Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

110 Unexpected awakening

The leaders of the super biochemical soldiers have just been killed, but they are not a strict organization in the first place. If Commander Talxing has leisure at this time, he can command these gangsters.

However, it's a pity that the commander doesn't have this leisure at all.

Yes, the current situation of Tal Star's army is far worse than that of super biochemical warriors.

As the battle continued to heat up, soldiers from various countries who were originally astringent and didn't know much about Tal Star's troops began to be familiar with and analyze these invaders.

The rhythm of the war began to be mastered by the Earth Alliance, especially some unfamiliar races, who began to cooperate with each other by discovering each other's characteristics to achieve more perfect results.

For example, the cooperation between blood clans and zombies is much better than that of werewolves.

Zombies have almost invincible physical defense, while the blood magic of the blood clan makes up for the weakness of zombie spell attacks, so the tacit understanding between the two sides is getting better and better during the continuous transformation of attack and defense.

The werewolf also found his best partner, a wizard from China.

Witch, this very strange clan, can be said to be the most difficult to understand. What they use most often is curse.

And what they seek most is a natural balance. Although it is strange and incomprehensible to others, the concept of witchcraft has been passed down to this day. If you want to gain strong power, you must bear the corresponding pain. This is witchcraft.

The reason why werewolves like to cooperate with wizards is that the pain caused by the wizard's series of enhanced melee witchcraft not only makes the werewolves feel unbearable, but also makes them more sober and crazy bloodthirsty, which is undoubtedly the greatest blessing for these powerful melee races.

"Don't let those damn mages release spells to the werewolves and interrupt them. Damn earthlings, they will pay for it." Commander Tal Star was a little crazy. He felt that he was the number one idiot in the world.

Yes, he is an idiot. He not only leisurely penetrated into the trap set by others, but also tried to hide the strength of the super biochemical warrior at the beginning without consciousness, which is definitely the stupidest thing he has done since he became a commander.

Serred Tal Star biochemical warriors tried to break through the werewolf's blockade and charged the wizards behind them.

However, a three-meter-high werewolf, who had been subjected to giant witchcraft, rushed to the biochemical soldier agilely and let out a wolf howl in his mouth.

"Mel, I think these Chinese mages are really too powerful, much better than those dark mages." A werewolf tore the Tal Star biochemical warrior beside him in half and roared excitedly at his companions.

Another female werewolf gave him a fierce look and corrected, "It's a wizard, a wizard. They don't like others to call themselves mage."

"Oh, yes, yes, it's a wizard. They are very similar to those indigenous wizards. Does it have anything to do with it? Werewolves are very curious about these wizards. After all, he has never seen or even heard of the race that can make their werewolves so powerful while waving.

The werewolf obviously knows more, so she explained: "It is said that many indigenous doctors around the world call themselves witch doctors, and this witch is a name that has spread from China to all over the world. As for why this is, it is said to have defeated Chiyou with the emperor. It has a lot to do with you. Chiyou is the witch's people.

"Oh, my God, I don't understand at all." The werewolf felt that his head was a little painful, and he didn't understand what the werewolf was talking about.

"With your brain, it is very difficult to figure this out.

It is said that even the Chinese people themselves do not understand the origin and development of witchcraft. Although there is some research, it is very vague, and the strength of today's wizards has actually shrank a lot.

It is said that the real wizard can move mountains and seas and soar around the world. The werewolf seems to like Chinese culture very much. When it comes to Chinese civilization, her eyes are a little shining. One of them didn't pay attention to it. She was almost cut by the corroding knife of a biochemical soldier.

There are not many people in the world of Huaxia Xiuzhen, but one of them is also very good at sword cultivation. With the support of the old Taoist priest's runes, two fairy-level flying swords are constantly waste in the sky, and the reapers have the lives of biochemical warriors one by one.

Liu Xiao's situation is obviously not very good. There are too many enemies is one reason, and the other is that his attack method is too simple.

As the battle continued, those super biochemical warriors soon discovered Liu Xiao's attack mode, and even the rhythm of his attack was mastered. If his mental strength had not been too perverted, I'm afraid he would have fallen into the hands of these super biochemical warriors at this time.

Liu Xiao's brain is spinning rapidly. He is moving towards something. In this situation, he has entered a strange circle by relying on spiritual constraints, spiritual shocks, close combat of spiritual weapons and repeated applications of spiritual shields.

Although I can control the rhythm through the skill of spiritual restraint, it is obvious that this is not enough to reverse the war.

The battle must maintain control-attack-in the control circle, otherwise, once he stops, he will face countless attacks. Although he can use the spiritual mirror to confuse the enemy, the role here is not very prominent, because there are too many enemies, so that there are enough opponents in his scene.

"Remember, feel, and think about every bit of your research, even those things you think are the most useless or even irrelevant, science was born in this rigorous and meticulous process." Such a sentence flashed in Liu Xiao's mind.

This sentence is what Dr. Carl Vincent said, Dr. T's instructor and one of his most admirers.

The reason why Dr. T has so many achievements, so many dazzling and even makes Tal people take their lives at all costs, is that he remembers every word of his mentor and sublimates it into his own life standard.

Spiritual power has existed in people's minds from the beginning. He is born with it, just like hands, feet, ears and eyes.

But people are born to use their hands, feet and ears, but why has no one ever used the same spiritual power?

At least no one is born to use it. Is it so strange that it needs special treatment?

No, Liu Xiao quickly denied this idea. In fact, people will apply spiritual power from the beginning, and it is often used very well.

For example, people often say that the sixth sense is the simplest application of spiritual power.

For another example, the first spiritual scanning I learned was also taught by no one and learned by myself.

From these, it can be seen that the application of spiritual power will indeed be engraved in the deepest part of life, but you don't remember, or don't find it, or ignore something.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and a small picture appeared in his mind.

I remember that when Liu Xiao first had sex with Nie Lan and others under solid mental power, the mental power at that moment was synchronized and felt very wonderful. Although he could not control the other party's thoughts and movements, he had a feeling of complete integration.

This feeling happens with them every time they turn over, but due to this habit, Liu Xiao has never thought carefully. The only thing he knows is that this is called spiritual synchronization, which is a strange way to copy his spiritual power to another person.

However, according to Sister Baihu, the biggest drawback of this method is that two people must fully agree, and once completed, it will become a subordinate relationship.

Very well, Liu Xiao suddenly realized that the source of his spiritual power is now the lotus flower in the spiritual sea, but the problem is that when he and Nie Lan and others turned over the clouds later, they did not synchronize their spiritual power again.

No, that's not right. Spiritual synchronization did happen at that time, but in the spiritual sea of Nie Lan and others, there was no lotus like Liu Xiao. The only thing that happened was that Nie Lan's spiritual crystals were getting bigger and bigger, and the color was getting darker, accompanied by a faint halo.

Liu Xiao couldn't figure it out before, but at this time he understood.

It is not that the spiritual power synchronization has not been copied, but copied from the beginning, but the problem is that Nie Lan and others will not use these spiritual forces, because from the moment of synchronization, their spiritual power has actually turned into Liu Xiao's spiritual power.

Or more popular, that is, Nie Lan's spiritual power is Liu Xiao's backup library.

The reason why Nie Lan and others can apply it is actually equivalent to borrowing Liu Xiao's spiritual power, but this loan is free of charge.

Liu Xiao figured this out, and he immediately understood that his lotus was absolutely unique, which was why the white tiger sister didn't know it at all.

Liu Xiao always has a feeling that a life is being nurtured in this lotus flower.

At this moment, relying on the spiritual shield condensed into solid glass, Liu Xiao decided to take a risk and communicate with his lotus.

This is a very risky thing, because no one in the world has ever used spiritual power to communicate with their own spiritual power, which makes people feel like chatting with themselves, which makes people feel incredible and awkward.

But no matter what, Liu Xiao decided to try.

This is an adventure and a kind of gambling, but life is not like gambling. You have to pour everything to succeed. Of course, you may lose.

Liu Xiao's spiritual power instantly entered the sea of spirit. First, he touched the lotus gently. The lotus seemed to tremble gently in response to him, and there was a kind of laughter.

Of course, this laughter is not real, but a feeling, a very mysterious feeling.

The lotus petals seem to be weak, but when Liu Xiao's spiritual power tries to enter, they feel the degree of hardness, and there is no gap that can make people take advantage of it. As for the gap that appeared before, it is obvious that the moment is special, or the gap opened by the lotus itself. .

Liu Xiao suddenly felt an illusion that there was a person inside the thin lotus petals, a person he was very familiar with, but he couldn't tell who it was. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

"You finally came, and I'm still thinking, what should I do if you haven't come?" While Liu Xiao was hesitating whether to go further, a trace of spiritual power was instantly connected with his spiritual power and conveyed such a strange news.

Liu Xiao was shocked by this sudden move, and then he felt that the spiritual power connected to him was exactly the same as his own.

No, it should not be said that it is the same. It should be said that it is the same spiritual power.

"Who are you?" Although Liu Xiao has some expectations that this is the so-called external incarnation, he has never heard of such an external incarnation. At least the situation described by the old Taoist priest is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from his own situation.

The petals slowly bloomed, and a small child appeared in the lotus, with big eyes looking at Liu Xiao, and that kind of face seemed to have been seen somewhere.

Suddenly, a person's appearance flashed in Liu Xiao's mind and couldn't help exclaiming: "Dr. T?"

Yes, the child in front of him is not the external incarnation he imagined at all, but a child who is very imaginative with Dr. T.

The child sat up, moved his body, and then nodded like a little adult: "You finally remembered. I thought you couldn't see it, but you came too slowly. I was impatient to wait."

Liu Xiao felt very scared. A person who had no relationship with him, at least a person who had no relationship with him before, would appear in his own spiritual sea, which made him suddenly think of a word, take it away.

Dr. T was stunned and then said with a wry smile on his face, "Hey, what are you thinking? Not to mention that this kind of thing exists, even if it really exists, I can't take your away.

You know, you are me and I am you.

Why do you think I will travel through time and space to merge with you at the moment of death?

Don't think how special or lucky you are. Let me tell you, this is not accidental, but inevitable. Everything is going on a predetermined track.

Liu Xiao was a little confused and looked at Dr. T with little understanding.

"You stupid..." It seems that Dr. T scolded Liu Xiao as a fool, but on second thought, scolding Liu Xiao, isn't it equivalent to scolding himself? He absolutely can't do this kind of thing.

After adjusting his mentality, Dr. T said, "I have no name and no memory of my childhood. My code name is Dr. T, but this is not my real name.

With the rebirth and awakening of my spiritual power, all the shackles have been untied. I also remembered my real name in another time and space, called Liu Xiao, the willow of the willow tree, jokingly laughing.

Looking at the other party's serious face, Liu Xiao pointed to the other party in surprise, and then pointed to himself, but never said a word.

Dr. T nodded: "Yes, I am you, another you in time and space.

Don't think that every time and space Liu Xiao is in the same era as you. This idea itself is a fallacy.

Parallel space-time exists, but as they develop differently, there will be many variables, but all variables come from an origin, which we call primitive space-time, that is, the space-time you are in.

Primitive space-time is the slowest, but also the most stable.

However, with the different development of each time and space, there will also be some special situations, which will be reflected in the primitive time and space. At this time, many people's spiritual power will return to themselves in the primitive space through some channels, thus changing history.

For example, the well-known Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, Jing Ke and so on. Of course, there are also many non-Chinese people, such as Caesar.

Don't look at that. Not everyone pursues strength and long life.

And you don't want to think about it, but not everyone can develop the powerful existence of gene calciology, and there are some unexpected reasons for this thing to succeed.

Liu Xiao was a little speechless. It turned out that he was not the only one in history. Thanks to him, he had always had a sense of superiority, and his feelings were just an ordinary member in the tide.

"Ouch, don't look like that. Although you are not the only one, we are the strongest and the most unbelievable.

Don't believe that genetic fusion integrates the essence of many sects' cultivation methods, as well as the highest technology of genetics.

I originally thought that this thing could be cultivated to about the Mahayana period, and the strongest thing is to break through the confinement of the three-dimensional world and enter the four-dimensional world like others.

But I never thought that you really got a spiritual genetic cultivation, and the direction of progress was like this.

To be honest, after turning into a spiritual body, after initially assimilation with you, I had no self-consciousness at all. It was not until the solidification of spiritual power that my consciousness gradually recovered, and at the same time, a lot of knowledge about spiritual power emerged.

Do you know what the final form of solid mental power is? Dr. T looked at Liu Xiao with a mysterious face, with such a strange smile on his face, which made Liu Xiao depressed for a while.

Seeing Liu Xiao shaking his head, Dr. T said happily, "The universe is a three-dimensional universe. The final form of solid spiritual power is the three-dimensional universe.

This means that when your spiritual power appears to be solidified, you have actually left the three-dimensional world and exist. In other words, you are already the carrier of the universe.

Think about how, as the carrier of the three-dimensional universe, can it be bound by the three-dimensional universe?

So you don't have to enter the four-dimensional world, but that doesn't mean you are invincible.

But at the moment when the spiritual lotus was born, I reappeared, and my existence and external incarnation are actually very similar, but more independent.

Liu smiled and frowned and suddenly said, "Stop and focus. You also know that there is a war outside. Hurry up, there is no time to ink."

Dr. T rolled his eyes and said, "Don't you feel that the passage of time here is completely different from that outside?

Don't you know the so-called one thought for a thousand years, one thought for a thousand years?

Liu Xiao was stunned, then felt it carefully, and immediately found that the outside world was almost static. At this moment, he immediately thought of what Dr. T had just said, and then said with relief, "It's really amazing."

"Okay, let's not talk about it. My current cultivation is not high and I can't help you at all. Now you have broken through to the sixth stage of Genetic calcination. As long as you can complete the seventh section, I can leave your body and help you, so let's continue to work hard.

Now, the only thing I can help you with is to transfer the application method of mental strength to you. The rest can only rely on your efforts for the time being, but relax. This is not my time and space. Don't worry too much about the Tal people. Dr. T seemed very relaxed and did not have the anger when he was killed in Liu Xiao's memory.

Dr. T was stunned and immediately understood, so he said, "In fact, there is nothing to doubt. My appearance in that time and space was an accident.

I didn't belong to that time and space. It was an accident. I exchanged my spiritual power with the spiritual power of Dr. T himself in that time and space, and there were some small accidents in this process, resulting in the complete disappearance of the memory before the exchange, and even forgetting my name.

And after I merged with you, I was affected by your personality and put down some problems at all. After all, those are already past events for me.

With that, a memory is suddenly transmitted to Liu Xiao's spiritual power through the connection of spiritual power. In fact, it is inappropriate to say that the transmission is not appropriate, and it should be said that the activation is more accurate.

In the words before Dr. T fell asleep again, these were already in Liu Xiao's mind, but he didn't find it and didn't realize it. Now what he did was to find it out and put it in front of Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and two pieces of light came out, instantly lighting a super biochemical warrior.

It turns out that this so-called light is actually a spiritual flame, but it is not an ordinary kind, but condensed by the purest spiritual power, so they themselves have been out of the category of fire, but the characteristics of fire are still retained, glowing and hot, and can burn everything at the same time.

Liu Xiao's spiritual flame is not as exaggerated as Dr. T's previous release, but its power should not be underestimated. The super biochemical warrior who was ignited gathered the energy of his whole body to the wound at the first time. Fortunately, Liu Xiao's ability did not reach its peak, and almost All the spiritual power is in the lotus, so after nearly one-fifth of the energy he consumed, he finally extinguished the flames.

Then, Liu Xiao suddenly roared and swept out a burst of mental fluctuation.

However, this fluctuation is completely different from the previous one. This fluctuation is purer and more targeted.

This is an attack with deterrent spirit. Once hit, there will be different degrees of dizziness. Of course, time depends on the mental power of both sides, so most of these people will have dizziness for one to two seconds, which provides the greatest opportunity for Liu Xiao.

The spiritual explosion is completely different from the spiritual flame just now. This time, the spiritual power presented an explosive attack and spread around Liu Xiao's body like a fire cloud in an instant.

The super biochemical warriors were evaporated in an instant, and there was not even a single chance to react.

"Damn it, what's wrong with him? Why did he suddenly become so powerful? Retreat, retreat immediately." The temporary leader immediately issued an order, and as for the order of Commander Tal Star, go see his ghost.

How could Liu Xiao let go of such a dangerous army, so he released a huge spiritual cage, a spiritual arena, at the first time.

The spiritual arena used this time is not the original giant cage version, but a real arena, a realistic arena simulated by spiritual power, but the only difference is that it can only enter and cannot exit.

"Oh... Come on, damn unlucky man, you have lost all your mother's face." There were an audience in the arena. Although these super biochemical warriors knew that these were fake, they suddenly doubted at this moment, because everything around them was so real that they could even feel the emotions of those spectators.

"Don't look, this is a high-level fantasy created by spiritual power. Only by defeating the guardians here can you get out." The temporary leader said fiercely.

The spiritual arena directly acts on the ultra-advanced fantasy of consciousness completely through the stimulation of mental power. In the eyes of others, these people are stupid and constantly roaring in the air, and even if they understand, they still have to be affected by the illusion.

"Damn earthman, come out, I'm going to fight with you."

"Get out, you coward..."


The super biochemical warrior roared crazily, trying to provoke Liu Xiao out.

However, at this time, Liu Xiao had pulled out to join the chaos and launched a sniper killing of the Tal people.

In fact, if Liu Xiao's spiritual application is skilled enough, he can make a large-scale attack and avoid his own people and attack the enemy.

However, unfortunately, he has just started the memory of the use of spiritual power. Although Liu Xiao can apply it skillfully, he still dares not try such a skill-based attack method.


A spiritual flame directly killed the commander of Tal Star. The so-called capture of the thief and capture the king first did not have this condition before, but now there is a condition. If you don't do it again, what are you waiting for?

There was a riot in Tal Star's troops, but with another officer taking over the position of commander.

I have to say that the military discipline of the Tal people was indeed very strict, and the chaos lasted less than two seconds before being suppressed by the new commander.

Then several layers of energy shields protected the commander layer by layer, and the Tal people in the melee became more and more crazy.

Liu Xiao's eyes turned, and a sneer flashed on his face, and then an out-of-range spiritual blessing swept by, and everyone's spiritual power suddenly soared.

This skill is actually almost useless for people in the melee, but it is different for the Tal people. Although they have the biochemical suit of defensive spirit, it is a pity that Liu Xiao's spiritual power is too strong. They can defend part of it, but they can't defend against all the spiritual blessing.

Although the remaining mental power does not reach the extent of harming the intelligent body, it can make their reaction slow, their thinking is also blocked, and become less spiritual.

Someone of the Earth Alliance soon found this and shouted while launching an attack crazily.

The biochemical warriors of Tal Star are not afraid of spiritual power, so the moment they reacted, they immediately gave up the earthlings around them and turned their heads to protect those who were hit by Tal Star.

"Withdraw, withdraw all, enter the defensive state, quickly." The commander of the biochemical soldier regiment gave the order at the first time, and then all the biochemicals surrounded the Tal people in the middle, forming an effective defense circle.

In fact, Liu Xiao did not think of killing the Tal people with spiritual strength from the beginning, and the purpose of what he did was to bring the Tal people together.

In an instant, several basketball-sized spiritual balls shining with golden light condensed in Liu Xiao's hand. With his big hand, he crossed the sky like a meteor and hit the defense circle of the Tal people.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Xiao, who activated the spiritual application memory, also solved the problem that has always been the most entangled problem, flying.

"Quick, turn on the shield, quickly..." The commander gave an emergency order, and then countless energy shields rose.


A loud noise, followed by several loud noises. The defense circle of the Tal people was shrouded in a burst of dust. When the dust dispersed, people saw a very strange scene.

Although the energy shield of Tal Star did not have any rupture, together with the shield, the whole ground sank at least 30 centimeters.

Liu smiled and frowned. He didn't expect the enemy's shield to be so strong.

In fact, he didn't look at it. At the moment when the order was issued, Tal Xingren opened at least hundreds of energy shields. Although these energy shields were not as powerful as Liu Xiao's attack, the instantaneous superposition still played a process of quantitative change to qualitative change, making them dangerously defend against the attack.

Liu Xiao flashed in his hand, and a golden flame arrow appeared in his hand, and then a huge bow appeared in his other hand.

With a bow and an arrow, a golden light crossed the sky. All the people of the Tal Star Legion trembled, and then desperately opened the energy shield, regardless of the consumption of energy. Almost all the things that could be used were opened in an instant.

There is no previous roar, but this is really the most deadly. The golden flame arrow hit the energy shield in an instant, and a bad "sizzle" sounded. People clearly see that the golden flame arrow is nailed to the energy shield and is constantly burning the energy shield, and obviously, the outermost layer of the grassroots The energy shield has been pierced by the golden flame arrow at this time. No one can guess whether the remaining energy shield can ensure their safety.


With a soft sound, the flame arrow finally penetrated the energy shield, but it was also a pity that the golden flame arrow exploded in the air before reaching the ground.

Although no Tal people have died as a result, at least 4,000 people have been injured to varying degrees, which is also a small result.

"Damn earthlings, let's unite and launch an attack together." After the commander gave the order, all the biochemical soldiers were condensing this energy.

This is a skill that must be used. One must be launched by multiple people, and the more people there are, the stronger its power will be.


A huge white beam of light burst out of the defense circle of the Tal people. After passing through Liu Xiao's body, it was like a huge hole in the vast sky, blowing away all the clouds in the sky and some thin air on the atmosphere, making people worried about Liu Xiao's safety.

"A Xiao..." Nie Lan, who was sitting in front of the monitor, was almost scared to faint by this thrilling scene.

Fortunately, even if the white tiger sister and Ouyang Qing helped her, the white tiger sister said, "Sister Lan, what are you worried about? This guy is not so easy to get hurt. If you don't believe it, feel your mental strength. If something happens to that guy, your mental strength can be so calm?"

In fact, Nie Lan also understands this truth, but as the saying goes, care is chaotic, and it is also because he doesn't know much about spiritual power.

Feeling it and finding that there was really no problem, Nie Lan was relieved.

To be honest, this has really scared people except the White Tiger sister. You should know that the light pillar looks boundless. Although I don't know what it is, I also know that if I am hit, there will never be good results.

Indeed, Liu Xiao was very embarrassed. His biochemical clothes turned into dust in the attack, and even the hair all over his body were evaporated.

Yes, it is evaporation, not burning into ashes.

There is no temperature for these energy, but the high concentration of energy makes his hair evaporate in an instant. If it weren't for his strong body and mental strength, I'm afraid even he himself would have been evaporated.

Liu Xiao was very angry, but also calm. He did not rush out like this, but condensed his clothes with his spirit, and then he rushed out.

When Nie Lan saw Liu Xiao's bald head and didn't even rush out without her eyebrows, she immediately put her hanging heart down and then looked at Liu Xiao's funny image and laughed.

Don't think that Nie Lan doesn't feel sorry for Liu Xiao. On the contrary, it is precisely because she is too distressed that she leads to an unreal momentary thought because of the momentary gap in her heart. Fortunately, it just hurts to this extent, but her hair and eyebrows will grow out after a period of time, as long as If no one is injured, everything will be fine.

This is what she thinks. It's very simple and simple.

Liu Xiao condensed dozens of spiritual flame arrows in an instant. As dozens of giant bows were pulled open, a rain of arrows flew out.

The Tal Star Legion wanted to escape, but unfortunately, it was too late. This time, there was no stagnation at all. The arrow instantly broke through the energy shield and bombarded the middle of the Tal Starmen.

With a strong explosion, countless Tal Star people turned into a pile of ashes under the baptism of spiritual flames. However, surprisingly, Tal Star biochemical warriors stood there unharmed and looked at each other in horror.

Liu Xiao patted his bright brain and immediately remembered that he had added a spiritual increase before. That was his spiritual power, and he would naturally be immune to his attack at the first time, which was really unexpected.

However, without the Tal people, the enemies of the Earth Alliance have lost at least one-tenth of the enemies. Suddenly, the battle situation is much easier. Without the protection of energy shields, although the biochemical warriors can not fall behind for the time being, they will inevitably not last for a long time.

Originally, I wanted to continue to attack, but I didn't expect that the energy beam just now, as well as the impact of the explosion of my own spiritual flame, actually relieved the illusion of the spiritual arena. At this time, a large group of super biochemical warriors were staring at Liu Xiao with their eyes wide open.

Liu Xiao frowned and immediately knew what the other party was thinking. He must have wanted to have an energy explosion and kill himself like a biochemical warrior.

Although he can survive the energy explosion of biochemical warriors, Liu Xiao is sure that although the number of people is only more than 1% of their number, the total energy absolutely exceeds that of those biochemical warriors.

Liu Xiao didn't want to wait for the other party to do it first this time. With a wave of his hands, two golden flame spears appeared in his hand, followed by a very unstandard throw, throwing it in the direction of the super biochemical warrior.

Liu Xiao is actually not sure how strong this thing is, but he is sure that it is at least ten times stronger than the power of the spiritual flame arrow.

Naturally, it is impossible for the super biochemical warriors to sit and wait for death. They gathered energy to form a colorful giant shield in front of them, blocking the golden flame spear outside.


With a loud noise, the flame spear exploded, and the huge waves rushed the people below. Although the super biochemical soldiers were not injured, the colorful shield was sunk and sunken.

Liu Xiao didn't expect that the defense of the giant shield of the other party was so high. You know, the two golden spears just now were attacked by his strongest spiritual power, but the two consecutive spears were just sunken. It seems that there are still many powerful guys in the world.

Unlike Liu Xiao's surprise, the super biochemical warriors felt fear and boundless fear.

They are very clear that the huge shield just now, even if it is the main gun of the cosmic warship, may be able to resist it for a while.

But look at what the earth people on the opposite side have done. Two golden spears blew up this ultra-defensive energy shield out of the depression. Do you want to live?

Liu Xiao suddenly frowned and then looked into the distance.

"Quickly solve the battle. The headquarters of the Tal people in Japan has changed. They seem to have issued a new order and are heading to the United States to end the battle quickly, otherwise we will have time." Through spiritual power, Liu Xiao learned about this amazing change at the first time. I have to say that such an attack plan has indeed disrupted Liu Xiao's overall plan, but now it doesn't matter. After knowing the powerful spiritual attack method, Tal Xingren can no longer be called a threat.