The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 310 New Year!

The children were all asleep, and on the mahjong table, because of the war ignited by Su Jin, the adults spent zero in chaos.

"Since it's the New Year, we should set off fireworks, right?" Su Jin proposed. When everyone saw that the other party was finally diverted, their eyes lit up and hurriedly followed the good inducement, led by Ye Zhiyu: "Yes, yes, I bought a lot on purpose."

"Well, why don't you take it out quickly?"

Seeing that Su Jin really was no longer obsessed with the victory or defeat of mahjong, even Qu Xiangtian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Ye Zhiyu came downstairs with a bag in his left and right hands, everyone found that her so-called "bought a lot" was really not an exaggeration.

"I bought fireworks, and I also bought a lot of fairy sticks. In addition, when I saw that some fireworks looked very interesting, I bought them together, thinking that they could be released. Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Miss Ye was inexplicably embarrassed.

Qu Xiangtian did not speak, but supported his daughter-in-law with his actions. He took the plastic bag in her hand and gave her the down jacket and scarf, and went out first.

Seeing this, everyone followed them out one after another.

When the huge fireworks bloomed in the air, the whole night sky was illuminated gorgeously. The light reflected on everyone's faces, as if to give New Year's blessings to everyone present.

The wind was a little cold. Ye Zhiyu didn't feel it because of excitement, but Qu Xiangtian was much more careful at this moment. He frowned without a trace and gathered her scarf around.

"It is said that thousands of miles live together. How good would it be if such a beautiful flower could be seen by important people thousands of miles away?" Su Jin took a breath and couldn't help sighing.

The author didn't mean to express his regret that such a beautiful thing could not be shared. However, Ye Zhiyu was the listener's intention to subconsciously reach out and gently stroke the moonstone necklace she wore on her wrist several times, and the light in her eyes was a little thicker.

Her subconscious little action did not escape Qu Xiangtian's eyes. The other party frowned slightly, but did not speak, but just hugged her hand and added a little force.

Ye Zhiyu hooked the corners of his lips and leaned against the other party, still looking at the bright light in the night.

"They have always been there." For a long time, she sighed sincerely. The words were not loud, but they were not covered by the sound of the fireworks. Both Chu Fengnan and Su Jin listened to her words in their hearts and looked slightly moved.

In a person's life, it is easy to meet and not easy to stay together. Those who have left will certainly have a place in their hearts, but more importantly, they will cherish the people in front of them.

"Why don't you talk about your New Year's wishes?" Ye Zhiyu suddenly proposed, and the first person to respond was Li Chen: "I have made up my wish! Daughter-in-law, let's have another daughter!"

Su Jin's forehead twitched, her eyes were more than her nose, and she calmly refused: "No, I want a son." But she is silently slandering in her heart. Is this daughter going to be a ghost father in the future...

Li Chen's New Year's wish was killed on the spot and was very depressed. Ye Zhiyu looked at it and sneered unjustly. Unexpectedly, Qu Xiangtian's voice came from above his head: "Well, I also want another daughter."

"..." Ye Zhiyu couldn't laugh in an instant.

Seeing this, Chu Fengnan took the opportunity to fall into the well: "I think Xiaoyu, you will be free in the future."


"She is mine, naturally not." Qu Xiangtian answered shamelessly and calmly.

"..." She sold it to him, didn't she...


"Come on, set off fireworks..."

"Xiao Yu, don't change the topic." Su Jin said.

Ye Zhiyu glanced at his friend and looked calm: "By the way, I read the first few chapters of your new book yesterday, and the heroine's secret love experience in college is very emotional."

Su Jin was stunned when she heard the words and immediately sensed the sight that Li Chen threw at her. She couldn't help smiling bitterly, but just shook her head with her fate, "Come here... set off fireworks..."

So, the fireworks also ended in a chaotic situation.

"I said, it's really perfunctory to stay up for the New Year once a year." Ye Zhiyu took a shower and climbed up in his pajamas. Although the bed sounds like regret, there is no regret in the tone, but it is quite unpredictable.

Thinking of Duanmuyu and Dieyin, who slept earlier than the child, she couldn't help sighing gently. Those two people...

"Isn't it good?" Qu Xiangtian stretched out his hand and took her directly into his arms. Her nose was full of her light fragrance and couldn't help floating.

Qu Xiangtian is naturally a bold and capable action style. Mo raised his eyebrows and rudely pressed Ye Zhiyu directly under his body, and his dark pupils looked deeper and deeper in the night.

hooked his lips and said in a low voice, "In this case, let's do something memorable before going to bed."


In the following words, Ye Zhiyu had no chance to say it.

As for the two people Ye Zhiyu was still thinking about a second ago, they actually didn't fall asleep.

At this moment, Duan Muyu is sitting in the light and looking at the latest issue of the medical journal. There is a pair of rimless glasses on the glasses, which look a little less sharp than usual, but a little more gentle. Even the cold eyes are stained with a faint soft light because of the refraction of the yellow table lamp, which is as quiet as a sculpture. I don't know. How long have you been sitting here?

He didn't have any secrets when he went back to his room, but he was simply not used to it.

Over the years, he likes to live in seclusion and is used to being quiet. Agutai doesn't like to talk. Sometimes, he may forget when he last opened his mouth.

However, since he met Ye Zhiyu, especially Dieyin, he had to adapt to the noisy environment for him. At first, he was forced, but later he really began to find that even he would be lonely after living alone for a long time. After being with these people, he will even have a sense of responsibility similar to that of his elders.

This is why he did not stubbornly refuse Ye Zhiyu's invitation to the party this time. However, on the one hand, he will still be a little tired if he really has to deal with so many people for a long time. That's why he left early. Besides, he doesn't play mahjong.

Put down his glasses and gently rubbed his eyebrows. Duan Muyu put down the magazine in his hand and got up to pour water.

The kettle was next to the bathroom door. Before his hand could touch the handle of the kettle, he heard the bathroom door open with a "click" sound, and then an unbearable aura rushed out.

Duan Muyu's hand reaching out to the handle of the pot couldn't help trembling, but on the surface, he pretended to pour water calmly.

However, Duanmuyu is still too naive.

Even if he deliberately ignored it, the temperature behind him still made his body tremble suddenly, and the water in his hand immediately spilled out a lot, and naturally poured on the back of his hand.

Water is freshly boiled boiling water. The temperature made Duan Muyu frown, but because of the existence of the people behind him, he did not take the next emergency treatment steps.

Obviously, some people deliberately wanted to cover up the matter, but the attempt did not escape the sharp sight of the people behind them.

"What are you doing..." Duan Muyu looked at the man who saw the back of his hand grabbing the thin *, and his eyebrows seemed to be unhappy, but a deep dark light flashed in his eyes.

Some rough tongue scratched the scalded skin, and the touch inexplicably makes people think a little.

He searched for the gap and said seriously, "Help you deal with the burn."

"The correct way to deal with it is to rinse with cold water... and then..."

"Mys is more effective."

said vaguely, and the action suddenly stopped, and there was a little unpredictable light in the faint obsidian-like eyes. He squeezed his lips and seemed to smile. From the perspective of Duan Muyu, it looked particularly confusing.

Therefore, Duanmuyu just snorted coldly from his nose and did not continue to speak.

And because of his indulgence, the man's "treatment of the wound" went all the way to the shoulder blades. After a while, the two had moved to **.

The limbs are intertwined, the ambiguous gasp, and the room is soon full of hormones...

The night was very dark, and there was no light in the room. The cigarette between Duanmu Yu's fingertips flashed with a clear and extinguished dark light, and the smoke was faintly visible.

The man's pupils are deep and thick ink, reflecting the red light in the center, as if he fell into meditation.

I don't know how long he has maintained this posture. The man around him seems to be sleeping deeply after several fierce confrontations between the two, but he can't sleep anyway.

At this moment, the man who should have been asleep behind Duan Muyu suddenly opened his eyes, and his pale brown pupils were as clear as a mirror, and there was no need to wake up.

"To be honest, I have never liked the smell of smoke."

Hearing the sudden sound behind him, Duan Muyu was obviously stunned, but he was not too stunned: "If you don't like the smell of smoke, go back to your room to sleep." Although the relationship between the two is well known, Ye Zhiyu and Qu Xiangtian still prepared separate rooms for them.

Duanmuyu said this in a bad tone, but silently extinguished the cigarette butts.

"Sleep." Dieyin's voice was very soft, as if with a smile.

Duan Muyu still didn't move when he heard the words. The stiff back looks like a silent sculpture in the dark.

Yi turned over and seemed to be ready to sleep alone, but after a while, he said leisurely again: "When you wake up, I must still be there. I promise."

Duan Muyu was stunned when he heard the words, and some emotions seemed to flash in his eyes, and then cursed "psycho" angrily, but he obediently lay down and closed his eyes. The man lying beside him still closed his eyes, but when he heard the movement around him, the corners of his lips couldn't help raising slightly.

This sleep until dawn.