The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 147 Lord Vinegar King

When Ye Zhiyu gritted his teeth and turned the agreement out of the drawer the next morning, he fixed his eyes. I don't know when the red-lined part of "husband life, once a week" was changed to "couple life, ten times a week", and there were still three days left in seven days a week.

Miss Ye's hand shook, only felt that her qi and blood were surging, and she almost fainted in front of her eyes.

...Big white goose...You are cruel...

Qu Xiangtian seemed to have regained his habit of getting up at 5:30 every day for morning exercise. Ye Zhiyu was glad that the man who woke up day and night was not by his side. After washing and going downstairs, when she came to the hall in vain, the smell of toast spread to her nose. In Ye Zhiyu's stunned eyes, the tall man in an apron was busy in the kitchen, and his back looked extremely inconsistent. It's a little funny... but it's indescribable and warm.

Qu Xiangtian heard the movement behind him and turned his head to look at her. He raised his heroic eyebrows and skillfully took out the toast and put it on the plate. With the other hand, he shoveled the fried eggs and put them on the toast. The sun shone in obliquely and happened to fall into the man's deep black pupil, and his whole body exuded a soul-threnning smell. .

Ye Zhiyu was a little stunned until someone's funny voice sounded.

"Why don't you take the plate and don't let the road go? Why are you standing here in a daze?" He laughed at her.

Rarely, Ye Zhiyu did not reply, but said seriously, "I have always heard that serious men are the most handsome. I think they must have missed two words."

"What word?" Mo Mei twisted up when she heard the words.

"Hmm--" Ye Zhiyu deliberately lengthened his voice and pretended to be deep, "It should be 'the most handsome man who cooks seriously'."

"Nonsense, your husband, I'm always the most handsome."

Qu Xiangtian gently pulled the corners of his lips, which was not only narcissistic but also arrogant. He bounced rudely on her forehead and sneered.

This time, Ye Zhiyu covered his head and muttered, "Violence is not handsome. I like a gentleman."

"But you can't stop loving me now. I don't know who has been pestering me last night--

"Dead--" Mrs. Qu grabbed the toast angrily and stuffed it into Mr. Qu's mouth. There was a blush on her cheeks. This should have been an "incomparable harmonious" morning, if it hadn't been for the string of rapid ringing doorbells.

Ye Zhiyu opened the door, but there was an unexpected person standing outside the door.

"Chu Fengnan?" Ye Zhiyu looked at the visitor in surprise, who still looked unrestrained and stood in front of her against the light.

"I remember you used to prefer to call me Anan." The man's tone was not slow, and there was no eagerness when he knocked on the door.

For Ye Zhiyu, Chu Fengnan was a good buddy who talked about everything during his college years. He climbed over the wall and hung out of class all night to drink and chat to flirt with the little girl. Those were all the bastards they did at that time. The only difference is that Ye Zhiyu's game life will never drop the chain at a critical time, but Chu Fengnan's achievements are still excellent, but Chu Fengnan responds to the setting that ancient wandering swings should have. The big red lanterns are high enough to illuminate the whole street. But in the end, she graduated with excellent grades. After more than a year as a small traffic policeman in the Transportation Bureau, the other party has climbed to the position of captain of the Dijing Criminal Police Brigade and dumped her several streets at once.

After graduation, the two never met again. She was also busy fulfilling her dreams, which was ironic. After graduation, she met Chu Fengnan only two times because of Qu Xiangtian.

Four years of best friends, but after all, there is a difference between men and women, and now it is inexplicable. Ye Zhiyu coughed awkwardly before opening his mouth again. By the way, he changed his words kindly: "Anan, why did you come here? Looking for Dabai, huh, Brother Tian?"

The handsome man had a light smile on his lips, but his eyes quietly looked at her in home clothes. Without the heroic, capable and beautiful military uniform in the military academy, he added a little more charmingness of a little woman, and only the cunning was familiar to him in his eyes.

It was the man who made her look like this.

Chu Fengnan restrained the dark color in his eyes, and the cloud smiled gently and said, "I'm really here to find Xiang Tian, but this has something to do with you."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you want to know?" He asked her back and obviously had the idea of teasing her.

Miss Ye didn't notice it. She just frowned and subconsciously prepared the interface: "Why are you selling the customs since you're here to send the news--er--!"

Before Ye Zhiyu finished his words, he only felt that his waist was tight, and his exclamation was pressed on his throat and his back was attached to the familiar meat wall, which was a completely possessive posture. The next second, the man's deep voice sounded in his ear: "Why don't you invite them in and stand at the door to chat?" His lips gently pressed against her auricle and ambiguously sprayed heat on his face. The auricle is Ye Zhiyu's ** area, and his body naturally turns slightly red because of his action.

Feeling that interesting eyes fell on him, Ye Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that Chu Fengnan was standing at the door watching, and couldn't help but want to explain. Unexpectedly, Chu Fengnan opened her first: "I'm an old classmate with Xiaoyu, and I don't care about this."

"Real?" The man paused, and Ye Zhiyu only felt a gust of wind in front of him, and the meat wall stood in front of him and completely blocked him. "You talk to me. You go and change your clothes first."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Qu Xianghou said half a sentence to her. She was slightly stunned. Then she took a low breath and her face immediately became hot. It's really terrible. How did she come out in this dress? There is no problem with this home suit. The main reason is that the neckline was torn off two buttons by a beast last night, and now it is not much different from the deep V low-cut style...

"Uh-ha... Then you guys talk first. I'll go upstairs... Uh-huh, just a moment."

"Interesting, do you remember what you said about me before?" Chu Fengnan put her hands around her chest and looked at the people in front of her with a leisurely smile. "You said it's stupid to be distracted by women. I didn't expect that the noble and cold Emperor Yan would also hit himself in the face one day.

"That's my business."

"Wow, it's really mean. When I first met you, you were still lying in a bandage**, or the fragile little boy at that time was cuter. It's not like now, it not only protects food, but also bites people randomly. Chu Fengnan teased half-jokingly.

The man's eyes did not change when he heard the words, but his eyes were a little cold, and there was seriousness in the radiating pressure: "Since you know that I will bite people, don't ask for fun."

"What's so boring?" Ye Zhiyu just changed his clothes and went downstairs. He heard the last sentence and couldn't help coming forward doubtingly, but saw Chu Fengnan's improper smile: "I'm discussing the breeding method of loyal dogs with Xiang Tian."

The sharp eyes came over, and Chu Fengnan's narrow phoenix eyes narrowed. He didn't see it, but Ye Zhiyu was even more confused.

"Don't stand at the door and say it. Anan, you have something to say. Come in and sit down." Ye Zhiyu said to himself and didn't notice that someone around him suddenly sank when he heard some words in this sentence.

Ye Zhiyu didn't notice, which doesn't mean that Chu Fengnan didn't see it. The latter quickly put out the fire before the bomb detonated: "I just want to say, Xiang Tian, your Mr. Qu is critically ill in the hospital. Do you want to see it?" This was not supposed to be said to him, but the Qu family has always had a bad attitude towards Qu Xiangtian, but if something really happened, he had to go. The former naturally found someone who could speak. Come on, it's even more. "Xiang Tian, you are so amazing. If I had known that you would directly put such a big face to the Qu family, I wouldn't have told you about Xiaoyu going to the Qu family to be bullied."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned when he heard the words and soon cleared out the meaning of Chu Fengnan's words. That day, when she went to give the information in the USB flash drive to Mr. Qu, Chu Fengnan was also present. How dare he report it for her?

Thinking about this, Ye Zhiyu couldn't help feeling a little funny. After all, she was not bullied that day, but she choked the difficult characters of the Qu family to speak.

It is no wonder that the Qu family did not send people to contact the big white goose directly.

"Is the old man in the hospital?" Qu Xiangtian's expression sank unexpectedly. Chu Fengnan was surprised and said, "Don't tell me that you are sad now."

"How is that possible?" There was a disdain in the response, as if he heard some joke, "I'm worried about the old man's illness. It's not the right time."

Chu Fengnan nodded and agreed: "Yes, there are a lot of troublesome things. Don't make any trouble if your old man is so sick. As far as I know, none of those people are small people who are not needles.

Ye Zhiyu frowned and seemed to understand, but he vaguely knew that they were talking about the high-level traitor group of the government.

"Would you like to go and have a look?" Chu Fengnan asked with inquiry, in exchange for the man's disdainful eyes: "Look? Naturally, it depends, but it's not needed yet.

"Tut, Xiao Yu, you have to be careful with such a thin man in the future." Chu Fengnan made a joke and patted his buttocks before Qu Xiangtian's face sank: "I have conveyed the words, and you know the rest." Originally, he didn't have much contact with the people of the Qu family. The reason why he promised this trip was that he wanted to be a smooth person anyway, and maybe he could see her. Look at her. If she lives well, he will completely give up; if she doesn't live well, he... Well, looking at the current situation, he doesn't have any chance.

Ye Zhiyu looked at the back that left in the sun, couldn't help frowning, and pulled the clothes of the man beside him: "It's strange that it took so long to say a sentence, and now you're leaving?" Her "good brother" is becoming more and more difficult for her to understand.