Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

81 Another base 3

"What do you mean?" Liu Xiao and others were a little stunned. Obviously, they did not want to go to war with them, but wanted them to kill her directly.

The woman stretched her arm, the tube inserted on it trembled, and then smiled bitterly, "It's very simple. I want to die."

Niu Ren raised his eyebrows: "Since you want to die, why don't you come by yourself?"

Don't blame Niu Ren for being cold-blooded. Now they are in the enemy's cave, and the one in front of them is called the king-level killer. If what the other party says suicide is a trap, it will be very dangerous for them.

The woman is indeed smart from time to time. She immediately saw through Niu Ren's idea, sighed and said, "If I can commit suicide, do I still have to wait for so long?

Listen, this underground base itself is not as simple as it seems. What I want to tell you is that after going down from here, it is the real main part of the base.

In a sense, this base is itself a creature, a creature wrapped in rocks and metals.

And the entrance is the mouth of this creature.

Of course, these have little to do with me. Now let's talk about the relationship between this creature and me.

This creature itself has no wisdom. It is more like an artificial single-celled creature, but once there is an intelligent transformation, it can set up in the central control center through X organization, and send orders to each layer of intelligent transformation to manage the killer.

is also the reason, so Organization X collectively calls us managers.

In the early stage of manufacturing, managers considered the problem of suicide, so they transplanted biochemical chips in our brains, and countless terms and constraints were implanted inside the chip, and the prohibition of suicide was one of them.

So, if our managers want to die, there is only one way to be killed.

So please, no matter what, please kill me before you leave.

"So that's it. No wonder I always felt that this base was a little wrong before. It turned out to be this reason." Liu Xiao suddenly realized when he heard the woman's explanation.

Originally, Liu Xiao had doubts when he entered the base.

The strength of Tal Star people is biochemical technology, and the base here is not built with biochemical technology, but gold buildings, which is inconsistent with the consistent style of Tal Star people, so since he entered the base, he has always been suspicious.

But if it is true as this woman said, then all the problems will be solved.

"Awesome, let's listen to her. Some people live far more painful than death. As she said, she is no longer human.

Now she is just a living tool, and there is no choice, a living prop for aliens. Liu Xiao stopped Niu Ren, who wanted to continue to question, from saying.

Niu Ren, who just wanted to continue to question, was stunned and then slowly retreated.

"Thank you. As long as I pull out the pipe behind me, my life will be over." Although she talked about her own death, the woman was not sad, but had a calm feeling.

Yes, a woman's heart has never been as peaceful as today. Since she was arrested here, she has been transformed into a living machine with biochemical technology, which makes it difficult for her to let go, who was lively and beautiful in her life.

nodded, Liu Xiao stretched out her hand and pulled off the pipe behind her. The woman's body twitched twice, with a satisfied smile, and slowly closed her eyes.

The woman's body quickly lost its former luster and dried up and weathered at a very fast speed, becoming a pile of gray-white powder in a blink of an eye.

"Let's go. If you don't go, there will be a large number of killers." After saying that, Liu Xiao took the lead and walked forward, and at the same time, his heart, which originally hated the Tal people, became heavier.

The other four people were also silent. The reason why they originally followed Liu Xiao was because of their duty, and the other was also curious about these so-called aliens.

As for dealing with aliens, in fact, most of them were a little disapproving at the beginning.

In their opinion, since the alien has lived on the earth for a long time, it is naturally impossible to do anything harmful to earthlings.

However, now they are shocked by what they see in front of them.

No matter who the girl was before, she should not be treated so inhumanly.

It is unforgivable for them to use human beings as a tool.

All this happened very briefly, but it made Niu Ren and others feel more serious than before and treated the Tal people in an unusual way.

As Liu Xiao said before, the purpose of the Tal people is to colonize the ball, and once such a life that ignores the dignity of life on earth and uses human beings as tools occupies the earth, the dark era will come from now on.

It is precisely because they saw the shadow of the darkest era of human beings in the girl who was desperate for death that they have never felt the burden on their shoulders as heavy as they are now.

Of course, Liu Xiao felt the change in the mood of several people, but he didn't know the heavyness in their hearts, so he turned his head and asked, "I said, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly become silent?"

Niu Ren looked at Liu Xiao and did not answer his question, but asked in turn, "Brother Liu, don't you feel heavy?"

Is it heavy? There are some things that can't be described as heavy. Liu Xiao sighed a little, but what he said was not what Niu Ren and others thought, but sighed about the extremely dark history of human beings.

How can such a history of slavery, such a dark day, and such an era of complete loss of dignity be told with heavy words?

The water girl patted Niu Ren on the shoulder and shook her head: "We just need to continue to do what we should do."

After that, the group was silent again. It was not until they came to the real entrance that Niu Ren and others were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The real entrance, as the woman said before, is a huge mouthpiece of a creature.

This mouthpiece is very much like the mouthpiece of the seven gill eel, but the difference is that the teeth in this "door" are not as gentle as the seven gill eel, but as sharp as a knife, like a clump of sharp razors.

"Is this the so-called entrance? But in this case, how do we get into its body? Although Niu Ren and his old men were not as disgusted as water girls, they were also numb and felt a burst of timirium.

Liu Xiao reached out and grabbed a knife-like tooth, pulled it desperately, and uprooted it.


There was a slight vibration from the ground. Obviously, Liu Xiao's behavior made this huge creature feel pain, so Liu Xiao had to stop his movements and give up the crazy idea of pulling teeth for it.

Liu Xiao pressed the mouth device outside the creature** at the entrance with both hands, and the frost force suddenly launched, freezing the whole mouth device, and Liu laughed in a space like a slide in the middle.

After finishing everything, he took the lead in entering the slide, and then Niu Ren and others also followed. A group of people kept moving forward quickly in the slide, while Liu Xiao kept releasing the frost power in the front, sealing countless sharp teeth in the biological cavity.

Soon, the group reached the bottom, opened a huge bone door, and entered the real base.

The ground inside the base is not what people think, but like the normal ground, but the careful water girl and others quickly found evidence as evidence in the organism.

"The ground looks like an ordinary cement floor, but if you look carefully, this is not cement at all, but a kind of bone." The flying knife pried a small piece on the ground with a knife and picked it up for everyone to see.

Liu Xiao looked at the relatively loose gray-black ground and said, "The intracavity periosteum is rare. It should be a genetic mutant induced by genetic technology. It is indeed a Tal star with outstanding biochemical technology. It seems that it is right this time. It is absolutely won the prize. Maybe you can catch a few Tal people back."

Although Liu Xiao's words were a little joking, everyone was deeply convinced.

If this trip can grab a few... without a few, even if a Tal star goes back, even if it is not a living body, it will be the biggest achievement of the trip.

"There is an intersection in front of here. You can reach the destination no matter which one you take, but the road on the left is the barracks, and the road on the right is painted with a beast head. I think it is likely to be a concentration of killers, so we still take the middle road." Niu Ren stared at the map in the system library and expressed his opinion.

Liu Xiao frowned and thought, "It's safer for us to walk the barracks. Although the road in the center does not look dangerous, the more it is, the more dangerous it often indicates great danger, so I suggest that the road on the side of the barracks is more reliable."

Everyone studied it and finally decided to adopt Liu Xiao's opinion.

The difference between the road is very obvious. On one side where the killers are concentrated, there is no dark light.

The road in the center is very soft and looks very comfortable.

And the route of the barracks is much darker.

Liu Xiao and others walked all the way and quickly entered the area of the barracks. However, what they had not been able to record was that the soldiers here seemed to be ordinary. At least for a long time, they did not see the existence of a soldier.

"Dill... the genetic evolution time is over, and it begins to enter the awakening period."

Suddenly, when Liu Xiao and the others rushed to surprise, an electronic synthesis sounded, and then they heard the sound of something bursting in the barracks, and then a group of bare soldiers came out stiffly.


The first soldier to find Liu Xiao and others, made a howl that was far unmatched by human beings, and rushed to Liu Xiao crazily.


Liu Xiao showed no mercy, punched the other party's chest, then grabbed his wrist, turned him up, and fell to the soldiers who followed him.


The soldier screamed strangely and was stimulated by the smell of blood that drifted away. The four soldiers in front of them grabbed the body that flew over and tore it into four pieces. They grabbed it and put it on their mouth and nibbled it crazily.

The other soldiers obviously did not have time to grab it, but they also scrambled to squat on the ground and ate the internal organs that flowed all over the ground.


The water girl was the first to stand this kind of scene and spit out something she had eaten before, even soup and water.


Then, Liu Xiao and others spit out because they didn't know whether it was really disgusting or because of infection.


Because of the sound of vomiting and the smell of vomit, the soldiers put down their things in their hands, turned their heads and rushed to Liu Xiao and others.


The flying knife wiped its mouth, and countless flying knives flew out and shot into the bodies of these crazy soldiers mercilessly.


A soldier grabbed the handle of the knife inserted into his body, pulled it out, put it under his nose and sniffed it, then stretched out his tongue and licked the blood stains on the knife, and then excitedly put his finger into his wound, constantly digging flesh and blood, and swallowing it crazily.

"There is no reason, only fighting instinct, but you can't distinguish between the enemy and your own flesh and blood, just like a complete killer.

Or to be more precise, it should be a semi-finished product in the killer's manufacturing process, or a monster that is not even a semi-finished product. While speaking, Liu Xiao punched two soldiers in a row and knocked the two soldiers who rushed up to the ground.

Niu Ren's men are also ruthless. In his eyes, these soldiers have long lost their emotions as human beings.

The old Taoist priest flew out one by one, bursting out sparks, and said, "This thing is not as good as zombies. Although zombies also eat people, they never eat themselves."

The water girl released a stream of water in the rear, pushed the approaching soldiers away, and said, "It's disgusting. You guys figure it out quickly."

Niu Ren grabbed the soldiers who attacked him and used them as weapons to repel the besieged soldiers one after another. At the same time, he said, "Be patient first. Brother Liu, did you just say that these soldiers are really killers?

This problem is very important. If it is really like Liu Xiao, then that is to say, for the Tal people, what they want is not slaves, but earthlings who can continuously provide them with raw materials for combat effectiveness through production.

In this case, I'm afraid things are not as simple as before. I'm afraid that the real purpose of these aliens to occupy the earth is the huge human race on this earth.

Liu Xiao did not expect such an unexpected discovery. Even in his time and space, history has not proved this, and even the news that Tal people used humans to create killers on a large scale has never been heard.

But after thinking about it, Liu Xiao figured out the key.

The Tal people themselves are a very aggressive race, and their own production capacity is extremely low. They have been able to survive through continuous plunder since ancient times.

According to the research of later generations and the interrogation of some Tal people, the Tal people have been carrying out endless aggression against those races that are weaker than them since they entered the space age.

It is also because they need to constantly invade other planets, so among the Tal people, there is a drifter who is considered by them to be the greatest pioneer.

This kind of drifters will board starships and explore stars when they are minors, and their purpose is to find those resource-rich planets.

When Liu Xiao thought of this, a cold sweat suddenly appeared on his head, and then frowned and said, "I don't think it can be wrong. First of all, these soldiers have lost their human nature. In fact, they have lost their ability to speak. They only gave birth to a fighting instinct and extremely bloodthirsty fury.

I think these are the same as those killers, so I judge that these so-called soldiers should be in the process of being transformed into killers.

Liu Xiao's expression became rare and serious: "Guys, we must completely destroy this base, even kill these people. Otherwise, once released, any consequences will not be borne by us, and it will never be what we want to see."

Although the territory here is American, in any case, everyone is an earthling. Before making sure that the United States is completely reduced to the lackey of Tal, we should try our best to ensure that they are not threatened by the Tallings.

Niu Ren and others naturally understood this truth, so they nodded and began to work harder to clean up the enemy.

Compared with the killers, these soldiers, who are not even semi-finished soldiers, are not opponents of five people at all. Even Liu Xiao practiced the power of laser light and frost without using it once and ended the battle.

"Sure enough, these soldiers can no longer be described as human beings. They don't even have fear. They knew it was death, but they rushed up one after another.

Tatar people are really a dangerous existence for human beings on earth. Niu Ren said as he washed his hands stained with green blood.

The water girl resisted the disgusting feeling and cleaned out the middle of the road with water. As for the walls surrounded by a layer of green paint, it is no longer what she needs to care about.

The road ahead is relatively calm, because the structure of this base is decentralized. The next area of this barracks seems to be a processing factory dedicated to the production of weapons and equipment.

Knowing this news, Liu Xiao and others first felt that the weapons and equipment produced there are by no means common weapons on earth, but the most likely thing is something similar to the parasitic biological weapon invented by Liu Xiao.

And Liu Xiao himself thought more about all kinds of strange skills applied by those killers when fighting with him.

He does not think that using this standard production model can produce so many kinds of killers, so he believes that the most likely problem is in this so-called weapons and equipment processing plant.

"This is the processing factory. How do we get in?" Niu Ren looked at the building in front of him in embarrassment and asked sadly.

No wonder he was worried that this so-called building was actually a huge sarcoma connecting the ground and the roof.

The dark red sarcoma is obviously not a room separated from the open space in the organism like the previous room, but itself is an organ or tissue in the organism.

Liu Xiao used the power of frost to create a huge spike, gently stab the sarcoma, looked at the ** with a foul smell in the sarcoma, and said, "This thing is likely to be some kind of mutagenic liquid, or it should be some kind of virus here. The virus should allow those previous soldiers to undergo genetic mutagenesis after completing the initial transformation.

And this should be one of the reasons for the large variety of killer forms.

I even suspect that this mutation itself is probably uncontrollable, otherwise we won't see so many kinds of killers.

Fei Dao nodded and said, "I agree with Brother Liu very much. After all, he is an expert in biochemistry."

The water girl nodded: "The little brother of the Liu family is right. I can clearly feel this thing. It contains extremely terrible power. And I personally think that even so many soldiers who can survive and become killers under this ** should be one or two, and the rest are likely to die directly under this **.

"There is no doubt about this, otherwise we wouldn't have met killers so much. But in any case, this behavior of the Tal people can never be forgiven. Niu Ren's voice was very calm, but everyone who knew him knew that the more so, the more it showed that this person had broken through the bottom line of patience and was really angry.

"Destroy this sideways and keep something harmful after all." After saying that, Liu Xiao's laser light instantly cut off the fibrous objects connecting the ceiling and the ground.

With the cut off of the fibrous object, a stream of unpleasant ** gushed out from the incision.

Liu Xiao frostbite the incision with frost power at the first time, while the old Taoist priest threw a fire charm on the sarcoma.


The sarcoma itself seems to be very still. As soon as it comes into contact with the flame, the burner is burning.

As the outside of the sarcoma was burned, a foul smell rushed out, and then a stream of pus-like ** flowed out, and as soon as this ** encountered a flame, a burst of spark splashed out around.

Liu Xiao and others watched quietly until the flame completely extinguished and a pile of dark green glass-like objects on the ground continued to move forward.

As he walked, Niu Ren frowned and suddenly asked, "Have you noticed that when the flames were burning, there was no killer coming to investigate? This seems to be unreasonable."

The old Taoist priest who never talked much said, "No, in fact, they have come a long time ago, but they have not come forward, but are constantly gathering, as if they want to catch us all."

"No way? Don't the killer act only on instinct and wildness? The water girl was shocked. You know, the reason why the killers they met could be solved is because of the small number.

If the killer attacks themselves and others in groups, even if they are not killed, they must at least take off a layer of skin.

Liu Xiao frowned and swept around with his spirit and found that, as the old Taoist priest said, the killers were gathering in an orderly manner and seemed to be waiting for the order to attack.

"It seems that the managers at this level are not as friendly as the previous one." Liu Xiao said while withdrawing his spiritual strength.



Two fire charms suddenly exploded, and two killers approaching were lifted out in an instant.

At the same time, on the other hand, four killers quickly attacked this side.

The flying knife waved in his hand, and the flying knife drew an arc to let the first killer attack the second one. However, surprisingly, the flying knife suddenly drew a U-shaped on the way, flew back, and suddenly inserted the first killer that was unexpected.

The first killer was obviously not a defensive killer, so he fell to the ground with a scream.

And the flying knife seemed to foresee this situation. The second, third and even fourth and fifth flying knives fell from the air one after another and suddenly nailed the tail of the first killer to the ground.


With a loud noise, Niu Ren cooperated seamlessly. At the moment of the knife, he rushed up. At this time, he grabbed the tail of the killer nailed to the ground, used it as a weapon, and directly hit the three killers who came later.


On the other side, Liu Xiao's figure flashed and lured the two killers to a narrow area. Suddenly, it flashed out and created a huge ice wall at the exit. At the same time, the water girl's power was launched, and the narrow space was filled with water. Then Liu Xiao used the power of frost to freeze the whole space, and the two killers This is temporarily frozen in the huge ice.

sealed the two killers, Liu Xiao and the water girl did not dare to delay and immediately turned around to support Niu Ren and the flying knife.

Because there are too many runes, the old Taoist priest can suppress it alone for the time being, so Liu Xiao's first choice is to support Niu Ren.


Seeing that a killer's stabbing fist was about to hit Niu Ren's body, Liu Xiao quickly flashed and blocked the front.

Although he did not suffer any harm, he was punched by the other party and bombarded Niu Ren and Liu Xiao together.


Seeing a killer chasing him, a frost ray swept over Liu Xiao's eyes and froze the killer's feet on the ground.

Due to the sudden freezing, the killer who had no time to stop fell to the ground in an instant because of inertia.

At the same time, Liu Xiao's body flashed and appeared in front of the fallen killer, holding his head and sealing his head in ice.

At this time, a huge spiritual knife cut down with the roaring wind and cut off the killer's head.


Liu Xiao, holding the guardian's head, smashed it fiercely to the killer who attacked the water girl like throwing a baseball, but because the other party dodged, it hit the wall not far away.

"Kah... Boom..."

A flash of lightning split the killer who escaped the "puck" and continued to attack the water girl and fell to the ground.

Just as it was about to get up, it was only entangled by a stream of water released by the water girl, and a strong water pressure instantly deformed its feet, and it was still constantly twisted and deformed.


Suddenly, an invisible killer appeared on the ceiling, opened his mouth, and a laser light shot at the water girl.


Fortunately, Liu Xiao found that a frost ray changed the trajectory of the laser light in time, but even so, the laser light still penetrated the water woman's right arm.

Fortunately, the water girl herself is very resilient, and she still has Liu Xiao's special medicine in her hand, so she recovers as before in the blink of an eye.

"It's so dangerous!" Although the water girl escaped the disaster, she still patted her chest with fear and looked at Liu Xiao gratefully.

Liu Xiao did not dare to be careless and immediately opened his spiritual strength, and his figure kept appearing in all corners of the battlefield, attacking those killers with stealth ability.


Suddenly, there was a heavy breathing sound in the distance, and Liu Xiao looked over solemnly.

"Let's solve these killers in front of us quickly. There are great things coming." While Liu Xiao spoke, he punched a frozen invisible killer and then ran to the other one.

Obviously, the stealth killer's speed and defense are extremely low due to their stealth ability, so they have become the easiest target to kill in the whole battlefield.


The old Taoist priest accelerated the throwing speed of the Fu, and the continuous explosions drowned the five killers who rushed over in an instant.

However, the old Taoist priest himself also knows that although such an explosion can stop the other party's action, it cannot cause substantial damage.

So, he gritted his teeth, took out a dark green charm from his arms, and threw it out with words in his mouth.


With a loud noise, dark green smoke rose around the five killers.

As the smoke dissipated, the five killers stood up, as if half drunk, constantly spinning in place, and dark green blood flowed out of their bodies.


The killer suddenly coughed crazily, and then spit out a big mouthful of dark green blood, followed by his body like swinging half, trembling.

"Damn it, old Taoist priest, you are finally willing to use that charm. It's not easy." As the flying knife attacked, his eyes widened and said in surprise.

The old Taoist priest cried and said helplessly, "It's urgent. In the precious charm, it's not as important as life."

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Liu Xiao, who doesn't know why, really doesn't understand. Is it just such a charm? As for the old Taoist priest's face like his dead father?

"Ha, you don't know that the rune was left by the old Taoist master when he solved it, and it is said that because the required materials no longer exist, it is also an out-of-print rune." Niu Ren said without looking back during the attack.

Liu Xiao punched the nearby killer and asked, "What do you need, so precious?"

The old Taoist sighed: "In fact, it's not impossible to find, it's just too rare. My master said that what is missing in this rare charm is the bones of ancient beasts. Alas... In this era, where to find this thing?

Liu Xiao was stunned and was blown away by a killer in an instant. Fortunately, he was covered with metalized muscles, so he immediately stood up and continued to join the regiment. At the same time, he laughed and said, "I thought it was something precious. As long as you want, I'll give you as much as you want."

"Really? I can tell you, don't lie to me. I'm serious about this." The old Taoist priest's excited face turned red, as if he had drunk a jar of old wine.

Liu Xiao grabbed the head of a killer, and a scorching laser cut off the killer's head, and then said, "Of course it's true. I went back to the base of the Tal people, but I found the genetic fluid of the ancient giant shark.

With this thing, it is not a problem for you to raise an ancient giant shark at home, not to mention the bones of the ancient giant shark.

"Damn it, is this okay? That's great. Hurry up, finish cleaning up the matter here, quickly go back to kill the ancient giant shark, and then give me the bones. The old Taoist priest suddenly became excited, and the charm in his hand was thrown out desperately. Suddenly, the killers complained bitterly. Although they would not be killed, they were forced to retreat repeatedly and could not organize effective attacks.

Liu Xiao killed a killer with ice rays again: "I'm dizzy. Just to get a bone, you kill a giant shark. What do you think?

I mean, just copy the components of the ancient giant shark skeleton and then apply these things directly to your rune making, right?

"Can this...does this work?" Old Taoist priests are more traditional in this regard. After all, few people in the world dare to try the combination of science and technology and practice.

Liu smiled and said, "Of course. This is copied according to its genetic chain. It can be said to be exactly the same. How can it not?

Besides, even if it doesn't work, it will be enough to copy a living body at that time.

"That's right, so try it." The old Taoist priest agreed. After all, no one is willing to kill, so it's better to avoid it.

After a while, everyone had felt a slight tremor on the ground, but Fortunately, the last killer had been killed by them. At this time, they were sitting on the ground and restoring the energy in their bodies.

The water power of the water woman played a role at this time, making everyone's recovery speed more than three times that of normal.


The heavy breathing sound can be clearly heard without even using mental strength, but everyone's energy has recovered, so they are waiting one after another.


The huge cry filled the whole channel, and Liu smiled and looked at the huge monster in front of him.

This is a huge crocodile-like monster. The only difference is that it should have been a protuberance on the surface of the crocodile, but now it has become a small crocodile head.

"The crocodile with a strap?" Liu Xiao's heart suddenly broke out.

The so-called strap crocodile was found by the consortium in an underground base in Talxing in the final war to liberate the earth. At that time, the base was very similar to the base where Liu Xiao was now, both in an independent island.

The original body of this crocodile is through the fusion of the genes of crocodiles and the genes of kangaroos, and the improvement of them to obtain a new type of combat crocodiles.

The biggest feature of this crocodile is that the original protuberance of the back has become a parenting bag, and this improved crocodile has changed from the original allogeneic fertilized animal to hermaphrodite auto-fertilization, and its fertilization speed depends entirely on the surrounding environment and its own will.

And more importantly, this kind of crocodile's teeth have extremely severe neurotoxicity.

"Be careful, the teeth of those little crocodiles on their backs are poisonous. Don't be bitten by them." While Liu Xiao put on a good posture, he loudly reminded others.

Although everyone doesn't know how Liu Xiao knew, everyone unconditionally chose to believe his words. After all, they still know what kind of person the other party is after being together for so long.


With a loud noise, Liu Xiao first punched the crocodile on the head.


With a roar, the huge body twisted flexibly, and the tail collapsed the surrounding building like a huge steel whip, and swept over Liu Xiao with unabated power.

"Frozen me." With a loud shout, Liu Xiao's feet began to release frost power, freezing the crocodile's tail in an instant.

However, it was shocking that the ice only stopped the other party in less than a second, and was shattered by huge power, and a tail twitched Liu Xiao's chest fiercely.


Like being hit in the chest by a 10,000-ton oil tanker, Liu Xiao's strong body was still blown out of blood and swept out and smashed into a metal wall in the distance.

"Brother Liu..." Niu Ren flew over and pulled Liu Xiao out.

"It's okay. This guy's power is so terrible that it doesn't seem to be tough." Liu Xiao erased the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and stared at the crocodile and said.


An electric current passed through the crocodile's body in an instant. The crocodile's body trembled twice, and several small crocodiles on its back were shaken down. As soon as these little guys fell to the ground, they immediately crawled over to Liu Xiao and others crazily.


A big fire instantly roasted these half-meter-sized small crocodiles into a pile of coke. At the same time, Liu Xiao flew forward and jumped on the crocodile's back. The frost force was launched again to cover its whole back and seal all the little crocodiles in its body.


The crocodile was extremely angry and shook its tail left and right, trying to smash the sad ice seal. However, it only smashed the ice on both sides of its body and threw it off, while the ice seal on its back did not move at all.


The crocodile screamed crazily and hit the wall next to it. In several roars, the ice on its back shattered and fell off. However, because of the relatively long time, the little crocodiles on its back had already been suffocated.