The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 36 Miss Ye is powerful and domineering

"What am I?" Ye Zhiyu sneered and asked without answering, "What do you think you are?" If you call Grandpa Qu Dad, that's a part of this family. And you, inside and outside the words, are sarcastic, sow discord, and do not maintain the harmony of the family atmosphere. Instead, you incite discord and treat Grandpa Qu as a fool and Brother Tian as a soft persimmon. What's your intention to play with such a sinister little man's business?

The woman's face turned white in an instant, and her lips trembled with anger.

"Are you teaching me a lesson now? Are you accusing me? The woman's voice was no longer soft and became sharp, and her tone was raised a lot.

Ye Zhiyu also expected the other party's reaction and snorted coldly, and the smile on his lips was stained with a little mockery: "I didn't blame anyone, I just told the truth. There is an old Chinese saying that there is no silver here, and there is another idiom called anger. The younger generation is indeed very offensive, but you are a little angry. Only this kind of temperament of the Qu family will make people laugh. I don't care, but I'm afraid it's not suitable for this occasion. Ye Zhiyu said in one breath and felt as if Ren Du's two veins were connected in an instant, and he was refreshed.

This kind of woman is bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. Although she speaks harshly today, if she retreats and endures, it will only make the other party more arrogant and domineering in the future.

Sure enough, the woman couldn't speak again. Finally, her voice softened, her shoulders trembled, and tears fell down.

"Dad, I tried my best for you, but she said so to me. Look at what kind of unruly woman Tian is married to enter the door."

Looking at her pretentious posture, Ye Zhiyu just had nausea, and the cold light in his eyes swept the pretentious woman. This time, his eyes directly turned to Grandpa Qu without fear.

"What kind of woman am I? I am your grandson, the woman chosen by your own grandson with your blood. Brother Tian is a man and a soldier of the Qu family. He should protect at least two things - the land under his feet and the woman in his arms. Now his woman is bullied outside. If he is afraid to stand up, he is not a man, let alone a soldier of the Qu family! Low-key forbearance is to hide your light and keep a low profile. The most taboo is that it is too much. swallowing anger will only soften people's heart and make a person become cowardly.

The dark eyes were clear and undisguised, almost spewing anger, but it was reasonable and well-organized.

The surroundings seemed to be a little quieter than before, and Ye Zhiyu felt that his heartbeat was pounding. She just saw the other party angry with generation bullying. Now that the words are over, the words are over, and there is nothing to support her chest. Grandpa Qu's eyes were still sharp, but he seemed to have calmed down and didn't listen to her words to expel her from the house.

In the strange silence, Grandpa Qu's majestic voice sounded: "It's not your turn to be an outsider to talk more about our Qu family." Then, the old man said to the crowd, "This was originally a private matter of the Qu family, and the banquet was also a private matter. But discussing the family ugliness that can't be public on today's occasion is not the way for my family to treat guests. I would like to apologize to everyone.

"Dad, your blood pressure can't--" "Make way."

The "white cloud" woman seemed to have a trace of unwillingness when she heard the words, but her eyes were gentle and obedient, watching Grandpa Qu pick up the glass on the table and drink it.

"I also have a toast to Qu Gong's birthday!"

"And me!"

"Haha! I want it too!"

Everyone also knew how to observe the words and colors. Soon, the atmosphere in the hall became hot again, much more like a banquet than Ye Zhiyu's depression when they came in.

It seems that Grandpa Qu is not going to care about her?

Quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Zhiyu opened his relaxed smile and looked at the man behind him, but found that the other party was staring at her. There was a hot temperature in Mo Ran's eyes. That kind of focused gaze seemed to penetrate her to see the deepest part of her body. She had never seen it. He showed such an expression on her.

Ye Zhiyu was stared at with a heartbeat disorder, his cheeks were hot, and he was a little breathless. After a long time, he pretended to find his voice freely.

"Well, I explained that I learned the core lines from novels."

is still a hot watch.

The smile stiffened at the corners of Ye Zhiyu's mouth, and she half-jokingly entertained: "Why, the beauty saves the hero so handsome that you want to marry him?"

The people over there seemed to have react when they heard the words and bullied her a little, which was not as serious as before, and suddenly pulled out an evil smile on his lips.

"If you want me to promise you, just say it's okay."

Ye Zhiyu was stared at by the other party's deep gaze. Suddenly, he thought of the pain all over the next day when he was tossed by someone several times. He couldn't help shaking and showing a look of gratitude.

"No, I'll change to vegetarian."

The other party stared at her for a long time, and the deep meaning in his eyes made Ye Zhiyu's scalp numb.

"Yo! Xiaoyu!" Just as Ye Zhiyu was embarrassed to think about how to end the scene, suddenly there was a cheerful shout behind her. When Chu Fengnan's ten-year-old face appeared in front of her, she vowed that she was moved to tears for the first time.

"I don't know when you secretly married Xiaoyu!" He was patted on the shoulder, "Are you a good brother!"

Ye Zhiyu's forehead twitched, and she should not expect the essence of Chu Fengnan's March 8th.

"Xiaoyu, I have something to say to Tian, can I borrow it?"

"Charge by the hour." She is serious.

"- hiss!" The forehead was hit hard, "What are you doing, big white goose!"

"Learn to lift the tiles in the house." Shit, it's okay if you don't promise each other! Repay kindness with resentment!"

As she spoke, she was about to jump up and pinch her, but she was pressed into her arms and ate tender tofu. Ye Zhiyu was ashamed and annoyed. She knew that she couldn't beat him, and there were people around her. She smiled sinisterly and pinched Qu Xiangtian fiercely behind her. The man did not respond. She gritted her teeth and pinched it again.

Chu Fengnan watched Ye Zhiyu play with his friends, but there was a trace of tolerant loneliness in his face. Naturally, Ye Zhiyu didn't see that emotion, but fell into Qu Xiangtian's eyes without any difference. The latter's eyebrows were slightly heavy, and his ink-dyed eyes suddenly became sharp.

Chu Fengnan noticed Qu Xiangtian's gaze, and their eyes suddenly collided. He secretly screamed in his heart. Unexpectedly, he didn't realize it for a moment, but he did not avoid it. He looked directly at the other party calmly and had no intention of wanting to.

Ye Zhiyu buried his head in Qu Xiangtian's arms for a long time before he found that the atmosphere was wrong. When he looked up, he found that the atmosphere between the two men was strange. Is it her illusion... Why does it feel like a sword drawn?

First, Chu Fengnan's laughter broke the silence: "God, you haven't come back for a long time. Several uncles and uncles want to see you and ask me to call you over?"

The sharp ink eyes were full of silence. After a long time, the box nodded. "Okay," he turned his head and explained to Ye Zhiyu, "Feed yourself enough. I don't have time to have a snack for you at night."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned and answered. After a long time, she realized the meaning hidden in the last sentence of Qu Xiangtian's leaving. Her unintentional sentence of "proxu shen shen" couldn't help but come to her mind again.

What a mess!

There seemed to be a roar in her head, and Miss Ye's face turned red again.

The opening ** seemed to be soon forgotten, and Ye Zhiyu was not polite. He filled his plate with something, and then his mind slowly turned around.

Grandpa Qu wants to teach Qu Xiangtian a lesson. As he said, family ugliness can't be publicized. No matter how angry he is, Grandpa Qu is also a person who has seen a big scene. No matter how angry he is, he should be able to suppress it. Why did you suddenly get angry? It can be seen that Grandpa Qu did those on purpose. This is called clear posture and position, drawing a clear line with Qu Xiangtian's behavior. Grandpa Qu did this to protect the Qu family.

There must be enemies in such a prestigious family. Grandpa Qu is doing so to protect the Qu family from being honest. Qu Xiangtian must also understand, so he didn't say anything at that time to let the other party beat and scold. Think about it. If her brother Tian doesn't want to, who can bully him? She didn't know that she came out to stand up for him.

I stuffed a mouthful of snacks into my mouth, and Miss Ye, who had just felt powerful and domineering, suddenly became a little depressed.

"But even if it's acting, those words are too heavy." She said to herself with food, trying to find a step for herself.

Suddenly lost her appetite, Ye Zhiyu's eyes circled around, and there was no shadow of Qu Xiangtian and Chu Fengnan. The hall was bored. Her eyes glanced at the small courtyard door beside her, and her eyes lit up.

Well, it's good to go out and get some air.

Ye Zhiyu originally wanted to blow through this trip, but he didn't know that he was holding it for himself.

The winter night was already very cold. She wrapped her little shawl and exhaled into her hand. Just as she was thinking of going back, she heard a familiar female voice from somewhere, which was delicate and charming: "Brother Xiang Tian, you won't fail to keep what you promised me, right?"

Brother Xiang Tian?

White water?!

Ye Zhiyu's heart tightened and thought that it was immoral to eavesdrop on this matter, but it's right for her to blow the wind here for a month in this public place, right?

Thinking about this, the body has moved to the sound source.

"Brother Xiang Tian, you said you would keep me. Does the promise at that time still count?" Bai Shuiqing's voice sounded to be stained with crying. Chu Chu was pitiful. Ye Zhiyu's desire for protection in a woman's heart was lifted up, not to mention that the big white goose was still a man.

With an inexplicable panic in his heart, Ye Zhiyu held his breath and waited for Qu Xiangtian's answer.

On a quiet night, the moonlight is as water. The wind seemed to have the smell of frost and snow, making Ye Zhiyu's face bloodless.

For a long time, a low male voice came from there, which was magnetic and sexy at this quiet moment.

"Yes, I did agree."

-Ye Zhiyu heard the words, and his heart seemed to sink under something.