The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 154 Damn it?!

The teenager seemed to become more focused and more fierce because of the attack time. On the contrary, the ice breath on the side was messy and began to have an unsustainable trend. The tall man stood quietly aside, not running but not wanting to help at all.


At the moment of difficulty, a fierce blow, Bingling shouted in the gap of breathing, and then the scream came through the air. The cold light was about to stab her shoulder blade, and was suddenly blocked by a ghost figure emerging from nowhere.

"Wow, it's so close. The beauty is like this, boss, you won't call me!" There was a strong dissatisfaction in the abusive voice, and the peach blossom eyes threw a charming eye at her very coquettishly. Bingling looked at the back of the man in front of her, and her voice was also inexplicably familiar. After frowning for a moment, she remembered the man she had seen in Mexico who was very frivolous in words and deeds.

Just in the few seconds when she was distracted, the two of them had fought several times, "Is he...?" The puzzled eyes looked at Qu Xiangtian standing behind him, but found that the other party watched the battle leisurely with his hands around his chest, and his eyes were burning stars. That look stunned Bingling, and there was a trace of self-deprecating on her lips.

This man really thought of the variables, and even her little hidden thoughts could not be concealed from him. No wonder he was so calm from the beginning. It turned out that he had been ready for a long time.

Bing Ling couldn't help biting his lips and frowned at the two figures fighting not far away. He was surprised to find that the frivolous man's skills were unexpectedly reliable and stabilized Mo's attack.

The original ink body method belongs to the type of ghost and changeable. One move depends on the foundation that has been solidly honed since childhood. Each action can be stopped immediately and attacked in a completely opposite direction. The connection is smooth and natural, as accurate as a machine. The man in front of him is obviously more talented. Although his movements are more fancy, it seems that he is a little impatient. He is more likely to have loopholes than usual.

Although it was like this in Bingling's eyes, Li Chen was actually not easy. The teenager's murderous spirit was more terrible than his skills, and the force of each impact seemed to make his bones pour lead.

At this moment, Li Chenyu caught a glimpse of a strange cold light suddenly flashing in front of him, not like a weapon, but it seemed to be in the palm of the teenager. Li Chen muttered in his heart that he wanted to see what it was, but the teenager in front of him suddenly retreated more than three meters. He must have immediately raised his left arm and aimed his palm vertically to the ground.

The intuition cultivated on the battlefield for a long time made Li Shen's sharp "It's not good to avoid it!" Qu Xiangtian, who had retreated several steps before it sounded, but Qu Xiangtian, who had been calm in his eyes, frowned and stared at the palm of the teenager. Somehow, he suddenly thought of the strange explosion just now - "Light retreat is useless, avoid it!"

He only shouted halfway, and the strange air pressure over there had been forced over. The scene in front of him seemed to be twisted in an instant, and the explosion sounded again. Dust and flying stones rushed towards him. In the chaos, the ghost figure flashed gently and disappeared.

Everyone came to their senses almost instantly, but it was too late. In the sluggish cell, there was a lazy voice with a little cynical smell: "It's so close. Wow, boss, you didn't tell me that the child was carrying such a dangerous thing."

Li Chen patted the dust on his clothes and stood up, with an exaggerated expression on his evil face: "Big brother, if my sister-in-law wants to kill me, I can't change it to you this time. Those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to ink are black."

Qu Xiangtian was too lazy to be poor with him. His sharp eyes were straight and he looked a little stunned. He came straight to the point: "You never thought of using you as bait to catch him. You just want to kill him."

His words made the silent ice Ling's eyes flash, but the latter did not say anything. Bingling didn't say anything, but Li Chen couldn't stand it anymore. The next second, he stood in front of him and didn't agree: "You didn't say that, and they are also worried about Junmo. Right, beauty~" Speaking of this, the peach blossom eyes casually glanced at the white face behind her. Li Chen's tone was very light: "So, take out the explosives on your body. This kind of rough thing is for men and is not suitable for beauty like you."

Bing Ling was shocked, and a trace of unbelievable flashed in Bing's eyes. Li Chen looked at her and couldn't help laughing and said, "No, at least this is the red-edged prison room. Let outsiders in. Security scanning is the minimum."

Ping Ling restrained her eyes when she heard the words. Did they already know that she wanted to die with Mo...

"When Mo was a child, he lost an arm in the underground boxing ring of the black market." Bingling suddenly said such a thing. Qu Xiangtian looked at her, and a trace of interest flashed in his eyes, right? Finally, he was ready to cooperate seriously?

At that time, his wound was infected and almost died. That's when we met adults. Later, the adult took us away and gave Mo the best treatment. But although he picked up a life, his whole body changed. He was gloomy all day and stayed in his room all day. No one knew what he was doing and didn't talk to anyone. It was not until a few years later that the adult reinstalled an arm for Mo.

Ping Ling said to herself, but her words attracted Qu Xiangtian's attention. Since Joker has the ability to give him an arm, why did he deliberately spend a few years... A ridiculous idea suddenly formed in Qu Xiangtian's mind - but he soon denied his idea.

It won't have anything to do with her... He should have thought too much.

"After Mo had that arm, he finally began to talk to me. Although he didn't talk much, he finally made me feel relieved and thought that he would get better. But as the days went by, I found that something was wrong... Mo's temper seemed to have become more irritable and irritable. When he was angry, he would start to catch animals to kill them, and then disappeared all day.

"Didn't you consider finding a psychologist for him?" Li Chen listened and couldn't help remembering that when the teenager just fought, his eyes were covered with blood as if they were scarlet, and he frowned and asked.

Bingling was silent for a moment and shook her head and said, "No, my lord exiled him."

"Your Joker drove him away?" This is so strange, okay? What on earth is Joker thinking about letting such a skilled murderer out?!

"FBK people are often exiled. Adults say that organizations do not need sanctions, but after exile, they will pay for their crimes." Bing Ling said and looked up at Qu Xiangtian.

At first, she didn't understand what the lord said. But later, in Mexico, I learned about the relationship between the adult and the Red Blade chief, and finally figured out the meaning of that sentence. As long as you are still a FBK person, the red blade is inconvenient to move. But once that person breaks away from FBK, he will soon fall into the hands of the red blade.

Qu Xiangtian suddenly heard the dark, and his eyebrows frowned without a trace. Suddenly, his eyes became complex and helpless, but with sharp light.

As a leader, he maintained his image and continued to be both powerful, but the cancer of his organization was handed over to him to clean up, and he transferred his hatred to the Red Blade without a trace to maintain the stability of his rule and organization.

The fox in Ye Jun's Hall is damaging enough.

Bingling stopped looking at the man's too sharpness, coughed awkwardly, and finally said what she wanted to say most: "Mo's arm, which was later modified by himself, is titanium metal and vacuum environment. Through a certain device, that arm can react with air under certain circumstances and consume the inside the arm. The titanium metal produces a shock wave like the explosion just now.

"Simply put, the child has a * on his body, right?"

"It's more troublesome than *..." Bing Ling frowned and came to the point: "That arm can't only explode, there are other abilities, but I don't know how he did it."

"Can such a magical thing be bought online~" Li Chen felt that this setting was too unbelievable and couldn't help ridic. Unexpectedly, Bingling said seriously, "I bought it online."


Looking at the other party's stunned eyes, Bing Ling asked seriously, "Have you ever heard of a person named 'A Yue'?"

"A Yue?" Li Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and filtered the information in the huge intelligence network in his mind, but he only vaguely felt that the name was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Qu Xiangtian remained calm, but he had already written down the name in his heart.

He heard Ye Zhiyu talk about this person. At that time, the micro-emergency equipment she designed that helped him when his life was on the line was made by A Yue. At that time, he was surprised how there could be such a person in the dark world that he had never heard of, but Ye Zhiyu didn't seem familiar with it.

"Now that the person has run away, boss, what should I do?" Li Chen grabbed his hair and was a little depressed. After all, if such a big move is made, rumors will definitely spread all over the sky tomorrow, and the military will definitely ask the boss to ask questions. Qu Xiangtian raised his eyebrows and sneered, "What should I do? In this way, of course, it's a trick.

"Since the prison room has been destroyed like this, we have the most legitimate reason to let this woman go. You said, who do you want to vent your anger the person who is angry with most now?

Li Chen was stunned when he heard the words. After reacting, he almost shouted in a low voice - "You mean Junmo?"

"No! You can't do this!" Before Qu Xiangtian could speak, he was resolutely opposed by Bing Ling, and his icy eyes came over like a knife.

"I won't let him risk the bait." She said it resolutely, and her face turned slightly red with anger.

The man's deep eyes quietly looked at the angry woman in front of him, raised his eyebrows and smiled, and the curvature of his lips was a little provocative.

"What, since you are worried about this, why don't you just stay by his side? Anyway, this is the last and only chance.

Qu Xiangtian's words stunned Bing Ling, subconsciously bit her lips and stared at him coldly.

This man is forcing her.


After a long silence, a trace of determination flashed in her cold eyes. Bingling replied in a hard voice, "I'll let you take advantage of this time. But you have to assure me of his safety."