divine punishment

Chapter 14 Old friendship

In front of him, a young man with a lime-like face hurried over and looked around, as if he were looking for something.

Wang Shu shouted, "The fourth owner of the key has appeared!" The young man ran over, glanced at Shu, and then looked at Jiang Chen, with a frightened face: "Is Brother Taiwan also coming to the empty city to explore the treasure?" The voice is clear and quite pleasant.

"Jiang Chen is here to bleed heavily." Jiang Chen looked at the other party alertly. His eyes stood up, his forehead was full of corners, and his thin body was covered with a wide and soft white robe, which was the unique clothing of the elders of Yunfu Island. Are you from Yunfu Island? I don't know what to call it?"

A kind smile appeared on the young man's face: "Brother, you have good eyesight. Jiang Chen's name is Shi Yong. What's the name of Brother Tai? Jiang Chen stared at him quietly: "Jiang Chen's name is Lin Xi." Shi Yong bowed his hand and said, "Brother, the stage is as famous as thunder, and I have heard it for a long time. Is this your friend? He looked at Wang Shu carefully, shook his head and sighed, "He must have robbed the store, so he was injured.

He is too seriously injured to be saved.

"That's not necessarily the same." Jiang Chen said lightly, pretended to take a step forward at will, approached the other party, and punched out with his right fist.

Looking at who this person was, Jiang Chen jumped up in a hurry, turned back and landed on the original sheep intestine path.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and stared at the strange cage in the distance.

It is made of a chain chain. The chain is black and red, and the texture is not gold or jade. Each chain is sliding rapidly, changing its position, like vipers swimming around, making a creepy "smush" friction sound in each other's entanglement.

There is a gap between the chains, and the cage is not impenetrable. However, whenever the sand and dust nose in the cage goes to the gap and tries to drill out, other chains immediately slide here to make up for the gap and tightly seal the way out of the dust.

When other chains are used to fill the leak, the original position of these chains will reveal a gap. But when the sand and dust rush over, the gap will be sealed by the slippery chain.

This cage seems to be a magical prediction master. He fully knows what the prey trapped in the cage is thinking. He can always take the lead and close the gap.

"Fortunately, Jiang Chen was clever enough to exit this path immediately." Jiang Chen muttered that this cage was so dangerous that even the sand could not escape. Naturally, Jiang Chen did not dare to get involved easily.

In contrast, the road under your feet is really nothing. Jiang Chen did not move, allowing the runes to give birth to finger-sized monsters, cheering and crawling all over Jiang Chen's whole body.

Wang Shu said that these monsters are called "abuse" skin powder, with fish gambling on their backs, with a naive look and cute smiles, like a little girl who has shrunk a hundred times. Some climbed on the top of Jiang Chen's head and pulled their hair hard: some got under the armpits and scratched it hard: some rushed to Jiang Chen's eyelids, stretched out their arms, pulled Jiang Chen's eyelids to the maximum and then loosen them: some simply jumped up and aimed at Jiang Chen's crotch fiercely

The only way to deal with these abusive keys is to accept them. Once resisting and dodging, Jiang Chen's blood immediately turned into pus.

The most unfortunate thing is that the abusive keys still asked with a smile, "Is it comfortable?" Is it comfortable?"

Wang Shu's standard answer is that Jiang Chen must smile and cheer happily: "Oh, it's so comfortable! Ah, it's so comfortable!"

But no matter what, it's better than the one trapped in the cage. At least the strength of the chain is very small, and he should have massage Jiang Chen's whole body.

"Brother Lin is really well-informed and has a deep understanding of the habit of abuse keys." Shi Yong also followed and cast a complicated and difficult look at Jiang Chen.

"The abuse chain is easy to deal with, but I feel quite enjoyable when I get used to it. Oh, ah, it's so comfortable!" Jiang Chen watched the changes in the cage chain while dealing with the abuse key. If Jiang Chen is locked inside, how can he escape?

The material of the chain must be extremely hard and difficult to break.

The dust in the cage rolled for a long time and finally regained its human form. He has a strange appearance, long ears and shoulders, and is the quiet head of the sand table without a trace.

At the same time, the gap in the cage chain also expands rapidly, which can accommodate a person to drill in and out. Obviously, the gap changes with the size of the prey in the cage. However, no matter how large the gap in the cage is, the sliding chain can seal the gap in time.

"What the hell, can't Lingbaotian use spells? How can the traceless turn into sand and dust? Jiang Chen looked at Wumu in shock. He also saw Jiang Chen, and a surprised look on his face flashed away.

Wang Shu was also stunned: "It is absolutely impossible for Lingbaotian to perform spells. This is the law of the north, and no creature can violate it!"

"Unless that is the magic power of the body, just like these monsters." Jiang Chen's heart suddenly came up with an idea, "Like no trace and no face, they all have the blood of Tianjing on their bodies. They are the descendants of human beings and Tianjing royal family*!" Naturally, it is impossible to be a purebred essence. He must have human blood to survive freely in Zhongzhou and fly to the spiritual treasure sky.

But this is too tragic! The traceless mother strayed into the maze island and was raped by the heavenly essence and gave birth to the traceless. Then the traceless wife went back to the empty island and was raped by the heavenly spirit and gave birth to shameless?

This possibility is very slim. Unless the family surnamed Wu is cuckold and reincarnated, it will be so unlucky.

"Jiang Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time." Wuhen led Jiang Chen far away, looking calm, his voice was stable, and there was no embarrassment in the cage. The palm of his right hand also shines green, and obviously fails to withstand the treasure**.

Jiang Chen subconsciously glanced at Shi Yong and said to Wuhen, "I didn't expect to meet Wu Zhangmen here. How are you all in Zhongzhou?

"Do you want to ask Li Sheng how it is?" Wuhen smiled faintly, "You can rest assured that the Valkyries of Lisheng and the Maijinghai Hall are dedicated to cultivation. Yunfu Island does not embarras Jiang Chen, and everyone lives a comfortable life on Yunfu Island."

Jiang Chen heard a trace of unwillingness from Wuhen's words and said, "I heard that Yuntian broke into Yunfu Island?"

"Your message is well-informed." Wuhen looked deeply at Jiang Chen and said, "Yuntian made Yunfu Island jump in chaos. Now Yunfu Island has forcibly blocked all the heavens, and all the elders are looking for him.

"It seems that Yuntian wants to break out of Yunfu Island, and he still needs a lot of effort to glance at the cage and say to Wuhen, "Is there anything that needs Jiang Chen's service?" Jiang Chen and Wuhen seemed to have a tacit understanding with each other and did not mention what he had just said.

Mumu shook his head slightly: "This cage can't be broken from the outside, and you can only think of it out of it." He walked more than ten times in the cage, sat down cross-legged, half closed his eyes and half-open, pinched his fingers, and fell into deep thought.

No matter how anxious this kind of person is, he will not put it on his face, but this careless chic demeanor is indeed a little similar to facelessness.

"Will Mumu really be a shameless biological father?" Jiang Chen stared at the figure sitting quietly in the cage. Wumu has the bloodline of the Tianjing Wang clan, so he combines with human beings, and the Tianjing bloodline can also be passed on to Wuyan.

Wang Shu grabbed his forehead in confusion: "But the traceless sand color is dim, not like the blood of the Tianjing royal family at all. The faceless bloodline is much pure than his.

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up: "In the Tang Dynasty, many green-eyed and golden-haired Hu Ji will marry us Han people. The children they gave birth to are sometimes exactly the same as Jiang Chen, all with black hair and black eyes. When these Hu Han mixed-race children marry the Han people, the children born may return to blonde hair and blue eyes.

Although Wuhen has the bloodline of the Tianjing royal family, this bloodline did not manifest until it was perfectly reproduced on Wuyan.

Shi Yong suddenly approached Jiang Chen and whispered, "This man is trapped in a cage and is not easy to do it."

"This man is my old friend." Jiang Chen retreated slightly without showing a trace and stared at Shi Yong's eyes. If Wuhen is really a shameless biological father, then Jiang Chen really can't kill him.

Shi Yong smiled strangely: "gu jiao? So friendship is more important than your life? Once you owe money, you will be trapped in the empty city forever.

He turned his eyes to Wang Shu and said quietly, "Take him as a soul treasure while he still has a breath. Once you die, the price will be greatly reduced.

"Brother Shi Rong Jiangchen thought about it. Ah, it's so comfortable, so comfortable!" Jiang Chen pretended to hesitate and perfunctorily Shi Yong while staring at the chain that kept sliding.

How can we escape from the gap in the cage before the chain seal?

The gap left by the chain sliding will be sealed by other chains within half a breath, and the gap is constantly changing. Running towards the gap, he can only be led by the nose until he is exhausted.

"This exposed gap is just a cover, deliberately misleading the prey in the cage." Jiang Chen thought hard for a long time and gained a little.

It's too late to run when you see the gap. And the place that seems to be tightly sealed by the chain, if there is a gap when people rushing around, they can escape from the cage in time.

In other words, if you want to escape, you must predict the location of the gap at the moment before the gap appears.

To do this, the only way is to carefully observe the trajectory, orientation and time of the chain sliding, see if you can find out the law, and finally calculate the gap.

Mumu obviously understands this truth. Half an hour later, when there was a gap in front of him, he did not rush forward, but turned into sand and skimmed up, like a fast-fire sand arrow shooting to the left side of the cage.

"Bum!" The sand arrow hit the strong and dense chain, was shaken to restore its human form and staggered back. However, after several breaths, the chain slipped where he hit, leaking a gap.

Jiang Chen couldn't help admiring it. Wuhen is worthy of being a mysterious master who is good at calculation. He seems to have failed this time, but in fact he has reached the trick and is close to success. The orientation of the gap is no different from what he expected, but there is only a little late.

"Bum!" No trace rushed out again and hit the chain. The time of this vacancy is accurate, but the position is less than half a foot away from him.

has tried more than ten times in a row, and several small red envelopes have been bulged on the traceless forehead. He stood solemnly for a long time, suddenly bounced up, and his body hit the chain straight into the front chain.

The moment the "slip" traceless head touched the cage, the chain slid to make room. Wuhen took the opportunity to run out of the cage and swept over.

"Kle him?" Shi Yong's eyes were fierce and burning, and he couldn't help but emit a faint trace of blood.

Jiang Chen was about to refuse, but his words turned into "Okay, I'll do it when I get a chance."

But I secretly said that I would have a chance to kill you first. Compared with the traceless knowledge, the sudden Shi Yong is much more dangerous. It is best to trick Shi Yong into attacking Wuhen first. The two sides turn into water and fire, and then Jiang Chen turns his face against water and attacks Shi Yong without trace.

"Jiang Chen, this empty city is a trap. You and I should put aside other ideas and work together for the time being. Killing each other will only make a profit for fishermen. Wuhen came straight to the mountain, and his eyes swept over Jiang Chen and Shi Yong. He stayed cautiously a few feet away and did not step on the path of Jiang Chen's sheep's intestines.

"Do you also think it's a trap?" Jiang Chen murmured that Wuhen was a group of leaders in the end. He had a clear view of the overall situation and was not obsessed with the small profits of killing people and winning treasures.

Mumark said indifferently, "No one can see so many rare treasures without being moved. How could you insert the key into the gate if you didn't ask for it? The elixir to improve magic power, the spiritual liquid to purify the blood, the materials for the evolution of soul weapons, and the secrets that have been lost for a long time will always have what Jiang Chen urgently needs. Therefore, people who enter the empty city will break the rules without exception. He raised the shining palm of the green light and said, "According to Jiang Chen, if they don't pay off their debts, Jiang Chen and the others can't get out of the empty city."

"Although Jiang Chen doesn't like his noble brother, he is an exception." Jiang Chen said something without saying anything.

"I owe 187,000 soul ingots to the empty city." The seamless response is also irresponsive.

"Do you owe more than 100,000?" Wang Shu shouted strangely, "This is the real cruel man!"

Shi Yong looked at Jiang Chen, and then at Wumark, with a suspicious face. Jiang Chen smiled and began to pretend to introduce each other to each other.

The two dialogues between Jiang Chen and Wuhen are actually a sign of heart. Jiang Chen means that Jiang Chen and Wuyan are good friends and will not touch his father's crooked mind. Wuhen hinted that he owed too much debt, and he couldn't pay back even if he killed Jiang Chen.

Wang Shu's half-dead appearance will not wake up for a while. Jiang Chen also needs a traceless helper if he wants to take it out of the empty city. Of course, the serious cooperation should show sincerity and gain the initial trust of the other party. Like Jiang Chen and Shi Yong, they are purely deception. It depends on who plays each other to death first.

"Gergma, one of the three mysterious masters, will give Jiang Chen a reincarnation demon to kill someone for him." Jiang Chen immediately sold Gargamel. At that time, reincarnation magic was not very useful to Jiang Chen today. What's more, once he enters the ruins, Jiang Chen can catch Gargamel to torture the reincarnation demons. Why should he be used as a gun?

Anyway, whoever sells it is selling. With the traceless blood of Tianjing, it is naturally more difficult to deal with than Gargamel. Coupled with the shameless relationship, Jiang Chen still chose a soft persimmon to pinch.

The traceless look changed slightly, and he immediately smiled: "The reincarnation of demonism is nothing more than a mystery involving the reincarnation of the soul. There are also some classics in this regard."

At this time, another chain cage rose in his position, trapping him. Traceless and calmly, he pointed to the constantly sliding chain and said, "If you connect each cage gap in order, it is a refracted line. If you look carefully, you can see that each ray will deflected one outward than the previous one, so that you can determine the location of the next gap. And each ray is different in length, so the speed of the gap is different. Measure the ratio of ray length to time, and it is easy to get out of trouble. He moved and easily rushed out of the gap in the cage.

"Thank you for your guidance." Jiang Chen knew that Wuhen was repaying Gargamel's affairs and deepening their trust in each other, so he rushed over without hesitation. As Wuhen said, although Jiang Chen was shrouded in prison, he quickly predicted that there was a gap and drilled out smoothly.

"Since this empty city is a trap, how does Xuanshi plan to get out of trouble?" Jiang Chen asked for advice with a traceless heart. After selling Gargamel, Jiang Chen had to squeeze more oil and water from Wuhen's body.

Wuhen said, "For Xuanshi, there is always a glimmer of vitality. The same is true of this empty city. If you want to find a way out, you must empty the city for the purpose of letting the Lous enter.

"According to Jiang Chen, the empty city is like a hungry beast, tricking Jiang Chen into eating it."

Shi Yong hesitated for a moment and followed, looking around between Jiang Chen and Wuhen. "The empty city needs Jiang Chen's blood, flesh and soul, otherwise the store will not collect these things."

Traceless slowly shook his head: "After tens of thousands of years, eight people can come in, and it's not enough to fill its teeth."

Jiang Chen muttered, "As Master Xuan said, the empty city is by no means so simple as to harm Jiang Chen, but with other plans?"

A strange look flashed in Shi Yong's eyes and said with a dry smile, "You two also said it too mysteriously."

Look into the distance without trace and move forward: "As long as you go deep into the empty city, you will naturally know the answer in the end."

Jiang Chen and Traceless exchanged a tacit look. Before and after, they seemed to walk casually, but they happened to sandwich Shi Yong in the middle

Along the way, Shi Yong looked as usual and didn't seem to notice Jiang Chen's vigilance. Even if he is suspicious, he will not put it on his face. Everyone is false and entrusting the snake to maintain superficial harmony.

At present, it is not enough to turn against each other. There was a lot of danger on the road, and there was no time to take care of it. Second, Shi Yong's body was terrible, and Jiang Chen couldn't think of a way to kill him. Sanlai Jiangchen and Wuhen can't be completely trusted. Jiang Chen knows the secret of the blood of the unmarked heavenly essence, and it is hard to guarantee that he doesn't want to kill people. Similarly, Jiang Chen does not need to share life and death without trace. After all, as long as he wakes up, Jiang Chen can let it enter the small stove and leave the empty city calmly.

"The terrain is gradually decreasing, and Jiang Chen is about to reach the core of the empty city." Traceless turned into a dust and rushed out of the blockage of hundreds of wolf-faced monsters. His sandy body is like wind and water, light and erratic, and the creatures transformed by runes can hardly hurt him.

"These monsters seem to be getting weaker and weaker." Seeing Wumu break through, Jiang Chen skimmed up, punched and kicked, and forced a way out of the wolf-faced monster.

Every time you enter a new sheep intestine path, you always explore the way without trace, leading to various creatures and monsters transformed by runes. Jiang Chen stayed in place so that the two would not get into trouble at the same time and be taken advantage of by Shi Yong.

He bent down without a trace, observed it carefully for a while, pointed to the ground and said, "You see, most of the patterns on it are weathered and worn, and cracks are horizontal, so the monster manifested is not as powerful as before."

Jiang Chen kicked to the ground with all his strength and didn't even splash any debris. This is not something that external forces can wear out. Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Since it is not an external force, it should be caused by an internal force." There was a deep thought on his face.

Shi Yong smiled and said, "The more broken the road is, the better. You two don't have to worry about those monsters being fierce.