divine punishment

Chapter 14 Dihua

For this reason, they seem to be extra careful and are trying to restrain their breath to avoid being discovered by their peers on the sea. However, the world was unpredictable. When the six people were about to fly out of the airspace of the sea, a gust of wind suddenly came, immediately dispersing the six people flying, separating them from each other.

In this way, a man in blue couldn't help calling out, "Princess, where are you?" The voice was not loud, but his breath suddenly dispersed, which made the other five people immediately sense his presence and come to him.

"Come on, our breath has been exposed, and they will catch up later." A little annoyed, the girl in green stared at the man who opened her mouth, and then suddenly cultivated her body into a green dragon, shooting straight into a distant mountain.

Behind the girl, Xingyuan chased quickly and quickly turned into a fire dragon, breaking the sky with the green dragon. Behind, two blue and blue figures followed closely, and wherever they went, they were like ribbons floating in the clouds.

"They are in the sky, inform the young master quickly, and we will chase them." On the sea, a flying shark soared into the sky and quickly turned into a sharp-billed man, leading the seven sea masters behind him to quickly chase the six people in the sky. In the sea, two big fish popped out of the water, rotated half a circle in mid-air, and then fell into the sea and shot directly into the deep sea.

"No, they're chasing me. I'll stop them. You go first." Cloud, the man in blue who had exposed his breath before reminded everyone while folding back.

"Mu Qing, don't be reckless. Our responsibility is to protect the princess. It's too early to take action at this time. Let's go." The accompanying man in blue grabbed him and cursed.

Mu Qing hesitated for a moment and said with a wry smile, "Mu Hua, I'm the one who implicated everyone, I--"

"Since you know that you have involved everyone, you should not commit it again at this time, so that everyone will be in danger for you." Lett-handed, Mu Hua Cui accelerated, and the two quickly followed the four people in front of them.

The vague mountains gradually become clear, and in a moment, six can leave the sea and enter the world. At that time, they escaped from the airspace of the sea. Even if it was dangerous, it was safer than in the sea.

In mid-air, the sharp-mouthed man chased seven sea masters desperately. At the moment of leaving the sea airspace, he had pulled the distance between the two sides within three miles, which was extremely dangerous.

One after the other, he fled and chased. The two sides roared and flew in mid-air, leaving a harsh roar, leaving dazzling ribbons. Feeling the danger, the girl who turned into a dragon and flying returned to her human form at this moment. She looked ahead and said in a low voice, "Let's continue to fly, lead them to the right place, and then clean them up."

Xingyuan returned to her original state and said puzzled, "Yingmei, with our strength, it's easy to deal with them. Why don't you do it now and get rid of the trouble early."

The girl analyzed: "It's too close to the sea. If we do it here, it will definitely attract the attention of the masters of the West Sea. At that time, it will be difficult to leave again."

Xingyuan heard the words and praised: "Yingmei is still smart, but she is too reckless for her brother."

The girl looked at him with a regretful expression and whispered, "Among the four seas, you are the most kind, but unfortunately, you are not talented. You have been overwhelmed by the West Sea Crazy Dragon Dihua and the South China Sea Dragon Han Yuyang."

The man Xingyuan's face changed slightly and said with some shame, "Yingmei, I'm incompetent, but don't worry, I won't hurt you at all."

The girl smiled bitterly and said softly, "Thank you. Let's not talk about this now. Let's talk about it after safety."

Xingyuan nodded and agreed, changed the topic and asked, "Yingmei, tell me why you have always insisted on entering the world instead of choosing to go to the Magic Peak?"

With a faint sigh, the girl flew and said, "The sea is vast, and there are three strangest places. One is the Grand Canyon. In the deep sea, it is the most mysterious place in the sea. The second is the Magic Holy Peak. Legend has it that it is a fairy mountain on the sea, where there are two demon saints, both of which are good and evil. If you are lucky enough to meet the Elder of the Sacred Heart Fairy, you can naturally get a wish. But if you meet the blood demon Tianji, you will definitely die. Third, in the devil's sea, there is the hegemony of the sea - the giant spirit beast. Anyone who encounters it will not escape bad luck.

Xingyuan asked puzzledly, "I know this, but does it have anything to do with your entry into the world?"

The girl said, "It's relevant, because if we go to the Magic Holy Peak, we will meet the interception of the masters of the West Sea halfway. Even if we get there, who can be sure that we will see the Sacred Heart Fairy Boy instead of the Blood Demon Heavenly? This hope is too slim and dangerous for us to be worth trying, so I choose to enter the world.

Xingyuan smiled bitterly and said, "On different sides of the sea of the world, we have not been with the world for thousands of years. Even if we enter the world, we don't know each other. Where can we go to seek support?"

The girl looked a little confused and whispered, "I know a friend and I believe he will help. It's just that we need to find out where he is.

Xingyuan was a little surprised and asked, "When did you have contact with the world? Why don't I know about this? Also, even if your friend is willing to help, does he have the ability to help us?

The girl did not answer, and her face was a little sad. Obviously, she didn't know either.

At this time, the enemy behind him has narrowed the distance by half, and its powerful murderous spirit has come straight to his side.

Looking back, Xingyuan glanced at the rear and said worriedly, "We don't seem to be able to delay for long. The environment here is not very suitable for us, and our speed is decreasing sharply."

The girl looked at her feet, and the undulating mountains were continuous, and there were valleys and jungles everywhere. It should not be difficult to hide them. After thinking about it, the girl ordered, "Land immediately. We will get rid of them on the ground."

When the people behind him heard the words, the six people immediately fell to the ground, scattered in the dense forest, hiding their breath.

"If you want to run, it's simply a delusion." In mid-air, the sharp-mouthed man roared and shot straight down with seven masters. When approaching the ground, eight figures were scattered in all directions.

In the forest, a burst of shout came, and Mu Qing appeared out of thin air, and his palms were as blue as lightning, piercing the hearts of the two sea masters in one fell swoop, attracting the eyes of others.

At this time, the girl and the other four suddenly broke out, seized the fleeting opportunity, launched a devastating attack, and destroyed five enemies on the spot, leaving only the strong sharp-mouthed man trapped in the center by the six people.

glared at the girl, and the sharp-mouthed man said gloomily, "You Ying, you can't escape. Now that the East China Sea and the North Sea have fallen, there are only a few remnants of you left. Even if you run to the edge of the sky, you can't escape the pursuit of my West Sea.

The girl Yaoying looked at him and said hatefully, "Don't be arrogant. As long as I don't die, sooner or later, I will return to the East China Sea and clean you up. Now let me ask you, is it the intention of Emperor Hua to launch a sneak attack in the West Sea, or is there someone behind him?

The sharp-mouthed man hummed, "If you want to know, just ask my young master by yourself. I have no comment."

The girl said angrily, "In that case, you don't have to live. Attack." Under an order, Mu Qing, Mu Hua and two men in blue attacked at the same time. The four of them made strange moves, but they were extremely powerful. The palm wind flew sand and stones, and the deep pits left on the ground were hundreds of feet long.

trapped in the center, the sharp-mouthed man roared angrily, and his right hand turned into an iron fork. When he waved, the blue light scattered, like a sharp blade across the sky, forming a closed blue boundary outside his body to resist the attack of the four people.

Seeing this, a man in blue in the attack said, "Let's step back and see how I can break him." The body rotated, separated the hands, drew an oval in the air along a strange trajectory, and finally formed a diamond-shaped light cone on the chest, suddenly shooting a bright red light, like a broken god sword, piercing the blue boundary of the sharp-mouthed man in one fell swoop and shaking it dozens of feet away.

"Let's die." In the roar, Mu Qing dodged, the blue light flashed in the palm of his right hand, and a whirlpool with the power of devouring was imprinted on the head of the sharp-mouthed man.

Feeling the danger, the sharp-mouthed man roared, hurriedly met with his left hand and caught Mu Qing's palm, but his whole body trembled and screamed in his mouth. Flying up, Mu Qing kicked it away and made it fall next to the girl Yaoying.

Looking at him, Yao Ying said with a hateful face, "If you don't kill my people, how can you be worthy of those dead fellows if you don't kill them?"

The sharp-mouthed man's face was twisted and he roared in pain: "Yao Ying, you'd better figure it out. If you kill me, your end will only be worse."

With a cold smile, Yao Ying said, "Even if I die, I will never bypass you." A foot fell, and a strong force was applied to his chest, even if it shattered him.

"Well, for safety, we will leave immediately." After killing the enemy, the girl Yaoying made a decision and turned around and left with several people.

"Don't go, you have no way." The voice was cold and sudden, coming from the heads of six people.

Looking up, Yao Ying's face changed greatly. He saw a silver fir man in mid-air, with a strange fish crown above his head, holding a flying harpoon in his hand and looking at the ground with a sneer. The silver dragon and willow in the West Sea are red! Be careful, everyone. The master of the West Sea has arrived.

Mu Hua came to Yaoying's side and whispered, "Princess, when we stop him, you leave quickly and live well, because you are our hope."

Yao Ying's face was sore. She looked at Mu Hua and said vicissitudes, "I understand, you should also be careful."

aside, Xingyuan said, "Yingmei, I asked Lan Dian and Lan Xuan to stay to assist Mu Qing and Mu Hua, and we will leave together."

The girl said softly, "Thank you, let's go." A little reluctant, Yao Ying looked back, and finally her face darkened, and she shot away in the same direction with Xingyuan.

In mid-air, the silver dragon and Liu of the West Sea sneered indifferently. He seemed to be missing the escape of Yao Ying and Xingyuan. He just looked at Mu Hua coldly, and a cruel smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

Seeing his appearance, Mu Qing snorted coldly, "A young man in the West Sea, what's worth going wild? Let's see how I can get rid of you." Flying above, Mu Qing glared at Liu Canhong, and his hands flashed with a sizzling sound, covering the four directions in a blink of an eye.

With a flash of flying harpoon, Liu Canhong slid out a few feet like a dragon, and shouted coldly, "Conclosure, don't let them go away." After saying that, the shadows fell in the clouds, and dozens of West Sea masters surrounded the city and trapped Mu Hua and the three in the center. At the same time, a long roar came from a few miles away, and a pillar of light rose to the sky, and then there was an angry howl of demons and star gulls.

When his face changed, Mu Hua said in a low voice, "Mu Qing, when the critical time comes, let the masters of the West Sea have a look. Our masters in the East China Sea are easy to bully."

Mu Qing said wildly, "Don't worry, leave this to me. You go and protect the princess, please." It is said that his completely blue body soared, and a heroic spirit of moving forward immediately permeated all directions.

Mu Hua smiled and looked a little desolate. As he dodged away, he said, "Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. It's time for us to pay. For the hope of the East China Sea, brother, work hard."

"Second, you go take care of the young master, and I'll stay and help him." His face was heavy, and Lan Xuan was serious about the blue electric channel beside him.

Without saying anything, the blue electricity shot out and flew away after Mu Hua. Around, the masters of the West Sea will naturally not let them escape easily. Three or two groups of people joined forces to attack and stopped them in two places.

In mid-air, Mu Qing saw this, his mouth roared like thunder, and his figure shook rapidly, and thousands of figures rushed to the four directions. Lan Xuan did not neglect. In order to let Mu Hua and Landian protect the demon Ying and Xingyuan smoothly, the blue light flashed all over his body and turned into a cloud, covering a hundred feet of square circles in one fell swoop. In this way, a scuffle broke out, and the dazzling brilliance spread in the forest with the dense sound of Thunderbolt.

Leaving Mu Qing and others, the girl Yaoying and Xingyuan shuttled quickly in the forest, with their backs to the ocean. Because they were flying close to the ground, the speed of the two was much slower than that in the air. Therefore, when the two flew ten miles away, they were caught up by the masters of the West Sea from the top of their heads.

Sensing the enemy's breath approaching, Yao Ying said, "Be careful, we can't beat them at a faster rate. We can only try our best to cover it up with the geographical environment here, but--"

A red light flashed, a Thunderbolt shook the sky, and an amazing beam of light fell on its head, which made the defenseless demons and star gulls fly away even if they were shaken by the strong airflow.

shouted angrily, and Yao Ying asked, "Xingyuan, how are you?"

A flash of the figure, and Xingyuan appeared beside her, saying in a panicked tone, "I'm fine, Yingmei, how about you?"

grabbed his hand, and Yao Ying retreated, moving left and right while looking up at the sky. This person is extremely domineering and ruthless. We can't always stay in one place.

Following her eyes, Xingyuan found a red glow in mid-air. Even if her face changed greatly, she exclaimed, "It's the West Sea Dragon Emperor."

Yao Ying did not panic. In fact, she had guessed it before, so she seemed extremely calm at this moment and thought about how to escape.

West Sea Crazy Dragon Dihua is an extremely domineering and fierce master in the four seas. Except for the South Sea Shenlong Han Yuyang, almost no one can deal with him. Therefore, Yao Ying did not dare to fight at all, but just wandered away.

"Youying, how many years have you been, do you think you can escape from my hand?" With a flash of red light, a 20*-year-old, burly man appeared in front of them. The lines on the man's face were a little resolute and not very handsome, but he was busy and domineering, giving people a sense of not dare to look directly.

Looking at him warily, Yao Ying said coldly, "Dihua, why did you invade the East China Sea and the North Sea? For thousands of years, the four seas have been fighting against the Dead Sea, the Red Sea and the Black Sea. Now you are doing this without waiting for self-destruction?

With a indifferent smile, Dihua said, "The four seas are vast and their strength is scattered. Once unified, I can destroy the other three seas. At that time, the whole sea area was under my jurisdiction, and it was bound to be unprecedented and reach the most prosperous scene.

Xingyuan said angrily, "You dream, it's impossible."

Di Hua stared at him, and his sharp eyes were like a light knife, which made Xingyuan's body tremble. He immediately stepped back a few steps, and blood appeared from the corners of his mouth. Incompetent people, it is a shame for you to live in the North Sea.

Holding Xingyuan, Yao Ying shouted, "Enough, don't show your arrogance in front of us. Since you stopped us today, let's fight for life and death and end this hatred.

Dihua looked at her and said in a low voice, "Yao Ying, it's not too late for you to turn around. After I still let you become the emperor of the sea, I will rule the seven seas with me."

said demonically, "Don't think that I will avenge you and curse you to death. There is absolutely no way for us to be together."

With an angry hum, Dihua said, "In this case, don't blame me for not thinking about the past. Let's do it. Let's do it together." With his hands on his back, Dihua looked very arrogant.

Yao Ying looked at Xingyuan and exchanged a look with him. The two figures turned into a circle around Dihua in the blink of an eye. Twenty-four figures attacked at the same time, emitting green and red light.

Standing still, a light wall appeared outside Dihua's body, and the green and red light on it kept flashing, which was the attack of demons and star guys. The strength of the two is not as strong as that of Dihua, but their attack is also harmful to Dihua. Therefore, after stopping the attack of the two, Dihua's hands automatically stretched, and his palms contained blue brilliance, forming two whirlpools. While quickly inhaling the light wall into the palm of his hand, he also concentrated their attack on his hands.

In this way, the demon Ying and the star guise are left and right, and form a straight line with Dihua. The green, red and blue brilliance converge, bursting out dazzling sparks outside Dihua's body.

Around, the wind surged, and the spiralling airflow spread to the outside centered on the three people. Wherever it went, the landslides cracked, and the dense trees were uprooted in the strong wind and moved out quickly with the soil.

In a blink of an eye, a disk several miles in size appeared on the ground, and the nearby vegetation disappeared, and the peaks were missing. Except for the three people in the confrontation, they were still deadlocked. The whole world was silent, and even a breeze did not appear.

This scene lasted for a period of time, and later, Xingyuan's body shook and broke the silence, causing the balance situation to change immediately. During the long battle, Xingyuan couldn't support it first because of her injury. She was defeated by the terrible palm of Emperor. Her body suddenly shook and her body was confused. Yaoying's face was sad. Although she had expected it, it was a lie to say that she didn't care when she really faced it.

"What skills do you have to get out of my eyes after knowing each other for thousands of years? It's over. I've given you a chance to strike with all your strength. Say goodbye." The voice is ruthless and without any fluctuation, which shows that this Dihua is indeed not simple.