The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 167 130 years old

Carrying Ye Zhiyu's car all the way north, it happened to be the rush hour for large companies to work overtime. Because the car was small and agile, it was effortlessly shuttled in the traffic, and Ye Zhiyu could clearly see Li Chen riding behind her with a motorcycle from nowhere.

Her driver was obviously waiting there for a long time. Originally, she was carrying her mobile phone because she could also log in to the online chat room. She thought it was a small account, but who knew that he had known her true identity long ago.

At the beginning, Ye Zhiyu only thought that the other party was going for the shadow, but this was obviously not the case. She knew her identity. If so... something was confusing. And now I want to come... At that time, when she contacted A Yue, she also used a chat window similar to the chat window sent by yesterday's account...

Ye Zhiyu was still meditating, but the driver's hoarse voice came to his ear, like a broken piano box leaking in the wind: "Miss, here it is."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned and found that the other party didn't know when he got rid of Li Chen. Now they seem to be on the halfway of a mountain, close to a mansion, but because of the thin fog, they can't see the whole picture even at such a close distance.

The old driver came over and opened the door for Ye Zhiyu. The latter took a shallow breath and slowly walked out of the car. The Gothic iron door appeared in front of him, making Ye Zhiyu think of the castle inhabited by vampires in the movie at the moment he got out of the car.

Suddenly, when Ye Zhiyu was stunned, the unusually heavy-looking iron door suddenly made a hissing sound, and the wheel shaft rotated - opening a passage to deeper darkness.

First of all, think about the behavior of the trumpet so far. He knows her and has been in that group for a year and a half. Usually, he does not say a word, but there is a way to find the chat room, which shows the other party's means. Xiaohua also knew about it, and even had the data stolen from A Yue, and even a driver was so powerful that he could get rid of the difficult Li Chen. And this man... her brother intended to protect her information.

Ye Zhiyu stood at the door, with countless possibilities hovering in her mind. There was an answer that seemed to be about to come out, but she lacked key evidence. If she guesses correctly... It should be extremely dangerous to go in, but if she doesn't go in, her conjecture will never be verified.

Ye Zhiyu took a deep breath and took the first step.

There is only one way from the gloomy iron gate to the gate outside, and it is not far away, but there is dead vegetation along the way, which matches the gloomy atmosphere of this castle-like luxurious villa. Fortunately, Miss Ye was nervous and didn't think it was a problem. It was not until she knocked on the door and saw the man in a suit looking at him with a bloody face that her face turned white in an instant, and even the screams stuck in her throat.

The hall is spacious, with a high ceiling and luxurious crystal lamps, reflecting dazzling light.

Miss Ye sat on the soft sofa with a cup of hot water in front of a smiling and honest man.

"The lid of the ketchup can't be opened. I didn't expect it to scare the lady. I'm really sorry." The man is dressed as a housekeeper. He looks like a man in his early 40s. At first glance, he is a mature, steady and exquisite person.

Ye Zhiyu was a little shocked, but fortunately, her heart had been strengthened by the big white goose at home and came straight to the point: "Where is your owner?" This must be a small nest, otherwise she would not have been brought here. And the strangest thing is... Just now, the car suddenly drove into a fog. She was stunned. She had reached halfway up the mountain and didn't know where she was now. Fortunately, she has a GPS positioning device on her ankle, and the big white goose should have been on their way.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu took a sip of water again and smiled, "Your master spent so much time inviting me. Don't you think it's inappropriate for him to avoid me now?"

"Miss, don't worry, my lady is preparing something for you, and she will come down immediately." The old housekeeper gently comforted him, but Ye Zhiyu raised his eyebrows in surprise. Huh, is it a girl? Looking at the temperament of the trumpet and the useful serial code, she always thought that the other party was a man.

Ye Zhiyu was still immersed in her surprise, and a white shadow was seen in the corner of her eyes. She immediately turned her eyes and saw a figure in white casual clothes.

How to say, it is a girl with exquisite facial features that can't be distinguished from each other. She has neat short hair, and the light waves flowing in her eyes are warm and bright. She is not only clean and heroic as a teenager, but also slender and beautiful as a girl. She has white short sleeves and nine-point trousers, which are simple and generous, and even too casual.

"Here you are." Her voice is also a little neutral, but unexpectedly clear and beautiful, like a teenager who has not changed his voice, mixed with a little girl's unique softness.

Thinking about it, a girl who would call herself "labor" has such an image in reality. To be honest, Ye Zhiyu felt a little subversive, so she was stunned for a while before she said, "Are you a trumpet?"

"Oh," her words made the girl smile, and she couldn't help but smile. She narrowed her eyes and said, "I'm a big size."


"You know my trumpet, but now what I want to show you is my trumpet - people on the road call me Yue."

The girl still has amber pupils on her green face, which reflects Ye Zhiyu's instant alertness. The girl raised her eyebrows, and a trace of interest flashed in her eyes: "It's strange, are you surprised?"

"Ah, I know. You guessed it, didn't you?"

Ye Zhiyu nodded and said in a low voice, "I'm a trumpet and A Yue. I have had a conversation with them all through the code. Just now, I suddenly remembered that both of them have a special bad habit, that is, they like to call one more at the end of the last jump code. Although there is no problem with the program expression, it will make the text in the second line shrink a little more at the beginning than the first line.

"Is it such a little discord that you have noticed?" A Yue slowly walked downstairs, and the old housekeeper next to her quickly handed her a glass of water. The latter smiled and took the water but was not in a hurry to drink it. Instead, he shook gently, as if he were thinking about something. Ye Zhiyu stared at each other's every move and said seriously, "You should know that every hacker's habits are almost difficult to change for life once they are formed, and your habits are so special." In this way, you will hit one more time without one input, so a complete series of jump code arrangement, if you have this habit, you will hit the keyboard more than a thousand times. Not everyone is willing to do this kind of thing. And only when the trumpet is A Yue himself can explain why he knows about what happened between Xiaohua and A Yue, and holds the deadly information in his hand after Xiaohua's death.

Hearing this, A Yue actually nodded with approval: "You're right, bad habits. I'll try my best to pay attention in the future."

She is very calm, and even if her identity has been guessed earlier, she is still calm. However, Ye Zhiyu does not have such a good mentality. In fact, at the beginning, she thought that maybe there was a huge team behind the code name of A Yue, otherwise how could one person collect so many scarce resources and materials? However, what she didn't expect was that the girl in front of her and the girl who looked smaller than her could do it.

"Why did you see me?" Ye Zhiyu didn't want to go around the corner with her and asked directly. What she doesn't understand most is that since she already knows her identity, why she has to take so roundabout time to see her.

With a "pop", the water cup was put down, and the girl raised her eyes. Her eyes swept away from the previous laziness and became sharp.

"I have known Joker for more than ten years, and I knew him when he first debuted. I have always been one of the few people who know his true identity, and you, Jue Ying. Listening to the calm tone, Ye Zhiyu's heart was indescribably uneasily. The stranger in front of her actually knew about her brother's debut, which means that she is very clear about Joker's identity inheritance, which is almost the core problem of FBK. Even Bingling doesn't know why Joker has been the same face for decades. And...

"You are so old... How can you have known him for so long..."

"Is it a little big?" Ye Zhiyu finally saw a smile on the beautiful face regardless of gender and thought that iade's expression - ridiculence, and a little unpredictable and helpless. She heard the girl's soft voice, as if floating in the air.

"I'm 130 years old this year. You just said... How old am I?"

" hundred...three..." Ye Zhiyu almost breathed and muttered unbelievably, "How can it be? This is so incredible..."

"Predict the future, huh? A body that won't die even if it is seriously injured? Dead soldiers and countless human experiments may create incredible things every second... What else is impossible in your life?" A Yue Liangliang opened his mouth and said for a pause before saying again, "Let's put my business aside first. Regarding that Mo teenager, I need your strength."

...She knows...

The girl in front of her who claims to be 130 years old actually knows everything about her? Did Ye Jundian tell her?

No... Ye Jundian doesn't know Ah Xun's so-called ability to "predict the future"... But how did this woman know?

A Yue looked at Ye Zhiyu's absent-minded face and couldn't help sighing. She knew that she should not have told her so early.

"A few years ago, someone asked me to make an imitation prosthesis. The design was very interesting and the price was very cost-effective, so I took this task. It's just that the owner of that arm seems to want to kill me now. Since you can't explain deeper things about yourself to her, just change the topic. This is exactly what she wants, isn't it?

Sure enough, it was not as expected by A Yue. Ye Zhiyu's eyes gathered in an instant after listening to her last sentence and shot at her: "So, Mo is also waiting for an opportunity to assassinate you now?"