divine punishment

Chapter 13 Escape

The loss of time, thousands of years in a blink of an eye. Unconsciously, the origin of human beings, the change of dynasties, submerged in the long river of history in a flash.

The vicissitudes of the past turned into mulberry fields, and the former depression turned into mountains. These always happen inadvertently. Throughout the ages, how many people have witnessed the changes of these years?

Mountains and canyons, basin plains, rivers, lakes and seas, and polar divine realms are all changing, but is there anything unchanged since ancient times?

Movement is change. Everything in the world is moving. Is there no eternal existence?

Some people say that love is eternal. Is it really eternal?

Some people say that faith is eternal, is it the truth?

Some people say that life, old age, illness and death are eternal. Who can be sure that there are no immortals in the world?

Legends are fascinating, but how many unknown bitternesses are hidden behind the legends?

This is a mysterious space, vast and boundless, like Evergu, but it has undergone many changes.

I don't know how many years have passed, and I don't know how many years have passed, a voice suddenly sounded, echoing in this quiet and cold space.

"I have been dreaming for ten thousand years, but I didn't expect that this sleep was a change in time and space, and it will never be the past."

The voice was very soft, but it revealed some sighs and faint regrets.

"One dream for ten thousand years, the fate of the dust is broken, and the heart is unstumbling, how can there be regret?" A completely different voice, with a little questioning and a little friendliness.

The surroundings are empty and no objects can be seen, which is completely illusory. So, it is strange where the two voices come from.

"Quiet and think, break the fate, my heart will fly, and seize the world again."

"The vulgar thoughts will only make your thoughts messy and add evil fate. What's the pain?"

"The silence is eternal and does not change at all. What's the meaning of such a life?"

"So, are you going to change?"

"Eternal life, the punishment of loneliness, don't you complain at all?"

"The eternal existence needs to be exchanged for something corresponding. This is fate, which cannot be changed. If you insist on changing it, you will pay the corresponding price. You'd better think more about it.

"Haha...the price? If you had told me this, I would have considered it. Now that time and space have changed, who can help me?"

"If you have this idea in your heart, he will be regretful one day."

Since ancient times, who can fight with me besides you? Even you can only let me sleep. What am I afraid of? Moreover, now is a rare time. As long as I add fuel to the flames, I can destroy all your painstaking efforts. At that time, haha..."

"Three dust seals, the evil heart remains unchanged, you are really hopeless. In this case, I don't want to persuade you more. The fate depends on your fate.

"Creation? Haha... I was born with talent. Why do I need to ask for more? Are you still worried about the painstaking efforts of your life?

With an indifferent smile, the voice said, "I set the laws of the world, but existence and destruction are beyond my control, and you can't!"

"Don't be too confident. In the past, you occupied the time and place, but this time, hey... the world will be ordered by me."

"Really? Since you are so confident, let's make a bet to see who loses and who wins this time.

"I'm not afraid of you. And this time I'm going to let you try the taste of failure and let you know that I'm not as good as you, but I was a little less lucky in the past!" The tone is fierce, with a little resentment and unwillingness. It seems that since ancient times, there has been nothing but hatred...

"Is there nothing else in your heart than hatred? How many years have you really not changed at all?

"change? Don't you know how eternal life can mutate?"

"After the third generation, everything returned. Although my heart is good, I can't help it. Sad, lamentable, just..."

Hearing the meaning of the other party's words, the resentful voice snorted coldly and said harshly, "After a few generations, the cycle will turn, and the end of the light is darkness. Look, this time the world will change because of me!"

"The end of desire is destruction, and even eternal life will definitely end..." The voice comes from near and far, comes quickly, goes suddenly, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

The vast space is still boundless, like a breeze, gently ripples, and it returns to nature in an instant.

How has the eternal space changed?

Is that brief conversation a pastime or herald some kind of disaster?

The wind blows gently, with a piercing cold air, with pieces of snowflakes flying in the world of the north.

The sky is full of snowflakes, like countless blessings, coming in layers, falling on the crystal ground, turning into ice, solidifying the heaven's affection for the earth.

Snow, clean, flawless, elegant, ice, crystal clear and hard.

The two are different in nature, but they accompany each other and jointly build a snow-white divine world.

North China, an extremely cold place.

There has been ice and snow here for many years, forming a relatively cold and quiet area

Here, whether peaks, canyons, basins or plains are covered by ice and snow, it is rare for most areas in a year to see spring after melting snow several times.

In this way, ice and snow have become the main scenery here, and cold occupies most of the time of the year.

Fantasy Valley, a strange place in the divine world, gathers many creatures.

In the fantasy world, due to the cold temperature, life is relatively rare. Except for a few cold-resistant animals and plants and some ancient Turkish people, it is almost difficult to see groups of human beings here.

In such an environment, the Fantasy Valley has naturally become a special case and has a very high reputation in the divine world.

The divine world, a definition of image, has an extremely broad area.

It spans the northwest and stretches for thousands of miles, including countless peaks, canyons, plains and basins. It is a relatively independent world with clear boundaries.

The world can be used for three different levels due to the difference in temperature.

The first is the marginal boundary. The temperature is cold but not long-lasting. The time covered by ice and snow accounts for only a quarter of a year. Its mask occupies half of the area of the divine sect.

The second is the ice and cold world, which is located inside the marginal boundary. The ice and snow cover time in a year is more than one-half and less than three-quarters. It covers 40% of the total area of the divine world.

The third is the Xuanhan world, which is located in the core area of the divine world. It covers three-quarters of the time of ice and snow in a year, and even a year-long ice and snow seal. There are relatively few such places, and Phantom Valley is one of them.

Speaking of the Phantom Valley, we have to mention the Heavenly Palace and the Heavenly Evil Sect, because they are known as the three major sects of the divine world.

In the world of the Arctic Divine World, Phantom Valley is known as the first of the Three Wonders, with a history of thousands of years and originated in the ancient flood and famine period.

Li Hiandu and Tianyanjie both originated relatively late. The former was founded 1,500 years ago, and the latter was founded 1100 years ago, both of which are famous in the divine world because of their personal power.

For these three sects, the Phantom Valley is in the middle, and on the left is the Heavenly Palace of Liheng, which is located on the peak of Liheng, 400 miles away; on the right is the Heavenly Evil Sect, located in the Tianhe Plain, separated by three icebergs from the Fantasy Valley.

Between the three factions, the relationship between the Fantasy Valley and the two sides is relatively friendly, but there are some resentment between the Heavenly Palace and the Heavenly Evil Sect, mainly because of the evil relationship between the two sides five hundred years ago.

Because it is located in the mysterious cold world, the Fantasy Valley has been frozen for 11 months in a year. Only in midsummer and July will there be a brief snowmelt here.

At that time, the Phantom Valley was bustling, and people who lived in simplicity would celebrate this rare solar term together.

At this point, I have to talk about the terrain of Fantasy Valley and its strange weather.

The original valley is only slightly short, located in the mountains.

But the Phantom Valley is different. It is like a sinkhole, located within four icebergs, forming a valley with a depth of hundreds of feet.

Such a terrain is said to have a relatively constant temperature and is extremely cold due to less sunshine.

The temperature of the Phantom Valley is very strange. The upper part is extremely cold near the iceberg, and the lower part near the bottom of the valley is as warm as spring.

Moreover, every year in midsummer and July, when the ice and snow melt, the bottom of the valley is extremely cold, condensing ice up to several feet thick, which makes it difficult for people to adapt and has to move to the iceberg above for temporary residence.

After July, the ice at the bottom of the valley began to dissolve, and the snowwater gathered to form a lake, making the Fantasy Valley have a rare ecological lake wonders in the divine world.

Fantasy Valley is a place name and one of the oldest and most magical sects in the divine world.

It does not have gorgeous palaces, but only some caves that do not freeze all year round, distributed in the half-mountain rock walls of the Phantom Valley.

Here, there are more than 1,000 Turkish people and dozens of gatekeepers of the Fantasy Valley. They coexist peacefully, are friendly and intimate, form a relatively independent life group, and live happily here.

In the Valley of Illusion, affected by the climate and environment, the wind of cultivation is extremely strong.

It's just that the people here are divided into two levels. The first is the Turkish people. In order to resist the severe cold, they practice some masculine skills to enhance their ability to resist the cold.

The second is the exclusive disciples of the Fantasy Valley. They practice higher-level magic formulas, not to kill demons, but to pursue a realm and continue a civilization.

It is not easy to become an exclusive disciple of Fantasy Valley, which requires extraordinary talent and firm will.

In addition, the scope of recruiting disciples in Phantom Valley has been greatly limited. For thousands of years, Phantom Valley has been withering.

However, even so, Fantasy Valley still occupies the first honor in the divine world, because for thousands of years, it has had many outstanding talents here, most of whom still survive in the world, but generally do not appear easily.

The wind roared, and the angry waves were surging. On the vast sea, a black cloud came fiercely, with a rotating column of water rushing up to the sky and flying rapidly between the sea of clouds.

The black cloud is extremely fast, like a big roc bird, swinging its wings and moving forward quickly. Wherever it goes, the sea water separates, leaving a long mark, like a giant dragon floating on the sea.

The sky is raining heavily. A flash of lightning broke through the air and shone around.

At that moment, a blue light flashed on the sea, and a giant snake dozens of feet thick and tailless quickly swam forward along the traces left by the previous water column and approached the center of the whirlpool in a moment.

On the sea, huge columns of water swayed left and right, like living creatures, constantly devouring nearby fish, and even some large fish hundreds of feet long rolled onto the black clouds with the water column.

At this time, the strange snake meandered up the water column. Driven by the rotating force of the water column, the huge size did not look heavy at all, and rose 300 feet in just a while.

In the clouds, the black clouds and the wind roared fiercely, and dense lightning came one after another, reflecting on the water column. The eyes of the strange snake were a little strange, slightly squinting, only opening a crack, revealing a dark green light. The snake is huge and has meandered 500 feet at this moment. I still can't see its tail. I really don't know how long it is.

The black cloud is about a thousand feet away from the sea, and the water column is getting thicker and thicker. When it is close to the black cloud, the diameter is more than 200 feet.

The heaviness of the sea water contained in such a column is unimaginable. How does the black cloud hold it up and how does it drive it to move and rotate at high speed? This is incredible, but soon after, the mystery was solved.

In the middle of the air, the strange snake continued to hide. When it rose to 700 feet, the black cloud seemed to notice something, and the whole water column suddenly shook and shook the snake's head away.

In this way, the strange snake no longer hides, and the rising speed doubles and rushes towards the black cloud. With a sharp roar, he cut through the sky and saw the black clouds suddenly disperse and turned into a giant roc more than dozens of miles in diameter. His two sharp claws waved in the air, emitting a dark blade of light and grabbing the strange snake.

With a strange cry, the long snake swayed in mid-air, and its huge body was like a flying exercise, curling towards the roc, cleverly avoiding the opponent's attack.

Dodging, the roc flew to the clouds, dodged the attack of the strange snake, and then an iron mouth, and a dark flame fell from the sky and shot straight into the sea. This flame is more than a hundred feet in diameter, and its momentum is extremely amazing. If it hits the strange snake, it will be extinguished.

But as a result, the flame did not fall on the sea, but was intercepted from the bottom up by a green beam of light. The two sides were of different colors. After a moment of stalemate in mid-air, they turned into sparks in the sky and looked particularly beautiful in the rainstorm.

A roar spread from Dapeng's mouth, and he saw it swoop down, holding the shocking power, and appeared on the sea in an instant, and the target pointed straight to the surface of the water.

Sensing the fierceness of Dapeng, under the sea, a huge monster appeared in an instant. I saw hundreds of miles and thousands of * stretching, like countless giant snakes, all growing on monsters. In fact, they are not really snakes, but a tentacles.

is facing the direction shot by the roc, where there is a big blood-red hole, which flashes with blood light. When the roc approaches, thousands of blood rays fly out and turn into soft tentacles, binding the roc in the middle of the air two hundred feet away from the sea.

Struggled hard, Dapeng roared in his mouth, and the dark light shot out of its mouth, claws and tail, continuously sending out the final attack. On the surface of the water, thousands of tentacles rolled up towards the roc. In just a moment, the roc mourned and was forcibly dragged into the blood hole to become the monster's dinner.

In the sky, the dark clouds disappeared, the rainstorm decreased sharply, and the roaring wind quickly went away. After a while, the sea was clear, revealing an endless scene.

The monster came quickly and went suddenly. When the sea breeze blows, everything seems to have never happened. But who would have thought that not long ago, there were two huge beasts here, ending a shocking battle of life and death.

On the sea, the waves splashed, and the undulating sea waves after wave, never stopping moving forward. At this time, a fish head suddenly emerged from the surface of the water. After observing for a while, the fish head sank to the bottom of the water. Soon, when it appeared again, there were already several partners around it.

"Good Xuan, if we hadn't been cautious just now, we would have died in the mouth of the 'Giant Beast' and become its dinner."

"Yes, you see, the black Xuan Dapeng was deceived and died unjustly, let alone us." The shock was not fixed, and the two fish heads were sighing.

"Enough, when are you still linger? No matter how fast you go, we will die in this devil's sea." The tone is a little sharp, but the voice is crisp and pleasant. Obviously, this is a woman. Sure enough, the words flashed, and a green shadow flew into the air and flew to the clouds.

On the surface of the water, five figures rushed after him and shot into the clouds for a moment, following the woman. Take a closer look, the first woman is about ten * years old, dressed in green, slim, and has a beautiful face. At this moment, her face is anxious.

Behind the girl, two of the five men are dressed in blue, all over 30 years old, with sharp teeth and ugly appearance. The remaining three, one of whom is 267 years old, is extremely dazzling in red, holding a flying fork, and looks quite pleasing. On both sides, two middle-aged people in blue, look extremely similar, shrinking their heads, crying faces, and a pair of cold eyes, obviously extraordinary strength.

After catching up with the girl, the man in red called, "Sister Ying, don't worry. They absolutely didn't expect that we would leave from the most dangerous devil's sea."

The girl's face was gloomy and she said worriedly, "Xingyuan, don't think of them too simply. This time, the East China Sea and the North Sea fell at the same time. They obviously had already planned, and we had to take more precautions.

Xingyuan sighed, "Yes, the accident came so fast that I can't believe it now, as if I were in a dream. Why--"

"Don't talk, everyone, restrain your breath, and you are about to cross the East Sea. This is an extremely critical step. As long as we pass through here, we can enter the world smoothly. After interrupting Xingyuan's words, the girl hinted softly while her whole body contracted into a mass and entered the stage of high alert.

Flying to the clouds, six people are not less than 2,000 feet away from the sea. This height is absolutely invisible to the naked eye, so the breath has become the only flaw.

On the sea surface, huge waves roll over. At a certain distance, there will be some huge marine creatures floating on the surface of the water. Their types are strange and distributed on the huge sea.

The East China Sea is vast and boundless. Although the six people in the clouds are extremely fast through the clouds, they have only flown halfway through the clouds for a long time, which makes them feel a sense of pain. In the distance, the undulating mountains appear, and the river is not far away. As long as you fly over this last section, six people can enter.