The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 159 My own brother who came out of thin air

Ye Zhiyu should understand that if this teenager was just an ordinary thief, he would never know the secret words in Rival's old castle. Li Chen said at that time that without a map, Enger Revar himself could not get out.

At that time, she thought that maybe the teenager had something to do with the castle, and she didn't think much about it. In view of this, she saw the indescribable care in the teenager's heart at that time, which made her confirm her connection with this strange organization now.

"You know him, don't you?" The man wearing a mask asked again, but this time Ye Zhiyu finally reacted and nodded and whispered, "We met in Mexico."

"No," the man suddenly said, denying Ye Zhiyu's words before he finished speaking: "You have seen it before."

The chest seemed to be blocked by one breath, and the man's words made Ye Zhiyu a little short of breath. Vaguely, an idea came to her mind. The idea was so strong that she turned pale and her feet shook.

"You know I'm not lying to you. Your heart has told you this feeling. You have the same bloodline as us, and just one look is enough to feel each other's existence.

The man's voice was a little heavier than before, as if muttering an ancient spell, buzzing in his ear. Ye Zhiyu only felt blank in her mind, and her ears seemed to ring again what Yu had said to her before she left Mexico. At that time, he asked her why her body was always three to four times faster than ordinary people to heal her wounds, even fatal wounds. At that time, she casually said that it was because Ye Jundian had used traditional Chinese medicine to treat her since she was a child, which was also an explanation that she had been indoctrinated since she was a child, and she had never doubted it. However, the expressionless and indifferent young man gradually raised his eyebrows and shook his head solemnly.

"Your body can recover so quickly because there is a special base sequence in your body. This is a genetic code inherited from an ancient blood relationship. I have a friend and a special blood relationship like you. They live as a tribal unit and do not have any marriage with outsiders. More than ten years ago, I went to find that friend and learned that their tribe had been massacred for unknown reasons... It was almost completely destroyed overnight. The remaining survivors probably lived in the deepest darkness.

She still remembered the way Yu looked at her at that time, as if she had seen through some secret corner, but it made her feel uncomfortable.

If according to his speculation, she is a survivor of that tribe... That is to say, her parents in N City and Ye Jundian are not related to her.

At that time, she had just gone through two thrilling struggles with her life, and she was so desperate that she just wanted to seek a moment of stability and warmth in the arms of the big white goose...

...In fact, even this is just the reason why she tried to convince herself.

I just don't want to believe it. I don't want to think about the possibility that she has no blood relationship with that family. In N City, she has lost her brother and doesn't want to lose her childhood and relatives.

This is also the reason why she has always wanted to find Ye Jundian. He must know about her background. At the same time, she was glad that Ye Jun's hall disappeared, so that the time for her to know the truth could be delayed indefinitely.

It's just that she didn't expect... Fate had already arranged this recognition in the dark, regardless of her wishes, and brought her here when she was unprepared.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu took a deep breath and bit his lips to calm himself down. Now she is not sure who the other party is. She can't be so confused - Ye Zhiyu adjusted her emotions with extremely difficult self-control. After the teenager stepped forward and called "Sister" lightly and disintegrated.

She opened her lips, but couldn't make a sound. She could only look at the teenager in front of her in disbelief. The bottom of the other party's eyes was dark, and she couldn't see any emotions, and seemed to be equally confused. Now he doesn't look like a little beggar when he was in Mexico. Nowadays, it seems that the white robe with ethnic characteristics in the tribe wraps the teenager's slender body. The slightly curly chestnut hair makes the teenager's exquisite and beautiful facial features a little deeper than that of Europeans, and the thick eyelashes are extremely beautiful, gently covering the dark below. Gemstones.

Such a teenager... called her "Sister"... Although it seems uncertain from his look, he can clearly see the brighter joy in his eyes.

Ye Zhiyu was still stunned, but he only heard a cheer - "Sister"!

A gust of wind flashed in front of him, and the figure two or three meters away suddenly flew into Ye Zhiyu's arms. Obviously, he was particularly excited. That force made Ye Zhiyu's body retreat twice. She subconsciously reached out to protect her lower abdomen and separated her from the teenager.

Ye Zhiyu's behavior seemed to puzzle the teenager. Looking at her, the streamer at the corners of his eyes seemed to be a little wronged, like an abandoned giant dog, which made Ye Zhiyu's heart twitch slightly.

That's right! It's a giant dog! He clearly looks thirteen or four years old, but he is almost the same as Ye Zhiyu, who is more than 1.7 meters. This is too bullying!

Just as Ye Zhiyu secretly slandered himself, a slight smile came from there: "Look, Ah Xun recognized you."

Ye Zhiyu frowned uncomfortably when listening to the man's words, but secretly wrote down the teenager's name.

"The blood of our Yi clan has been pure since ancient times, and the telepathy between the people is particularly strong, not to mention that you and A Xun are still special." The man seemed to be very proud, but Ye Zhiyu poured cold water coldly: "Do you know that there is a human called Darwin who told us that we can't marry between close relatives. Well, if you are curious about why you are mentally retarded, I think I have helped you find the reason.

Ye Zhiyu's words were mean. On the one side, the behavior of these people made her feel extremely uncomfortable, and on the other side, she vaguely sensed that the other party had caught her and seemed to just want her to recognize her ancestors, so she became bold.

Sure enough, Ye Zhiyu's words made the masked man fall into a strange silence for a long time, and A Xun still hugged her and had no intention of letting go.

After a long time, when Ye Zhiyu thought that the other party was going to fight a protracted war with her, suddenly the voice of the masked man came to his ear again: "Our bloodline is the reason why we don't marry outsiders. Their blood is dirty, and they are human beings who have abandoned their gods.

Ye Zhiyu frowned as soon as she heard the words. Sure enough, she had a good estimate at the beginning. This organization has some religious belief similar to a cult, and it is estimated that there are many strange taboos. If they knew that she and the big white goose were not only married and had children, they didn't know what they would do.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu couldn't help thinking of the infidels who were burned in the movie. He immediately shivered and turned a little pale.

The teenager holding her seemed to notice her strangeness and raised his head from her shoulder, with doubts and deep concern: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

The teenager's face is very close to her, and the butterfly-like eyelashes seem to brush her cheek the next second. The light flowing in his eyes seemed to make the two dark eyes as magnificent as obsidian. Ye Zhiyu's mood was inexplicably complicated. He couldn't help softening his heart and reluctantly pulled out a smile at him: "I'm fine."

The teenager's eyes stared at her for a long time, and then seemed relieved. He took a breath and buried his head in her neck again.

"I haven't seen Xun so happy for a long time." The masked man's tone seemed to be very gratifying, but the following words made Ye Zhiyu nervous in an instant.

"A Xun said that when he saw you, there was still a foreign man beside him. What's your relationship with him? The man's stern tone made Ye Zhiyu's heart tighten. She still calmed down and said with a sneer, "Strange, who are you? Why do you care who is with me? Even if I am from your clan, after so many years, I have grown up as a foreigner, socializing with ordinary friends, school and work. What right do you have to suddenly kidnap me here and interfere in my life? Besides, I may not be your people. I hope you can show respect and restrain those domineering postures. What era do you think it is now? Now it is a society ruled by law! Your current behavior is called an illegal crime!"

Ye Zhiyu was really annoyed later. The teenager in his arms also seemed to notice her anger and seemed to be a little afraid, but he still reached out and gently stroked her back to help her follow her anger. Ye Zhiyu trembled slightly because of the teenager's behavior, and immediately stopped his voice and looked up at the man not far away. The other party wore a mask and couldn't see his expression, and he didn't know how he reacted to what she just said.

There is an ankle chain given to her by Qu Xiangtian, and Qu Xiangtian can trace her position with that. Now as long as she tries her best to delay the time, the reinforcements should return soon.

Ye Zhiyu thought so and couldn't help clenging his fingers.

"We are the only people selected by the gods that can convey the will of God. If you don't believe it, you and Ah Xun are the best evidence.

Through the hole on the mask, the sharp eyes shot at Ye Zhiyu from the mask man, which made her stunned and then laughed: "What's wrong with me and this boy?"

"You can see the past..." The masked man muttered far away: "And A Xun can see the future."


Ye Zhiyu was just distracted for a moment and said rudely, "Don't be silly, see the past? I don't even remember the past at all. She has long forgotten the appearance of Brother Yi, and she hasn't remembered it yet.

However, the masked man over there seemed to be very shocked when he heard the words, and his whole body trembled. Ye Zhiyu later understood that the guy was angry after listening to his tone.

She looked at the gentle and polite man and pointed her straight at her, as if to accuse her.

" unclean person!"