God Stick Paradise

Chapter 55 Sunset Glacier

With the rolling in of the tsunami, the deafening roar seemed to fill the whole world. The surging black clouds in the sky completely enveloped the whole Xiling continent. The silver electric snake rushed violently, and the rain on the mountain surged to the crystal-like bridge between the peaks with the terrain. Finally, It fell down the cliff like a waterfall.

At this time, the crystal bridge was quiet after Catherine's greeting, and the three people were facing each other at a distance of nearly 1,000 meters...

The crystal bridge seemed to be isolated from the roaring world. The silence quietly enveloped the three people. This silence gradually faded the smile on Catherine's face and replaced it with a cold indifference.

In this silence, the dangerous killing machine spreads quietly like the rain from the sky, making people completely breathless. It seems that every second is like a complete year.

Just when the silence seemed to be endless, 'Liu Yunfeng' said, "Are you sure that we will come?"

"No one comes, does it?" The indifference on Catherine's face seemed to be fixed, and she couldn't see any expression.

"But can you, together with the royal knights behind, stop us?" With this, 'Liu Yunfeng' walked slowly to Catherine. Behind him, the frost would spread wherever he passed, and the frost gathered more and more, and thick ice formed. The rain that originally fell on the cliff hung a string of ice drills on the crystal bridge.

Catherine has seen at a glance that the radius of the ice circle is 30 meters! She stood up, pulled out a long palace sword from her waist, stretched forward with her left arm, put her thumb and forefinger on the edge of the sword, and pointed straight to the 'Liu Yunfeng' who came slowly! She also looked at the girl who stayed still on the bridge with a particularly thoughtful look, and her right eye under the black cloth made her feel an inexplicable heart palpitation. Because she saw the complicated inscription on the black cloth, it was definitely not because she was blind, but to seal something in her right eye.

Everything that needs to be sealed with inscriptions has a common characteristic. It is powerful but dangerous. It may be capable, but it often costs a heavy price after use. Maybe it's some kind of curse, which is a protective measure. But no matter what, as long as you tear the seal, it will bring misfortune, regardless of you and me.

Catherine waited very patiently and finally waited until the other party came 300 meters in front of her. A thunder flashed in the sky!

It's now! A silver light also flashed in Catherine's eyes, and her body was electric!

At the moment Catherine stepped out, the dense sound of bows and arrows suddenly sounded behind her. It was 300 royal knights of blood thorns! The cross-crossing arrow rain completely blocked all the sports space of 'Liu Yunfeng'! These arrows all have a faint red light! That's a feature that has been supported by fire elements! These are all enchanted arrows. Originally, in this stormy weather, the most unsuitable thing was the fire bursting arrow, but after seeing the ice power characteristics of 'Liu Yunfeng', they still chose the fire system. In order to restrain him a little, their mission was achieved.

'Liu Yunfeng' ignored the bursting arrow rain, because Raphael, who had no action before these arrows were shot, began to do it. This time, she finally saw her movements, and she did not hide it any more. Her warm and unparalleled little mouths were slightly opened and closed, and there was a melodious rhythm flowing out. It's like the solo of Sai Ren at the bottom of the sea!

As she sang, countless blood-red inscriptions appeared around her and finally linked together like a musical score! When the arrow rain on the opposite side shot out, she shot out the bloody light in her hand!

At the moment Catherine took action, Liu Yunfeng's figure also suddenly rushed out, but the ice ring around him spread rapidly! Not 30 meters, but 300 meters!

Just as the ice ring was about to rush to Catherine's toes, she jumped up and raised her sword with both hands. A flash of lightning in the sky suddenly hit the front of the sword. At this moment! Catherine went down like a thunder god and suddenly split the long sword with lightning in her hand!

"Intract the thunder in the sky for your own use! Have you touched the edge of the seventh level in such a year? What a peerless wizard!" A touch of brilliance flashed in Liu Yunfeng's eyes, but immediately another sarcasm: "But you, like this Xiling Empire, are too proud!"

He stepped on his feet! He jumped towards Catherine and twisted his wrist gently, as if he had rolled up the wind and clouds in the sky! Thousands of meters of rain gathered on his sword, and before it approached, it had turned into thousands of ice crystals.

However, 300 bursting arrows originally shot were scratched by a red line with an almost invisible trajectory. In the roar, the arrow rain burst into a fire cloud and swallowed the two figures that hit each other!

The next moment, it was like a thunderbolt an iceberg! Dozens of golden and stone sounds came from the fire cloud in an instant. Suddenly, electric snakes surged, glaciers burst, and finally everything disappeared, and two shadows ejected from the air.

Catherine's hands were covered with a layer of white frost, and the frost still seemed to spread like a virus and intelligently invade her body, which made her movements a little stiff. If you don't force this chill out as soon as possible, it is likely to invade the bone marrow. At that time, I'm afraid that she won't recuperate for a few months. It will brand the root of the disease...

Compared with her, 'Liu Yunfeng' was more embarrassed at this time. Most of his original black samurai robes were burnt, his hair was rooted, and some of them had been completely carbonized, and those destructive electric currents rushed freely in his body, and the slightly twitching muscles showed the pain he suffered at this time, but his But the face is not exposed at all.

When he was repelled again, he raised the sword in his hand. This time, he no longer needs to hide his strength!

The blue aperture on the sword front expanded rapidly, and the temperature on Hilling Mountain seemed to drop suddenly, and the rain in the 10,000-meter sky turned into white snow! And rushed to the sword, and the endless ice condensed on the sword. In an instant, the whole sword was expanded by more than dozens of times. This is a huge sword like an iceberg. Compared with that sword, his people are extremely small. But such a small person dragged a mountain together with his hands! An icy sword mountain!

Just as he was about to use this killing trick to repel the woman in front of him!

A powerful thunder sound. It suddenly exploded from the sky. The thunder sound roared strongly, with infinite shock and penetration. When the thunder exploded. The whole sky above the top of Hilling Mountain. They all trembled slightly! Then I saw infinite electric light. It's like hundreds of shiny spears. Pouring down from the rolling air of black clouds. Then the infinite electric light is like a hundred rivers returning to the sea. Gather towards Catherine's sword front! The top of her sword! A huge thunderball appeared! The thunderball with a diameter of three feet is burning and painful. The strong light is like a small sun. Make the whole top of Hilling bright!

The next moment, like the sunset falling into the glacier!


Another loud noise that shook the world exploded. After the loud noise. A stronger flash than before. It lit up the originally dim and dark sky. It illuminates a hundred miles on the top of Hilling Mountain! It is also like a holy light, illuminating the desperate hearts of people on the top of Hilling Mountain!

The mountains of dark clouds in the sky. In this loud noise. In this strong light. A thick layer was suddenly cut off! It's like a dark curtain. At that moment, a big hole was cut out! Through the big pure round hole. You can see the pure tile blue sky!

The bright morning sun. It is hanging in the middle of the round tile blue sky. In the bright sunshine, the ice and snow with big fingernails fell one after another. It reflects the colorful crystal luster.

Warm sunshine. It was dropped from the circle that dissipated the thick clouds. The range of sunlight just covers the whole top of Hilling Mountain! When the sun shines on the wall of sighs! The blue inscription dissipated like a nemesis, but only for a moment, the big hole was swallowed by the rolling dark clouds, and the whole top of Hilling fell into darkness again.

There were bursts of screams in this dark...

It turned out that when the two were fighting for life and death, Raphael rushed to the other side of the crystal bridge with resistance to the turbulence of energy. Just as she ran to the center of the bridge, she rolled down the gun of Longinus on the back of Liu Yunfeng with the long whip in her hand and rushed to the opposite bank without stopping.

300 blood thorn knights on the other side suddenly roared in the shock wave caused by the two fighting. At the moment when they felt that they were temporarily deprived, a cold murderous opportunity rose from their hearts! They suddenly felt cold all over their bodies. Before they had a chance to struggle out of the cold, a red light band suddenly appeared in front of them, hundreds of meters. One of the knights was wiped by the light belt. Wearing a hundred kilograms of armor, he was suddenly lifted up by a huge force. He finally found it on his head and feet. The end of the red light belt is actually a petite figure shot quickly!

He has been careless about the problem that he will definitely fall seriously injured when he lands like this. His completely shocked heart instinctively calculated the speed of the red light with thorns, and then came up with an answer that made him almost collapse: it exceeded the speed of sound!

And several knights behind him were not so lucky. The red light belt crossed their waist directly, and the upper body was lifted directly, while the crotch and below were left on the ground!

Dozens of knights beside him stared at the partners with only half a body and were stunned!

Catherine, who was in mid-air, whispered that she was not good when she heard those screams, spewing out a blood mist with ice crystals. With the momentum of the violent explosion, it was like to intercept the girl, but Liu Yunfeng, who was more injured than him, haunted her like crazy. Catherine looked at the back of the girl who was about to break through the line of defense, and her confidence was cracked for the first time: "This time, I really got bigger. Is all this really irreparable?"

PS: Please collect...................................