Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 374: Swallowing the Sky

"Who is, the rules no longer exist, and the chaotic holes directly devour thousands. No one can exist. Even the gods will die at the moment of devouring. After the rules are broken, no one can survive except the gods. This person is not a god, so... who is he!" Under the doubt, Hong Lin strode out and came to the position where the rules fluctuated in an instant.

In front of him is a human being. There will be human beings in every world, but it is a matter of quantity and status. This person is a human, very young, only 11 or 12 years old. At this moment, the child is hiding in a corner, holding his legs.

His eyes were empty and blank, as if he had seen something terrible, and his curled body was cold and stiff.

"There is no divine power fluctuation on the body, only regular fluctuation!" Hong Lin looked at the child and wondered.

He walked slowly to the teenager, but the teenager quickly looked scared and leaned back.

"It seems that the world destroyed by chaotic holes has made him confused. He did not die, but witnessed the demise of the world. What a cruel fact this is for a child. Chaotic holes, I will kill you!" Hong Lin gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. If the chaotic hole goes on like this, how many creatures will become the appearance of this world in the whole chaos.

It is estimated that all of them will, and even countless years later, the whole chaos will become a mess.

However, Hong Lin now doubts the situation and strength of this teenager. The teenager is not old and exudes the breath of rules all over his body, but there is no divine power, and there is no power fluctuation other than the rules. His body is also very thin, but his whole body can exude the power of rules, which is not at all. Yes!!

The body is insufficient. If it carries the rules, it is death. Moreover, the boy's rule power is not strong. How can he survive without rules? And it is dark. How can this teenager feel him?

There is only one explanation that this teenager can survive in a world without rules, but he must have his own rules! It's just that all this is too appalling and doesn't make sense at all.

Hong Lin felt the mystery of the teenager, looked at the teenager and said, "Don't worry, I didn't mean any harm..."

"Don't come here, don't come here, don't come here!" When the teenager heard Hong Lin speak, he suddenly screamed. With a scream, his body suddenly emitted a powerful force of rules. The power of rules was different from his body just now, and the whole body became countless times stronger. Even Hong Lin felt creepy, and a sense of danger came to his heart.

"What kind of power is this!" Hong Lin felt a feeling of suffocation. The teenager took action against him, and the powerful force of rules rushed towards him. He could only defend and unfold the power of the world.

Although the power of this teenager's rule is strong, he doesn't know how to use it at all. It strikes blindly, and it can be seen that the power of this rule is full of loopholes, and Honglin easily restrained it, but at this moment, he showed a suddenness, and his pupils suddenly contracted at that moment!

"Chaos rules!" Hong Lin took a deep breath and looked at the teenager.

Only the teenager watched his relatives die one by one and fell into endless fear. He was sad and helplessly rejecting the whole heart. However, at this time, his body did not exude the power of rules, but curled up in a corner and did not be The huge shadow was found.

Adolescent fear, but this fear is far from the end...

The huge dark shadow in the sky opened its mouth and looked like it was devouring. The whole mouth covered the world, as if it were going to swallow the sky! No... It seems that I really want to swallow the sky.

In an instant, the rules of heaven and earth disappeared, and the world was fixed in the previous moment. At this time, a powerful force appeared in heaven and earth. The black swallowing shadow also disappeared at this moment, but the sky did not return to light. The whole world became dark, reaching out and couldn't see five fingers to find Nothing about the light.

Hong Lin knew that the sudden appearance was Fu Hong. At this moment, he found the chaotic cave and led the chaotic cave to fight in chaos.

As for the teenager... It seemed that he could not cover the teenager's eyes. He looked at everything in fear and fear. He cried loudly, but no one paid attention to it, but he called his father and mother, but he did not answer. For a whole year, the teenager could not find any vitality, could hear a sound, and could not see the second A living person.

He is crazy, crazy, no one, no one...

This situation, not to mention a child, even a strong man, who has lived for countless years, will be crazy, because in this world, he is the only one who can't see the light, hear any sound, or catch a trace of anger. Anyone who realizes this situation will be crazy!!

"The world is lonely and unbearable, and the world is dead, and this child is also crazy..." Hong Lin sighed. For a child, this is a nightmare. After being awakened, he is unforgettable and finds that everything is a nightmare of truth...