divine punishment

Chapter 9 Divine Realm Again

"You told me that it is not only the morning glow but also blood. But I believe that in addition to blood and morning glow, there are other fiery things. Looking at the soothing tunnel, Jiang Chen went towards the arch and got closer and closer. Jiang Chen's life as an instrument should play all the notes. Whether it's joyful, beautiful, sad or violent.

"Thank you, Jiang Chen." Wang Shu muttered, "Thank you for letting me get out of my hole, although you broke it so cruelly. However, Jiang Chen believes that one day Jiang Chen will play his own music. It's not yours, nor is it charming.

"Jiang Chen believes." Jiang Chen greeted the arch. It's not the arch to welcome Jiang Chen, and the shadow under the door is getting clearer and clearer.

When they were young, Jiang Chen and the world were actually separated by crystal glazed arches.

What color is the glass and what color Jiang Chen saw?

The distance between Wangshu and the arch is getting closer, and the shadow under the door is neither a leg. There are not many arms.

Through the glazed arch, what Jiang Chen saw was actually the shadow of the world.

The brilliant arch was slightly fragmented. Jiang Chen looked at the shadow of his legs and arms, and his face was so familiar.

That's not charming.

That's Jiang Chen.

The shadow hit the sharp charm, and the arch was like a crisp broken glass, slowly crumbing in the sight.

Whether Jiang Chen wants to or not, sooner or later, the colorful glazed arch will be broken.

The world will present the most authentic color to Jiang Chen.

That is no longer a shadow.

The shadow integrated into Jiang Chen, and Meiwu was successful at this moment.

The rhythm of the sky melted into the string line in an instant, and Jiang Chen flew to the divine realm, and the endless sea of light surrounded Jiang Chen.

"Early or later, there will be a new arch." Wang Shu muttered.

This arch is no longer given to Jiang Chen in this world, but built by Jiang Chen themselves little by little.

What kind of Jiang Chen has, what kind of world.

"The world will become the shadow of Jiang Chen." The sea of light retreated in the field of vision, and Jiang Chen stood under the sky of the divine realm.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, it didn't rain in the divine realm. The air is hot and dry, like thick smoke choking into the lungs. The earth cracked into pieces, the vegetation drooped listlessly, and the yellowed leaves curled up and wither, as if they had experienced a great drought.

Jiang Chen took out a small stove and called out Wang Shu. It excitedly flipped dozens of somersaults and shouted, "Sesame, you must be waiting. Jiang Chen will come soon!"

"The divine realm is also getting worse!" Wang Shu opened his nose and looked west for a while and shouted uneasily.

"The world changes." Wang Shu shook his head and said to Jiang Chen, "Brother, Jiang Chen is going to find sesame seeds, so you don't have to get mixed up. If you are here, Jiang Chen and sesame will be embarrassed, and you will also be embarrassed. Anyway, as soon as the time limit for soaring arrives, Jiang Chen will return the furnace by himself.

"What's the time limit now?" Jiang Chen said angrily, "Jiang Chen has been able to cross the heaven freely. He can stay as long as he wants. You can go to the sesame fool, a guy who cares more than friends. Get a little Wangshu as soon as possible, and Jiang Chen can also be an uncle.

Wang Shu smiled and said, "Don't blame Jiang Chen for not reminding you. If it's good, just accept it, or the charm will be your end." He looked around mysteriously, came to Jiang Chen's ear, and said in a low voice, "How can you get a little Wangshu? Teach Jiang Chen."

"You don't even know this, do you?" Jiang Chen fell down. He thought he was going to reveal some danger to Jiang Chen, but he actually asked this.

"Brother, I heard that there is a sequence, and there is a specialty in the art industry." Wang Shu blushed and said, "Compared with you, Jiang Chen is very pure."

"This is a long story, involving the extremely mysterious change of yin and yang. Ordinary people Jiang Chen didn't tell him." Jiang Chen coughed heavily, "You first explain to Jiang Chen what it means to stop when you see it."

Wang Shu grabbed his head impatiently: "You will understand after you feel it."

Jiang Chen was slightly stunned and observed for a long time. Suddenly, he found that his body was slowly becoming heavy in a weak and indistinguishable trend, as if something invisible had penetrated into his body. If others don't remind you of this change, it is difficult to find it all at once.

"The divine realm is rejecting you, and the law of heaven and earth does not allow such a way of soaring." Wang Shu said, "The longer you stay here, the more unlucky you will be in the future. However, as a brother, you will be unlucky, as long as Jiang Chen and Sesame are happy.

Jiang Chen nodded in his heart. Before entering the ruins, it is better for Jiang Chen to know each other and leave as soon as possible when he picks the elixir. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately started and skimmed to the peak in the distance.

"Hey, you haven't told Jiang Chen the way of yin and yang change!" Wang Shu shouted anxiously in the back.

Jiang Chen didn't look back and raised a middle finger at him: "It's that simple."

Along the way, Jiang Chen picked a lot of Ganoderma lucidum and jade mushrooms. Although these medicinal herbs can replenish qi and invigorate blood, they have little effect on Jiang Chen and can only be used as a snack.

Along the way, there are stone slopes and mounds, sparse forests, and bodhisattva **. After walking for more than half an hour, Jiang Chen did not find anything good.

"Lao Wangshu, it's time to show your brilliance! Where is the herb that enhances magic? Take Jiang Chen to search for it. Jiang Chen stepped into the ruins, and you can also be very happy and bully others. Jiang Chen climbed a blue tree that covered the sky, picked off a few bunches of red red red fruits, and chewed them casually. Perhaps because of the dry weather, there is no colorful Hongqiao in the sky, and there is nowhere to find the empty city.

I don't know how to find sesame seeds. This boy is nagging and obviously hides a lot of means.

Wang Shu. The Lord said, "You people and demons have messed up the cloud world. Are you suffering now? Hurry up and find a place with sufficient water vapor, and you can see Hongqiao Empty City. Although your mana is progressing fast, you still can't live without Jiang Chen at the critical moment. He straightened his chest arrogantly.

"There is an old Wangshu at home, if there is a treasure." Jiang Chen spit out the vermilion core, stood on the top of the tree, raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The north side is lush with trees and flowers and leaves, and there must be water sources such as mountains and streams.

"Oh, who threw the peel and sludge?" Suddenly, a thin sound came from below, and a small hairy head emerged from the roots of the knotted tree.

Jiang Chen jumped down and looked at each other curiously. The lower body of this small thing grows in the thick tree roots, bare upper body, dark green skin is like layers of folds, the two palms are shaped like frogs, the thick and soft eyelids are piled up in the corners of the eyes, and the small white bulging eyes are turned up and staring at Jiang Chen aggressively.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Jiang Chen didn't throw the peel randomly. Jiang Chen threw the fruit core."

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the little thing seemed to have found some interesting toys, and the dissatisfaction on his face suddenly dissipated: "Oh, the little mouth is quite sharp. Come on, sit down and chat with Jiang Chen!"

"This is a spirit." Wang Shu said in surprise.

Wang Shu hurriedly shouted, "Quickly, listen to the spirit and sit down honestly. You are small

You are lucky. This guy is the oldest local snake in the divine realm. He is very well-informed.

Jiang Chen immediately corrected his attitude and sat cross-legged: "What does the old man want to talk about? It's not Jiang Chen blowing. The person in front of you is known as the leading genius in the cloud world. He knows astronomy and geography and knows how to eat, drink and have fun. However, it's too vulgar to talk about these. Obviously, it doesn't match your ideological realm. How about Jiang Chen's change some topics such as herbs and mana?

Di Linger's face showed a narrow smile: "You should sit lower, at least lower than Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's neck is sore and tired when talking to you like this.

"It can't be lower. Even if Jiang Chen sleeps on the ground, he is taller than you." Jiang Chen smiled and said skillfully, "You have a lot of momentum. Anyone who sees you has to bow your head and bow. This is the advantage of being short. It's too late for Jiang Chen to envy you."

"You still have 100 breaths." The earth spirit is not moved by the tunnel.

"The old man is deliberately trying to make things difficult. Why don't you catch it and torture it? Jiang Chen asked Shu quietly, and his fists were ready to move. Jiang Chen must find the herbs as soon as possible to reduce the time spent in the divine realm.

Wang Shu said angrily, "The spirit is a spirit born from the earth's spirit. It has vast magical power. How can it be caught by you? Your boy claims to be an old man, turning his face faster than turning over a book!"

Wang Shu also said, "You can't use spells in the divine realm, and you are not the opponent of earth spirits at all. Anyway, there is no malice in Di Linger. He just likes to play tricks on people. You'd better find a way quickly.

Jiang Chen gave up the hard idea and thought to himself: the only way for the earth spirit asked Jiang Chen to sit lower than it was for Jiang Chen to sit higher. But its lower body grows in the root of the tree and has no way to do it at all.

"You only have 57 breaths left." The earth spirit said proudly.

Jiang Chen's eyes turned and suddenly punched, hitting the ground continuously, smashing a deep pit on the ground at the fastest speed, and then jumping into the pit.

"Haha, Jiang Chen is shorter than you!" Jiang Chen laughed and sat down, just looking at Di Linger's eyes.

"Hahahaha!" Di Linger smiled and clapped her hands repeatedly, "You are really a genius in the cloud world. You are still so happy sitting on the dung! Tasteful and realmful! Jiang Chen likes it!"

Jiang Chen was stunned and found that the sticky and yellow under his buttocks was actually a spiral-shaped feces, half wet and half dry, but he could not smell the smell, but emitted a refreshing fragrance.

Jiang Chen looked at the happy spirit and knew that he had been fooled by the other party.

Wang Shu said in surprise, "It's the dung of earthworms!" Collect it quickly! The spirit is really kind. If you pass its difficulties, it will naturally be beneficial.

"No way? Can this thing increase mana? Jiang Chen said depressedly. Although he didn't know what a great beast the earthworm was, even the dung of the mythical beast was also dung. It was difficult for Jiang Chen to accept it directly orally.

"Winning earthworm manure has a clear and insightful miraculous effect. Just light the smoke, and you don't have to worry about going crazy when you work. Wang Shu explained, "You have to sharpen your heart with the magic of strangulation. Winning earthworm dung is the most suitable treasure."

Wang Shu said, "Mulworms have always been hidden deep in the ground, and it is rare to see them. If it weren't for the earth spirit, you wouldn't have got moth and earthworm dung in your life. Jiang Chen took out a jade box and carefully packed the mushroom dung. Di Linger squeezed his eyes at Jiang Chen: "Wage, are you satisfied? Is this a little feces enough? If it's not enough, there are many kinds.

"Enough, enough." Jiang Chen wisely refused. In this old man's style, if Jiang Chen is insatiable, he will definitely send bird dung, donkey dung, cow and horse dung. Jiang Chen and others continue to discuss topics such as herbs to enhance magic power.

"All right!" Di Linger readily agreed, "First of all, Jiang Chen will talk about water, air and light. Why talk about this? Because the growth of herbs is inseparable. For example, water is the source of life, and there are many kinds. Seawater, streams, rain, tears, saliva.

Jiang Chen looked at it with stunned eyes, and his ears seemed to have penetrated into countless small mosquitoes buzzing.

Old man, you are too watery. So you can't talk about herbs for a month. Jiang Chen repeatedly tried to interrupt it, but Wang Shu and Wang Shu stopped him.

"Only by being fooled by it can you get benefits." Hope Shu gloated and said happily.

Therefore, Jiang Chen could only let the other party's overwhelming saliva hit his face.

No matter how powerful Jiang Chen is, he dominates the world. However, Jiang Chen is just an ordinary person. He has no magic and magic power, and can no longer look down on all sentient beings with a condescending strength.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but calm down and meditate silently.

This may be the meaning of soaring.

After a long time, Di Linger wiped her spitting mouth and stopped nagging.

Jiang Chen immediately applauded warmly: "Listen to your words is better than reading ten thousand years of books! From now on, Jiang Chen stood on the shoulders of the giant.

The spirit was stunned: "But you almost fell asleep with your eyes closed."

"Because your wise light stung Jiang Chen's eyes."

"Jiang Chen saw that you were pulling out your earwax just now."

"This is to pay tribute. Besides, it is not earwax, but the crystallization of wisdom precipitation. Father-in-law, please continue to talk freely. It's better to bring out some herbs and talk while eating.

Di Linger rolled his eyes: "Jiang Chen suddenly didn't want to say anything."

"Silence is gold, and even if my father-in-law doesn't say anything, he is silent. This is "the mysterious realm of true intention here, and you have forgotten what you want to say."

"Oh, you are really a genius in the cloud world." Di Linger narrowed her eyes, stared at Jiang Chen for a while, and grinned, "Do you want to enhance the herb?"

"If you don't want it, it's really too hypocritical and not in line with Jiang Chen's frank and honest character."

Jiang Chen said righteously, "However, compared with your old teachings, herbs are a scum!"

"Alas, wear thousands of clothes, but don't wear flattery. For the sake of your knowledge, Jiang Chen will say a few more words. Di Linger stretched her neck and put her nose close to Jiang Chen and sniffed, "Tut, your pores are full of the smell of elixir, the flesh is clean and the bones are clear, and the marrow is full of blood fragrance. Jiang Chen suspects that you have been reincarnated with herbs. Like you, unless you take it as a refined herb spirit, the ordinary divine medicinal herbs will have no effect on you at all.

"Dare to ask you, where is the medicine that has become refined?"

"Oh, it's purely by luck. Maybe if you look all over the empty city water market, you may not get much.

Jiang Chen bowed deeply: "I hope my father-in-law can give me some advice."

"Oh, my waist is a little sore."

Jiang Chen immediately helped him beat his back.

"Oh, I'm a little thirsty."

Jiang Chen immediately picked melons and fruits.

After being busy for a long time, Di Linger coughed with satisfaction: "It doesn't necessarily depend on herbs to improve your cultivation. Every ten thousand years, the Lianli tree in the Far East will hatch a comparative winged bird. As long as you can get a feather of the winged bird, burn it into ashes, and wrap it with honey for food, you can enhance your mana. Let Jiang Chen calculate. You are lucky. It will be almost enough to wait for more than 100 years.

Jiang Chen said with a bitter face, "If Jiang Chen doesn't wait, just seize the day and night."

"There are also those that need to be fast. There is a horizontal male fish in Bingshu Lake in the far north, and it likes to swim with people. If you swim faster than it, it will give you a scale of fish that enhances its rma. If you lose, you will become a fish scale on it. Oh, can you swim in the cold ice?

Jiang Chen couldn't help shivering: "My father-in-law, is there anything less difficult?"

The spirit thought for a moment and said, "There is an ancient and mysterious empty city hidden at the end of the rainbow bridge in the divine realm. It is said that there are countless rare treasures in it, and there are many refined herbs and spirits, which must be able to improve your mana. However, unlike other empty cities, the gate has been locked and closed. Not to mention human beings, even the creatures in the divine realm have never set foot in.

Wang Shu suddenly shouted excitedly: "It turned out to be the strangest empty city! I heard that there are also stone chrysalis that enhance the power of our soul weapons! Boy, the shell of the stone heart chrysalis is given to Jiang Chen and Wang Shu, which can enhance the spirituality of the soul weapon. If you swallow the worm chrysalis directly, you can greatly increase your mana and enter the ruins!"

"It's even impossible for Jiang Chen to enter this empty city." Jiang Chen spread out his hands to Di Linger, "Your cake is too big, so Jiang Chen has to stare and drool."

Jiang Chen looked at Linger's look and asked tentatively, "Do you always have a way to let Jiang Chen enter the city?"

The spirit proudly opened her mouth and spit out a rusty bronze key. The shape of the key is like a curved tongue, engraved with retro patterns, and the round handle is inlaid with eight transparent small crystal diamonds. Among them, seven crystal diamonds flashed, and only one was dull.

The most amazing thing is that the key is constantly trembling like a monster's tongue.

The spirit played with the bronze key and said, "There are eight gates in this empty city, each with a key. Only when all eight keys are inserted into the gate and locked in the empty city will open.

Jiang Chen muttered, "Have you always known the whereabouts of the other seven keys?"

Di Linger shook the bronze key to Jiang Chen: "For millions of years, those seven keys have been inserted into the door lock one after another."

Jiang Chen pointed to the dull crystal diamond on the key and suddenly said, "So the remaining seven crystal diamonds are lit up, leaving only Jiang Chen's one?" Di Linger nodded and corrected, "There is only Jiang Chen, not Jiang Chen." There was a slippery smile on its face and threw the key around in his hand. "Although Jiang Chen has an old bone and is not interested in exploring treasure, why should he give you this precious key?"

Jiang Chen said quietly, "There is no free lunch in the world. What price do you always want Jiang Chen to pay, just say it.

"It's really a clever little guy." Di Linger licked her mouth and soul. "You can make some blood. Not much, just a bowl of blood. The dark green roots slowly bulged and squirmed like mud, forming a bowl the size of a fist.