divine punishment

Chapter 8 Cold Light

Tian Xing's eyes moved to Jiang Chen and said silently for a moment, "The Taoist elder is different from us, and his Taoist state is also different from ours. It is difficult to classify it on a scale lower than the return to the Ruins, or the return to the Ruins."

He turned the topic and seemed unwilling to talk more about it: "The Daolun elder has personally led people to pursue Yuntian. No matter where Yuntian wants to escape from Yunfu Island, Daolun elders can perceive it in advance."

"Jiang Chen, ask how long has the wheel slept?" Wang Shu suddenly trembled, as if suppressing fear, and a little impatient.

When Jiang Chen asked this sentence, Tian Xing's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he wanted to pierce Jiang Chen. In the past, this kind of sword-like look could make Jiang Chen tremble, but now Jiang Chen can calmly look at him.

For a long time, the voice of Tian Xing sounded in Jiang Chen's ear, like a sharp sword blade: "Do you know how to do a good job today's favorite? Never ask what you should know and what you shouldn't know.

"Although your major Taoism is like the secret art of Dandingliu, you are not a disciple of Dandingliu." Tian Xing stared at Jiang Chen, "What does their life and death have to do with you?"

Jiang Chen's heart was shocked. Tian Xing obviously misunderstood Jiang Chen's words, but after careful consideration of his words, it seemed that the destruction of Dan Dingliu had something to do with Tao.

Thinking of the extinction of charm, Jiang Chen's heart moved again.

Tian Xing's tone slowed down and said, "You are favored by heaven, and you should cherish this opportunity that even Jiang Chen will envy. In the future, the cloud world will be destroyed, the world will be reborn, and the master of returning to the ruins will also be sucked into the mana realm, and even the spiritual imprint may be recorded. But only you can spend it safely."

He sighed: "Do you know what this means? In the new cloud world, you are the invincible master in the world and the controller of the eight heavens. All new lives are your slaves, and all the resources of heaven and earth are at your disposal.

He said word by word, "You will become a unique son of heaven!"

I have to say that this sentence of heavenly punishment is extremely powerful. Jiang Chen could hear that although his words were a little untrue, they would not be wrong and were by no means a lie of coaxing and deception.

If it hadn't been for the battle of Shen Xianyu and completely understood the original intention of "Jiang Chen", Jiang Chen might have been moved.

"The premise is that Jiang Chen must do what he should do, right?" Jiang Chen put on a proud smile." The heart leader nodded, but secretly sneered. The Taoist realm of becoming the son of heaven and "Jiang Chen" will become the attachment of the heavenly way. There is no chance of great perfection, and you have to do hard work from time to time to suppress the rebels of Yuntian.

At this time, a deaf drum came from the rear of the army of Yunfu Island. The dazzling golden lotus flew out of the camp. Each golden lotus was as big as the table, and the blooming petals were like shining sharp blades. The elders sat in the hearts of the lotus and drove the golden lotus to rush to the demon army camp.

The elders who had been fighting with monsters for a long time began to retreat in batches and replaced by a new force to continue a new wave of attacks.

"How long can you stay trapped in Yuntian?" Jiang Chen looked at the burning meat grinding battlefield in the distance, and there was a sudden "snorting" in his ears. The demon seemed to smell the strong smell of blood everywhere in the air. When he woke up from his deep sleep, the spiritual core slowly emerged from the deepest part of his consciousness.

"At least three months." Tian Xing muttered, "His injury is not so easy to recover."

He then smiled bitterly: "The largest medicinal fields on Yunfu Island were burned down by Yuntian. If he destroys it in Yunfu Island, he will be in trouble."

Jiang Chen shook his head. In order to find out the secret of the free sky, Yuntian may not be in a hurry to escape from Yunfu Island.

"Defeat the demon army with the fastest degree, and then return to Yunfu Island to hunt Yuntian!" Jiang Chen took a deep look at the heavenly punishment and "will not be able to take down the demon army with your strength?"

Tianxing frowned slightly: "Jiang Chen's enemies are not only the Holy Land of the Arctic. Come with Jiang Chen." He turned into a sword light and swept to the garrison of Yunfu Island, and Jiang Chen followed with the wind.

When passing through a mountain, the demon silently jumped out of his ears and mixed into the battlefield full of flesh and blood and debris.

"It's time to eat!" With Jiang Chen's acquiescence, the demon began to hunt ghostly.

This is an excellent environment for extraterritorial demons to eat. People and demons should contribute to their good daughters than to die in their right hands. Once he enters the realm of returning to the ruins, Jiang Chen also needs to improve his magic to further sharpen his heart.

The way of heaven and earth, all living things, are pawns to sharpen the heart. There is nothing other than the so-called "Jiang Chen". With this in mind, Jiang Chen's understanding of the way of * is one layer deeper.

This is the most common and difficult way in the world. In addition to "Jiang Chen", he is different from Yan Caizi's ruthlessness and in his body. "Jiang Chen" itself contains seven emotions and six desires, love and hate, so he should not only give up, but also get it, and find the elusible true meaning in the affectionate and ruthless desire.

"Jiang Chen, do you believe in Yunfu Island?" Wang Shu suddenly asked in an astringent voice.

"It's just mutual use." Jiang Chen doesn't care about the tunnel. No matter how secretly the two sides fight, anyway, if it is beneficial to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen will help them and fall into the well if it is not beneficial to Jiang Chen.

The tent of Yunfu Island gradually appeared in front of it, stretching for dozens of miles, like bright stars falling into the mountains. At a glance, the stars circled into a vast silver dragon that was about to fly, and the dragon arched a huge sea of thunder and white clouds.

Tian Xing led Jiang Chen straight into the sea of clouds, which was invulnerable and the light was soft. The diffuse clouds formed countless dense cloud caves, and there were elders meditating in each cloud cave.

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. If he invests himself in this sea of clouds, even if the demon army will fight again, it will be crushed and collapsed by absolute power. After a little meditation, Jiang Chen suddenly realized, "Do you want to go to Dongzhou?"

Heavenly punishment turned around and indifferently--"It's not only Dongzhou, and the Red Dust League is not an honest sheep."

With Tian Xing constantly going deep into the sea of clouds, Jiang Chen has fully figured out the strategic intention of Yunfu Island. They hid the most elite troops, deliberately pretended that they could not attack the demon army, and took a weak plan to lure Dongzhou to take action. If Dongzhou takes advantage of the opportunity to enter the battlefield, Yunfu Island will exhaust its entire army and annihilate all opposition forces in one fell swoop.

Including the heavenly punishment to let Jiang Chen attack the real person in Mingyang is also part of the plan.

"There are not many elders in Yunfu Island, right?" Jiang Chen looked at more and more cloud caves around him and couldn't believe it. "You actually went out!"

In the center surrounded by heavy cloud caves, there is a glorious circular star vortex suspended. It rotates slowly like a living thing. Tianxing stepped on the outermost ring and said, "If not, how can you catch all your opponents?" His back quickly disappeared into the starlight, and his voice was dragged out of a strange aftershock.

Jiang Chen curiously observed the star vortex, and the gorgeous halo changed color in rotation, emitting endless heat. Yunfu Island is indeed rich in resources, and there are countless treasures. Because of this, everyone thinks that they will choose the safest and protracted war. Who would have expected that Yunfu Island went the opposite way and made all the desperate moves, but it could win surprisingly.

Jiang Chen pondered and stepped into the star ring. His whole body was immediately pulled by an invisible force and flew inward around the star vortex. For a moment, countless stars in the field of vision swirled sharply, leaving a circle of blurred shadows. After a few breaths, Jiang Chen reached the deepest part of the star vortex.

This is like an infinitely wide strange space, vast and difficult to find. The stars above the head are like rain, and there are hazy light waves surging under your feet.

The void around drilled out tens of millions of strange ears, eyes and mouths, constantly moving. Some are furry, shaped like monsters: some are smooth*, like jade carvings: some are like swaying starlight flames, shining brightly.

Each ear fanned slightly, as if focusing on listening, and all kinds of sounds came from the ears: the explosion of magic waves, the sound of blades mixed with the waves, and the messy shouting of killing.

"Kill, kill all these immortals on Yunfu Island!" I can't stand it anymore. Change the Tiger Cat team!" Why haven't the reinforcements in Dongzhou come yet?" Jiang Chen listened carefully, which was a sound from all over the battlefields of the Lancang River.

Heavenly punishment stood solemnly, staring at a strange eye that blinked. The mountains, rivers and soldiers and horses near the Lancang River are mobilized from different perspectives: countless ferocious and desperate faces emerge in the knife and fireworks, the broken limbs are scattered, and the bloody scene of the shemale fighting is lifelike, as if they were born in front of them.

Nearly 100 elders of Yunfu Island are busy, as if they have not seen Jiang Chen at all. They kept collecting the latest war situation in their eyes and ears, and then conveyed it through their mouths in the void.

"Come and have a look." Tian Xing pointed to a different eye above" in a deep tone.

This strange eye is as big as a building boat, with dense tooth-shaped colorful eyelashes on both sides, and the pupils are as clear as ice, clearly reflecting the location of the source of the Lancang River.

"Is it a person from Dongzhou?" Following the direction pointed by Tian Xing, Jiang Chen's eyes moved to the upper left corner of the alien eye. In a snow-covered dangerous peak and canyon, virtual shadows appeared faintly, and you can't see what it is.

"They use array shielding, so it is difficult to see the details. Even for Jiang Chen's people secretly in Dongzhou, it is difficult to spread the news smoothly. Tianxing said, "About three days ago, the Dongzhou army pulled out from the desert in the west and rushed all the way to Yuzhao Snow Mountain at the source of the Lancang River. They rested and rectified on the spot. Obviously, they were waiting for the opportunity to attack." Dongzhou finally officially went to war. He looked at Jiang Chen meaningfully and said, "You made Mingyang real person angry."

"Isn't that good? If Dongzhou doesn't move, it is a hidden danger for hot hands. Now that they have taken the initiative to jump out, you don't have to tie your hands and feet. As long as they enter the battlefield, Yunfu Island can calmly collect the network. Jiang Chen quietly looked at the geographical environment around the battlefield, glanced over a different eye, and suddenly stopped somewhere in the middle. There is the intersection of the narrow fragrant river flowing into the Lancang River, only two or three miles away.

Thinking of the soul tower at the bottom of the fragrant river, a whimsical idea came to Jiang Chen's mind.

In an flash, the thoughts leaped, and the dark and surging torrent seemed to come from another world, and the magic flame-like eyes shone mysteriously in the black waves.

"It is said that there is a secret waterway at the bottom of the Piaoxiang River, which is connected to the tributary of the Nether River?" Jiang Chen communicated with the devil quietly.

The devil smiled: "Are you going to attract the underworld tide" to pour back into Lancang?"

Talking to smart people is labor-saving. Jiang Chen smiled and said, "It's better to make them unable to run away when the three parties fight. Now that there have been days of heavy rain and soaring water levels, rivers in this area will soon flood. This may be an opportunity. You have been lurking in the Netherworld for many years. There should be a way, right?

The demon meditated for a long time and said coldly, "Where the underworld tide passes, life is ruined, everything is dead, and the "bad" of the cloud world will be further aggravated."

"Anyway, all the sins are counted on Yuntian. Everyone knows that it was God's punishment for allowing the sky to go against the sky. Jiang Chen didn't care and said, "Only in this way can triple heaven be seriously damaged and his vitality be greatly damaged. Jiang Chen can not only take the opportunity to subdue the holy land of the Arctic, but also weaken Dongzhou, and at the same time get rid of the threat of killing donkeys on Yunfu Island. Heaven and earth deteriorated, and Yan Caizi had to deal with Yuntian. It can be said that four birds with one stone, such as heavenly luck, returning to the ruins to become masters, all of them obediently as the pawns of the old man. The devil stared at Jiang Chen and said, "If you do this, Jiang Chen will pay a great price."

Jiang Chen sneered in his heart: "If everything is done by Jiang Chen, can you fight against Lou on the day of real combination?" The demon stared at Jiang Chen for a moment and suddenly laughed wildly: "You are really getting better and better at using means.

Not bad, now it looks like a peerless hero. However, this matter cannot be done by Jiang Chen alone, and you still need to do it yourself. He explained, "The soul tower at the bottom of the fragrant river seals the lonely ghosts and locks the eyes of the tributaries of the underworld. To introduce the underworld tide, you must first break the soul tower. No one in the world can break the soul tower built by Mei himself.

Jiang Chen's heart was shocked, and the uncontrollable sadness came from his consciousness. The demon laughed sarcastically, and his figure gradually retreated with the torrent of darkness: "Jiang Chen promises that the moment you break the soul tower, it will be the time when the dark tide sweeps."

Tian Xing saw that Jiang Chen had been meditating and said strangely, "What are you thinking about?" Jiang Chen casually pointed to the mountain where people and demons competed fiercely in different eyes and said, "I don't know who is commanding the demon army to fight? The forces of the two sides are similar, and the mana of the elders is enough to break through these strategic places? Although you have not done your best, the military dispatch is far inferior to the other party.

If you fight hard, the loss is much worse than that of the other party." The elders are poor in studying the way of heaven. Although their personal cultivation is strong, they are not good at large-scale group warfare. Tian Xing smiled bitterly, "The Arctic Holy Land may be responsible for dispatching troops and generals. Jiang Chen wanted to assassinate him in person. However, the blood of Longyan is magical and mysterious, and it has a premonition of good luck and misfortune, and it can always avoid Jiang Chen's air machine lock first. Jiang Chen thought for a while and said happily, "Jiang Chen and the major demon kings still have some friendship. If this matter is handed over to Jiang Chen, they may be able to fight back. Jiang Chen talked with Tianxing for a long time. He roughly understood the strategic deployment of Yunfu Island, and then left.

Out of the sea of stars and clouds, Jiang Chen went straight to the north and found a secluded valley to live temporarily.

Prepare to practice for a few days, strive to break the sky with a charming fetus, enter the divine realm, and find an opportunity to enhance magic power.

Whether it is persuading the demon king or breaking the soul tower, it needs the power to return to the ruins.

"Jiang Chen, you really want to break the soul tower mountain," Wang Shu asked in astringent voice.

"The cloud world is destroyed, and the soul tower can't be retained." Jiang Chen stared at Wang Shu in his consciousness and said calmly, "The era of magic dance has passed." A.

Mom can be reborn, and the heavenly law will cross the clouds at will as in the past. The sky has been changing day by day, and the fluctuation is becoming more and more manic*, like a sonorous drumming instead of soft and clear silk bamboo.

Only magic martial arts can travel through today's heaven.

"But this may be a cycle, and the magic martial arts will be replaced one day. However, whether it is magic dance or magic martial arts, Wang Shu always stared at Wang Shu, and the bright light was full of divine consciousness. One thing you must know is that it is your music that makes the charm dance the most beautiful and gorgeous dance in the world. Without you, Jiang Chen would not have reached the peak of the cloud world step by step.

Wang Shu blinked his eyes, and the light spots flashed gently. In the past, it taught Jiang Chen to solve the puzzles, but now it's Jiang Chen's turn.

"So, Wangshu is not an accompaniment soul weapon, but the life of the dance."

Jiang Chen enlightened it while sensing the rhythm of the sky in the dark, and the string line extended to explore the unfathomable void.

The rhythm of Tianyu brings Jiang Chen a fresh feeling from time to time, and the killing, mania and violence are all in line with magic and martial arts. With each little experience, Jiang Chen's magic martial arts deepened, and the use of the string line became more and more flexible.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen" looked at Shu and spit out, and his eyes were uncertain. "In fact, Jiang Chen can make your magic martial arts more powerful. However, Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen doesn't want to tell you.

Jiang Chen looked at it in surprise: "Isn't it? Will you also play tricks?"

"Those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black." Wang Shu lowered his head shyly and whispered, "Jiang Chen just doesn't like the magic martial arts of killing."

"Why do you tell Jiang Chen now?"

"No matter how much Jiang Chen misses it, the Soul Tower will always disappear. No matter who is destroyed, the charm will not come back to life. It slowly turned into a huge curved moon, and the soft light gradually became cold, like a cold light shining ice blade.

"Cuffocation" hopes to play a high-pitched syllable, and the halo trembles, bursting out a sharp light like a blade. Jiang Chen's charming tire suddenly jumped and couldn't help hitting a fierce magic martial arts with the music.

It was like an earth-shaking horn tearing away the divine consciousness, and the majestic and fierce music was like a volcanic eruption, magma splashed, and the tsunami lifted the reef and collapsed.

The music is roaring, stabbing into the sky, shooting into the earth, and splashing blood waves in the impact of countless knives and guns.

Mowu followed the beat of the music, fiercely and invincible, like an angry dragon constantly vacated the abyss and jumped into the sky. This is the destructive rhyme of the broken movement, the murderous note!

I don't know how long it took, Wang Shu's music has never stopped, as if the endless waves are rushing. Day and night outside, the small valley has been completely devastated and completely flattened by the magic martial arts.

It seems that a long time has passed. In the distance of consciousness, a shining arch appeared strangely, and there was a shadow shaking in the door.

Wang Shu took Jiang Chen and floated to the arch.