divine punishment

Chapter 13 Reverse

Jiang Chen sighed and put away his fists and feet: "I didn't expect Brother Mu to be so affectionate and righteous. If Jiang Chen refuses again, he will not help but praise his friend's ancient road and cold heart. Anyway, Jiang Chen doesn't want any precious treasures and herbs, just needs Brother Mu to borrow Jiang Chen to see the secret art of rebirth. After that, Jiang Chen will also return the secret and never take it for himself.

Mu Hui's face showed a blank look: "The secret art of rebirth? Brother Yu has never heard of this spell. It's better to wait for the divine realm to come out, and I will try my best to find out the news for my virtuous brother. Even if you go through fire and water, you have to find this secret for your virtuous brother.

"Thank you, Brother Mu, for your kindness. Jiang Chen can provide a clue for Brother Mu. At the Lianhua event that day, someone once performed this technique, which is still unforgettable for Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen looked at him with a smile, jumped up, broke his claws with one punch, and his feet rotated and kicked like wheels. Each kick made him crooked, his facial features were bleeding, and his bones made a clear break from time to time.

The wooden gray hair was scattered, and his face was as fierce as a ghost. He stared at Jiang Chen for a moment and suddenly blurted out, "Are you Jiang Chen?"

Jiang Chen smiled and kept attacking: "Brother Mu, have you remembered the secret art of rebirth?"

" Stop it!" Muhui finally couldn't help it and gasped and shouted, "After I practiced the secret of rebirth, I had destroyed the secret. How can I give it to you?"

"Brother Mu recited the secret content silently, and I will distinguish the truth from the false." Jiang Chen punched his chest, making his chest sink slightly, and his inner armor made a "sizzle" sound.

Muhui's mouth spewed blood and couldn't help roaring: "Jiang Chen, I'm the guardian of the ASEAN. Don't cause trouble for yourself!" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and laughed, "Then Jiang Chen should have a good chat with Brother Mu."

"The vertical son bullies people too much, so let's fight to death!" Muhui showed a resentful look and suddenly waved his arm and hit the shelf behind him.

"Papa!" Hundreds of treasures jumped up and attacked Jiang Chen one after another. Muhui's right leg then swept down a row of shelves, and his body followed the treasures shot all over the sky, and rushed over like a mad tiger.

Jiang Chen remembered the shop rules of this empty city and couldn't help swearing. If you are focused on capturing wood ash, you will inevitably touch these treasures, and then you will have to count them on Jiang Chen's account. If you get out of the way, the wood ash can rush out of the gap and take the opportunity to escape. Even if the girl shopkeeper pursues the wood ash to drop the goods, he will not fall into Jiang Chen's hands. The secret art of rebirth is too important for Jiang Chen to allow any mistakes.

"Lao Wangshu, you can only grab this house!" Jiang Chen turned his heart across and met the wood ash. In an hour, more than a hundred treasures were hit on Jiang Chen one after another and were shocked by the six desires. Jiang Chen ignored it and just wrapped the wood ash and sealed his route.

The two sides hit each other dozens of times, and Muhui's face staggered back like dead ashes. Jiang Chenyi went up and kicked into his heart. The bottom of his foot slipped and broke his leg bone. Wood gray howling,

Half kneeling down, Jiang Chen then clasped his elbows and crushed all the bones of his upper limbs. Wood ash sobbed sadly like a seriously injured dying beast, and his whole body fell softly at Jiang Chen's feet like a pool of mud.

The girl's voice sounded slowly: "Xuanyin Lingzhi, a valuable five-chain soul ingot. Blue corundum is worth three chains of soul ingots. Watching Yubi is worth ten chains of soul ingots"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "How many good things are there to calculate on Jiang Chen's account!" He grabbed the wood ash with one hand and rushed to the dazzling shelves.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and patted the shelves, and the colorful treasures jumped up one after another. As you like. It was opened by Jiang Chen, like a long whale drawing water, loading the treasures of the house and sweeping it away.

In fact, except for the blood treasure glue, other things are useless to Jiang Chen. There are many treasures suitable for the promotion of soul weapons, but they can only help Wangshu and Wangshu make up a little. They can't climb to the sky in one step and be reborn.

However, since he started the looting, Jiang Chen regarded himself as a complete one. In the future, these treasures can win over the hearts of demons. The monsters of the Arctic Holy Land have never benefited from Yuntian. They only rely on the fantasy of the legend of the Lord of the Cloud World to follow it. Once the war is lost and the road is at the end of the road, the monster's worship of Yuntian will become confused and disappointed.

The castles in the air are ultimately errrely difficult to find. Yuntian can stick to it with the belief of returning to the ruins, but is the ordinary little demon okay? People's hearts and minds, no other than that. Just like the many beggars in the Tang Dynasty, even if you talk nonsense, you are not as affordable as a copper coin.

"Floating mirror, ten chains of soul ingots. Sorghum ointment, fifteen chains of soul ingots. Ning Wuzhi, three-chain soul ingots. The girl shopkeeper quoted the treasures collected by Jiang Chen one by one, "Thank you for your patronage, a total of 13,72 ingots."

Put away the bag, Jiang Chen's sunlight swept over the empty shelf and fell on the wood ash: "Can Brother Mu talk about the cultivation method of the secret art of rebirth? This secret is not more important than your life. Brother Mu doesn't want to suffer too much, does he?

"Are you Jiang Chen's stupid donkey? Don't play tricks. This method is useless for Jiang Chen. Muhui showed a ferocious smile at the corners of his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood phlegm at Jiang Chen. "Once Jiang Chen says it, is there any way to live? You will immediately resell it to the shopkeeper, and there is not even any bone dregs left.

"Brother Mu is too worried." Jiang Chen smiled, turned to face the girl, picked up the wood gray and shook it: "Even if Brother Mu is willing to sell himself, he can't match more than 10,000 chains of soul ingots, right?"

The girl replied, "This guest's flesh and soul add up to a total of 2,000 chains of soul ingots."

"Brother Mu, can you rest assured now?" Anyway, Jiang Chen did not intend to pay the bill with wood ash. Just take him back to Dongzhoutian and slowly torture him. Jiang Chen's eyes wandered on the girl, "Lao Wangshu, can it be refined into a jade marrow if it is caught by such an emerald spirit?"

Wang Shu shouted strangely, "Your boy's heart is dark enough. Do you want to bring goods to people? Don't be sway. If you can't afford it, just run away quickly.

"Thank you for your patronage, the total diagnosis of 13,72 chain soul ingots." The girl smiled rigidly at Jiang Chen.

There are indeed some evil sects here, and Jiang Chen is better to accept it as soon as he sees it. The magic fetus rhythm, sensing the heaven, Jiang Chen stepped out step by step.

Seeing that the whole person was about to leave the divine realm, Jiang Chen's hand holding the neck of the wood gray suddenly sank, and a magnificent and strange force sucked the wood dust and pulled him back. Jiang Chen was stunned and used all his strength to hold the wood ash. However, the power was so huge that it grabbed the wood ash without hindrance and almost pulled Jiang Chen back together.

"Oh no, he can't get out!" Wang Shu changed his color and said, "You can't take him away!"

"Damn it!" Jiang Chen felt that the wood ash's neck was sliding out of Jiang Chen's palm. If Jiang Chen forcibly entered Dongzhou Tian, the wood ash was bound to be left in the empty city. If Jiang Chen refused to release the wood ash, he would not want to leave the empty city.

The secret art of rebirth is too important to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen sighed secretly, the magic tire adjusted the rhythm, grabbed the wood ash helplessly, and was dragged back to the empty city by that force.

The girl shopkeeper still stood in front of her and repeated, "Thank you for your patronage." Before she finished speaking, Jiang Chen had passed by her and fled quickly. More than 10,000 chains of soul ingots, even if Jiang Chen's blood can't be paid.

Along the winding sheep intestine path, Jiang Chen rushed all the way, intending to find a secret corner to hide first and then dispose of the wood ash.

"Bum!" A harsh copper sound came from the store behind him, resounding through the sky and drifting everywhere. The girl's shout became sharp and mysterious: "Guests have broken the rules of the empty city, and guests have broken the rules of the empty city!"

At the same time, the key imprints of Jiang Chen and Mu Hui's palms emitted a dazzling green light, like a striking light in the night, clearly revealing the identity of "bandit".

"Haha, none of Jiang Chen can escape! If you want to resurre birth, let's die together."

Muhui roared happily.

One by one, the creatures gushed out of the shop and stood at the door, staring at Jiang Chen with strange eyes and screaming: "Guests have broken the rules of the empty city, and guests have broken the rules of the empty city!"

Although they did not jump up, Jiang Chen also knew that the situation was not good. While fleeing at full speed, Jiang Chen pinched the right hand engraved with the key and exerted his strength. Muhui let out a sad scream, and his wrist was broken. Jiang Chen forcibly pulled off the right palm connected to the wrist muscle and threw it out far away.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to dig out the flesh and blood in his palm and record the key branding, the void suddenly drilled out a ferocious and terrible blood basin and rushed to the wood ash.

Jiang Chen had no time to hesitate and was forced to throw away the wood ash and retreat.

Countless blood basins were covered with wood ash in an instant, and sharp and thick fangs poked out one after another, dripping with thick and smelly saliva.

"Save Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen said! The secret art of rebirth" Wood Ash exclaimed tragically, and the cry became lighter and lighter. He seemed to suddenly become a hedgehog, his whole body was pierced by dense fangs, and his thick tongues full of thorns wrapped around him like a python, sliding back and forth, rolling up large pieces of flesh and blood.

In the blink of an eye, there is only one white skeleton left. The tongue greedily *ed on it, and disappeared as the blood basins shrank back into the void.

Jiang Chen looked at the key brand on his palm with lingering heart. Fortunately, he didn't dig it out, otherwise the wood ash would be Jiang Chen's end.

"Unfortunately, his secret art of rebirth has been called the cloud world ever since." Wang Shu shook his head and sighed, "People are not as good as heaven. You are a bamboo basket. Hey hey, the secret art of rebirth and the rebirth pill are almost immortal, and God won't allow you.

Although the calculation was frustrated and quite suffothed, Jiang Chen quickly put aside his lost mood. It's just a spell, how can it hinder Jiang Chen's road! Since the secret art of rebirth was created by people, how can you know that this spell cannot be created by Jiang Chen? Jiang Chen said calmly, and his mood was as clear as washing, as if he had a trace of refinement.

Lost the secret art of rebirth is a different kind of "gain". At this moment, Jiang Chen really has the heart of a master. In the future, all kinds of frustration and depression, like the torrent that has washed the pebbles, will only wash the pebbles more clearly and shiny.

Once the wood ash is dead, Jiang Chen no longer needs to stay in this city. The sheep intestine path under his feet seemed to be wriggling, and the runes on the brick surface became clearer and more and convex, as if they were going to turn into a living thing.

Jiang Chen vibrated the magic tire and planned to leave. No matter what murderous thing appears in the empty city, he can only stare at Jiang Chen.

At this moment, a three-inch thin figure suddenly turned in from a path next to him, bathed in blood, staggered a few steps and fell to the ground and fainted.


Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, glanced at the hat covering the other party's head and the high tip of the boot like a curved hook, and was sure that he was not blinded.

It's indeed Wangshu!

His right hand shines green light, obviously like Jiang Chen, who took something and didn't pay the bill.

It is not surprising that Wang Shu appeared in the empty city. Naturally, he, an "old thief" in the cloud world, has the ability to get the key, but it is incredible to be seriously injured and unconscious. Jiang Chen didn't have time to return to Dongzhoutian. He rushed to the edge of Wangshu, turned him over and helped him up to check his injury.

Wang Shu's eyes were closed and unconscious. A deep blood hole opened in his chest, and he could see the beating heart inside. The boot of the left foot was blood-stained, and it was torn together with the heel tendon, ** out of the white ankle bone.

Fortunately, there are no wounds in other places except these two places. The blood hole in the chest has also condensed into pieces, emitting the fragrance of powder and the mixed smell of blood. I want to see Shu escape while using medicine to stop bleeding and heal the wound.

"What a cruel claw! It doesn't look like a human hand." Wang Shu stared at the blurred claw marks on the edge of the blood hole and said, "If the blood hole is a little deeper, you will dig your heart and die." With Wangshu's dexterity and agility, even if Jiang Chen attacked him, he would cut his skin at most and be avoided by him in time. It is impossible to dig such a deep blood hole. Jiang Chen took out a large amount of herbs from the Ruyi bag and twisted them on Wang Shu's wound. What puzzled Jiang Chen was that in order to make this heart-digging blow, the other party must cling to Wang Shu's chest. But Wang Shu is so alert and strange, how can he get so close to outsiders?

Wang Shu said, "Wang Shu is a thief, so he will always subconsciously guard against others.

Have you noticed that even if he and Xiaofei are very close, they always keep a foot away and never let Xiaofei touch him.

Wang Shu exclaimed, "Is it sesame? Only her relationship with Wangshu is closer than Xiaofei. Jiang Chen understood, looked comfortable and fascinated, hugged the sesame, and forcibly discussed the way of yin and yang. Sesame became angry, and his hot hand counterattacked and hit the key point of the flower picker with one paw.

Jiang Chen said angrily, "Lao Wangshu, use your brain! Wangshu is such a three-inch, no matter how long his arms are, he can't hold the waist of sesame! Only sesame can be strong on him. How can he be strong on sesame? What's more, the key point of the flower picker is not the heart.

Wang Shu nodded: "Sesame is unlikely to harm Wang Shu."

Jiang Chen murmured, and such a picture came to his mind: Wang Shu was breaking the mechanism of sesame, and suddenly the empty city opened, and the key imprint gave birth to a feeling and inhaled him into the empty city. Facing the dazzling treasures of a store, Wang Shu must be happy and start to steal.

Then a man clung to him like a ghost, hoping that Shu would have no guard against this person. The man stretched out his paws and dug his heart, looking at Shuli being severely injured, but he reacted very quickly. A somersault turned out, and the other party only had time to catch his ankle, so he left Gu Er's wounds.

"Don't worry about the reason. Let's run back first." Wang Shu shouted. The sheep's intestine under the feet is small

The road has been obviously twisted, and the bulging runes are like boiling water, buzzing, and the shadow of claws, fangs and hair flashing hazyly.

Jiang Chen took out a small stove and stuffed Wang Shu into the walnut-sized stove, but he couldn't stuff it in. In the past, Wang Shu always turned into a wisp of smoke and went in and out of the stove. At present, he is awake and can no longer get into the stove.

Jiang Chen's expression changed, which means that if Jiang Chen wants to escape from the empty city, he has to leave Wang Shu. With Jiang Chen's friendship with this boy, he can't be left to die in the empty city.

With a little hesitation, Jiang Chen quickly tore off his clothes, tied them into strips, and tied Wang Shu firmly to his chest. Now I can only stay in the empty city and wait to wake up before leaving.

Son, colorful fireworks appeared on the runes, and a monster appeared. Their muscles are knotted, full of spicy patterns, their limbs are as thick as pythons, their claws are as sharp as knife hooks, their big heads are full of thick hair, and their eyes are two dark smoke.

Jiang Chen quickly turned around and rushed to the shops along the street. As soon as I rushed to the door of the store, it turned into a thick fog. The fog condensed into strange-shaped hands and grabbed Jiang Chen one after another. The voice came from the thick fog, "Thank you for your patronage, 13,72 soul ingots."

No matter which store Jiang Chen runs to, the result is the same. Once Jiang Chen left, the thick fog returned to the appearance of the store. According to the situation, if Jiang Chen does not settle the payment, these stores will never allow Jiang Chen to enter again. Jiang Chen could only turn back and open a bloody road from the monster.

Flying up, Jiang Chen kicked a monster in the way. Bang!" A blow full of six desires knocked the monster to the ground, but it was unscathed. It climbed up and continued to rush.

Jiang Chen immediately extinguished the idea of fighting against the other party. His body suddenly squatted down and shrank into a ball, and the claws of several monsters lifted from above his head. Jiang Chen rolled on the ground, drilled out of a monster's **, grabbed its calf with his backhand, and slashed it forward with all his strength.

The monster that flew out of "plop" knocked over more than a dozen monsters one after another. Jiang Chen rushed out of the gap, and his vest suffered a series of heavy blows before he rushed out of the siege of the monster and ran away.

Hundreds of monsters are chasing after them.

"Wangshu's breathing is getting weaker and weaker." Wang Shu said worriedly, "Jiang Chen, he is dying!"

Jiang Chen's heart sank, and he looked down. A gray color appeared on his pale face, and his limbs* began to ooze cool.

"Your blood! Only the reverse pill can save him!" Wang Shu shouted.

Jiang Chen squeezed his index finger and stuffed it into Wang Shu's mouth. Blood kept pouring in for a moment. After a moment, there was a slight warmth in his body, but there was still no sign of awakening.

Turning around another sheep intestine path, Jiang Chen suddenly found that the monsters no longer chased over and turned into smoke and sank to the ground. However, the rune brick under his feet began to squirm again.