Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

111 opportunities for Tal people

Boyagodi is not a fool. Since the departure of the large army, he has been a little worried, especially after his satellite has been blocked.

I have to say that the earth is indeed backward enough. They can't make many things here, because they have no tools, so they can only make some relatively advanced satellites with biochemical components.

However, shortly after the team left, Boyagodi received a report from his men that the satellite signal was suddenly blocked and the technical team was under emergency debugging.

When Bojagodi heard the news, he couldn't sit still.

He, who has rich experience in fighting with earthlings, knows that he must be playing tricks on earthlings.

"General, the communication can't be connected for the time being. It seems that it has also been blocked. Shall we send someone to inform us?" The adjutant ran in and reported.

Notice? How is that possible?

Boyagodi's heart was quite entangled, and he was happy and angry.

I'm glad that this army, which has just been mobilized from Talxing, is very powerful and does not directly accept its orders. This is obviously the opinion reached by another old man of Talxing. They want to give up themselves, but it is hindered by the face of their grandfather, who is the first member of the First Parliament. Therefore, we can only adopt the current method.

And once these people lose, Boyagodi will regain military power. At least the dead old men in the parliament will no longer have any excuse to weaken their military power.

And what made him feel the atmosphere was that his majestic general actually wanted to use the defeat of the army to cover up his incompetence.

Yes, he admits that he is incompetent. At least on this battlefield, he is indeed incompetent, and he never denies this.

"No, I believe the enemy has been waiting for us to do so for a long time.

You also know the cunning of the earthlings. Since they have set up a bureau waiting for us, there is no need for us to play with them. Boyagodi waved his hand and said.

A military officer who had just arrived on earth changed his face and asked, "General, are you going to abandon the lives of your compatriots?"

Although this officer has just come to the earth, he met the previous general who was being imprisoned before he came to the earth.

When the general met the officer, he kept silent, knowing that the officer had asked several times and showed enough respect before the general said a word to him.

"In terms of science and technology, Tal Star is a prime man, and the earth is a teenager. But in terms of tactical strategy, the earth is prime, and we Tal Star is a baby. The general's words can be said to be ruthless, but they are very true.

For very special reasons, the Tal people are not enthusiastic about power and strategy. Although they have a struggle between the first parliament and the second parliament, that's all. As for the degree of intensity, they are not even as good as the women in the ancient Chinese harem.

The officer looked very bad when he left, but not because the general's words were unpleasant, but because he was worried about his future.

The night before going to Earth, the officer found the commander of the operation. He told the commander what the general said, but unfortunately he couldn't listen at all and said, "He is the most famous general on Tal Star?" That's a thing of the past. Even Boyagodi can seize the first line of defense on earth, and what has he done? He is a disgrace, you know? He is the biggest shame of Tal Star.

The officer was very angry. He felt that a failure did not mean anything, and at this time, he also understood why the general's eyes were so strange when he left the cell.

Yes, it's very strange. It's a deep worry, and he never understands what this worry is. He knows it now.

There is a thing in the world called conceit, which is completely different from conceit and self-confidence.

Tal has experienced so many victories that it is full of conceit. They think they are invincible and almost invincible in this universe.

But they never thought that there are many people in this universe that they dare not mess with, and there are many developing planets that may also become their strong enemies, such as the small earth called wild by the Tal people.

The officer figured this out, so the first time he came to the earth was to meet the current general, Master Boyagodi.

He wanted to hear Boyagodi's evaluation of the earth, but unexpectedly, when it comes to earthlings, Boyagodi's face also has a layer of indisting worries.

"The people on earth are very powerful. I can feel that they are getting stronger and stronger in this war. They are constantly adjusting their direction, learning our technology and analyzing us.

Although our technology is still in two different classes from them, I believe that they will catch up with us in the near future, because their imitation ability is too strong, especially in that place called Huaxia.

By the way, they have a strange name for this ability among the people, which is a copycat. Boyagodi made a big joke in the end, but how you listen to it, his words are full of melancholy. Is this still the young master Boyagodi called a dandy?

Finally, after synthesizing the evaluation of the two generals, the officer came to an amazing conclusion that either the Tal people in this world completely conquered the earth, remember, it was completely.

Or, it is forever surpassed by the people of the earth, and remember that it is forever.

The officer felt that his brain was a little insufficient and even stagnant.

"The earth is really a mysterious country. The third cantilever of the solar system, known as the unintentional corner of the barbarian planet, turned out to be a dormant flood beast.

And recently, people who have checked the earth clicked, and it seems that the four holy beasts and even the dragons have appeared on this planet.

I really don't understand what this planet has that attracts the attention of the top beings in these three-dimensional worlds. This is the idea of the officer studying history, and it is also an inexprehensible doubt.

But now, he is even more puzzled, and Boyagodi actually intends to give up the troops attacking Indonesia.

Giving the lives of his compatriots is one of the most serious crimes in Tal Star. It is impossible for Boyagodi, a member of a political family, not to know this, but the problem is that he still decided so. At this moment, he felt that the world had been completely at the moment when their Tal people attacked the earth. Crazy.

"General, you can't do this. The crime of doing so is very serious." Yes, Boyagodi is indeed a dandy, but the officer does not deny that his dandy young master is indeed the Tal people who knows the earth people best now. Therefore, it is better to let such a general who knows the power of the earth be led than to lead a proud and invincible general. A lot.

This is a difficult choice, but the officers think it is the best choice at present, nothing else, at least until the old stubborn people on Tal star recognize the reality.

Boyagodi knew that the officer was right, and he also saw sincerity and anxiety in the eyes of the other party. Although he did not know why the officer helped him so much, he was really grateful.

"Don't worry, I won't make such a low-level mistake.

Recently, I have been studying books on earthlings, among which a Chinese book "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and a book "Thirty-Six Tactics" are very good. I found an interesting plan to surround Wei and save Zhao. Boyagodi has indeed been addicted to these military works in recent days. He has to admit that the Tal people have experienced so many wars, but they do not have a thorough understanding of war, especially in military strategy.

The officers did not understand what besieged Wei to save Zhao, but under the explanation of Boyagodi, he had to marvel that they had indeed used such a wonderful plan in the war, but they had never done it to sublimate to a theoretical level.

Boyagodi said sincerely, "We may not win this attack, and we are likely to suffer great losses.

And as far as my research on the guy named Liu Xiao on earth, he must have been fully prepared for our large army this time. Maybe their sacrifice will be great, but the sacrifice of our troops is more terrible.

I have a very bad feeling that if one is not good, our army is likely to be destroyed. Boyagodi spoke slowly, but there was a kind of worry and deep worry in his words.

Indeed, from his selfish point of view, he really needs a defeat of the other party, or a decisive victory of his own.

Victory? He dares not think about this problem now. For so long on the earth, he has understood a lot of things and has a certain understanding of the human personality habits of this planet.

In his words, compared with the treachery and cunning of the earthlings, Tal people are simply as pure as a small flower, at least they are not good at conspiracy, although they envy these.

The officer was shocked and the whole army was destroyed, which is rare in the history of the Tal people. The first person to be completely destroyed was the previous general, and the respectable general was waiting for execution in his prison at this time.

Now, the general told him that they were about to face the danger of being destroyed again, which made him not shocked.

At this time, he remembered what Boyagodi just said that the earth would transcend the existence of Tal and transcend forever.

At this time, he was suddenly convinced of this sentence. He even felt that the reason why Tal Star attacked the earth was an established arrangement, God's arrangement, for the rise of this race.

Thinking about the existence of those called holy beasts and even dragons, the reason why they coincidentally visit this wild planet is likely to feel this kind of favor, so they came here.

The officer didn't say anything. He thought that since everything was doomed, he just needed to quietly watch the rise of this race. Although being a Tal star will eventually become a stepping stone for the rise of this race, no matter from any perspective, it itself It also seems to be an honor, a helpless honor.

Boyagodi's action was very fast. In less than half a day, hundreds of thousands of troops began to march towards the Americas, and their destination was the former earth's first power, the United States.

The United States is rich in resources, not only because of geography, but also because of their blockade order, which allows them to consume only foreign resources, but their own resources have never been moved.

This is a very smart decision, and no one can deny it. This is a decision's attention. From any angle, it is a beneficial and harmless decision.

However, it was such a decision that made the Tal people keep an eye on them.

The army of the Tal people moved very quickly. This time, because the transformation master did not enter the core, the speed of information acquisition was relatively slow. Moreover, after experiencing the previous events, Boyagodi further strengthened the confidentiality of intelligence. Therefore, it was not until the day the departure of the large army that this information was The secret was passed on, and when Liu Xiao and others received this information, in fact, hundreds of thousands of troops of Tal Star had begun to land from the sea and began a large-scale invasion.

I have to say that Boyagodi's attack was too sharp and unexpected.

However, this is the real war. War requires uncertainty before it can really be called war. This time, Liu Xiao and others did not expect that the Tal people voluntarily gave up the defense of the first line of defense and pushed forward to attack the United States.

Liu Xiao was surprised, but this matter was also reasonable, so after killing the large army of the Tal people, they directly sent troops to the United States to support.

The strategy of Tal Star was very successful this time. Although Liu Xiao's speed was fast, when they arrived in the United States, what they saw was not Tal Star's large army, but a mess.

Boyagodi is very smart this time. He knows that it is impossible to completely occupy the United States, at least the people of the earth will not let them own gold mines, so his order is to plunder and plunder all metal resources.

The purpose of this attack is very clear, so the speed of the battle is also very fast, and at least 200,000 of the hundreds of thousands of troops are engineering troops. They carry a large number of construction machinery. In just five hours, they have collected a large number of gold and gold companion creatures, as well as many other rare minerals they need.

Liu Xiao looked at the mess on the ground and listened to the report of the United States, and his head suddenly became a little bigger.

He is considering whether he needs to take back these minerals.

However, soon, his idea was accidentally forcibly terminated.

The Tal Star sent troops to the earth again, and this time it was Bojagodi's. He converted a large amount of gold into energy, forcibly opened the Stargate again, and asked Tal Star to send the strongest warrior, Mr. Bonn.

At the moment of Bonn's arrival, the whole earth could feel an extremely strong sense of depression, but this was only for a moment. Liu Xiao covered the whole earth with spiritual power and forcibly expelled this pressure.

Bonn didn't make it. There are people on earth who are really so powerful that they can shake their own pressure. However, he also knows that the two of them can't fight, and at least there can't be a conflict in the short term. After all, this level of war, a bad one, will destroy the whole planet. This is by no means what their Tal people want. They will never dare to do so, because the holy beast and the dragon have stipulated that they will not interfere in anything as long as they do not directly destroy the planet.

In other words, if Bonn destroys the earth now, then it is embarrassing that the dragons and holy beasts will soon appear in front of him and then rudely bombard him into pieces.

Liu Xiao knew that although he was mentally strong, he could never fight with people with such pressure, so he was very tacitly silent with the other party, but unfortunately, he could not go to Japan to take back the metal resources that originally belonged to the people of the earth.

Of course, Bonn did not know the strength of the other party, let alone the other party, so he regarded this silence as a sign of abiding by the rules of the game.

Liu Xiao is now more busy, because he knows that the only thing the Tal people need to do after getting those resources is to build a large star gate.

Medium? Please, who stipulates that the large Stargate cannot transport medium-sized warships and equipment?

The arrival of the Tal people's fleet is unstoppable. In this case, Liu Xiao must help the earth develop higher technology. Of course, he will not directly participate in it, but beat around, and let these scientists see the direction of research and quickly find out the research methods through some other means.

After returning from the battlefield, Liu Xiao has not returned home, but stayed in the laboratory of T Energy, and Yu Lao and others are studying the efficient use of new energy, the most important of which are two major parts, one is civilian and the other is military.

After knowing it for more than half a month, Liu Xiao dragged his completely smelly body back home.

When he woke up, he found himself in the bath. White Tiger's sister and Huo Qingqing were bathing for him. Obviously, he was too smelly, especially after the clothes were stained with those energy materials, it was even more smelly.

"To be honest, I now admire the wives of those research institutes. How do they endure the smell of their husbands?" Sister Baihu frowned and said puzzledly.

To be honest, the white tiger sister actually doesn't want to come. You should know that the nose of their white tiger family is quite sensitive. The smell of Liu Xiao's body is like a deadly poison gas.

Huo Qingqing covered her mouth and smiled and said, "How can you endure it? It's just the same as you do now. How can you endure it? How can they endure it."

Liu Xiao slowly opened her eyes and complained, "Damn, I didn't expect that I, who was so powerful, was so tired. Scientists are really not a profession that ordinary people can do."

While speaking, Liu Xiao also stretched out his hands and planned to flirt with the white tiger sister and Huo Qingqing, but as soon as he stretched out, he was beaten down by two women.

"Don't move around. You're so tired that you don't forget to do bad things." Huo Qingqing blushed and said slightly coquettishly.

After taking a shower, Liu Xiao sat down with a group of women and told him about Dr. T.

"You mean that Dr. T is you in another time and space?" Nie Lan asked in disbelief, after all, this kind of thing is really too mysterious.

Liu smiled and nodded, but before he could speak, Ding Hong suddenly asked, "Brother Xiao, are you really sure there is no danger?"

Other women also looked at Liu Xiao, waiting for his answer.

Liu Xiao can't make them too anxious, so he replied, "Yes, I'm very sure. It is a kind of complete spiritual connection and synchronization. We can't lie to each other. As long as we lie, the other will immediately detect it.

I don't quite understand. Except for the thoughtful nod of the white tiger sister, everyone else has an inexplicable feeling.

Sister Baihu thought for a moment and then said, "So, I'm afraid the things mentioned in some of the classics of our white tiger family Liu Xiao are true."

Huh? Classics? And what's true or false? Liu Xiao was a little puzzled, and the other girls also turned their heads and looked at the white tiger sister.

The white tiger sister did not want to hide it, so she explained directly: "I am not a pure white tiger, but a descendant of the white tiger, that is, the descendant left by the white tiger on the earth.

Although we can learn a lot of knowledge from memory inheritance, it is limited to our own ability, and some memory and history and other knowledge cannot be passed on.

In order to preserve the memories of those predecessors, our White Tiger clan has compiled them into classics, which record knowledge about parallel time and space.

This knowledge comes from the memory of the powerful white tiger holy beasts. They describe a strange space-time composition. They describe this space-time composition as a space-time tree, while our space-time is the main trunk, and other branches go farther than the main trunk, but are more fragile.

And the white tiger holy beast once said that in the space-time tree, the truly powerful existence can only exist in one time and space, that is, the so-called uniqueness. Only weak life can exist in different time and space, which is to ensure that their spiritual bodies will not be destroyed.

Oh, by the way, the white tiger holy beast also said about Tal people. In fact, the wisdom bodies themselves have spiritual power, but their spiritual power is too weak to be almost equal to zero, so they exist in every time and space. The only difference is that only the Tal people in the main spacetime and another time and space have Aggressive, and in many other time and space, Tal Star is actually an art star. Every Tal star worships and loves art, and is also an art master in the universe, which makes people from other planets look at.

Liu Xiao felt that his brain was a little dizzy. It would be like this in most other time and space. Those green brain shells were actually art masters. So what's wrong with Dr. T's time and space here?

Is this the so-called jackpot?

Sister White Tiger shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly, "To be honest, the main space-time is the most disaster-prone and dangerous creature in all time and space. Moreover, the classics say that all the cadres serve the backbone. Those excellent wisdom in the backbone will return to the backbone in different ways and affect the life that exists as a theme. For example, the most typical is the Yellow Emperor, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, who once appeared in the Chinese nation.

According to the description of the White Tiger Holy Beast, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's strength is very strong, only a little worse than the Holy Beast, but it has also reached the height of heaven. The reason why he reached this height is that he has integrated 60 spiritual bodies of time and space.

But it's a pity that he fell in the end, because he did not have a way to break through the three-dimensional world, and the dragon's method is not suitable for human beings on your earth, which is a very helpless ending.

Liu Xiao was very surprised. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor actually integrated the spirit of many branches of time and space. No wonder it is so powerful. You know, he has only integrated one, and it has reached today's strength.

"No, then I just integrated one, but according to Dr. T, and your previous ideas, my cultivation method is boundless. Why does Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor have 60 branches, but why is it still not as strong?" Liu Xiao was a little puzzled, but he still didn't quite understand why.

The white tiger sister patted her forehead and said, "Please, no matter how lush the branch is, it can't exceed too much. Most importantly, there is no big tree that has flourished from the beginning. The longer it is, the more lush it will be, and the trunk will be stronger it will become stronger.

You should know that at that time, the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan was actually just the starting point of human civilization, so the earth's most in other branches of time and space were actually more than one or two hundred years.

Think about what could be brought to them in that era, beyond the knowledge system and technology system of 120 years?

And in this era, think about it, it's just a spiritual time travel, which brings knowledge after more than ten thousand years, not to mention the knowledge of the combination of practice and biochemical technology, which can't be compared at all.

It is true when Liu Xiao thinks about it. The times are progressing, and many things are naturally made up for by quality.

Other women also marveled that the world was really incredible that such a thing would happen.

Ding Xia tilted her little head and thought for a moment, and then asked, "Hanqiu, do you think, if we all become strong, what will happen to those other themselves in time and space?"

"Disappear, completely disappear. Remember, it is not time and space to come here to merge with us, but to truly disappear. Because space-time cannot allow the unique strong to appear weak branches, it will forcibly erase those branches, restore them to energy, and supply powerful ontology in batches. What Sister White Tiger said is very serious.

Liu Xiao was a little silent. Sure enough, the world has been following the law of the jungle. Only the strong can survive, while the weak can only struggle at the bottom.

However, it is this cruelty that makes the world more complex, more dynamic and dynamic.

"Bear, what are you going to do about the strong man from Tal Star?" Nie Lan felt that she was always discussing such invisible things, which made the atmosphere more and more dull, so she decided to change the topic.

Liu smiled and shook his head: "To be honest, I don't seem to have a good way to deal with him at present. However, he also seems to have some scruples, and at the same time, he seems to have misunderstood something, so he will not take the initiative to attack.

As soon as Liu Xiao's words fell, a voice suddenly echoed in the living room: "You're right, earthman, that Tal star can't really use force on the earth, and your means of pressure also made him misunderstand your strength.

To be honest, your spiritual strength is really strong. I'm afraid even Shenlong's spiritual achievements can't catch up with you.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bald Xuanwu appeared in front of everyone. His image is very simple and honest, just like their Xuanwu's own personality, which always makes people look slow and lazy.

"Ah, why are you here?" Liu Xiao was not polite, because he found that Xuanwu didn't care what others think of them. They only cared about whether the other party was hostile or not.

Xuanwu touched the shiny skull and smiled, "I'm not idle. Come and have a look. To be honest, the world has changed so fast. When I sleep, I don't recognize it at all.

Liu Xiao was speechless and said to himself, "Your sleep will be hundreds of years, a little longer, or even thousands of years. If nothing changes, then human beings will not live."

Although he couldn't say that, Liu Xiao still played a joke with the other party.

Xuanwu is not as dead as it is told to people, but very easy-going, which probably has a lot to do with their survival in the water environment.

"I'm actually here for the master of Tal Star. There are some things that should be known to you about the problems between the strong." Xuanwu said it very seriously. After all, it is impossible for this topic not to be serious.

Seeing Liu Xiao nodded and listened carefully, Xuanwu continued to say: "Strong people, once a person reaches the peak of the ground, the battle between them will change the terrain and destruction, so generally it is not allowed to fight in the galaxy where the living planet is located.

This is also the rule set by our holy beast and mythical beast dragon, and obviously, because your spiritual strength has resisted the pressure of your opponent, he also regards you as the existence of the same level. However, in my opinion, your boy's strength is not even in the early stage of the earth. This is completely lame development.

Liu smiled bitterly and said, "I can't control this matter. My skills are very special. I'm not very easy to control, and now the most important thing is to cultivate my spiritual power well. I find that this thing seems to be very widely used and can even enhance physical strength."

Xuanwu patted his forehead and said angrily, "I forgot that your boy's spiritual power has further evolved from the solid state. Obviously, your physical and spiritual strength have been integrated. It seems that you are not a lame development, but you can't exert your maximum strength."

No one knows how strong Liu Xiao is, but everyone who really knows him knows that so far, Liu Xiao seems to have never been defeated, which in itself shows how powerful he is.

Xuanwu is right. Liu Xiao doesn't know how to use his own power now, which also causes his strength to be inadvertently suppressed at the peak of Xuan level.

Xuanwu and Liu Xiao talked a lot about the rules of the universe, the agreements and constraints between the strong, and questions about time and space.

Xuanwu knows much more than the white tiger sister, especially about Dr. T.

Dr. T? Is that another you?" Xuanwu was shocked, because Dr. T can be said to be a thunderous name among the top organisms.

"No wonder, no wonder. I said why I felt so familiar when I heard your name for the first time. Isn't Dr. T's real name also Liu Xiao?

But it's not surprising that I can't remember. It's always called Dr. T and Dr. T, so that I almost forgot my real name. Xuanwu touched his bald head and said brily.

Liu Xiao was stunned and then asked, "Do you also know the existence of Dr. T?"

Xuanwu nodded and said, "Of course, I know that he is a very special existence. He constantly enhances his strength in his own way, and at the same time integrates the spirit of different time and space to achieve the strongest goal.

However, it was obvious that he had an accident in his last operation, which made him fall to the end of the space-time branch with the flow of time and space.

His brain was impacted to release all his spiritual power, which caused some problems in the whole time and space, but it was irrelevant.

However, it is obvious that he still wants to be an absolute strong man in his subconscious, so he studied a very unique cultivation method, and the most important thing is that he himself does not realize that this skill can only be practiced by himself..."

Speaking of this, Xuanwu suddenly stopped, and then stared at Liu Xiao: ", you are practicing this skill, right?"

Xuanwu obviously didn't expect it before, but now he suddenly figured out some problems, but this made him even more shocked.

Unlike Xuanwu's shock, Liu Xiao's heart set off a terrible wave. Was Dr. T originally aggressive?

Thinking of this question, he suddenly thought of Dr. T in the lotus and told it to Xuanwu.

After hearing this, Xuanwu laughed and said, "No problem. In essence, he is only a part of you and will never be the subject.

You know, since you merged, he has been assimilated by you. Even if he has those ambitious memories, it is just memories.

If I guess correctly, his way of speaking and personality should be completely different from Dr. T in your memory, right?

Liu Xiao thought about it and found that it was true. He had always felt strange before. Dr. T gave him a very different feeling, but he had never known why, and now Xuanwu gave the answer, that is, his personality and all aspects were assimilated by Liu Xiao.

I'm sure there's no danger, which makes Liu, who was nervous just now, really relieved.

"This time, I have a purpose to say goodbye to you. I plan to go back, but it won't be long before I come back." After saying that, Xuanwu disappeared.

There is no danger for the time being, so that Liu Xiao can finally calm down and continue to want.

"He Lao, this is an idea about the new power system, just an idea, mainly to cater to the application of new energy." Liu Xiao handed over a thick ladle of manuscript paper to Yu Lao.

Mr. He took his eyes and looked at it carefully: "Although I'm not a power man, our industry has dealt with the power system development department. To be honest, you are too advanced. I'm afraid it's difficult to study it."

Liu Xiao also knew it, but said helplessly, "Mr. He, do you know what's going on at the other side of Tal? The arrival of large warships and small and medium-sized warships is only a matter of time.

Before, they made it slowly, because there was not enough manpower, but now it's different. More than a million troops are there. Will they have manpower problems?

According to my estimation, the conquest fleet of Tal will arrive as soon as a month or two, and as soon as a year. Although the scale is small, it is undoubtedly the most threatening for our planet.

He Lao was silent and then sighed: "I can't wait. Well, I will go to the State Council in person. I hope that this power system can be invented as soon as possible under the care of the chairman.

But you have to give me a confirmation letter. Once this thing is invented, are you sure you can really build a space warship?

Liu Xiao smiled and said, "Mr. He, tell me, why have I, Liu Xiao, lied to you in this regard?"

"Well, I see. I'm leaving Shencheng and going to the capital." Mr. He nodded, and then left the research institute with documents and several biochemical warrior bodyguards.

In Zhongnanhai, Chairman Gu and Premier Wen looked at the documents shown on the slide with serious faces.

"Xiao Zhang, go and they all called Lao Cai from the Power Research Institute." The chairman can't judge the authenticity and value of these things. Most importantly, whether this thing can be developed at the current level of technology is what he really wants to know.

Comrade Cai, who came in a hurry, ignored the chairman and the prime minister at all, and grabbed the documents and read them carefully.

"Genius, absolute genius. No...genius is not enough to describe..." Comrade Cai said as he looked excitedly.

The chairman and the prime minister do not have any dissatisfaction. If a scientific and technological worker does not have this spirit of nothing but scientific research, he may not reach the height of Comrade Cai.

"I said this... huh? Where are the chairman and the prime minister? I just wanted to ask where the designer was, but I didn't expect to look up and find that the chairman and the prime minister were sitting aside, and then they greeted casually.

"Speaking about it, we really want to hear whether this thing is true or not, and how difficult is it to study it?" The chairman asked a serious question, and he also knew that the current situation was not optimistic, so this thing was too important for China.