Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 375: The World of Stars

Hong Lin did not stop searching for the teenager's memory, because he still did not know how the teenager got this chaotic rule. The memory at the beginning of exploration did not explain. He only knew how the teenager became what he is now, but where did this rule come from...

If this rule is an ordinary rule, Honglin can also be classified as a super constitution, but this rule is a chaotic rule!

Hong Lin does not think that the world has the owner of chaotic rules, and the owner of the mixed team rules surpasses the gods. Even if it is just a rule, it is enough to destroy the strong man in a world. Unless it is the ability of the strong man in the perfect realm to suppress one end!

"What's going on!" At this time, Hong Lin was suddenly shocked, because his world's power to explore his brain memory was half way through, and he could not explore further!

"Chaos rules independently protect memory. Because of this memory of this teenager's fear of chaotic cave, I can explore smoothly, but the later memories are independently protected by chaotic rules, and I can't explore them. There is nothing I can do. My current realm is not enough. If all the rules are collected to achieve the world's small perfection Just..."

The small perfection of the world means that all the rules are gathered, and the great perfection means that the rules are all collected and reach the emperor level. Of course, there is a rule that does not break through the limit, which is still cannot be regarded as a perfection of the world. It can only be regarded as the perfection of the world. If you want to break this chaotic rule, you can only achieve the world's small perfection first!

This is the minimum. The chaotic rules are too strong. If this teenager can't use it, he can't capture this teenager!

"Instead of letting him live in pain, it's better to let him stay in my world and let time and space stand still to get rid of his pain..." The disappearance of the rules of heaven and earth may not be able to prohibit this teenager, because he has chaotic rules, but if a strong man in a world deliberately targets this teenager, he can still Suppress the teenager and block the other party with time and space.

This is also a kind of relief for this teenager. Instead of blaming him for staying in endless fear and pain, it is better to let him not feel everything, the loss of time, and everything. In that case, it is also a good relief...

Hong Lin put the teenager into his own world and sighed for a long time. After staying in this world for a long time, he left here, entered the chaos, and continued to look for other worlds.

I have found eight big worlds nearby in a row, but they are all dead and miserable, and there is no survivors!

Finally, Honglin came to a world called the world of Stars and entered this world. The world has not been persecuted by chaotic caves and is still very intact. In this world, there is only one kind of creature, that is, human beings, which is very strange. If it were in the rest of the world, there would be more or less other species. But the world does not.

As for the strength of this world, it is higher than the awakening continent. There is only land, no sea area, and the area is very wide, which is larger than the area of the sky platform. Its area can be regarded as the sum of all the lands of the world and the sea areas, which is not small.

"This is a magical world, very strange..." Hong Lin shook his head and entered the world.

The moment he entered the world, he learned everything about the world.

"First-level magician, second-class magician, third-level magician, up to level 10, these ten-level magicians are equivalent to the seventh strong awakening the awakening of the death of the mainland, and above the tenth-level magician, there are also magic saints, who also understand the rules, but the world enhances the body with magic..." Hong Lin muttered to himself.

There are also demon kings, demon emperors and demon gods above the demon saint, but these are the division of realm. Demon gods and gods are strong men at the same level and belong to the rules that exceed the limit. There are more than 300 in this world, more than the number of the sky platform, but the demon gods can't live in seclusion, and ordinary people think that the demon saints are the peak. The strong man.

As for the demon king and the demon emperor, they are all at the mythical level in the eyes of ordinary people, but many people do not know that these strong people actually exist, but they don't hear about the world and generally do not come forward.

At this moment, Honglin entered this world. No one found that he came to a desert, took a step, and walked into a city. The construction of this city was very prosperous, but the construction style was very different and magical. It was an architectural style that Honglin had never seen before, but it also had a flavor.

However, Honglin doesn't care most about these. He wants to see whether the heavenly way in this place has been born or not...

He can't completely see which world has Tiandao or not, because the strength of Tiandao is not bad, and 3,000 rules wrap his body. There is no doubt about his strength. Even if Honglin fights with him, he still has to fight hard to distinguish between high and low. Naturally, it is impossible to say that he finds the other party...

However, the other party can't find him!

"Heavenly Tao is undoubtedly a strong man in the world. The only way to attract Tiandao is to attract the attention of Tiandao, or directly force the strongest person in the world out! But these must start with strong-level people!" Hong Lin thought that the power of his world swept away, and the world could scan most of it.

He chose a strong man from nearby. In his eyes, the so-called strong has reached the level of perfect rule and demon emperor.


In the world of stars, there are four super families. These four super families all have a peak strong man, monopolize a large number of resources, and have strong strength. These four super families are the Magic Sword Family, the Fengshui Family, the Imperial Family, the Duke Family, and the Fengshui family in the four families...

As the peak family of the whole world, except for three clans, no one dares to provoke the rest of the family and characters, and no one is its opponent. In this way, the children of this family have also developed the habit of being arrogant and domineering, as if they don't like anyone. .

And the senior management is also lazy to care about these, not to mention that the senior management is not a good thing...

The fengshui family sits on 80 million miles of land, with a vast area. At this moment, within the 80 million land, a person has entered silently. No one has found it. After a while, this young figure flew to the sky...

"The area of this family is really large, but there are five strong demon-level strong men in it. Their strength is not bad, and they must be able to force out the strongest..." Hong Lin muttered and walked in the sky.

But just then, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"Who dares to fly above the feng shui family? Don't you know the rules? If you dare to fly above my feng shui family, I will sentence you to death!" This voice is full of arrogance and stubbornness, which looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old teenager holding a staff in his hand.

After the teenager flew into the sky, a large number of figures flew into the sky. After a short time, thousands of people stood in front of Hong Lin, holding magic wands one by one, with a bad face.

Hong Lin looked at the strength of these people. They were all six-level, seven-level, and powerful ten-level mages. Thousands of people stopped in front of Hong Lin, and although these people stopped in front of Hong Lin, they were all standing in front of the proud teenager. It can be seen that the status of the former is not low!

This power may be very strong elsewhere, but in Honglin's eyes...

He sneered gently: "My emperor walks in the world, walks in chaos, walks in thousands of worlds, and has gone through countless star fields, and no one dares to stop me. If you thousands of people want to die, I won't stop you and give you three breaths. If you don't get out, I will kill!"

While talking, his eyes looked at more than a thousand people. The cold breath emanated, and the endless air seemed to be frozen. His whole body was running irregularly. In an instant, the whole world seemed to have turned into an ice cellar, which was cold and suffocating.

At this moment, the thousands of people are extremely cold, but they are still arrogant and unkind, as if Hong Lin is looking for death.

"You dare to be wild in our feng shui family, even if you are a demon saint, you think who you are, and you really think you are a demon god, right?" The regal young man roared loudly with a gloomy face.

At this time, two huge pressures appeared in the sky. This pressure contained the power of rules. They were two strong men at the level of magic saints. Seeing the emergence of rules here, these two magic saints immediately appeared and came here and looked at Honglin with a bad face.

"What's going on?" The demon saint asked.

"He dares to fly above my feng shui family!" The regal man snorted coldly.

"This is true!" The demon saint asked, he was not like these thousands of people, because he did not find Honglin in his field of rules. He knew that Honglin was definitely a strong man, not an ordinary person.

But Hong Lin didn't answer anything. Youyou said, "It's time for three breaths...!!"