Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 395: The Battle of the Rattle

"Kill the sky, you are the fifth one. There is only one Honglin. It is impossible for the five of us to go together, otherwise the five of us know better than anyone else. If we want to come first, there must be a first-come, then come first. I will come first, that is, Honglin and I will fight!" The angry dragon looked at the four super fierce beasts around him and said gloomily.

Killing Luoying shook his head and sneered, "In terms of speed, which of you is as fast as me, but you are relatively close to here. Everyone knows that who has to fight with this human first? You are close to here, and you are the first to be the first tor.

"What do you want? Do you still want to fight?" The angry dragon hummed angrily.

"If you fight, whoever is afraid of, you have to figure it out, I'm better than you!" Killing Luoying doesn't agree, and he will fight the next moment, but everyone knows how miserable the ending will be if these two giants fight. I'm afraid that countless miles will be razed to the ground and become a desert.

"We don't care if you two want to fight, but you fight, hey, we fight us!" The sky-shading giant grunted his little eyes and said sinisterly.

Everyone knows that when these two super fierce beasts fight together, the biggest beneficiaries must be the other three fierce beasts. Fools also know that it is not the time to fight at all, and everyone knows that these two super fierce beasts are just the wind, and it is impossible to fight.

Even if it really fights, killing Tianluo Eagle is better than the angry dragon, but it can't stop the angry dragon, and it will hurt both sides. No one can get benefits. The most important thing is that these two super fierce beasts are both defeated. That is the best time for the rest of the fierce beasts to take action. After all, this is purgatory, and the fierce beast will not stop at other fierce beasts. If there is a chance, no one will keep it.

"Well, I think so. Let's draw lots!" Angry Dragon proposed.

"I agree!" Tongtian's creepy mouse grunted his small eyes and agreed directly without hesitation.

"I agree!" The moving mantis also nodded.

"I agree!"

"Okay, I agree!" Although the eagle has conflicts with the angry dragon, they don't know how good the conflict has been for countless years. Naturally, it is impossible to kill you in some minor conflicts. Now that there is a good way, of course, you have to agree. After all, drawing lots is a relatively fair method.

After the super beasts agreed, the angry dragon nodded the dragon's head and spouted out a mass of fire, which turned into five signs like towering trees, marked with five numbers of one, two, three, four, five.

"Everyone should be clear about the rules!" The angry dragon said.

Super beasts all nodded. Although they don't play this way often, it is inevitable that there will be some times when they must solve problems in this way for countless years, so they all know the rules, because they have played it, so they naturally know.

At this moment, the angry dragon took a long breath, and the five signs disappeared, and the other four fierce beasts also suddenly took action. In an instant, they fought towards the air. After three breaths, five signs appeared in the air. These five signs flew to the five super fierce beasts respectively, and the five super beasts were quickly grasped.

Hong Lin squinted at these, and he could naturally see how to play in this way.

The angry dragon turned into five signs, and then the five people fought together. On the one hand, they integrated their own strength into it, and on the other hand, they prevented fraud. In the end, the five signs appeared at the same time and then left them in the hands of five fierce beasts. This method depends entirely on luck, because the five people's strength is in Among them, at the same time, these five signs fly out by themselves, and no one can tell the direction. Naturally, it is extremely fair and impossible to fake them.

"Hey, the first place this time is mine!" At this moment, Tongtiansong rat opened its signature, which said a 'one'

The other four fierce beasts also found their own signatures. The angry dragon was the second, the killing Tianluo eagle was the third, and the moving mantis was the fourth. As for the sky-covering giant thief, it was the fifth. Several fierce beasts that got the back signature were secretly sighing and unlucky, while the weakest Tongtian creeping rat got the first sign.

However, although the power ranking should also be above Honglin!

"Ha ha, since I won the first draw, I'll come first..." Tong Tianshu laughed.

A group of super fierce beasts hum in their hearts. Although they want to foul, they are not stupid. Once they foul, no one can get well in the end. After all, it is not impossible for five super fierce beasts to fight together in anger. If the five super fierce beasts really fight, then the five of them will definitely hurt 500. No one can get any benefits!

"Hey!" The mouse smiled. Naturally, it knew that the four super fierce beasts did not dare to touch the rules. The mouse moved forward a few times and looked at Hong Lin's gloomy smile and said, "Hong Lin, although I am the weakest in this, I am still stronger than you. Next, I will abuse you and then give it to the four friends behind. As for what you want to ask me? Hey hey, you can only blame yourself for being human. There's nothing we can do. We fierce beasts are born to abuse human beings.

When Honglin heard this, he looked at the chilling mouse coldly. The mouse's words made him angry, but he knew that the other party wanted to make him angry to show his flaws, but how could he be deceived by this little trick!

After snorting coldly, Hong Lin sneered and said, "If you want to fight, there is so much nonsense. If there is too much nonsense, it can only prove that you don't have that ability. I really want to see if you fierce beasts can defeat me, a human being, whether it's really as casual as you just now! If you can't, I believe you will be ashamed!"

"You!" The five fierce beasts looked down on human beings in their hearts. Hearing Hong Lin's words, they were all furious. They only regarded human beings as ants from beginning to end. Even if Hong Lin was no exception, the ants in their eyes dared to insult them so much. How could they stand this?

"The creepy mouse, if you don't take action, I can take action!" The huge thief who covered the sky snorted angrily.

"Don't worry! I will definitely let this human being survive and die. Let him know that the gap between human beings and fierce beasts is the crystallization of God's favor. Human beings can only be the dung left by heaven, and they will never enter the house and go to the elegant hall.

"There's a lot of nonsense!" Hong Lin sneered.

"Well, let you know what a super beast is!" The horrible rat suddenly screamed. At the moment of screaming, countless invisible sound waves spit out from its mouth. The range of the sound is very high. No, it is indescribable. If a normal person comes here, he will definitely die instantly under this ultrasound and be crushed. Even if he is a super strong man at the god level, he can't tolerate anything. Resist, seven orifices bled to death!

The loudness of the sound is not big, but the sharpness of which the magnitude is absolutely infoulable.

Even Honglin felt a moment of loss of distraction in an instant, but at this moment of loss, the horrible mouse suddenly took action, opened its mouth, and instantly turned into a big mouth in the sky. This big mouth bit through the endless void and only listened...

"Puff!" At the moment when the sound fell, Honglin's right arm suddenly separated from his body, and the Shura sword also fell to the ground in the moment when his right hand fell.

"It's so strong!" Hong Lin's eyes widened, and the other party suddenly took action. He was caught off guard. This is still one of them. He can't deny its strength, but losing a right arm is nothing compared with it. Hong Lin snorted angrily. The next moment his right arm regenerated. His body flashed and flashed to the ground, trying to get back the Shura sword.

However, just as he flashed, the horrible mouse also flashed, but after the horrible mouse took action, its speed actually surpassed Honglin, and even got the Shura sword before Honglin!

At this moment, the horrible mouse held the Shura sword in its mouth and controlled it with strength. He smiled and said, "It turns out that this human being is nothing more than that. I have already said that human beings are born to be abused by our fierce beasts. How about it? Now that your sword is under my control, what else can you do? Wait for me to suffer endless Abuse!"

Hong Lin looked at Tongtian's creeping mouse and said so, but instead of showing any fear, he sneered!

Different worlds have different cultures. If at this moment, the sky and rats take away the weapons of the world of immortal cultivation, or the world of stars, then people in these two worlds will definitely be afraid to worry. After all, the weapon of a strong man is mostly the foundation of this strong man. Losing weapons is to lose the left. Shoulder and right arm!

But the awakening continent is different. Although the awakening continent attaches more importance to weapons than the rest of the world, remember not to take a strong weapon that grows up on the awakening continent, because in the awakening continent, weapons are human beings and people are weapons!

What's more, it's a strong man like Honglin!

"Always remember, don't take my weapon, or you will regret it!" Hong Lin suddenly sneered, and the next moment, a shocking scene appeared.