Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

97 Treasury Strategy 1

Liu Xiao really doesn't know about these, but what really puzzles him is how Xuanwu, as a cosmic creature, can appear on the earth, and more importantly, it is still in such a small mine.

Listening to Liu Xiao's question, Xuanwu recalled and said, "According to the time of the earth, that was probably tens of millions of years ago. At that time, I fought with three Camilte wandering monsters in the universe. Although I finally killed those guys, I was also seriously injured myself. So I went to this planet to heal my wounds.

As you know, our Xuanwu family is the king of water, so I like this planet full of water very much.

Because of this, while traveling around the planet, I recovered from my injuries, and then I met the green dragon, white tiger and rosefinch who came here. However, unlike the reason why I came here, the reason why they came here was to leave their blood here, such as the female doll in front of me.

But later they left, and although my injury was basically healed, it still remained, because I like this planet very much, which is much more interesting than my hometown.

Liu Xiao was stunned, and then interrupted Xuanwu's words and asked, "Well, can I ask?" Aren't you a cosmic creature? Why do you have a home?

Xuanwu looked at Liu Xiao with a black line: "Who said that cosmic creatures can't have a home, and I also tell you that not only we Xuanwu, but all cosmic creatures have their own hometowns.

The name of our hometown of Xuanwu is very strange, but it is very simple to reflect that the language of your Chinese people is called Eternal Water. It is a planet composed entirely of water, which is very huge, about the size of more than 10,000 earths.

However, there are no other creatures there except our Xuanwu family, because the air there is very thin, less than one ten thousandth of the earth, and the height of the atmosphere is also very low, basically one or two meters away from the water.

Liu Xiao and Bai Hu's sister are very knowledgeable. I didn't expect to hear such a thing here. It seems that some things are far more interesting than expected.

Liu Xiao thought for a moment and asked, "What does the hometown of the rosefinch Qinglong look like? What is the hometown of the cold autumn in the West?

Xuanwu looked at the white tiger sister and said, "You know that the hometown of the rosefinch is in the sun, but when they were more than 10,000 years old, they moved away collectively, as if they had gone to live in a larger sun.

The hometown of Qinglong is relatively special. The environment there is very similar to your earth, but there is no other creature except the Qinglong family, which is quite strange.

The hometown of the White Tiger clan is a huge earth ball, about the same size as our hometown of Xuanwu, but there seems to be nothing except the hills everywhere, and even plants are rare.

That's why I said that this planet is really good, biodiversity, and more importantly, the environment is very good, and there are four seasons, which is quite good.

I didn't expect that the so-called cosmic creatures really have a hometown. It seems that the reason why they are called cosmic creatures should refer to creatures that can survive freely in the universe.

Xuanwu slowly climbed down and said, "After I stayed on this planet, I witnessed the historical process of your human beings and saw many characters, of course, in the image of human beings.

I have seen the boy of Xuanyuan Huangdi. At that time, when he formed an alliance with Emperor Yan, the Qinglong was just playing with the rosefinch. As a result, he accidentally cut an arm, so the blood of the dragon spilled on the land of Huaxia, and at the same time, it was also supported by many people infected by blood. With a small amount of the blood of the green dragon, you Chinese call yourself the descendant of the dragon and also use the dragon totem.

However, what makes people feel entangled is that the two young men of Yanhuang actually thought that the fighting Qinglong and the rosefinch were engaged in a super-friendly behavior, and also made a dragon and phoenix Chengxiang. At that time, if it hadn't been stopped by Qinglong, they would have been beaten by the rosefinch, they would not have run away.

Liu laughed and sweated. He didn't expect the so-called Longfeng Chengxiang to be like this, and when the descendants of the dragon said it, it was really true. Although he was only drenched with a little, didn't Xuanwu also say that the Chinese people did have a trace of green dragon blood after being infected.

Suddenly, Liu Xiao thought of a question: "Well, you said that after the green dragon evolves into a divine gene, it will become a dragon, so what will happen after your Xuanwu and the white tiger and rosefinch evolve?"

Xuanwu seems to be recalling something: "The rosefinch evolved into a divine level and will become a flame phoenix composed purely of fire energy, and it is strange that there are all colors.

As for the white tiger, their evolution is quite simple, that is, similar to the green dragon, with a pair of wings on their back, but unlike the flesh wings of the green dragon, their wings are composed of light.

Like the rosefinch, we will become Xuanwu composed entirely of water, but it is not as colorful as the rosefinch, but completely transparent.

However, our Xuanwu is much more in shape than the flame phoenix. For example, it can be transformed into frost Xuanwu or completely into fog. This ability is quite good.

After knowing some gossip, Liu Xiao turned his head and talked about the business and asked, "Can you ask what's going on with those people who were frozen to death outside?"

"Those Tal people? They always come to disturb my sleep, and finally have no choice but to sell and kill them. Xuanwu said that he was not there.

However, Liu Xiao listened to Xuanwu's words and asked in surprise, "What? Do you also know that they are from Tal?

Xuanwu looked at Liu Xiao strangely: "Of course, how can this extremely aggressive and disgusting race of Tal people not know?"

Liu Xiao was stunned. He really didn't expect that this Tal star was still a star race in the universe, although his reputation was too ugly.

Xuanwu obviously saw something, so he said, "Our Xuanwu has existed since the beginning of the universe. Although this is a little boastful, I still want to say that there are few things in the universe that our four saints don't know.

Speaking of Tal people, this is really an uncomfortable and annoying race. The weather when they were born is destined that the universe will no longer be peaceful.

Although they look human, in fact, what really dominates them is the green blood in the human body of Tal Star.

Humph, a group of poor guys, these idiots once even thought about our Xuanwu hometown, but it's a pity that those idiot spaceships were killed by our patriarch.

Liu Xiao sweated violently. He really didn't expect that these Tal stars would dare to provoke Xuanwu directly, but it seems that those guys would not even have a chance to pass the news back. Otherwise, in terms of the aggressiveness of the Tal stars, it is impossible to give up so easily.

Xuanwu obviously didn't feel the change in Liu Xiao's expression and continued, "Those damn Tal people really didn't expect them to come to the earth and disturb my old man's sleep."

Liu Xiao's heart suddenly felt that maybe the discovery of this undersea gold mine and the awakening of Xuanwu may have a lot to do with him.

You should know that in Dr. T's memory, there seems to be no record of Xuanwu's awakening. Obviously, in another history of time and space, due to the adequacy of golden companions, the Tal people did not explore this undersea mine, and precisely because of this, Xuanwu may have been sleeping all the time.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao asked carefully, "Let me ask, how long will you Xuanwu sleep every time? When did you fall asleep?

Xuanwu replied carelessly, "Time is not fixed. Measured by your time, it will take about 1,000 to 20,000 years, but I may have slept for more than 10,000 years this time."

Speaking of this, Xuanwu paused for a moment and then continued viciously: "I didn't expect that I had only slept for hundreds of years this time and was woken up by these followers. If I let them go this time, I wouldn't accompany Xuanwu's bloodline."

Xuanwu obviously had a good impression on Liu Xiao, who had the blood of Qinglong, and the white tiger sister, who had the blood of the white tiger. Finally, he simply turned into a human form and followed the two to leave the undersea mine.

"Your spiritual power is indeed very powerful. If you can achieve a high degree of physical and mental unity, your strength will be stronger than the dragon, which can be said to be the supreme of the universe.

And I'm sure that if you reach that point in time, you don't need to fly to the four-dimensional world at all. Xuanwu appreciates Liu Xiao's spiritual power very much. After all, this solid spiritual power is not available to anyone by the water.

Liu Xiao heard this argument for the second time. To be honest, he really doesn't yearn for four-dimensional space. After all, after staying here for so many years, he suddenly said that he would live in another place, which was still very nostalgic and reluctant.

More importantly, who knows what the four-dimensional space is like? If the environment is good, if it is like a primitive forest, isn't it unlucky?

Liu smiled and nodded and said, "I also know this. A senior in the practice world told me before."

Xuanwu didn't expect that anyone could see this on this small earth, but then he was relieved when he thought of those practitioners who flew away.

However, after leaving the sea, Xuanwu suddenly stopped, frowned and asked, "Why has the world become so bad? Originally, the aura here is very abundant. How can it be consumed so much for hundreds of years?"

After such a long time, the white tiger sister obviously finally recovered. Then she opened her mouth and said, "It's not that human beings have made the industrial revolution, which made the earth smoky and destroyed all the good spiritual roots. Now the aura on the earth can't be generated by itself at all, only You can eat the old capital. In addition, the speed of environmental pollution is getting faster and faster, and Reiki is naturally consumed quickly.

Xuanwu shook his head: "So I hate the technology planet the most. I always want to rely on external forces to improve myself when I have nothing to do.

However, it may be this evolutionary direction that blames him like the Liu family, but if you don't enter the four-dimensional world, you will always be limited to this space.

In Liu Xiao's eyes, the three-dimensional world is enough for him to survive, but in the eyes of those divine or holy masters, only the strongest is the meaning of their existence.

talked about something about practice. Liu Xiao suddenly asked, "Since you have gone out of the mountain, why don't you just help us drive the Tal people away from the earth?"

Liu Xiao believes that it is not a problem to deal with a group of Tal people with the strength of Xuanwu, so he asked with a try attitude.

Xuanwu looked at Liu Xiao and shook his head: "That's impossible. There is an agreement between our holy beasts and will not help any race on any planet.

Although I hate the Tal people, I will never do it if I am asked to help the earthlings drive away the invaders.

Liu Xiao hasn't reached that height yet. Naturally, he doesn't know that if the holy master takes action, it will not simply drive away the Tal people, but move mountains and seas and collapse.

It is precisely for this reason that holy creatures generally do not do anything. For example, when dealing with those Tal people in the cave, Xuanwu did not dare to let go at all. He just gently spit out a few breaths and turned these idiots into ice sculptures.

Suddenly, Liu Xiao seemed to remember something and quickly pulled Xuanwu: "by the way, can you seal this place? I don't want the Tal people to occupy this place, otherwise the war situation will think about the development that is not conducive to our direction."

Xuanwu thought about it and felt that this matter was not against the agreement, so he got into the sea and directly frozen the whole submarine mine.

Back to Shencheng, Liu Xiao did not elaborate on Xuanwu, and only said that it did not affect the domestic plan.

However, what entangled Liu Xiao and others was that as soon as the second batch of troops of Tal Xingren arrived, the defense line of the biochemical troops going to South Korea was retreated. Although the speed was very slow, the enemy's attack power was very sharp, which made it difficult for these biochemical troops to resist for a while.

Although it was in a disadvantageous situation, it was not too bad. With new energy and aircraft, the first special team of ten people participated in the South Korean offensive and defensive battle. Although it failed to recover the decline, it minimized the speed of defeat and won precious time for all countries.

Ten days after the special air team entered South Korea, the United States finally sent a message. When the domestic situation stabilized, they immediately organized a navy to attack the main island of Japan.

Immediately following the footsteps of the United States is a coalition of Western European countries. The huge army has bombarded Japan indiscriminately at the first time. They don't need to set any goals at all. Their purpose is to directly destroy the Japanese Islands.

"Bok, can't the large Stargate still be built? At least we need to fill the energy to open the medium-sized Stargate, otherwise our situation will be too bad. The officer in charge of the operation sent by Tal Star said, staring at the drifter who came to the earth.

Polk saluted and said, "General, this action is very hasty, but I have no choice but to do it. I don't know why, there seems to be another force on this planet, which knows the situation of our Tal people very well, and every action is aimed at us.

Once again, they not only took away a Stargate, but also destroyed one of our undersea barracks.

Although these generals had heard of in the communication, when he really arrived on the earth, he never thought that the situation here would be so bad. Not only could large and medium-sized weapons and equipment not reach the earth, but also their powerful ground troops only opened after the arrival of the second force. It gradually suppressed the enemy and forced the enemy's defense line to continue to shrink.

However, with the strong support of the enemy air force, it is obvious that this advantage is also constantly being compressed.

Without the support of the air force, Tal Star's force can't exert 1% of its strength, which is undoubtedly the most uncomfortable for a general.

The general thought for a moment and felt that it was useless to complain about a few drifters, so he said, "Can you send some masters to plunder the enemy's treasury?"

Polk shook his head and sighed, "We once tried to plunder some vaults, but unfortunately, the strong among the earth's people have been guarding them. For this reason, we not only lost four compatriots, but also ended up in failure, which is why we had to open the Stargate in advance. One."

The general nodded. He knew some of this situation. The biochemical technology of the Tal people was indeed good, but unfortunately, because their own bodies were liquid intelligence, they could not be cultivated at all, and even the body as puppets could not be cultivated at all.

Because once the body is cultivated and reaches a certain strength, the brain will be strengthened to a certain extent and will produce extremely strong spiritual power.

Think about it, if a creature with high wisdom knew that there was another life in his body, and he could kill him directly with his spiritual power, what would he do?

The answer is beyond doubt, so the wisdom of Tal Star will not consider letting the puppets practice at all, otherwise they will dig their own graves.

The general thought about it and finally said, "This time, there are three special forces that follow the army. We will first send a team to attack tentatively. After all, gold and gold companion creatures are too important to us. If it still doesn't work, then we can only divide the troops into two ways and choose another A country has launched a strong attack.

The reason why the general did this is also helpless. After all, the current situation is really not optimistic for the troops of the Tal Star. Now it's better to say that if the situation has not changed, I'm afraid that there will be instability in the army. In that way, the army will It's even harder to bring.

General Talxing and Polk are very secret to China, but what they didn't expect was that the metamorphosis master who appeared before stayed by their side honestly.

Because of this, the day after the plan was made, the heads of state of various countries on the earth received the news that the vaults of China and the United States became the target of Tahl people, and the main target was the gold mine in South Africa.

"Let me go, let's go home." Looking at the report, Liu Xiao couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Yes, South Africa can indeed be called the home of the Liu family. Uncle Liu Xiao's diamond business in South Africa is now becoming more and more popular, and the name of the blood-stained mercenary regiment is also recognized by various strengths.

Now that the enemy has set his sights on South Africa, Liu Xiao naturally can't ask for it, so he directly gave the order to T-Shield. All the biochemical soldiers were pulled out and went to the headquarters of the South African blood-stained mercenary regiment to block the Tal Star special forces that were about to go to South Africa.

At the same time, the South African countries that received the news sent people to lobby various tribes and organized an army of wizards to support the blood-stained mercenary regiment and army.

The Western world did not send troops, but for the sake of the overall situation, batches of military supplies arrived in South Africa as soon as possible.

At this time, South Africa is laying a huge net under the alliance of many forces, waiting for the special troops of the Tal people to come.

And China and the United States are not idle. Since the other side wants to tack, it's better to let these two tack troops come back.

Therefore, the superpower of the United States has mobilized all its forces and is ready to send a big gift to the tack troops.

Unlike the big fanfare of the United States, China seems very calm, but don't think that China has done nothing.

In order to deal with the obscendent troops, Huaxia gathered all the gold together and sealed it with an array, while some high-level monks belonging to the dragon soul went out one after another to protect the gold.

Liu Xiao did not participate in this matter. After all, his first task now is to promote the progress of science and technology as soon as possible and fight against the Tal people. Otherwise, as the Star Gate opens more and more, the troops on the earth will become more and more difficult to support.

Popolgia is the captain of the hommetical team. He doesn't understand why the general is so cover-up. The strength of his special team doesn't need to be so troublesome at all.

"Tucker, why do you think the general is so cautious about this operation?" Boboggia turned her head and asked her adjutant.

Tucker is an unsmiling Tal star, with a glimmer of light in his eyes: "Captain, the general is free to do this."

"Please, I just didn't understand to ask you. Can you stop me from saying so clearly?" Bobojia was very depressed. His adjutant was fine everywhere. He had to ask himself before he answered. It was really killing him.

Tucker sits upright: "Captain, the earthlings are not as fragile on the surface, and there are still many powerful beings among them, so we must attract their attention and win enough time for the main attack troops."

"Of course I know this, but I don't understand. We obviously have three special forces, but we only send three teams. What does this mean?" Bobogia is not a fool and has guessed more or less, but what he can't figure out is why let his group do this?

Tucker was silent for a while and finally said, "We are cannon fodder. Let's use this small number of us to test it. If it succeeds, the large army will sweep all the gold storage points. If it fails, it will only lose our three groups, and all three groups are not generals. A faction."

It can be heard from Tucker's words that there is obviously this power competition within the Tal people, and the opponent of the leading general obviously did not want him to monopolize military merit, so he sent such a team to try to get a piece of the pie.

It's just that they didn't expect that the situation on earth was completely different from the planets they had encountered before. They wouldn't think of a existence that shouldn't exist here, not only knowing their existence, but even knowing them well.

You know, the Tal people are not looking for every planet and invade it. Although their nation is very warlike, they also know how to look at people's faces.

Like some bones that are powerful and difficult to gnaw, Tal people will never take action. Most of them will choose some primitive planets, or planets like Earth, which are in the early stage of scientific and technological development.

However, the unfavorable strategy, because of the existence of Liu Xiao's anti-genius, made the Tal people suddenly enter and retreat.

If the Tal people know that Liu Xiao is only a person, not a force, and he does not have the ability to hunt down Tal stars, maybe the Tal people will decisively give up the earth and let the drifters immediately withdraw from the earth and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

However, they think that this is a force against them and an extreme hatred of the Tal people, and this force is likely to be trying to find the specific spatial coordinates of Tal Star in an attempt to capture the whole Tal planet.

It is this idea that Tal people have to fight against this force on earth. They don't want to give each other any chance to fight back.

In fact, this misunderstanding is not a big fuss, but when they invaded other planets, they really met several forces, and when they first used the two-way Stargate, they were almost killed by the enemy into the star Tal star and found the space coordinates of the star Tal.

It is because of this that the Tal people have changed to the one-way Star Gate. At this time, Liu Xiao came to naturally consider this direction. After all, although there are many such things as time travel, you have seen a few of them, so the Tal people have to be brave. Out of the army to fight.

Naturally, Liu Xiao didn't know this. If this guy had known this, he might have found Tal by himself and told them, "I'm alone. What can you do?"

However, even if Liu Xiao said this, who can guarantee that he will be shocked by the Tal people this time? Will there be another star people next time?


With a soft sound, Bobojia took the team members into the building where gold was stored in China.

However, when they saw several mountains piled up, they were dumbfounded.

All the golden mountains are protected by a kind of energy they have never seen before, which shuts out all objects trying to enter it.

And what's more, this energy can't be absorbed by the energy absorber, which made the guish group suddenly panicked.

Looking at the golden mountains in front of them, whether it is Popojia or Tucker and their men, they all feel like they are going crazy.

However, Tucker was worthy of Popgia's think tank and immediately found something wrong. He reached out and woke Popgia: "Captain, get out of here. Something is wrong."

Although he woke up quickly, it was a pity that it was still late. A voice came out: "I didn't expect your head to be quite smart, but unfortunately, it's still a little late to wake up."

While talking, a yellow-robed old man emerged from the air. At the same time, a thin monk and a veiled nun, and two little girls like twins with a pile of horn braids appeared around the gull group.

"Don't talk nonsense with these worm heads, just make fried grasshoppers, and go back to feed my chicken baby." The nun's temper is obviously very big, and the so-called baby chick in her mouth does not seem to be so simple, because when she mentioned this, a strange look clearly flashed on other people's faces.

Tucker raised the strong acid gun in his hand and sprayed it without hesitation.

The nun flicked her hand, and a Reiki shield blocked the acid, and then waved her hand and sprinkled them back.

"Armed." With the moment of Bobogia's order, all the special teams were suddenly covered with a layer of golden light. Although the acid was sprinkled on them, it had no effect except a green smoke.

The people in the air were very surprised, because they could feel that the previous acid was absolutely not simple. Its strength could at least penetrate the aura shield of the Jindan monk, but such an attack could not turn over a trace of waves in front of the other party's protective clothing. It seems that these phistic groups People are really not simple.

At the same time on the hands of the twin sisters, two dark metal bars appeared in their hands, and then touched each other.


A flash of lightning hit out, but what surprised everyone was that the bodies of the Tal people were tightly stopped, and then they began to charge out without hindrance.

Don't think that the twins are really children. They look like children because their cultivation skills are very special. Even if they are evil like Liu Xiao, together, they will never please them.

Besides, the pair of black metal rods in their hands are the magic weapons they rely on to become famous, called Lei Yin.

This thunder is divided into yang. The single use sends out thunder and lightning, which is no different from ordinary lightning. However, once the yin and yang thunder hits together, although the thunder and lightning emitted is not comparable to the purple sky thunder, it is no different.

But such a powerful thunder and lightning only made these Tal people pause for a moment. Obviously, it is impossible to rely on lightning to defeat them.

The thin monk put his hands together and said the Buddha's name: "Amitabha."

With the Buddha, there was a fine sound wave attack, and the most distinctive thing was that in the sound wave attack, thousands of palms turned into Buddha power were carried, and one palm was imprinted on the members of the blazen attack team.

The Tal people suddenly felt a strong attack and slapped them out. However, when they stood up again, the monks found that although the thousand palm Buddha sound made them a little embarrassed, it did not really hurt them.

You should know that the so-called Thousand Palm Buddha Sound is a high-level Buddhist skill with a physical attack at the same time as an energy attack, and such an attack only makes these Tal stars look a little embarrassed, and I have to say that it has to surprises all the monks.

The monks slowly fell from the air and quietly looked at the Tal people opposite.

Tal stretched out his hand and gave an offensive order to the back. Suddenly, a Tal star man rushed out, and his hands turned into a pile of golden sickle in an instant. On the blade, he could even see huge serrations that made people feel extremely frightening.

As his feet exerted his strength, his body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of the old monk and cut the old monk with a knife.

The old student put it in front of his chest, and a Buddha's name was sent out. With a golden light on his body, he heard a "dong" sound and was cut straight by a jagged sickle.

At the same time as a crisp sound, there was a spark of metal impact on the sickle and the old monk's body, but to the surprise of the Tal people, the old monk was not only injured, but even his clothes did not show any damage.

At the moment when the old monk took over the other party's attack, his closed eyes suddenly opened in an instant, and a pair of angry eyes looked at the Tal Star who attacked him. Then his thin body swelled like a balloon. The old monk, who was originally thin and dry, suddenly became round, like an angry eye King Kong.

"This is the supreme skill of Buddhism, isn't it?" The yellow-robed Taoist priest came to the masked nun and asked in a low voice.

Obviously, the nun didn't seem to like to get close to men, so she moved aside and said, "Yes, it's really Angry King Kong."

"Tut, I didn't expect that this old guy really practiced this." The old Taoist priest said with an unexpected face.

The old monk held a string of Buddha beads in his hand and seemed to shout loudly, but he attacked the Tal star who attacked him without a sound.


Like the broken glass, the golden light on the Tal star man broke one after another, but surprisingly, there was still a layer of golden light under the golden light.

The old monk was also stunned and then smashed several times in a row, but it seemed that the golden light could never dissipate on the Tal man. No matter how much he smashed, there would be another layer of golden light waiting for him.

The old monk frowned, then closed his eyes, and his body suddenly deflated like a ball, deflated and returned to the previous little monk.

"You go and have a try." The old monk turned back to the team and said to the twins.

The twins nodded, put away the thunder, and took out a short dagger from the universe ring.

These two daggers don't look like weapons. Two daggers, a blood-red and an emerald green, make people look as beautiful as handicrafts, but if you really regard them as handicrafts, you are not far from death.

These two daggers are a pair of magic weapons, which are called life and death judgment. The red dagger is a life sentence, and the green dagger is a death sentence.

As for their functions, it comes to the two qi of organisms, one is angry and the other is dead.

Anger refers to the life energy needed for life to live, and what generally sustains this life energy is the various foods that people often eat, or the aura that monks often absorb.

Deadness refers to diseases that can weaken the life or the energy of aging.

And the function of life and death is to cut off and absorb anger and death respectively.

The two forts made a life-and-death judgment at the same time, and the two daggers reflected each other in red and green, creating a beautiful yellow light, which flashed away and attacked the sickle Tal people.

The Tal man suddenly pulled down his hind legs, avoided the dagger, and just stared at the swallowing light.

Suddenly, the yellow light was divided into two, and the red dagger suddenly came out and suddenly inserted into the chest of the Tal star.

However, it is surprising that the dagger did not pierce the clothes and skin, but more like the whole dagger pierced the space.

The girl's hand stirred, and then the dagger was pulled out.

The golden light on Tal's people was not destroyed anywhere, but he suddenly stopped and then fell down.

Just as another little girl was about to move, suddenly two Tal people rushed up, one blocked the attack, and the other took the Tal people back on the ground.

Seeing that something could not be done, the twin sisters immediately returned to the team and withdrew the dagger. The two said in unison, "There is nothing they can do. They know the existence of the dagger, and it is difficult to succeed in the sneak attack."

The masked nun looked at a group of Tal people who were on guard and suddenly said, "Go and call that boy. Isn't mental power the most useful to deal with these guys? Just let that boy come."

Tal sneered with the translator: "Don't waste your time. The most important function of our protective suit is to protect against mental attacks. I advise you to let us out, otherwise neither of you nor I will be good."

"Don't worry about him. He's bluffing. Go and come back quickly." While the yellow-robed Taoist priest was talking, he suddenly took out a blue flying sword and turned it over. A blue light flew out and attacked Natak.

The golden light of Tucker's left hand turned into a shield, blocking the attack of the flying sword. While his right hand turned into a handgun, and a beam of light shot out.

The yellow-robed Taoist priest received a mark on his hand, and then a Taiji appeared in front of him, and unexpectedly reflected the beam of light directly.

Tucker obviously didn't expect this to happen, but he still fired unhurriedly. The moment the two beams of light collided in the air, they quietly disappeared in front of everyone.