The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 35 Her Position

About the situation of the Qu family, Ye Zhiyu had already done his homework while repairing Xiao last night. The Qu family is a military family for generations. Like Chu Fengnan, three generations of Miaohong. Grandpa Qu and Chu Fengnan's grandfather seem to be comrades-in-arms in those years, so there is also the story of Chu Fengnan's so-called "grown up in a military district compound".

For some reason, the men of the Qu family don't seem to have been prosperous. Qu's father was a martyr, as if cursed. Qu Xiangtian originally had two brothers, all of whom died in the line of duty. Regardless of whether Qu Xiangtian is brother Yi or not, Grandpa Qu probably found that there was no male Ding in the family who inherited incense at the beginning, which made people pick up his exiled young grandson.

Since ancient times, there have been two kinds of blood from large families - they have been separated by natural and man-made disasters, or destroyed as disgraceful stains. Qu Xiangtian is unknown. Detailed information has long been destroyed, but Ye Zhiyu is not an ordinary second-rate hacker. She is top-notch. Naturally, she can follow the clues to touch the source code and piece together the truth by sporadic fragments.

However, some things have been destroyed for too long and cannot be found by her limited resources.

The car drove through the city and drove all the way into the military district compound. Most of the people living here are the old Red Army or generals and sergeants with outstanding military achievements. The house seems to have been showing many years, but it does not look old. Instead, it has precipitated a temperament and majesty.

Ye Zhiyu came here for the first time. At least she had been influenced by the military spirit of the police academy. She was still a little excited to see this place, and even slightly offset some of the tension in her heart because of Grandpa Qu's birthday.

"By the way, why did your grandfather ask me to go this time?"

Qu Xiangtian, who seemed to be particularly silent along the way, looked at her and said carelessly, "Uncle Bai complained."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, Uncle Bai? Bai Shudi's father, Political Commissar Bai?

The image of a smiling tiger deeply rooted in people's hearts appeared in front of us. Ye Zhiyu smiled dryly, but his tone was a little ridiculed: "It seems that you haven't informed your family about your marriage. What if your grandfather asks you to divorce?"

Qu Xiangtian looked at someone who smiled meaningfully and said in a not salty tone: "The crime of sabotaging military marriage shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention."

Ye Zhiyu only felt that her neck was cold and she was firmly scared. Later, she learned that the so-called crime of destroying military marriage did not mean that at all. It can be seen that legal blindness is really not good.

Unconsciously, Li Chen has driven the car to the door of Qu's house. Qu Xiangtian helped Ye Zhiyu open the door of the car. Ye, who was originally 170cm tall, rarely wore high heels. The moment she got out of the car, she forgot the sixcm high heel on her feet. If the man beside her hadn't held her quickly, she might have sprained her foot.

With a dangerous sigh, Ye Zhiyu gently said thank you, but Qu Xiangtian did not answer, but his long arm around her, and his big palm firmly supported her waist. It seemed to be the intimacy between husband and wife, but in fact it helped her share nearly half of her strength.

In his heart, he understood the awkward concern behind the other party's speechless silence. Ye Zhiyu squeezed his lips and smiled secretly and said thank you in a low voice.

"Let your thank you go first. I'll go in and say something wrong. If there is any thank you?"

"I'm extremely smart, and you won't be ashamed!" If it hadn't been for being half embraced in his arms at this moment, Ye Zhiyu could almost pat his chest and promise.

She occasionally popped up with such words full of Jianghu breath, which made Qu Xiangtian stunned again. Since she restrained her eyes and stopped looking at her, there was a smile in Moran's eyes.

The Qu family has always adhered to the family motto of "being diligent and honest, abstaining from luxury and impatience". Although it is the banquet of the old man's 80th birthday, it is not public, and the volume of the conversation between everyone is also small, which seems to be afraid of something. However, with the appearance of Ye Zhiyu and Qu Xiangtian, the sound in the hall gradually increased.

"...Why do I think they are all staring at me?" Ye Zhiyu looked at his nose and heart in someone's arms, pulling Ye's smile from his extremely dignified and pure mother, but his little hand subconsciously pinched the man's strong waist.

Her men are strong, but Qu Xiangtian doesn't even frown. She walks freely and straight, with a sense of madness and determination between her steps. This is the natural pressure formed by those who have been in power for a long time. The surrounding crowd seemed to deliberately make way for them. I don't know when a road was made in front of a large circle of people. At the other end of the road was a frosty but standing upright old man.

As they keep approaching, the old man's face becomes clear. Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but be surprised by the bright eyes of the other party, which seemed to be able to see through a person's heart, upright and sharp.

The old man's angerless and majestic demeanor belongs to the ruler, and Ye Zhiyu only saw the identity of the other party at a glance.

"Grandpa." When he came to the old man, Qu Xiangtian shouted humbly, but he did not let go of Ye Zhiyu. The old man's eyes stayed on Qu Xiangtian's face for a moment, then turned to Ye Zhiyu and looked at him rudely, which inexplicably made Ye Zhiyu feel a little guilty.

"...Master...Grandpa, hello."

Grandpa Qu's face was cold and he couldn't see what emotion it was. Ye Zhiyu only silently complained in his heart that Qu Xiangtian's personality was distorted like this because of fertile soil.

was thinking about relaxing things in her heart, but suddenly there was a gust of wind in her ear, and a clear sound with a man's muffled hum, which made her too late to react.

"Evil!" The two words were clear and came straight with sharp anger.

All the conversation around disappeared because of the old man. Ye Zhiyu looked at the old man trembling with anger in disbelief and hurriedly looked up at Qu Xiangtian's cheek. The old man's hand was really ruthless and beat him very hard. Even if Qu Xiangtian's light wheat-colored skin appeared slightly red and swollen.

His eyes flashed, and Qu Xiangtian was looking at the old man again.

Obviously, he was calm, but she panicked. What's the situation now?


"Who gave you the courage to marry a woman of unknown origin without authorization! Who gave you the courage! Let you do it to people who shouldn't be moved!!"

The old man spoke very excitedly, his cheeks turned red, his forehead blue veins suddenly appeared, and his lips trembled violently.

Qu Xiangtian did not say anything. He looked directly and stood silently, and his posture was still neither humble nor arrogant. Ye Zhiyu was overwhelmed by this sudden situation. Obviously, nearly 100 people stood in the hall, but it was so quiet that she could almost hear her disordered heartbeat.

The old man seemed to have regained some reason and lowered his voice, but his tone was still fierce: "The people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection told me that you reported a man surnamed Xiao from the Military Commission a few days ago, and today he has been double regulated. Did you do it? What did I say to you! Keep a low profile! Our Qu family does not ask for high-ranking officials! Just want stability! As a result, what else did I find! The reason is this woman! What nonsense!"

"Look, kidnap, and even use your Uncle White's resources - or for this woman!"

"Our Qu family has no contribution to the country, but we are also worthy of the country! Look at you, I don't know how good it is to be addicted to women! Beast..."

"I used to! I shouldn't have picked you up at the beginning!"

"If the mud can't hold the wall, the stain of the Qu family should rot outside!"

After saying this, the old man seemed to be extremely angry and his footsteps were a little floating. Although Qu Xiangtian did not speak, Ye Zhiyu still sensed from the other party's stiff body and tight jaw that Grandpa Qu stepped on his pain fiercely.

It turns out that he is the latter of the "lost heart" and "active destruction stain".

"Oh, Dad, you promised not to be angry. Look, your blood pressure is coming up again!"

Ye Zhiyu only felt a white cloud floating in front of him, and the delicate female voice appeared very abruptly in this quiet atmosphere. The woman with a good face came out of nowhere. Shi Shiran held Grandpa Qu's trembling body, and the expression on her face was obvious.

"God! Look at why you are so ignorant! Look at you who are angry with your grandfather!" The woman's contemptuous eyes glanced at Ye Zhiyu, like a vicious knife, and she couldn't wait to drill a hole in her body. However, at the moment of looking down, her eyes were worried and soft, so pitiful.

"Dad, this family depends on you. You can't do anything. Today is your birthday, and you should have a good time. Tian doesn't go home often. He will leave at the end of his birthday today. Dad, don't live with yourself anymore.

At first glance, women's words are appeasing the elderly, but their deep meaning is full of provocation. According to her, Qu Xiangtian is the mud that can't stand on the wall, and not only that, he is just an outsider, and he can be seen after today. It's not worth being angry with such an outsider.

Although her name is Grandpa Qu's "Dad", in Ye Zhiyu's eyes, this is obviously not what her mother should do.

She doesn't need to look at Qu Xiangtian's expression at this moment. She can guess how ugly his face is now just by his stiff body. Now he has become powerful and powerful. However, in this family, it is still treated like this. She could hardly imagine how he, who was only 8 years old, survived step by step in such a cruel environment.

He has never had a real family, not in the past. But now it's different. She is his family.

This idea almost rose, and Ye Zhiyu's blood surged up in an instant. It seems that some obligation has come to her. As his wife, no matter what the real feelings between them are, now, in this hall, these nearly 100 people should be called his home. Only she is his only real family.

"Grandpa Qu, today is your birthday, and the younger generation should not have spoiled you. However, since you are no longer interested now, the younger generation might as well have the courage to say something to you. Ye Zhiyu retreated slightly from Qu Xiangtian's arms, and his dark eyes flashed with some luster. Qu Xiangtian looked at the light in her eyes quietly, and a trace of astonishment flashed on his face.

The woman in white changed her face when she heard the words and said hatefully, "What are you! Why do you talk in our house?"