divine punishment

Chapter 15 Guwa

The next journey was really easier. The sheep intestine path was damaged and added. Later, the ground was potholes, full of broken grooves and cracks, and the runes were damaged and leaky. It was not formed, and there was no longer any evil thing to jump.

"This empty city seems to be slowly declining." There was a strange look in Wumu's eyes, and the paths in front of him were unimpeded and circled to the depths. The surrounding shops were no longer visible, and the thick fog covered the view like a wall.

Jiang Chen jumped over a deep cracked trench on the ground and said, "The creatures in the shop are the same. They are dull and dead, as if their vitality has been drained."

Shi Yong said in an astringent voice, "It is precisely because the empty city has become rotten that we need to absorb our flesh and soul and breathe!"

Jiang Chen secretly wondered: "This empty city should be a strange life with wisdom? If so, it will be easy to deal with us.

"That's not necessarily the same." Wuhen said, "The more huge it is, the more hazy the consciousness is. There are only some instinctive ideas, far less insightful and infinite power as you think."

He smiled and said, "Otherwise, the cloud world will directly wipe out Yuntian, won't it be? Heaven and earth have the law of heaven and earth, just like the rules of empty cities and empty cities, and they themselves should also be bound by it. If they don't violate the rules, they can only rely on instinctive ideas to create some obstacles and can't do it directly against us.

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "What if you violate the rules?"

If Wumu looks at Jiang Chen with deep meaning: "If you violate the law of the cloud world, it may be directly erased by the power of heaven and earth by the cloud world. Maybe the cloud world will distinguish a trace of instinctive ideas, manifest the external phase, and erase it.

In the past, the whole school of Dandingliu disappeared because of the refining of anti-life pills that violated the law of the cloud world. We broke the rules of the empty city, so the runes manifested the external appearance and gave birth to monster attacks. Normally, we will be trapped here forever and be forced to die.

He narrowed his eyes, pondered for a long time, and said, "Unless we can pay off our debts."

Jiang Chen said confusedly, "The empty city first tempted us to be in debt through those rare treasures, and then trapped us, forcing us to repay. What kind of medicine is sold in its gourd?

Wuch said, "You can't pay off the debt by killing a few companions. The original intention of the empty city should not be to let us kill each other.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "This is like a trick often played by mortal bullies. If you fall in love with someone's daughter, Liangtian, you set up a trap to cheat the other party into ruin, and you have to take the woman and the field to pay the debt.

"I'm afraid you've said it!" Traceless and moving, "It wants us to repay it in another way!"

A flash appeared in Jiang Chen's mind: "You said that the empty city is declining. Does it want us to help?

If this empty city is saved, the huge debt can also be repaid, right?

"Jiang Chen, you are really smart and hit the nail on the head." Wuhen's eyes suddenly lit up and shouted, "The empty city wants us to save it. This is a glimmer of life in this murder!"

Hearing our words, Shi Yong lowered his head and slowed down, as if to hide the drastic change of expression. He suddenly looked up and laughed dryly: "You two are talking too ridiculously. It's just a simple empty treasure hunting city. How can there be so many roundabouts? If the empty city really needs our efforts, why differentiate many rune monsters and almost kill you?

said without trace: "Even it can't violate the rules of the empty city. If we die at the hands of a monster, it can only prove that we are incompetent, and this ability naturally can't save it.

Shi Yong hummed, "Since this empty city is so magical, how can we save it with our three-legged cat's ability?"

Jiang Chen and Wuhen looked at each other and said slowly, "That depends on why it declines."

More than half an hour later, the path ahead finally came to an end, and a huge and deep fog hole appeared in sight.

The fog hole was still, but it gave Jiang Chen a strange illusion, as if it were a surging whirlpool.

Wumark suddenly stopped his footsteps, squatted down, and picked up a corner of rag from the crack in the ground. Jiang Chen glanced at the broken bricks around him and several collapsed pits, and said in a low voice, "Someone has fought here."

Without trace, he handed the rag to Jiang Chen. This corner rag is not the size of a thumb, smooth and soft, the tentacles are cool, and the silver-white silk thread emits a soft starlight. This is the Xingluo robe that Xinggu is in charge of Zhuang Meng. Wuhen said unexpectedly, "He may have met the owner of another key here. The two sides fought fiercely, and Zhuang Meng seemed to be at a downfall."

Jiang Chen looked at the bottomless fog hole and speculated, "Zhuang Meng was against the enemy and fled into the fog hole, and another person also chased in." I didn't expect to meet so many acquaintances this time.

With the ability of Zhuang Mengxuan, he was also killed and escaped, which shows the power of another person.

Mumark said decisively, "As long as you go deep into the fog hole, you will know."

"What do you think of Brother Shi?" Jiang Chen looked at Shi Yong quietly. Unlike the traceless path, Jiang Chen did not need to enter the cave and get involved in danger. However, Wangshu has been closing his eyes and is in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up. Jiang Chen doesn't know how long he will wait in the empty city.

However, if you catch up with Zhuang Meng and kill him, it can also be regarded as cutting off Mingyang Zhenren's hands and feet.

Shi Yong pointed around with a blank face: "Is there any room for Jiang Chen to refuse here?"

The thick fog around suddenly boiled like boiling water, emitting a rotten and pungent smell. The thick fog kept surging into the middle, connecting with the fog hole. Suddenly, the key imprint on the palm of the hand burst into a dazzling beam of light, and the fog hole was like a big mouth that suddenly opened, swallowed us in one bite.

The sky suddenly turned around, and the fog and smoke surged and darkness.

The air flow roared in his ear, and Jiang Chen was falling down rapidly.

In an instant, a force came silently from behind. Before touching the skin, Jiang Chen's back clothes cracked, and the skin and flesh seemed to have been severely scratched through the air, and it was hot and painful.

Jiang Chen's heart sank. Before this strength touched his body, the power was so fierce and terrible that even the six desire lines showed signs of being pierced. Once Jiang Chen is caught, won't even his heart be dug out?

Before he had time to dodge the block, Jiang Chen had to reluctantly turn his body slightly. Six wanted to get out of his body and turned into six groups of vigorous and flexible colors to face the momentum.

After physical fusion and dense pattern transformation, the six desires have undergone earth-shaking changes, which is very different from the original appearance.

The six different awns are divided into life desire, death desire, eye desire, ear desire, nose desire and mouth desire, presenting an array of up, down, east, south, west and north. They are self-contained: the golden desire above, and the dense scales appear from time to time, like changing charms, exuding auspicious atmosphere full of vitality.

The death desire below is dark and desolate, and the runes turn into the fierce appearance of blue-faced fangs, open their teeth and dance their claws, drum up sad clouds and mist, and the wind.

The eyes of the east are blue and clear, condensed into the shape of a rushing dragon, and the eyes are as bright as electric radiation, and the insight is a little bit, like two circles of runes of light.

The mouth in the south is as red as fire, the haze is lined up to cover the sky, and a mouth bent like a sharp hook is densely red, swallowing flames and passing through the sky.

The nose in the West is bright, white and brilliant, like a wild beast waiting for the opportunity to jump. The rune-patterned nose wings keep moving, as if it can smell all kinds of complex and difficult breaths.

The ears in the north are dark and thick, and they are quietly on end, and the runes surge into a pair of windy ears, listening to the slightest sound around them.

"Boom!" The strength and six desires clashed, stirring out heavy air waves and scattering. Jiang Chen rushed forward and jumped several feet in the air. His fingertips touched a bump, and immediately grabbed it firmly to stop the downward trend.

When Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at it again, he saw a dark shadow bouncing rapidly below, leaping deftly, like an insect flea, and disappeared into the thick fog in an instant, without a trace. Even if you want to look at it with your eyes, you can only faintly see that it is a humanoid creature, and the height is similar to that of Shi Yong.

"Is it the person who was seriously injured?" Jiang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, and the black shadow teared the gold and stone-like claws, which was very similar to the claw that dug through Wang Shu's chest, but it was very different.

Black Shadow's claws are about the same size as Jiang Chen's, and Wang Shu is thin and short, and the claw marks that tear his chest are as small as insect claws. The two are one big and one small, which obviously do not match.

"The sharp and strong operation of the claws are very similar." Wangshu said confusedly, "But Wangshu can't let the shadow be close to him unless the relationship between the other party and Wangshu is closer than you and sesame."

"This should be the second time he attacked Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is almost sure that the shadow is the person who plotted against Jiang Chen at the top of the cliff. Only such a sharp claw can cut off the tough tendons.

Wang Shu said, "Is this person really Shi Yong?" Jiang Chen sneered: "The three of us were involved in the fog hole at the same time. In a hurry, Wu Trace, Shi Yong and the murderers in the fog hole may attack Jiang Chen. However, Shi Yong is the most suspicious.

Wang Shu said puzzledly, "Shi Yong is the elder of Yunfu Island. There is no reason to attack you, right?" His key brand doesn't shine, and there is no need to kill you to pay off the debt.

Jiang Chen's heart was shocked: "What if he didn't come from Yunfu Island? Why are we so sure of Shi Yong's identity? Jiang Chen killed an elder of Yunfu Island and put on his white robe, which does not mean that Jiang Chen is a person from Yunfu Island. Jiang Chen's mind came to the scene when he first saw Shi Yong. The loose white robe was really a little big for Shi Yong.

Wang Shu suddenly said, "You mean that one of the owners of the eight keys is the elder of Yunfu Island. After entering the empty city, he was attacked and killed by Shi Yong. Then Shi Yong pretended to be the elder of Yunfu Island and continued to look for new targets.

"Now that after careful deliberation, Shi Yong is not likely to be from Yunfu Island." Jiang Chen gradually straightened out the chaotic veins in his heart. "Unless Shi Yong dives on Yunfu Island and doesn't hear about the world, he should have heard of Jiang Chen's name. But when he met Jiang Chen, he only said a few empty routines. Hey hey, "Brother's reputation has been heard for a long time. This can be used by anyone! His attitude towards Wuhen is the same. I'm afraid he can see the problem with Wuhen, but the old man can't bear it. Maybe Wuhen still hopes that Jiang Chen and Shi Yong will turn against each other. He is easy to collect profits. This hybrid Tianjing is much more cunning than purebred. Besides, Shi Yong's physical skills are stronger than the Miwenjun Turning Sutra. May I ask Yunfu Island if there is this unrivaled secret, how can Fan Mo and Tian Xing not be cultivated?

"You, Wuhen, Zhuang Meng, Mu Hui, Wang Shu, the elder of Yunfu Island, Shi Yong, turned the soul whip, should be the eight people who entered the empty city this time. ... Wang Shu said, "The people who fought fiercely with Zhuang Meng must be the soul whip." Wang Shu suddenly jumped up and shouted, "No! Turn the soul whip straight to capture the mind, fight with ideas, and the victory or defeat of the two sides will be decided in an instant. How could it avoid a hand-to-hand fight with Zhuang Meng, break the ground, and tear off Zhuang Meng's Xingluo robe?" In this way, it is impossible for Wang Shu to turn the whip. What's more, the news of the whip was revealed by Shi Yong, which may not be accurate. Jiang Chen shook his head and looked around.

"It will soon be known who the owner of the remaining key is."

Under the light of the six desires, the thick fog was pierced a little, and the surrounding outline emerged.

This place looks like a bottomless hole. The wall of the cave is uneven, slow and dangerous. Here is sharp, and the other end is sunken into a pit, with different colors and shapes. There seems to be a virtual shadow floating on the wall, during which countless holes of different sizes are born, like rhythmic breathing, swallowing smoke.

Jiang Chen happened to climb on the cave wall, and his palm pulled a corner that drilled out of the cave wall. His tentacles were warm, not like a stone.

Looking at your feet again, the deep fog is unfathomable. Wuhen, Shi Yong, Zhuang Meng and others disappeared and fell to the bottom of the cave.

Unfortunate, the six desires are only initially materialized and far from complete. Otherwise, if you want to watch and hear, any movement between heaven and earth and the universe can be understood and can't escape control.

If the way of * is successful, the seven emotions and six desires will meet, and they will change again. The wonderful power at that time is not what Jiang Chen can imagine now.

Jiang Chen meditated a little and was about to climb down when a slight trembling came from the horns grasped by his palm.

"Puff!" The horn suddenly came out and pierced the palm of his hand.

Jiang Chen suddenly pulled his hand, and a wisp of blood oozed from his palm.

In an hour, the death desire in the six desires rushed out fiercely, and the claws emitting blue and black light were sharp and long, like a devil. He pressed the horn and forcibly pulled it out of the wall of the cave. It looks like the horns of a beast, but there is a large mass of sticky and shiny ** at the end. Even if it is pulled out a few feet, ** is still connected to the wall of the cave.

The horn-shaped object struggled desperately under the deadly claws, and a layer of gray soft skin slowly fell from the whole body, revealing a circle of clear milky yellow threads inside.

"This is the horn of the moon rhinoceros! It can ward off evil and dirt and remove all kinds of poisons. Wang Shu was surprised and said, "Although this horn is much smaller than the moon rhinoceros, it seems to have a little hazy idea and is almost psychic."

With a "p>, the dying fangs had pierced the horn, and the latter made a strange cry, struggled stiffly, and then motionless, flowing out of the pale golden juice from the wound.

The juice floated out a strong fragrance, and Jiang Chen felt a strong sense of hunger, and seemed to be very interested in this pool of golden juice. At this moment, he was driven to jump on and swallowed the juice in one gulp.

I wanted to shake my body and roared with satisfaction, and the golden light all over my body suddenly lit up. At the same time, a wisp of clear essence was fed back into the body from the desire, which refreshed Jiang Chen's spirit and swept away a little fatigue of the body.

The desire to speak also flew over, aimed at the bright ** at the end of the horn and swallowed it. Jiang Chen's body immediately gave birth to a sense of lightness, as if the impurities in the [body] had been purified a little. Under Jiang Chen's control, his mouth rushed to the wall of the cave again, and there was still a trace of liquid mass on the wall, like a sweet spring coming out of the spring. The liquid mass leaked from a hole. The hole was blocked by a horn, but now it was revealed.

The mouth wants to poke out the flame-like burning hook mouth, peck the liquid mass, and reach into the hole, trying to suck out all the liquid mass hidden inside. The hole suddenly shrank and disappeared like a living thing. The wall of the cave suddenly became extremely hard and did not show any gaps. No matter how Jiang Chen drove Liu to dig, he could not even get a piece of debris down.

"Wo!" From a hole on the left, a murderer with a python's head and belly claws drilled out. The head is long in the wind, as big as a bucket, with fluffy hair, and the pupils are upside down, shooting out a faint blue sharp light.

"It's Guwa!" Wang Shu and Wang Shu shouted in one voice. Wang Shu shook his head in surprise: "Isn't this thing extinct? Fortunately, this is a newborn Guwa, which is easy to deal with. It is said that mature Guwa can only be seen in the cloud world. They are long and intelligent, devouring the void for a living. When they leap, they stir up the sky and the earth, which can break the space.

Guwa rushed brazenly to Jiang Chen, and the twisted python rubbed against the air, stirring out the bō lines visible to the naked eye.

Six desires are coming one after another. His eyes wanted to shoot two pillars of water-like blue light, which made Guwa couldn't help closing his eyes. The mouth wants to take advantage of the situation and picks the other party's eyes. He wanted to fight hard, and his fierce claws grabbed Guwa's neck and tore it crazily. The raw desire fell from above, and the golden light pierced two rarehorns and penetrated Guwa's forehead.

The nose wanted to throw out a long tail as bright as a knife and hit the python hard. His ears shook with black light, giving birth to hard and dense shells, and his body became as big as a huge mountain, hitting Guwa again and again.

Guwa's throat roared and fought with the six desires. The lower half of the python is also wrapped in a thick **, which is stuck in the hole and is difficult to get out.

In the fierce battle, Guwa slapped her nose and hit the wall of the hole on the opposite side. He pecked like lightning and took out Guwa's left eyeball, but was clasped by Guwa, who roared in pain, and stuffed into his mouth.

His nose wanted to pull up his long tail, which made Guwa's chin crooked, and his blood basin wiped his mouth.

He wanted to peck again and cut a bloody mouth through Guwa's mouth. The deadly claws suddenly grabbed the blood mouth and violently went out. With a sound, Guwa's big mouth was abruptly torn open and the corner of the soul was pulled to her ear.

It's like a big leaky hole. The desire was followed by a hole, which broke out sharply from the back of the neck, and the colorful juice splashed out along the wound of Guwa's neck.