Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

96 Xuanwu now

Obviously, the one-horned dragonfly did not expect that his attack not only did not cause damage to the enemy, but also killed many of its own people.

Don't think that this one-horned dragonfly has no intelligence. Its level of dragonfly has the same intelligence as that of about ten years old earthlings, so it is immediately angry by Liu Xiao's behavior.

The huge body was like a steel whip, sweeping in front of Liu Xiao in an instant.

Liu Xiao flashed and avoided the attack of the one-horned dragonfly. Then he grabbed the other party's tail and pulled it hard. At the same time, he only grabbed the dragonfly's body. The other hand suddenly clamped seven inches and shouted, "Hanqiu, open an opening."

Although she didn't know what Liu Xiao wanted to do, the white tiger sister punched the big man, then turned around and behind her. She grabbed the other party's neck with one hand, and the other hand around her armpit, gently stroked it. A huge opening appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Liu Xiao was unambiguous, and his body flashed. He directly stuffed the snake's head into the big man's wound. With a slight force on his hand, two drops of poison penetrated into his wisdom.


With a scream, the big man smashed his head on the ground, and then kept rolling on the ground, and the wound flowed a faint green**.

Everyone clearly saw that it was originally a thick green **. At this time, it was like a snake, constantly rolling and struggling at the wound, but with the continuous invasion of ink, the green was gradually infected and turned into a light green clear ** flowing out.

Liu Xiao smiled and wink at the white tiger sister. The two took advantage of the stunned star people around them and accelerated and fled the barracks in an instant.

"Why did you get this thing back?" Sister Baihu frowned, looked at the one-horned dragonfly in Liu Xiao's hand, and asked inexplicably.

Liu smiled and said, "You have also seen the effect just now. The toxin of this thing is very effective for the Tal people. We can study it and carry out biochemical imitation. Wouldn't it be more advantageous to deal with the Tal people on the battlefield?"

When the white tiger sister thinks about it, it is true. Nowadays, although it can deal with the Tal people, everyone knows that as long as the Tal people who seem to die on the battlefield are carried back, their wisdom will slowly repair their bodies over time, so their military strength has not been reduced much. But on the human side, as the war becomes more and more fierce, more and more people on earth are dying.

"Well, aren't you hurt?" The transformation master, who suddenly turned into a human body from the side, looked at the two and asked with concern.

Liu smiled and shook his head: "I'm not hurt. It's good. How about it? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, but I'm really sorry just now. My ability can't be used in combat at all, and even if it's deformed, it's just in vain." The transformation master was afraid that the two would misunderstand his escape, so he focused on explaining it.

Liu Xiao shook his head: "It doesn't matter. The purpose of our doing so is to create time for you to escape. It really makes us relieved that you can understand it."

The transformation master breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm relieved to hear you say that."

The Transformer did not rush back to the U.S. military base, but returned to the warship staying on the high seas with Liu Xiao.

"How's it going?" The captain asked eagerly.

Liu Xiao told the story in detail and said, "Although no other secrets have been explored, it is fortunate to be able to see through this conspiracy."

Everyone nodded and was deeply convinced, especially the master of deformation. He knew how the human coalition would be hit once the news came out.

Until now, when I think of this, the master of deformation is still afraid for a while and sweats coldly.

"It's just a pity this time. Now that I've been rescued, the Tal people must know that things have been exposed, so it's difficult for us to know their next plan." The transformation master felt a little pity that a great opportunity was wasted in vain.

The captain sent someone to escort the transformation master back to the U.S. military base, while Liu Xiao's soldiers rested without doing anything.

After this riot camp, I believe that the Tal people will definitely strengthen their guard against the camp. If you want to sneak into it again, I'm afraid it's not that easy.

The next day, Liu Xiao and the white tiger sister felt the front position of South Korea to help the biochemical forces fight against the enemies on the front line, and rushed back that night.

"Everything is ready. First of all, what we want to say is that someone must lure the undersea monster to win enough time for the team that installs deep-sea bombs, so this first group of people must be the best at fighting." Niu Ren looked very serious. After all, this time it is related to the opening of the sea channel and must be treated carefully.

In the end, the first group of the battle group was composed of Liu Xiao, the water girl, the old Taoist priest and the white tiger sister, while the cow man and the flying knife were responsible for transporting and installing deep-sea bombs.

"How far is it?" The water girl incarnates a water element, and it is difficult to distinguish her figure at the bottom of the water, but as she swims, a small current will ripple around her body.

Liu Xiao opened the electronic map, compared with the pictures sent back by the satellite, and said, "It's not far. It will take about two hours to get to the scheduled place."

After everyone's research, the burial site of the deep-sea bomb was selected off the coast of Japan, and in order to cooperate with the operation, the combat position selected by the battle group where Liu Xiao was located happened to become an equilateral triangle with the location of the burial site and the position of the warship group.

"It's here." After saying that, Liu Xiao took out something like a grenade, gently pressed the button on it, and then threw it to the bottom of the sea.

"Di Didi..."

A burst of buzzing spread rapidly at the bottom of the sea. After a while, countless giant monsters swam quickly on all sides.

The battle started in an instant, and Liu Xiao's spiritual power immediately condensed into a huge javelin. In front of these javelins, there were *-like walls, and in the middle of the gunhead, there were fin-like blades.


There was a soft sound, and the javelin flew quickly to the leading mountain-like sea flies.

There was no sound, and the javelin was inserted directly, and then while Liu Xiao kept throwing the javelin, the mental power in his mind suddenly moved.


There was a loud noise, and the javelin left in the monster's body burst crazily almost at the same time, while Liu Xiao didn't care and kept throwing a strange javelin.

Water girl's usual attacks are not high, and most of them are responsible for assistance, but this time it is different. This is at the bottom of the sea, almost equivalent to her world, so she can completely let go.

A stream rippled away from the water girl like a ribbon. The sea monsters felt it and avoided it one after another. Although they didn't know what harm these things could do to themselves, with their instinct, they could fully feel that once these things hit themselves, it would take a lot of thought.


Suddenly, a giant gill eel was tightly wrapped in the current and instantly thrown in the direction of the giant ray in the other direction.

The ray didn't care at all, and directly released a series of electric currents. The seven gill eels struggled for a while and gradually fainted.

The water girl's ribbon suddenly exerted strength on one side and instantly entangled the two building-like killer crabs.

Then, I saw that the bodies of the two killer crabs began to show a sense of extreme distortion. With the sound of "catch", cracks appeared on the crab shell, and then completely broken, and the two huge killer crabs completely lost their lives.

On the other hand, the old Taoist priest has long been ready for this battle. Since he came back from the base last time, Liu Xiao got him ** to replace the skeleton of the ancient beast, and he has drawn a lot of new charms.

In fact, it is a new type, but there are only some ancient and almost lost runes.

There is a rune to deal with sea beasts at the bottom of the sea, which is called the emptying charm.

The use of this emptying symbol is very simple. It discharges everything around the wrapped object except air and the object itself, forms a small independent space that can communicate with the outside world, and makes the body of the trapped person completely immobile.

However, this kind of rune also has one of the biggest shortcomings, that is, once trapped, the external attack can't attack into this small space at all, so sometimes the predecessors of the rune gate also use this rune to save themselves.

But when dealing with sea beasts in the sea, there is no need to consider these problems at all, because once trapped for long enough, sea beasts that have separated from the sea will only die.

The old Taoist priest shook his hands, and the empty symbols flew out one by one, trapping the sea beasts trying to approach one by one, especially the two huge humpback whales that mutated out of the exoskeleton, which were even two emptying symbols by the old Taoist priest.

"I'm Niu Ren. We have arrived at the scheduled place. Please hold on for two hours. Please hold on for two hours." After more than three hours of fierce struggle, Liu Xiao and others finally waited for the signal from Niu Ren.

The three suddenly refreshed, and Liu Xiao threw a seduction bullet here to firmly attract these sea beasts.

At first, the white tiger sister still relied on the continuous killing of human figures, but after killing for a period of time, she seemed to feel that she really didn't go, or the personal attack was inconvenient, so she simply restored the real body of the white tiger, which was as huge as the white tiger in the building (usually when the camel and willow smiled, it shrank), no Caring about the impact of the sea, he rushed forward and grabbed a huge hexagonal starfish. He pressed the tiger's claws and took a minute to both sides, and then a blue flame spewed out, burning the two-pointed starfish.


With a tiger roar, a burst of mental waves rippled out, and the giant beasts around suddenly panicked, but there was no escaped beast.

Taking advantage of the gap of this moment, Liu Xiao and others strengthened their offensive and destroyed six giant beasts in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the time, he suddenly withdrew: "Water girl, give me a state. I need to recover my mental strength."

There are still 30 minutes left. In these 30 minutes, Liu Xiao must design an escape route and avoid unnecessary battles as much as possible.

Although Liu Xiao and they killed hundreds of sea beasts in a few hours, these numbers are not even a penniper compared with the tens of thousands of sea monsters surrounding them.

In this case, even if Niu Ren and others have installed deep-sea bombs, I'm afraid it's not so easy for Liu Xiao and others to escape smoothly.

However, with the strong spiritual power of Liu Xiao and Baihu's sister, they have a certain guarantee.

However, if you want to do this, the first thing is that Liu Xiao's spiritual power must remain at its peak, which will give them three minutes, and it is these precious three minutes that can get Liu Xiao four out of danger.

The water girl's hands flashed with water lines, and several recovery states were put on Liu Xiao's body. At the same time, he separated a water body and made up for the position Liu Xiao gave up. The three protected him in the center.

Fifteen minutes after receiving Niu Ren's notice after the completion of everything, Liu Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and rippled out like a substantial spiritual power. All the giants at the bottom of the sea that came into contact with spiritual power were like drunk, and could not distinguish between the southeast and northwest.

At this time, the white tiger sister suddenly launched, and her spirit suddenly enveloped the four people. Then the old Taoist priest and the water girl set up a willow smile and quickly followed the white tiger sister to the distance.

Liu Xiao's spiritual power was released without stopping. Those huge sea beasts were always in a coma, while the old Taoist priest and others drove him and kept swimming through the cracks. Finally, more than 40 minutes later, they broke out of the dense monster encirclement.


Liu Xiao, who was in a hurry, spewed out blood. The water girl's face changed. Just as she wanted to say something, she was stopped by the white tiger sister who had recovered her human form: "It's okay. Just take a break. Your mental energy is too much."

Although Liu Xiao is now a solid spiritual power, don't forget that this guy is facing tens of thousands of undersea beasts, and the biggest problem is that he does not make the giant beast unconscious for a moment, but continues to be in a coma for 40 minutes, which is enough to show that Liu Xiao's spiritual strength.

The white tiger sister did not dare to neglect, and immediately hid the traces of the crowd with mental strength, and quickly flew back to the warship with the three people.

"Wow... I've suffered a big loss this time. I'm afraid it will take at least two or three days to recover." Liu Xiao has a bitter face, which is so bitter that he has to squeeze out water.

Sister Baihu glanced at him: "In this way, you only need to recover for two or three days. You can take it as a vacation. Anyway, there is basically nothing to do these two days."

Indeed, there are not many things in the past two days. The only thing to do is to release sound waves that are enough to attract giant monsters, then calculate the total amount of monsters, and finally gently press the blasting button, and everything will be solved.

Niu Ren and others carried Liu Xiao to the monitoring room with a soft bed and looked at the dense undersea monsters on the screen. Liu Xiao sighed: "Do you think these Tal stars are idle? They have got so many monsters out and don't manage them. I really admire them. Energy."

In fact, Liu Xiao doesn't know that it's not that the Tal people don't want to manage, but that they can't manage them at all. Although they also have things like biochemical chips in Liu Xiao's hands, it's a pity that they study are all creatures on the planet Tal, and the creatures there and the creatures of the earth are completely different.

Because of this, after continuous research, they have only developed a simple control method, otherwise they would not only let these monsters wander in the sea and have been put around the world to stir up the wind and rain.

"How much? Have you come up with the statistics?" Niu Ren turned his head and asked a sailor who had just hung up the communicator.

The sailor saluted a standard military salute and replied, "Report leader, according to statistics, 96 percent of the nearby sea monsters have gathered in this area, reaching 57,314."

"Well, don't wait any longer. Let's start." After saying that, Niu Ren sat down quietly.

The screen of the monitor immediately switched to a satellite screen, and then the operator pressed the start button.

Then, the picture saw that the calm sponge first swelled like a balloon, then recovered as before, and then swelled three times. Finally, like a balloon burst. The sea surface was fragmented, and a huge column of water with a diameter close to ten nautical miles rose to the sky, followed by a huge Mushroom cloud.

Liu Xiao, who was lying soft**, could obviously feel a shaking of the hull, which showed how powerful the explosion was, and the subsequent news showed that the center of the explosion was too close, which directly led to extremely strong tsunamis in several coastal areas.

Liu Xiao and they don't care about this. What they want is just a result, so they immediately opened the radar to scan the seabed.

"Although there are still some alive, there are not many. Immediately release the interception network." Niu Ren looked at the sparse red dots on the screen and immediately issued an order decisively.

The mesh of these characteristic interception nets is so huge that even three people can pass through at the same time, but for those giant beasts, the mesh seems extremely fine.

Of course, in order to intercept those undersea beasts, many semi-human-high concentrated touch mines have also been installed on these interception networks.

This kind of interception network is every one nautical mile, with a total of four interception networks from both sides of the selected channel, which ensures the safety of the channel.

As soon as the domestic military department received the news that the channel was opened, the two material cargo ships that had already been prepared immediately sailed to South Korea.

The biochemical soldiers who went to South Korea were also refreshed and worked harder to block the Tal people.

After opening the channel, Liu Xiao immediately returned to China under the arrangement of Niu Ren.

For this battle, Liu Xiao's existence is crucial, especially at this stage.

Liu Xiao once told the chairman and the prime minister that the period of Stargate charging is very important.

You know, the main reason why our own air force has an advantage now is that there are no weapons to track the heat source in the other party's air-to-air weapons.

You know, in Tal Star, aircraft have already got rid of the category of heat source, so although they also have heat source tracking weapons, they are not standard equipment, so they did not carry them in this march.

However, when the Stargate opens again and the opponent's weapon tracking the heat source arrives, the earth's air force will be doomed.

So, taking advantage of the gap that is now constrained by many aspects, Liu Xiao must develop more advanced weapons and equipment, at least to solve the heat source problem, which will involve the last step of the energy plan, sustainable ecological recycling energy.

Liu Xiao returned to China and finally recovered under the careful care of a group of women, and after that, he immediately devoted himself to scientific research.

Several women are not idle. Nie Lan and Ding sisters are responsible for the drug production of T technology, while Huo Qingqing quit her job as a police officer and joined the "training class" of the white tiger sister Western Hanqiu with Ouyang Qing.

The heads of state were not idle, sending troops to constantly sweep away some sporadic monsters in the vicinity, arresting spies developed by Tal Star people everywhere, and increased their scientific research efforts, especially for the research of captured Tal Star scientific products.

Genius is everywhere. Just as Liu Xiao was cultivating new energy sources, news came from Britain that a scientist named Hoffman found a method of genetically controll mutation through his research on giant sea monsters transformed by Tal.

Of course, this method of controllable mutation is still very immature, but I have to say that this small step Holman has undoubtedly taken a huge step for human biochemical technology.

Then, it seems that in order to show the intelligence of the people on earth, the United States has also heard good news. Through the research of Tal Star People's technology and combined with today's electronic technology, a new joint research institute in the United States has developed an electronic pulse gun, which is not harmful to human beings themselves, but However, it can effectively kill mutant monsters and killers, and it also has a certain damage effect on the intelligent body in Tal Star.

Compared with the vitality of various countries, Japan seems to be at sunset, full of pessimism and twilight. Even in broad daylight, it is also twilight, and it is difficult to see a few strangers in the market.

As most of the undersea monsters are clear, some Japanese citizens secretly gather together, either by robbery or stealing, and transfer them abroad in batches.

Such a move is actually very dangerous. Today's members of the Self-Defense Forces have long been transformed into killers by the Tal people. These guys patrol the streets at night, while a team of Tal people are stationed during the day.

However, Japanese people are really in a hurry. Many of these people even secretly poisoned the Tal people and stole their guns.

With more and more conflicts, the Japanese found that the best weapon against the Tal people is strong acid, and the other is something with strong stimulation, such as mustard.

The Japanese nationals who found these began to gradually form an organization, took more weapons in the hands of Tal Star, and then plundered ships and went to sea to transfer to other countries.

Japan is completely in chaos, and there have been several resistance forces in China. Although it is not a climate, it is like a disease of moss, which makes the Japanese cabinet and Tal people feel itchy.


With a loud noise, the emperor smashed a piece of good blue and white porcelain plundered from China.

"Daw... waste, it's all waste. Pass my order, all traitors will be killed without mercy, and the whole family will sit together. The emperor was stunned by what happened when he came in and wanted to use the already abolished continuous sitting system.

"Slow... Your Majesty, why are you so angry? If they are willing to leave, just let them leave. Once our second batch of troops arrives, Tal's glory will shine on this land sooner or later."

If President Rom is here, he must recognize this person at first sight. This person is Mr. X, or with another name, more people will be familiar with him, Adolf Heathler.

"Adolf, tell me how long it will take for the Stargate to open again. I can't wait to see those despicable bedbugs in despair." The emperor's face was frighteningly distorted, and his words were extremely vicious.

Adolph took a sip of red wine, gently tapped his finger on the table and said, "Happy, it's only about a week. Wait patiently."

One week, Liu Xiao's expected time was half a month ahead of schedule.

No wonder Liu Xiao's calculations are not accurate. In order to open the Star Gate again as soon as possible, Japan has collected all the solar panels in the country. It is relying on these solar panels to receive energy so efficiently and advance the opening of the Stargate by half a month.

Liu Xiao, who has no idea, is busy with many research institutes in the laboratory. Among them, the energy part he is responsible for is progressing smoothly, but the research and development of energy-supported devices has fallen into a bottleneck at this time.

And this undoubtedly brought trouble to Liu Xiao's overall research progress.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't messed up the first set of experiments, everyone wouldn't have entered such a dead end." Xiao Liu of the research institute patted himself on the head and cried.

Mr. He patted Xiao Liu on the shoulder: "It's natural to fail in the research and development process. There is no need to complain about yourself like this. If you have such efforts, wouldn't it be better to invest more in scientific research?"

At this time, the door was suddenly knocked open. Liu Xiao broke in, holding a** full of oil and shouted, "Success, the finished product has finally come out. Look, this is sustainable ecological recycling energy."

Everyone was stunned and swept away the dullness and loss in an instant. They ran over and looked at the ** in the small test tube, with a burst of excitement on their faces.

"This is the detailed data, and this finished product is also left for you to test. I have to go back and study the auxiliary agent to improve the efficiency of this energy." After saying that, he handed the things to Mr. He's hand, turned around, and rushed out in the blink of an eye.

These researchers look at each other. Everyone knows that once Liu Dashao enters research, he will become a scientific maniac.

However, this is mostly a kind of word-of-mouth rumor in scientific research institutes, and now everyone immediately understands that this is not a rumor, it is simply a fact.

Little Liu wiped his tears, looked at the door that had just been closed, clenched his fist resolutely, and made up his mind to learn from this young master Liu and devote 100% of his enthusiasm to nearly scientific research.

The day after the incident, Xiao Liu finally completely solved the most critical part of the new energy application device with the strong support of the data brought by Liu Xiao.

On that day, the research institute was full of joy. Everyone ran to the square of the scientific research institute, shouting and jumping, like happy children.

On the day the new aircraft was developed, two shocking news came. One was that the Stargate was opened again, and the other was discovered near the waters of Japan. The Tal people were organizing their forces to exploit it.

The reopening of the Stargate suddenly disrupted Liu Xiao and others' plans, and the appearance of the undersea gold mine made people feel even worse.

Liu Xiao cleaned up and entered the video conference room.

"Xiao Liu, let's talk about your opinion." The chairman was the first to speak, and this is also everyone's opinion.

Liu Xiao looked at the detailed information and then said, "The reopening of the Stargate is not something we can prevent, so the only thing we can do is to increase the output of new aircraft and accelerate the speed of energy reform.

As for the problem of the undersea gold mine, I plan to take a few people to see it in person. If it is true, we must destroy this mine.

Everyone present knows that Liu Xiao is right. If this undersea gold mine is real, it will be a big blow to all countries that resist Tal. After all, the Stargate is made of golden companion creatures.

"Okay, it's still the same. You take the water girl and the old Taoist priest with you." The chairman thought for a moment and then said.

Liu Xiao shook his head and said, "I will only stay with three people this time. After all, it's just to explore, and with me and Hanqiu, there should be no big problem."

Most of the people present knew about the identity of the cold autumn in the West. I believe that they can guess more or less, so the chairman nodded and agreed.

Get ready for everything, Liu Xiao took the three and set off again.

This time, they did not take any means of transportation, but flew directly to the sea not far from where the gold mine was located.


With a few soft sounds, the four people drilled into the water, and then swam to the seabed gold mine as shown on the map.

"Have you noticed that things don't seem to be right?" The old Taoist priest, who has always been calm, first found the difference.

Indeed, it is so quiet that even the surrounding fish rarely swim here.

What's even more strange is that the Tal Star people need gold mines so much, but it is absolutely not normal for such a thing to exclude heavy defense.

As for whether there is an ambush or not, Liu Xiao is sure that he will never do it. After all, Tal people don't have the energy to arrange all this at this time.

However, the more so, the more strange it makes Liu Xiao feel.

"It's too quiet. Look at the bottom of the sea. There is not even an undersea creature." The white tiger sister is right. You can't even see any creatures such as starfish sea cucumbers that have lived on the seabed for a long time.

Liu Xiao waved his hand: "Never mind, let's continue to look forward."

Soon, the four came to a huge undersea cave.

The first time Liu Xiao saw this cave, he felt extremely uncomfortable, and at this time, a burst of bitter cold came from the cave.

Others may not feel anything, but as the owner of the frost power, Liu Xiao can suddenly feel that this cold is not formed naturally, but the cultivation formed energy from someone or something.

Although I know that there are strong enemies in the cave that are not easy to provoke, now that I have come, I have to take a good look.

However, soon after entering the cave, they saw an extremely exaggerated frozen body.

The body was firmly frozen on the ground, and his expression was looking back as if he wanted to say something.

Liu Xiao gently knocked away the ice and took down the other party's eye masks and other equipment, and the exposed worm-like worm head directly explained his identity, a Tal star.

As the four people continue to go deeper, the more they go in, the more people are frozen, and even some of them as combat units have begun to appear.

"It seems that something is really wrong here. At first, I was worried that it was a trap set for us by the Tal people." The old Taoist priest stretched out his hand and took out a lot of charms, and then waved his hand, and everyone put an aura shield on his body.

The water girl nodded. Obviously, she also agreed with this idea, but now there is a deviation.

Liu Xiao did not answer, but bent down and picked up an ore on the ground and looked carefully: "It's really a gold mine. It seems that these Tal people should have wanted to see this gold mine for themselves, but unfortunately, this mine was obviously dug by someone, but it was later occupied by some monster dove. The magpie's nest abruptly snatched out this territory.

After that, these Tal people should know that nothing could be done, so they retreated, but they were not willing to be frustrated, so they released this news to the outside world, hoping to introduce the enemy here and eradicate us with the help of the hands of monsters in this cave.

Liu Xiao's analysis is reasonable, and people have actually wondered why the news of the discovery of this gold mine came out so quickly. You should know that the real ruler of Japan now is the Tal people themselves. At the same time, for various reasons, spies from various countries can't penetrate into it at all, so this The abrupt news is very strange, and there is also a trace of doubt.

"Forget it, don't think so much. Let's decide whether to continue or return now? Sister Baihu didn't care so much and turned her head to ask others.

After some discussion, everyone finally decided to continue to move forward. One was out of curiosity, and the other was to find out what powerful creatures were hidden in the seabed mine.

The main reason why everyone has this doubt is the frozen ice sculptures.

You should know that if they are mutated by biochemical beasts, then it is impossible for them to attack the Tal people. If not, the creatures that appear are likely to be ancient creatures, or creatures that evolved from self-evolution, or even cosmic creatures from the universe.


A loud roar came from the cave.

Liu Xiao and everyone looked at each other, and then accelerated and swam to the depths quickly.

"This...this is..." The white tiger sister suddenly stopped, trembled slightly, and looked at the dark mine with some fear.

Liu Xiao frowned and turned his head and asked, "What, what did you find?"

The white tiger sister took a few deep breaths: "Yes... it's Xuanwu, the real Xuanwu, not a descendant of me with the blood of the white tiger, but pure Xuanwu."

Although the white tiger sister is a member of the white tiger family, because she only has blood, her genetic fragment is regarded as a ground-order genetic fragment.

Of course, the four sacred beasts mentioned here actually refer to the descendants of the cosmic creatures Green Dragon, White Tiger and Rosefinch Xuanwu on the earth. It is precisely because of the different environments that the genes of these creatures have changed and suddenly fell from the celestial genes to the ground-order genes.

Liu Xiao, as the owner of Dr. T's memory, naturally knows this, and the Western Hanqiu said that the creature at the bottom of the cave is the real Xuanwu, which is obviously the cosmic creature Xuanwu turtle.

To be honest, Liu Xiao, as the memory owner of Dr. T, has only heard of these cosmic creatures, so his eyes lit up and strode to the depths.

The white tiger sister sighed, and the water machine pulled the water girl and said, "Water girl, don't go, go back quickly. Xuanwu is the supreme of water. If you go, a bad one will swallow you up.

The water girl hesitated for a moment, and Liu Xiao also turned around to comfort her, and then returned to Shencheng accompanied by the old Taoist priest.

"Who is it? I smelled the smell of the white tiger... No, the blood is not pure, is it a descendant left on the earth?" A huge and angry voice roared, which made Liu Xiao's ears hurt.

Soon, Liu Xiao saw Xuanwu's real body, which was very similar to the legendary description, but the difference was that Xuanwu's body was full of sharp bone spurs, and the color of these bone spurs was as black as ink.

Huh? Humans? You are very good. Your spiritual power is so strong that it is stronger than our cosmic creatures. Xuanwu's tone revealed surprise, and at the same time, there was a trace of appreciation in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I can feel the blood of the dragon in your body. Should it be Chinese?" With that, Xuanwu seemed to fall into memory.

Liu Xiao touched his head and asked, "Is the dragon you talking about?"

Xuanwu was stunned and then laughed: "No, of course not. Qinglong and mine belong to the same life sequence of the heavenly gene. How can it be a dragon?

The dragon in your mouth should actually be called Yinglong in the universe... I remember that there should be in the records of your people on earth.

But then again, if Qinglong can advance again, it will become a divine dragon.