Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 396: Fight against the Rat

The Shura sword has some infinite connection with Honglin. The thrilling rat dares to grab his weapon, which is purely looking for death. At this moment, the Shura sword himself rose up and burst out with infinite rules. He fiercely hit the horrible mouse. One sword broke the sky, and three thousand rules gathered together. There were chaos rules of life and death. One sword cut it down and broke the sky. Zhiwei!

The thrilling rat couldn't react at all. It was cut off by the blow containing infinite power, and its hair stood up, but no matter how fast the reaction was, it was too late. The blow of the Shura sword had been cut off, and a rapid blow directly hit the horrible rat, an unstoppable blow.

The thrilling rat was hit alive, and scarlet blood flowed from its body. When looking at the thrilling rat, its eyes were gloomy and obviously extremely angry.

"Human, I underestimate you..." Tongtian said in a gloomy voice. It was just a simple blow. Hong Lin almost took half of its life, because it suffered the complete blow of just now, and it was hit by even before it was time to resist. Under one blow, no matter how high his defense was.

Honglin's three thousand rules are gathered together, how can they be underestimated?

If the attack is defended, there will be no such injury, but if there is no defense, the injury will be serious. At this moment, the horrible rat is seriously injured and picked up a big advantage by Hong Lin!

"Well, the ranking is only the ranking. The ranking only proves that you are better than me under basic circumstances, but it does not mean victory or defeat. It is not certain who wins or loses today!" Hong Lin sneered and said that this horrible rat was extremely aggrieved. Originally, it was still in the upper hand, but it only made a wrong choice and entered the downwind and was put on by it.

And what he said is true, and the ranking is only secondary. It can only prove that the strength of the Tongtiansong rat is stronger than him. It is not necessary who wins or loses. Although the Tongtiansong rat is strong, it is not much stronger than him. There is no overwhelming strength. It can only be said that under the stability factor, this Tongtiansong rat can win, but how can there be stability in the battle? Factors!

"I want you to see that the strength of the fierce beast can never be surpassed by human beings!" Tongtian's creeping rat roared. This time, it was really crazy. The blood basin mouth suddenly opened, and there were only two front teeth, but it contained endless force. At the same time, a virtual shadow appeared behind the Tongtian creeping mouse!

This virtual shadow is a big mouse, and the appearance of the mouse also opens its mouth.

When Honglin saw this, he had a gloomy face and thought deeply in his heart. This move is very similar to the endless devouring of chaotic holes. They all open their mouths when they are swallowed, and there is a virtual shadows behind them, which can show powerful power. The difference is that chaotic holes show thousands of rules, mainly one rule, and mixed Chaodong thought is to devour the endless world rules of the star domain, and this is different!

The devouring shown by the Tongtian creeping mouse is a kind of talent, which is endowed by heaven, and its power is the unique power of fierce beasts, which is different from the chaotic cave. The chaotic cave is to devour everything to gain power, but this Tongtian creeping rat devours everything, only kills, and only falls into the abdomen.

"What a great attraction!" Honglin's protection with the power of the world is a little unable to control his own body. It is very strong. This devouring power is very strong, even... It is no worse than the endless devouring exerted by the chaotic cave in the second state, and there is a fainter posture!!

"Taihuang Seal!" Honglin threw out his big hand, and the Shura sword directly painted a Taihuang seal, which exploded in an instant!

However, everything in this explosion was also swept into the swallowing. The swallowing lasted for a long time and was extremely powerful and unparalleled!

At this time, the devouring power of the Tongtian creeping rat suddenly stopped, but what followed was to eat. The Tongtian creeping rat wanted to close its mouth, eat everything, eat everything, and eat it without reservation. Entering the abdomen without any reservation, Hong Lin also felt a big mouth in an instant. On the top of my head, slowly, I want to close it!

This big mouth is invisible, but he can feel that he believes that if the mouth of this horrible rat is closed, he will definitely be swallowed by this horrible rat, swallowed into his abdomen, and may not die if swallowed into his abdomen, but his abdomen is unknown. Since the other party dares to do so, he has the ability to digest him. He can't guarantee whether he will enter the other party's belly or not.

Perhaps after entering his abdomen, it is a great breakthrough, but he believes that there is no way to guess the killing method in the other party's abdomen.

So, it must not be swallowed by the other party.

In an instant, Hong Lin reacted, analyzed everything, and then sensed the big mouth. At this moment, it was half closed. Hong Lin immediately snorted coldly and clapped the Shura sword. In an instant, the Shura sword turned into a huge sword. The huge sword went directly into the mouth of the sterling rat, but it did not enter its abdomen.

At this moment, the Shura sword is just on the mouth of the creepy rat to prevent it from closing its mouth.

And the moment when the Shura sword successfully stood on the mouth of Tongtian's creepy mouse, Honglin also felt the powerful devouring power and stopped. Seeing this, Honglin breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time, Honglin felt a pain, which was spreading directly without any sign!

But Honglin knew that this was the pain of Shura's sword preventing Tongtian's creeping mouse from closing its mouth. He was very close to Shura's heart, and he could also feel the pain of Shura!

He knew that Shura was struggling to support him. After all, the strength of the Tongtian creeping rat's mouth is too strong, stronger than other fierce beasts. It can be said that the Tongtian creeping rat is famous in its mouth, and the strength on its mouth is more than anything else. The mouth that can use on his body is its bottom card.

Its strength is naturally unimaginable. It is easy to believe that Shura will not last long.

However, how could Honglin not calculate these? With a wave of his hand, he drew a living word and a dead word out of thin air. The two words stood side by side, which suddenly showed a huge space blockade and pulled the creepy rat into it.

"The seal of life and death!" Hong Lin snorted angrily. At this moment, his space blockade has pulled the Tongtian creeping rat into the space. In this space, the Tongtian creeping rat must suffer the suffering of life and death. At the moment when the Tongtian creeping mouse entered the life-and-death imprint space, the mouth was also loosened, and the Shura sword returned to Honglin's hand.

The creepy rat swallowed up was successfully broken by Honglin.

"What kind of means is this? Does this kid use rules?" Angry Dragon frowned. Hong Lin's method was very strange. They couldn't recognize it, but they had to say that Honglin's method was very powerful and powerful. They couldn't deny it. Otherwise, how could they get the horrible mouse to this extent?

"It is indeed a rule. It can't be denied that this boy absolutely uses rules, but the rules are very strong in his hands. No, to be precise, his rules are very strong. Unlike the rules understood by these fierce beasts in our purgatory, it is like a bucket of water. The fierce beasts in purgatory are just understanding. One-tenth of the bucket, and he can be said to have understood all that this is the gap!"

"The rules can be so strong in his hands! Impossible, is the rule so strong?" Kill the eagle road.

The moving mantis shook his head and said, "Don't forget, of course, the old guy has once suppressed the boss. You should know the strength of the boss, let alone us. Even if the 99 of the top 100 except the boss are included, they may not be the opponent of the boss, but the old guy waved He waved his hand and suppressed it. The old man used different powers and rules, but it was very similar to this human!"

"Indeed, this human use is not a rule. Although it is a little similar to a rule, it is not a rule, as if it has sublimated a level of rules, and the power used by the old man is one level higher than this human being. Can it be distinguished..."

"Can the rules be promoted to his power, and his power can eventually be changed into the unparalleled power of the old man?" The angry dragon's eyes turned red.

"It's very likely... You see, the current situation is very strange. The swallowing of the mouse has been broken. This has never happened before. Even we can only use talent to defend against the mouse, but this person can actually break it..."

"His strength is not as strong as rats. He can't defeat mice."

The angry dragon smiled and said, "I hope that the mouse will be defeated, and it's hard to say that the mouse is actually stronger than that of a human being, but because the mouse chose the wrong one at the beginning and was seriously injured, it could not exert its strength, so it was already with the human when the mouse was seriously injured. Standing on a point, there is no advantage, but it is inferior. The current situation is hard to say!"

"It's just that the situation of mice is very strange. Look at the mice, now the mice seem to be confused!"


At this moment, the thrilling mouse naturally can't figure out the mind, because it has fallen into the space of life and death and suffers from reincarnation and life and death. Naturally, it is impossible to figure out the mind. I don't know what's going on!!

"It seems that what is set on the list of fierce sky is only the differentiation of strength. The fierce beast and the rules are different. The strength of the fierce beast is strength, which can be clearly planned, but the power of my world is endless!" Hong Lin muttered to himself that the fierce list was praised as an impossible list.

However, it is only for fierce beasts. The talent and strength of fierce beasts are fixed, so it is easy to differentiate, but his world power has many changes and moves. The fierce list is not omnipotent. At most, it only divides into a ranking according to the realm of strength, but he knows that his strength can never be only 82 Name!

In other words, the fierce list can clearly record the strength of the fierce beast, but it can't record his strength. His 82nd place is only the ranking of the realm, but if you add tricks, he will definitely be more than 82!

"Well... this horrible mouse broke my trick!" At this time, Hong Lin looked at the creepy mouse and thought to himself.

These are not beyond his expectation. If the creepy mouse can't even break the mark of life and death, it will be too different from him.