Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

82 Another base 4

The crocodile didn't care about the death of those little crocodiles. His body suddenly tightened, and the pockets without the little crocodiles on his body closed instantly, and then joined the regiment again.

Niu Ren dodged the giant crocodile's big mouth and punched the right side of its head. The crocodile's body was slightly deflected, and then there were two soft "poof" sounds on its back. Two originally closed pockets suddenly opened, and two half-meter-long crocodiles were bounced out.


Fortunately, the flying knife reacted in time. Two flying knives nailed two young crocodiles to the wall, and Niu Ren wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with palpitation.

Liu Xiao has reminded before that the little crocodile has a strong mental toxin on his teeth. Although he may not die according to his physical quality, once bitten, it will become a drag on the team, which is definitely not what he wants.

Cheer up, Niu Ren issued an order while avoiding the crocodile attack: "Water girl, withdraw from the battle and be ready to support at any time. Flying knife, pay attention to assist the attack and prevent the small crocodile from raiding. Old Taoist priest, carry out attacks and do auxiliary work at the same time. Brother Liu, let's attack together. You attack the back, and I will attack the front and seal it as much as possible.

Everyone acted according to their roles, and Liu Xiao flew up and jumped directly from the back of the crocodile.

How could a crocodile make the enemy go around behind him so easily? At this time, several small bags were opened on its back, and eight small crocodiles ejected out in an instant.

One of the tasks of the flying knife is to prevent the attack of the little crocodile, so I have been paying attention to the situation of the back of the crocodile. Therefore, the moment I saw the appearance of the little crocodile, the eight flying knives shot a series of beads, which made eight of them feel dangerous, but in the end, the eight small crocodiles that did not escape were still nailed to the ground.

Liu Xiao ignored what would happen and bombarded the right leg behind the crocodile for the first time, and then the frost force was launched to freeze the whole hind leg of the crocodile.


It seemed that the crocodile wearing an ice boot suddenly scratched its hind leg and fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Niu Ren, the flying knife, and the old Taoist priest burst into full fire, and various moves attacked the crocodile's body and head.


At the same time, the crocodile roared angrily and struggled to get up. His hind legs stamped hard on the ground, smashing the frost and broke free. While sweeping its tail at Liu Xiao, five small crocodiles crawled out of the bag on their back and crawled along the back of the crocodile in the direction of Liu Xiao.

The flying knife hand, which always paid attention to the situation, shook, and the eight-fa flying knife flew out to solve the little crocodile that was still slowly crawling on the back of the crocodile at the same time.

But what is surprising is that the sharp flying knife in the hand of the flying knife did not hurt the skin of the giant crocodile, which shows how amazing the defense of the giant crocodile is.

Suddenly, the skin of the crocodile's jaw swelled like a balloon, and then a series of water balloons were spit out by the crocodile and attacked the crowd.


A series of explosions, the attack power of the water polo is far beyond the imagination of Niu Ren and others. The moment the water polo burst out pours down above their heads like a huge waterfall. At the same time, a huge tail swept over and swept away the water curtain that exploded in the air and hit Niu Ren and the flying knife.

Because of Shuimu, Niu Ren and the flying knife, who were blocked by their sight, lost the opportunity to escape, but they could not sit back and wait to death. Instead, they attacked one after another to try to lower the tail of the attacking crocodile.

Liu Xiao's figure flashed and appeared near Shuimu. His hands reached into Shuimu to launch the frost power, freezing the huge water curtain in an instant.

Then, a column of water rose from the root of the crocodile's tail.

Liu Xiao was stunned, but then he was conscious. His figure kept flashing, freezing the pillars into icicles and sandwiching the crocodile's tail in them.

Although the icicles broke with the wave of the crocodile's tail, it also won time for Niu Ren and the flying knife.

The two people who were embarrassed to avoid the disaster looked at the broken ice everywhere behind them and wiped a cold sweat with lingering heart.


There was a slight noise, and Niu Ren and the flying knife, who had just escaped the disaster, were suddenly shocked by the scene in front of them. I don't know when the crocodile had released dozens of half-meter-long crocodiles.

At this moment, with the help of the short moment of everyone's fierce battle, they have climbed down one after another and surrounded Niu Ren and others.


The laser light in Liu Xiao's eyes first attacked, and suddenly emitted a smell of barbecue on the field.

But the good times didn't last long, and the fragrance turned into a strong burning smell.

The old Taoist priest was not willing to show weakness. The fire charm in his hand burst in the small crocodiles and suddenly turned into a sea of fire.

Flying knives and Niu Ren used flying knives and spiritually flying knives to throw them into a huge group of small crocodiles.

"Attack its abdomen, I'll attract its attention." Liu Xiao suddenly shouted, and the laser light hit its back.

The big crocodile turned the spearhead in an instant and attacked Liu Xiao, but these two guys were both rough and thick-skinned. Although Liu Xiao was beaten by the crocodile's sudden attack at the beginning, it was not serious, and now he added frost armor and directly fought with the crocodile.

Liu Xiao's pair of explosive fists completely lost their function for the first time. Although his fist did make the crocodile feel pain, it was completely harmless.

If it hadn't been for the crocodile's worthless self-esteem, I'm afraid this guy would have been too lazy to pay attention to Liu Xiao and turn around to deal with Niu Ren and others who were preparing to plan.

"It's now!" Just as Liu Xiao and the crocodile wrestled together, and the front body showed a slight gap, a flying knife wrapped in a fire charm was blown out by the flying knife.


The continuous loud noise exploded crazily under the crocodile's stomach. The huge explosive force threw the crocodile directly, rolled in the air several times, and finally fell down fiercely.

"Take the opportunity, hurry up!" While Niu Ren spoke, he was the first to rush up, grabbed the white and tender belly of the crocodile, and punched it down fiercely.

After Liu Xiao reacted, while bombarding with a jab, the laser light kept sweeping the crocodile's belly.


While the crocodile screamed sadly, its body kept twisting.

After being blown over for more than ten seconds, the crocodile finally turned over, but a pool of blood on the ground also announced that it had suffered unprecedented damage.

A half-meter-sized crocodile slipped off the back of the big crocodile, and then drilled under the belly of the big crocodile.

The big crocodile stared at the crowd to prevent their attack and rarely stayed there quietly.

However, what makes Liu Xiao and others uneasy is that the strange behavior of those little crocodiles is too strange, and combined with the super resilience characteristics of biochemical organisms, Liu Xiao and others have to be vigilant.


Some strange voices sounded, and the big crocodile suddenly roared and moved quickly. While hitting the crowd, a huge water bomb spit out to the crowd.

With the defense, the water girl immediately launched a power and detonated the water bomb directly in the air. Suddenly, a torrential rain poured down, and the cattleman and others clearly saw that on the back of the big crocodiles, at this time, many small crocodiles crawled on its back like a stacked arhat, and opened their mouths and seemed to be aiming at the crowd.

"tu tu..."

There was a sound like a shooting, and many little crocodiles spit out fist-sized drops of water like machine guns, attacking overwhelmingly.

The frost power under Liu Xiao's feet was launched in an instant, and a half-meter-thick ice wall stood in front of everyone.

Then, a crazy beating was heard. The ice wall lasted for half a minute with the enemy's attack, and finally broke up.

However, taking this opportunity, Liu Xiao and others quietly fled and ran out of the sight of the crocodile.

"Damn, the firepower is too fucking fierce. This is simply an active fortress." The flying knife wiped the water on his face and lowered his voice and complained.

Niu Ren took off his clothes, twisted it hard, and said, "What should I do now? A sneak detour? Or do you want to find a way to kill it?"

Liu Xiao shook his head and denied, "You can't escape. Although this guy's tracking ability is not the best among biochemical animals, it is not difficult to track us, but it's just a little slow in time.

And more importantly, this is only the first layer of the real base. If we are tracked down by this guy when fighting monsters like this creature on the second or third floor, we will be really dangerous.

So, we must kill it here, otherwise we can't move forward at ease.

"That's true, but how to solve those little crocodiles on its back? Can the old Taoist priest's aura shield be used? The water girl is very worried. Her lack of attack power is really a very depressing thing, but as a member of the team, it is still necessary to express her doubts.

The old Taoist priest shook his head and said, "It can be used, but the aura here is too thin. If you use it, it will last for three seconds under such fierce firepower."

Liu Xiao thought for a moment and then said, "Otherwise, I'll charge in front, build ice walls on the ground, and then you move forward under the cover of the ice wall.

But I don't know if this method works, so you'd better think about it carefully and make a decision.

Everyone frowned and finally said first: "I think it's okay to try according to Brother Liu's idea. Anyway, we don't have a better way now, so we might as well have a try."

"Try it, everyone pay attention to safety. And once it hits that guy's abdomen again this time, it must not be allowed to recover. You said with some regret.

In fact, the previous attack on the crocodile's abdomen was quite perfect, perfect in terms of timing and everyone's tactical cooperation.

The only regret is that the resilience of this belt crocodile is really amazing. It's incredible that such a serious wound can be repaired by the little crocodile so quickly.

The old Taoist priest thought for a moment and said, "I think Brother Liu's ice power can be used.

After we get rid of those little crocodiles, we will do this first..."

After the old Taoist priest's plan, everyone nodded repeatedly, thinking that this method could be tried, and there should be great hope of success.


The crocodile is constantly destroying the surrounding buildings and trying to find the hidden people, but unfortunately, Liu Xiao and others are surrounded by a layer of water shields. Although the smell is still remaining, it is not something that the crocodile can find for a while.

"Get ready, it's time to rush." While talking, Liu Xiao tightened his belt and was ready to attack.

Seeing that everyone nodded one after another, Liu Xiao's body was immediately covered with a thick layer of frost armor and then rushed out.

"tu tu..."

The crocodile found Liu Xiao's trace and immediately turned his head, and a group of small crocodiles shot like machine guns.

Liu Xiao's frost armor was constantly weakened. Fortunately, before he rushed out, he was supported by the water girl, and the energy in his body recovered very quickly, so that he could constantly regenerate the frost armor and constantly create an ice wall.

"Brother Liu's ability is really good enough. This is the real handle." While moving in the ice wall group, Niu Ren couldn't help sighing.

The flying knife cat moved sensitively with its waist. Hearing Niu Ren's words, he immediately interrupted: "Well, this is the authentic MT. All I want is two words that can resist."

Everyone laughed twice with a black line, and then continued to move forward.

"Please note that it's almost time to implement the plan." The old Taoist priest secretly showed his head from the last ice wall and looked at Liu Xiao and the crocodile who were fighting.

At this time, Liu Xiao constantly used laser light to shoot the small crocodiles on the back of the crocodile, and used the power of ice to set up ice sheets on the ground.

"It's almost done. Everyone is ready to... go!" With an order, the crowd suddenly rushed out from behind the ice wall. The water girl and the old Taoist priest went straight to the left side of the crocodile. The flying knife and Niu Ren ran to the right side of the crocodile.

According to the plan, Liu Xiao suddenly grew a huge frost shackle on the ice on the ground, which stuck the giant crocodile's neck.

Everyone knows that this frost shackle can last for only ten seconds at most, but what they need is these ten seconds.

Taking advantage of this short time, Liu Xiao jumped on the back of the crocodile against the attack of the few remaining small crocodiles, so he repeated the technique to maximize the output of the ice power and froze the whole back of the crocodile.

At the same time, the power of the water girl was activated, and a column of water rushed out from the crocodile's feet, and the powerful impact actually lifted the short legs of the giant crocodile by ten centimeters.

At this moment, an ice charm of the old Taoist priest came out and froze the water column at the foot of the crocodile.

Then, the two repeated their old tricks and immediately jumped away after freezing the other leg.

On the other side, the flying knife copied a huge metal belt with metal replication power, and wrapped the legs of the giant crocodile together with the help of Niu Ren.


The crocodile obviously knew that things were not going wrong. He was tricked by the humans in front of him, so he struggled desperately, but it was obviously too late.

Liu Xiao jumped off the crocodile's body and pressed his hands on the ground. Huge ice cones quickly drilled out of the ground and stabbed into the crocodile's abdomen.

Obviously, the attack power of the ice cone can only bring some skin trauma to the crocodile, but Liu Xiao's real intention is not to seriously injure the other party, but to overturn its whole body. At this time, everyone jumped up and began to attack the crocodile's abdomen with all their strength.

Niu Ren turned out a huge spiritual machete, followed the punctured wound, and then cut it down like a broken belly.

The old Taoist priest directly stuffed the bursts into those wounds one by one, and then detonated them one by one like a blasting expert.

The water girl took out* from her waist and kept shooting at the wound. Although it was not as exaggerated as the damage caused by several others, it was not light.

The flying knife holds two enlarged blades in both hands, one by one in the abdomen of the crocodile, and each insert leaves a metal knife on the wound, which looks like a candle on a cake.

Liu Xiao is even more direct. The laser light directly burns it into carbon along the wounds made by everyone. All the wounds along the way have been completely destroyed by it. Even if it can be recovered, I'm afraid it will take a long time. At least before the end of the battle today, it is impossible to recover.


The crocodile kept twisting its body, trying to get rid of the shackles on its body. Unfortunately, at this time, every twist brought great pain and caused its physical strength to continue to lose.

Moreover, in order to fix it, Liu Xiao had already licensed several frost shackles at the moment he turned over and fixed its head, limbs and tail on the ground. Therefore, although its struggle was fierce at this time, it was extremely difficult to break free from turning over.


While shouting again, the flying knife copied a huge metal bullet and stuffed it directly into the crocodile's mouth.

Although it is only a solid bullet ornament, it makes the crocodile suffer (of course, if he can speak).

For a whole minute, the crocodile gradually changed from the initial cry to the wailing. Now it is more breathless than the breath, dying waiting for a pair of cold eyes to look around and these human beings who killed themselves.

"Wow... it's not easy to finally kill this guy." Seeing that the crocodile finally stopped breathing, the flying knife sat down and leaned softly on the crocodile's body.

"No, this battle has been fought for at least two hours, right? It's tiring enough." The water girl said while looking at the watch on her wrist.

Liu Xiao looked at the crocodile's body on the ground, patted its body, and said, "How many pieces of leather products does such a big crocodile have to make?"

"Cough... I said Brother Liu, your family is so rich. Can you stop thinking about these things all the time? Also, find a place to wash your body quickly and talk about it after dinner. After saying that, Niu Ren pulled up the reluctant Liu smile and left tiredly with everyone.

For good, the interior of this base is big enough. They have been fighting for so long. Although many buildings have been destroyed, many of them are still well preserved.

found the storage warehouse and found some fresh vegetables and meat. After cleaning up, they threw them and seasonings directly into the pot and stewed them.

Drinking warm stew soup and delicious stews, everyone feels that the fatigue of the day has disappeared with it. It's really comfortable.

"Let's rest here today. Let's continue tomorrow." Niu Ren said after eating.

The old Taoist priest took out the map from the database of the biochemical suit and asked, "Shall we go to the general control room on the first floor or go directly to the second floor?"

Fly knife also adjusted the map, looked at it, and said, "Although I don't know why, my intuition tells me that I should go to the general control room first."

The water girl nodded, indicating that her woman's intuition was also told her.

Finally, before going to bed, everyone decided to go to the general control room.

"This place is really big enough, just like a maze." After breakfast, the group went to the general control room as planned. On the way, Liu Xiao inadvertently said the same emotion. This place is really too big.

The water girl nodded: "Yes, if it hadn't been for the map, we would have lost in this place."

The water girl is right. This place is not only large, but also the road is very complicated.

Because it is a base established in the organism, the road of the base here is completely paved according to the environment in the organism, so some places are straight roads, while others are complex curved roads, and even S-shaped roads. What's more terrible is that after the building divides the road, And there are many forks in the road, one who accidentally walks into it, I'm afraid he will really wander around here all his life.

"This is the road to the general control room, but what's wrong with this map? How does it indicate a dotted path and mark two clear paths at the same time? It's strange." Niu Ren looked at the map and said the same questions.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the original only road suddenly began to split and became two entrances. This strange change made people feel unprepared.

Not to mention the awesome people, even Liu Xiao was shocked by this sudden change, and as a biochemical expert, although he knew that this must be a physiological reaction or a strange ability of this strange creature, he did not know what was going on.

In fact, when he first saw it, Liu Xiao's first reaction was space ability, but he denied this idea in a blink of an eye. Obviously, no matter how he looked at it, it was completely close to space ability.

However, when you saw this, everyone also realized that the principle is that the three lines on the map are not marked wrong, but must be marked like this.

The dotted line is likely to be the single route you saw before, and according to everyone's analysis, it is likely that the shortest and safest route.

And now it has suddenly become two. Although the map shows that both can reach the general control room, you can understand with your feet that it may be very dangerous, at least compared with the previous single route.

Since both roads can lead to the general control room, everyone casually chose the route on the left and walked in.

This road is not a straight road, but a curved road. More importantly, Liu Xiao and others always feel that there seems to be a pair of eyes on this road, staring at themselves and others all the time.

"Do you think someone is watching us?" The water girl was the first to ask, she must determine whether it was her own illusion or whether everyone felt this way.

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at each other and nodded one after another to say that they also felt the same way.

Liu Xiao frowned and thought about it, then took a knife from the flying knife and looked around the wall.


Suddenly, Liu Xiao's knife pierced the wall, and a dark green ** flowed out of the wall. The advanced channel vibrated. The surrounding walls, tops and the ground opened countless eyes, and these eyes were flowing with tears oozing from the pain.

"Ah...what is this?" The water girl grabbed Liu Xiao's arm in horror and asked in a trembling voice.

Liu Xiao patted the water girl on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing. This is just the inner eye of this creature.

I don't know what this creature is, but I know that in the body of some biochemical animals, there is actually something like an eye. This kind of eye is called the inner eye.

The function of these inner eyes is not to see, but to hold things.

If I guess correctly, these inner eyes should be the killer, and the sight we feel should also be the killer's snoop on us.

As soon as the words fell, the eyes that had just been pierced by Liu Xiao suddenly cracked, and a killer drilled out of it and roared at Liu Xiao twice.

Then, many eyes began to crawl out of different forms of killers, and Liu Xiao and others once again fell into a battle with many killers.

However, unlike before, through these two days of cooperation, the tacit understanding between the five people has increased day by day, and the power of the battle has doubled, thus reducing a lot of pressure from the killers.

With the continuation of the battle, more and more killers began to join the battle group. However, in this relatively narrow space, the damage caused by Liu Xiao's frost power is really amazing. Often when an ice cone passes, several killers are injured. Coupled with the runes in the hands of the old Taoist priest, it is even more let to kill. The killer suffered a lot.

The flying knife in the hand of the flying knife is also sharp, specializing in attacking the weakest parts of those killers.

Everyone's speed is indeed fast enough, but when they went out, they still met the first small group of killer troops. Fortunately, they had rich experience in fighting against the killers. After a quick battle, they immediately left here and rushed to the entrance to the next floor.

The entrance of the next floor is very similar to the original entrance, but the gap here is larger and the sharp teeth are smoother, but these are not what Liu Xiao and others pay attention to. They still rely on Liu Xiao's frost power to successfully reach the second floor.

is completely different from the dense first building. The place here is extremely empty, and the space in each room is very spacious. In the room, except for a huge transparent tumor filled with green ** in the center, the rest are sophisticated instruments, and the circuits on these instruments are various. It is connected to the huge tumor.

"This is probably a place used to enhance the killer and make it by elite killers." Liu Xiao frowned and said.

Liu Xiao is too familiar with those tumors. There is a detailed introduction of this thing in the Talxing Life Science and Technology Museum.

Using the biochemical technology of Tal Star people, creatures are strengthening a special aspect. For example, in another war history in time and space, the creatures under Tal Star have been transformed into elite soldiers who can change and imitate anyone.

This elite warrior at that time made the people of the earth suffer a lot.

Even, because this elite warrior changed into the leader of the Earth's human resistance organization, it almost led to the complete destruction of resistance.

What's more frightening is that this kind of ever-changing is a real complete simulation.

Voiceprints, fingerprints, bones, iris, etc., and even DNA can be fully simulated, which is a very terrible force.

However, according to historical records, it seems that the Tal people only created such an elite warrior, which is fortunate for the people of the earth.

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly flashed through Liu Xiao's mind, but he couldn't grasp it.

"What do you think the enemy will look like here?" The water girl looked at the equipment in the room and asked in a low voice.

The flying knife stretched out its hand and shook it gently, with a disdainful face: "Cut, as long as we are united, no matter what kind of enemy, we are not our opponent."

There was a sudden enlightenment in Liu Xiao's mind, but there was a feeling that he was about to catch it, but there was only a slight difference, so he grabbed the flying knife and asked, "Flying knife, what did you just say? Hurry up and say it again."

Fly knife was very surprised, but I said it again.

"So that's it. So that's it." Liu Xiao suddenly realized what he was worried about.

Thinking about this, Liu Xiao said extremely seriously, "Next, I want to say something about this level, but it's just a guess, but I hope everyone can pay attention to it."

"Although I don't know what you are going to say, it doesn't seem to be a trivial matter that you are so serious. Say it and let everyone listen to what makes you so serious. Niu Ren was very curious. Liu Xiao, who had always been rarely serious, could talk to everyone with such an expression.

Liu smiled and said, "As the flying knife just said, if we can work together, there are not many people who can defeat us.

But, in other words, if we are provoked by others and lead to distrust among everyone, will we give the enemy the same opportunity to take advantage of it?

Feidao frowned and asked, "Brother Liu, what do you mean by this? Can we still be provoked by the enemy?

Liu Xiao did not answer directly, but asked, "Let me make a hypothesis first. If I inadvertently provoke the relationship between you and Niu Ren, will it affect the battle between you?"

Niu Ren was stunned, but although he didn't understand Liu Xiao's intention, he still thought about it carefully and then said, "It will definitely affect it. Although it is not completely believed, there will inevitably be doubts in his heart."

Feidao asked puzzledly, "Brother Liu, I believe that we are not all such people. What on earth do you want to tell us when you say so?"

Liu Xiao once again took out the diary of Tal Star as a shield and said, "Of course, I also know that everyone is not this kind of person, but if the enemy changes to our appearance and provokes everyone's relationship, can we avoid it?

In Tal Star's diary, I found that they have recorded such a kind of warrior, which is a spy warrior that can completely simulate each other, even genes.

Although there is only one recorded so far, I doubt that the spy fighter is likely to be in this base at present, and according to the description of the diary, it should be this level.

After listening to Liu Xiao's words, Niu Ren immediately frowned and said, "If this is the case, what Brother Liu said is by no means alarmist. We must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded one after another. This news is too important for them. If they don't know it, not to mention differentiation, it is never possible to be assassinated.

"First of all, we need to create a condition that we know ourselves, but the other party doesn't know at all.

The password is not reliable, so in order to be foolproof, you must find a way. The old Taoist priest said deeply.

The water girl pondered for a long time and suddenly asked, "Brother Liu's little brother, can you distinguish your mental strength?"

Liu smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, this is not recorded in the diary."

"In this case, you can't expect too much from mental strength. Can he imitate the scars on his body? The water girl continued to ask.

Liu Xiao was stunned, then thought about it carefully and said, "It seems that this can't be imitated. It is recorded that the main purpose of this imitation is mainly to imitate DNA, so the acquired scars cannot be imitated unless he deliberately made it himself."

The water girl's eyes lit up and then said, "In that case, we just need to make a mark on ourselves."

Liu Xiao patted his thigh: "Yes, I didn't expect it. Ah, by the way, I forgot to say that my genes are special, and this spy warrior can't be imitated, so I don't have to mark it.

Liu Xiao's words are telling the truth. In fact, the spy warrior can't simulate the powers of Niu Ren and others, but they can't be seen to release their powers as soon as they meet.

With a way to deal with it, everyone carved a mark on their arms, and then tied up the scars with cloth, so that the preliminary preparation was over.

Everything was ready, and everyone continued to move forward, searching each room along the way, and destroying all the instruments and equipment that could be seen, without giving the enemy Liu Xiao any trace.