The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 240 A thrilling scene on the National Day tour

The weather was particularly sunny on the day of the National Day tour. Ye Zhiyu didn't go to the scene at all. He squatted at home to eat noodles while eating. Don't feed a piece of ice cubes lying on his body.

This one-year-old boy has been weaned and can eat something soft. Because Miss Ye loves noodles, her little ice cubes obviously don't have a happy mouth. She is always forced by her mother to feed noodles. At least Miss Ye is also a skilled person, and she doesn't feel ashamed to abuse such new tricks every day.

"Look, that's your father."

Although Li Shen's matter happened to Red Blade, the Military Commission soon received instructions from the General Political Bureau, and finally transferred two drivers from other military regions. Qu Xiangtian, as the largest head of the imperial armed forces, will naturally attend.

Under the sun, the man's slender figure wears a military uniform with edges and corners, his eyes are dark, his resolute eyebrows are full of domineering, and his lips are tight, and the temperament cultivated by the person who has been in a high position all year round is vivid on this man's body, and his breathtaking face makes him able to be ranked even in the crowd. At a glance, Ye Zhiyu couldn't help sighing in his heart that this man was indeed a demon scourge.

The camera just passed by and did not stay on Qu Xiangtian's body for too long. Soon, the aerial camera focused all its attention on the neat parade.

In the sea, land and air, the three-color military uniforms are arranged in a square array, and all the kicking arms are even accurate to the angle, as if they have been set up precision instruments one by one. Looking at the magnificent momentum, it can be conveyed to Ye Zhiyu's side through the TV even if they are not on the scene.

Ye Zhiyu stared for several seconds before turning his head to look at his son. At this moment, the little man lying on his leg was looking at her with bright eyes. Miss Ye felt as if she saw a kind of nymphomaniac contempt in her son's eyes.

"..." The chopsticks stretched into the bowl and had to clamp the face again. As a result, this time her son was unwilling to open his mouth to cooperate. Miss Ye looked at him helplessly, looked at the wall clock on the wall, and finally gave up, put the face on the table aside and picked up her son.

When the little guy was born, he was seven catties and nine taels, which was light in boys. Now even if he is almost one year old, he is still holding it in his arms like feathers. Even if he is always the little cool guy who doesn't like to laugh, whenever he picks up the child, Ye Zhiyu still feels soft in his heart.

"Mommy can tell you that mommy is going to work later. You stay well. If you are hungry, don't cry. Mommy won't feed you."

Miss Ye was just joking, thinking that the little radish head must not understand. Unexpectedly, she was about to get up as soon as she took her son aside, but the corner of her clothes was caught.

He lowered his head and followed his chubby little hand and saw his son's dark and bright eyes like Mo Yu.

It's terrible to see her mind. This big and small one is really a disaster...

"Baby, let go, mommy is going upstairs to work."


She persuaded, but this time it was strange. The little ice cube was rarely extremely stubborn and refused to relax. The little meat fingers tightly grasped the corner of Miss Ye's clothes. The latter stared at the former silently for a long time. Finally, he picked up his son in the air and walked to the second floor.

It doesn't matter. My son is very good and won't disturb her work. Since he wants to stick to her, let him stick to her.

Since the last time Brother Xuan dropped a bomb on the Qu family to kill Xun and blew up the house into ruins, Qu Xiangtian simply turned the new study into a computer room when rebuilding.

More than 20 display screens are placed on several computer tables at a specific angle. Because of the angle problem, as long as Ye Zhiyu sits in the middle, she can see nearly half of the display screens at a glance, which means that she can manipulate 20 computers at the same time, and the CPUs of all computers have been processed. Now The equipment level of the computer room at home is almost close to the level of the core command room of a small armed organization.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhiyu took the initiative to loosen her clothes after her baby arrived here, and the light in her black eyes flashed, which made her raise her eyebrows slightly.

Except for the floor of the master bedroom, the other rooms are covered with a layer of deer blankets, which are soft and suitable for the son to crawl around and play. Although the little guy is not very active, he usually stays in his room.

Ye Zhiyu carefully put his son on the deer blanket, and the little guy quickly climbed to a computer host on the ground and babbling.

"This is a computer." Ye Zhiyu couldn't help squatting over and smiling.

The little guy looked back at her incomprehensiblely and turned his attention to the computer host.

Miss Ye was very relieved when she saw her son's curiosity and didn't say anything. This son is a little bit like her.

Suddenly recovered, Miss Ye looked at the time. The light wave at the bottom of her eyes changed slightly, so she ignored her son and sat straight in front of the computer. Her fingers moved quickly on the keyboard. Her flying fingers were like butterfly wings that wanted to flap their wings and fly, and the bottom of her eyes were extremely focused light spots.

After logging into the Tianyan program, more than 20 computer displays showed pictures of the National Day tour. At different angles, some were gathering people, some were armed security guards, and some were patrol teams, and Ye Zhiyu quickly located the man sitting on the rostrum.

Men are already middle-aged, but the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes are not obvious. Today, the man wears a black suit, under a champagne-gold tie, and the obsidian on his collar is shining. This man has eyebrows that are too similar to Bai Shudi, but his eyes are deep and thick like muddy swamps after rain.

Ye Zhiyu looked at the white political commissar on the screen and raised a sneer.

Dial the phone in his hand, and through the Bluetooth headset, Ye Zhiyu whispered, "I have already looked at it."

On the other side, a calm male voice responded to her: "I got it, I'm ready here."

On the display screen in the upper left corner, a team of five silver planes took off at a very fast speed, rose in the air, and then dived. The roar of the engine cut through the cloud air and rolled up the colorful flight trajectory.

This is part of the flight tour. The crowd on the ground burst into cheers, and the clear sky is as bright as if this day should have been used to commemorate and celebrate.

At this time, somehow, there were only four of the five planes that rushed out of the clouds. At first, they were not noticed. Gradually, some people found this unusual thing, and the crowd on the ground began to **.

Ye Zhiyu, sitting in front of the computer screen, raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the part that should have been the position of the fifth plane rising like black smoke.

The man locked on the screen could not see the expression from the satellite image she entered. He only knew that the other party seemed to stand up in panic with the people around him, and then quietly took out the mobile phone in his pocket with unnoticing movements.

With the man's movements, Ye Zhiyu's hands also crackled.

On a screen in the upper right corner, there is a map-like picture that seems to be a black-and-white image. On it, a red line is emitted from the locked red dot. The line is very responsible. It twists and turns several times, and finally stops somewhere and does not move.

At the same time, a large paragraph of English characters popped up on the screen, like a string of addresses.

"I tracked it."

"Received." Replying to her voice is still calm and powerful, with a meticulous and rigorous taste.

The crowd on the ground is already in a panic at this moment. From the satellite image, it looks like a mess. Many people have taken out their mobile phones to film the major accident of this National Day air tour. Some people even began to scream, as if they were worried that the falling plane would hit themselves and rampage in the crowd.

This panic spread at a very fast speed, and the crowd in the whole area began to riot. The chaotic situation was obviously a stampede.

The people on the rostrum seemed to be panicked at this moment. Many security personnel had gathered quickly as if to stabilize the crowd, and the guards also rushed to the rostrum, which was quite large. Ye Zhiyu raised his eyebrows and sat in front of the screen, looking at the silver bright spot reflecting the sunlight between the clouds on the screen, and the corners of his lips gently hooked up.

"Look!!! That plane is fine!"

"Oh, where?!!"

"It's really okay! It's okay!!"

The silver plane is like a majestic warrior, dazzling in the sun. The tail of the plane was rolled with red clouds and smoke, fixed behind it, dived, and then turned 360 degrees and flew in the clouds. The movements were complex and elegant, which showed that its driver's excellent driving standard.

Finally, after a series of actions, the silver plane drew an extremely beautiful arc in the sun and quickly returned to the original team, and the red spray it left behind looked carefully at the four words "Shenzhou China", like cursive script, outlining the dragon and snakes indiscriminately, quite a bit of everyone's madness.

The rostrum had long been calmed, and the chaotic crowd seemed to realize that this was just an arranged performance. After a long time of shock, loud cheers broke out again and order was quickly restored.

Ye Zhiyu took a breath a little. Just now, she didn't notice it. At this moment, she had pinched a thin layer of sweat in her hand.

He stared at the man locked on the rostrum and still couldn't see his face clearly, but he could clearly feel the aura that the other party seemed to be in an extremely bad mood.

Ye Zhiyu looked at the man for a moment, and his eyes were shining brightly.

He bent his lips and looked at the man standing up in a hurry as if he was about to leave. Ye Zhiyu said softly, "He is going to escape. Ling Yaoyang, take someone to intercept him."

Reaching out and took off the Bluetooth headphones, she couldn't help looking at the handsome man sitting on the other side of the rostrum in the sun, and the cold smile on her lips finally became warm.

Well, after the mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch, he is too greedy to be, and something will happen.