The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 153 The Hand in the Dark

Recently, there have been strange rumors that the armed forces of the imperial capital military region have caught FBK's anti-different poisonous scorpion and are being tortured in the interrogation room. The rumor spread so far that the military specially asked Qu Xiangtian among the high-level officials of the government.

I don't know who leaked the news. The rumors that were originally spread within the administrative system were leaked to the media, so even the news began to report extensively. Some reporters did not give up squatting on the mountainside at Qu Xiangtian and Ye Zhiyu's residence began to have sentries, so journalists simply set up halfway up the mountain. The tent tried to block the leader. It's just that I haven't seen half a person for a few days. For a while, various versions of rumors went viral outside.

When things exploded, Ye Zhiyu didn't know the situation at all, or her parents called her to ask if there was anything wrong now. Miss Ye hung up the phone and was still confused until Qu Xiangtian called her and asked her to stay at home obediently and not go out these days.

Ye Zhiyu searched on the Internet and found out that because the information was incomplete, now the military has guessed what suspicious elements have captured, and even the name of the terrorist leader of a small country has appeared before. Ye Zhiyu sighed at the association and gossip ability of the people, while vaguely worrying about Qu Xiangtian.

FBK has a secret agreement with senior government officials, and Joker's people can't move casually, which is also the condition for FBK to become a government weapon in a critical moment. Now that Qu Xiangtian has caught Bingling, the senior management will definitely put pressure on him, and Mr. Qu is sick and has no one to cover him. Even if there is a mountain of the Qu family behind him, after all, there is no power to use it.

And... what she is most worried about now is his safety.

Although she hadn't seen Bing Ling's skills, the big white goose's gun failed to hit the other party that night. Ye Zhiyu had never seen Bing Ling take action, but she still peeped at the dewd body. People like that can't compare with horrible skills...

If that ink is really like the legend, wouldn't the big white goose be very dangerous!

Ye Zhiyu thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Although they have plans first, those who want ink in the dark world also have their own means, but no one has ever succeeded.

The more Ye Zhiyu thought about it, the more uneasy he became, and the clouds in his heart gradually gathered. Tonight...she always has a bad feeling...

On the other side, the secret cell of the red blade is built in a remote field, with a wide field of surrounding vision. There is a voltage network and whistle tower in the southeast and northwest. The external monitoring field of 360 degrees without dead angle can be detected even a little wind and grass.

At this moment, something seemed to pass quickly in the darkness. The sentry standing on guard fixed his eyes, but found nothing, thinking it was his own illusion. The most important suspects were held in the prison room, especially these nights, and the chief specifically told them not to be careless at all. Out of caution, the sentry still rang the internal alarm, but found it strange that the alarm bell did not ring in his ear. Still wondering, he stretched out his hand and was ready to take out the walkie-talkie, but suddenly felt that there seemed to be a cold breeze behind him. The moment he was about to turn his head, he only felt that his neck was cold...

In the dark, the cool breeze of the summer night was stained with a little blood, and it could not be noticed at all in the thick ink color.

In the dark prison room, the slender woman was handcuffed to the iron ring on the wall, and her clothes were ragged and mottled. Because it was too dark to see her expression, the cell was filled with a strong pungent smell of blood, but I couldn't feel the breath that belonged to human beings.

In front of the cell, I don't know when a black figure appeared like a ghost. He wore a ferocious and strange mask on his face. He could only faintly see that he was a long teenager just by his body.

The lock of the cell is a password lock, but the teenager didn't know what he had done. He only heard a clear "ta" in the dark. The lock in the cell opened in an instant. The ghostly figure seemed to be an evil spirit perched in the dark. It just flashed into the cell and came to the woman in less than a second. .

Just stared at the imprisoned woman, but the teenager suddenly had no next move, as if he had stopped breathing and was waiting for something.

Sure enough, in less than a moment, the password lock behind him suddenly clicked again - the LED display light of the lock turned red again - and it was locked.

In the dark, there seemed to be something wrapped in a sharp blade-like murderous atmosphere radiating outward with the teenager as the center, and the hoarse voice was like the dry leaves crushed under their feet in the cold winter wind, slowly sounding with an extremely dangerous breath.

"How dare you lie to me."

The five words are extremely plain, but the hatred between lips and teeth makes people shudder.

"You shouldn't have done that to him."

The cold female voice sounded, and I don't know when two people appeared outside the cell. A tall man, whose facial features were as deep as knives, and another one was the ice that spoke.

"So this is a dummy?" The hoarse voice almost made people mistakenly think that it would be a withered old man under the mask. However, the next second, a few silver lights flashed in the dark. Not only the dummy, but also the iron ring that fuffed the dummy was cut off, and the whole person was decomposed into countless pieces in an instant.

"You lied to me for that man..."

"No, I just don't want to--"

"You lied to me!"

Bing Ling was tightened by the other party's roar and frowned and didn't say anything. At the beginning, she said that she would protect him... If he hadn't taken advantage of his trust in her, he wouldn't have been so easy today.

Qu Xiangtian looked at the silent woman around him, and a trace of complexity flashed in his falcons' eyes, but he casually said, "I'm so stupid that I've been caught and have the face to blame others. I said, I'm not interested in you at all, but..." After a pause, his eyes turned a tingle, "You can't do this for those who touch me."

Bingling looked at the man in front of her and was surprised to intentionally or unintentionally block her behind the cold and piercing sight behind the teenager's mask. Is this man helping her shift her hatred?

"You lied to me for that man..."

But the teenager didn't seem to hear Qu Xiangtian's words, and the cold sight seemed to penetrate Qu Xiangtian and shoot directly on the ice behind him.

"You lied to me..."

"She is lying to you, so what? Karma, no wonder others." Although Qu Xiangtian said so, he frowned.

What's going on? This person doesn't seem to be right.

"You... lied to me..."

It seemed that he stubbornly wanted to get an answer from Bing Ling, so that the teenager just read this sentence over and over again, which looked a little scary. Bing Ling also seemed to notice it and frowned slightly - not good!

"Let's go!"

It was too late for Bingling to react. A gust of wind flashed in front of her, as if the explosive wind squeezed out of the narrow cell. Qu Xiangtian and Bingling were rushed far away by the impulse and almost suddenly pushed to the wall on the other side.

"Cough, cough!" Dust and lime debris choked and coughed. As she covered her nose, she looked at the hazy figure not far away from the dust, with a solemn face.

"What kind of ability does he have?" It was just clear that no combustible substances were detected on his body before he came in. What's wrong with this sudden shock wave?


Two gloomy lights shot through the smoke towards Qu Xiangtian, "Where is he..."

When Bing Ling heard this, he frowned and naturally knew that he was talking about Gu Junmo. He immediately said coldly, "I won't let you find him."

But the teenager seemed to be immersed in his own world, just smiling gloomily: "Kill back..."

His idea almost blinded Bingling, and his eyes were cold: "Even if you kill him, I won't go back with you."


"You lied to me..."

The last ending has not disappeared, and Qu Xiangtian only feels that the air in front of him seems to be distorted in an instant. The subtle discord was only for a moment, but he sensed the danger with his intuition after years of physical exercise.

realized, but the body could not react so quickly. There seemed to be a blade breaking in the twisted air. The next second, the teenager who was just ten meters away from him had come to him in an instant. The ferocious mask was a pair of bleeding eyes, and his pale face seemed to have returned from hell. The devil.

was stunned at that moment. A cold object approached, and another light suddenly flashed from the side less than a few millimeters away from his eyes, and a slender figure stood in front of him.

As soon as Qu Xiangtian raised his eyebrows, he saw Bing Ling's solemn side face.

"Let's go, I can't stop him for too long." Shit, Mo is out of control. She should have expected it, but...

The man behind him had no intention of leaving when he heard the words. Instead, he narrowed his eyes with his hands around his chest: "It seems that you still hide a lot from me." It is worthy of being the person taught by the fox in Ye Jun's Hall, with a cold and upright face, but he still kept a hand.

This woman must have known that things would develop like this, but she still has to try...

To put it simply, "If it fails, are you going to paste my life together?" Qu Xiangtian's voice was sarcastic. Over there, the two figures confronted quickly, drawing some tracks in the air, and quickly separating. Each action was as perfect and accurate as a pre-set program.

Bing Ling did not have time to answer Qu Xiangtian. The man squeezed his lips and looked at the two people in front of him leisurely. He could see that Bing Ling had indeed tried her best to breathe and slowed down, and the black figure on the other side was still comfortable.

The two men's moves were fierce, as if they were long-lost enemies to take lives. Qu Xiangtian couldn't help frowning and suddenly understood.

This woman doesn't want to drag him into the water...

... She just wants to burn everything!