me, how about we rush in at the last moment before closing the mouth of the cave?" Qian Zhen took a few solemn steps and said.

Pingjiang thought for a moment and suddenly shook his head, making Qian Zhen's face change slightly. Pingjiang said, "Senior, if you rushed in at the last minute, it should have been the best plan. However, Yan Peng and Yue don't know where they are. If they suddenly come out to stop us at the last minute, as long as they can stop us for a while, we will give up all our previous efforts!"

Qian Zhen was stunned and sighed with a wry smile, "Caring is messy. I'm a little confused now, but I ignore these two old monsters!" After saying that, Qian really took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed down.