God Stick Paradise

Chapter 56 Slap the Fly

When Raphael was about to break through the blockade of the Blood Thorn Knights to escape, a light at the end of the road lit up the dark world.

A figure burst into a dazzling golden light, like a meteor, like a scorching sun, dragging a long tail of light. The sword light is as bright as electricity, dazzling as solid sunlight, and the broken wind makes a sad and long siren like a seaboat whistle, hitting Raphael fiercely.

The golden dazzling sword light seemed to tear through the void, like a Thunderbolt directly from the air to her forehead. She only felt that something was quickly enlarged in her eyes, and a shining light pierced into her eyes. She subconsciously danced the red light belt in her hand, and her whole body seemed to be wrapped in a red light cocoon.

Bum! Under the hard shaking, the huge explosion resounded through the four fields, and the meteors turned into sword gas suddenly disintegrated and turned into ten thousand sword spirits!

The bells and bells... In the sound of iron-like gold and iron, thousands of swords are stabbed on the red cocoon, and cracks spread rapidly at the intersection of the inscription of the light belt...

Bang, in Raphael's stunned eyes, the red light band suddenly collapsed! She, who was not good at close combat, was directly bombarded down the cliff by the sudden blow, spewing out a mouthful of blood mist in the air, and the gun of Longinus, which was rolled at the end of her, also flew over the Crystal Bridge in the collapse of the light belt.

The two people who had been desperately bombarding each other on the bridge were also stunned for a moment. The person who came was Liu Yunfeng, who had broken the road!

Catherine's blue face was finally more beautiful, and the pretended 'Liu Yunfeng' suddenly shrank her pupils, and he couldn't figure out that the other party had escaped from it. He remembered that he had trapped him with the specifications below the seventh level at that time!

The two spelled each other again, bounced away again, and jumped on the long gun on the jade railing at the same time!

Liu Yunfeng, who had just arrived, was stunned when he saw the guy in a black robe like himself, with the same long black hair and the same black pupil! But immediately he was angry: "Someone pretended to be himself! That must be the guy who closed himself to the small dark room! Evil! God! I must blow up your fake goods today!" Then he was stunned again, because he saw the two jump directly off the cliff! Forget the one-eyed girl. She was bombarded by herself, and the fake jumped the same. The girl probably met the master and committed suicide in fear of sin. What about Catherine's mother? He hasn't duel with himself yet...

And under the bridge, Catherine originally wanted to grab the long gun first, but there was a red light belt faster than her! Catherine saw a red light at the bottom of the cliff shooting from the darkness, and subconsciously shook her wrist. She cut off the thin sword in her hand and bounced the red light, but the huge rebound force also made her figure a pause. At this time, a dark shadow flashed beside him, but was caught by the 'Liu Yunfeng' gun of Longinus!

"Da Vinci!" A sweet shout came from far to near, and Raphael, who had been bombarded off the cliff by Liu Yunfeng, flew up again! Her whip was originally intended to interfere with Catherine, and another purpose was to return to the bridge. The red light band that had been swept away by Catherine shook, and she continued to fly up and finally wrapped around the jade rail of the Crystal Bridge. Rafael, who flew up, grabbed Leonardo da Vinci and flew to the bridge.

As soon as she saw this scene, Catherine's face, which had just improved, sank again. Immediately, she looked up at Liu Yunfeng on the bridge and shouted, "Stop them!" Her feet stepped in the void, and a thunder sounded at her feet. She seemed to step on the ground, and her falling body actually ejected again. It was as if she stepped on the cliff and shot on the bridge after several walks in the air! With the borrowing power, the speed is obviously several times faster! But obviously, this method makes her faster than Raphael!

And Liu Yunfeng's mission is to stop Catherine before she comes back. During this period, it only takes three seconds, three seconds may be ignored at ordinary times, but in the sixth-order field, three seconds are enough for them to fight for life and death! What's more, Liu Yunfeng has to face at the same time. They are two real sixth-level masters who are stronger than him!

"Is there any mistake! Let me stop them alone?? Are you crazy or am I crazy? Liu Yunfeng vomited bitterly, but his body was tight! No step back!


Then the space around him seemed to be a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye, and tens of thousands of famous swords gradually condensed around him! This is the limit he can reach at present!

The red light belt shook half a circle like a swing when approaching the crystal bridge, just when the two of them just appeared in Liu Yunfeng's vision!

Liu Yunfeng's body suddenly turned, and in an instant, he seemed to turn into a Green machine gun! His hands kept grabbing the long sword beside him and shot them out like machine gun bullets!

This is a sword rain! This is a metal storm that can kill people!!

In the wing-like hum of the bees, hundreds of silver lights rushed out of Liu Yunfeng's hand and shot at Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael!

Da Vinci was already prepared. His arms vibrating at the same time, shaking his wrists, his right hand steel dragon sword and his left hand Longinus danced into two yellow and blood-red curtains, covering himself tightly.

Raphael also wrapped himself into a red light cocoon with a red light belt again. After all, Liu Yunfeng's first move could not be released unlimitedly.

Dingdangdang... In the dense sound of gold and iron, thousands of long swords shot like machine gun bullets on the curtain of their dance, shooting thousands of brilliant Mars. The sky was full of silver light, the long sword did not save thorns, and the offensive was incredibly dense, and the long swords were blocked and bounced one after another. The offensive is endless, like the endless Yangtze River. But even so, no one can break through the blockade of the two of them. They were bombarded back to the other side by the stormy attack in the air, but this only delayed the time for a second. The next moment, the two of them stepped on the railings on both sides of the Crystal Bridge and rushed to Liu Yunfeng against the metal storm!

Looking at his offensive not only not stabbing them with a sword, but also carrying his offensive to rush to himself, I can't help sighing that the world is abnormal. Oh, people in this world are very perverted!

At this moment, the two people who seem to move freely under the sword curtain are actually miserable! Because the power of every sword is like being hit by a sixth-order warcraft! Da Vinci, who waved two weapons to resist the sword rain, felt like he was blocking the endless collision of a sixth-order Warcraft group!

Just as Leonardo da Vinci rushed to Liu Yunfeng less than 100 meters, he raised his sword over his head, and the torrential rain surged towards the sword again. Endless ice condensed on the sword, and in an instant, a cold sword mountain hit Liu Yunfeng on the head!

Liu Yunfeng suddenly roared crazily in his heart: "Nima...!!! This is a super killer! The plot is progressing too fast!!" In the novels he read in his previous life, this super-killing trick was used in the last desperate time! Unexpectedly, all the guys in the world are so rude! A face to face, unexpectedly. If you don't do the play, you have to play the overlord!

It's hard!! Projection!!

Liu Yunfeng raised his right hand, and a silver bright beam burst out of his hand, and suddenly condensed a hundred-foot-long giant sword!!

"Get back to me!!" He grabbed the huge sword and threw it away like a fly.

A loud explosion of an iceberg!

In the explosion, the ground under Liu Yunfeng's feet kept cracking and sinking. In an instant, a huge crater with a radius of 100 meters appeared. The iceberg in the sky collapsed! It turned into fist-sized hail and rumbled down from the sky. Bang bang... Countless hail banged the ice surface.

Liu Yunfeng, who was under the pressure of a mountain, suddenly burst into a blood fog, and Da Vinci, who was patted away, was even more difficult. He, who was seriously injured, did not react for a moment. He was slapped back to the other side by Liu Yunfeng's sword like a fly. The blood in his mouth spewed out like a broken faucet and drew a line over the crystal bridge. Changhong!

Just when Liu Yunfeng was a little blurred in front of the bombardment, the blood-red light in Raphael's hand suddenly flew up and whimpered! With a buzzing sound, the light belt in the spiral suddenly stood up straight, as if standing in front of Liu Yunfeng! And rapidly expanded in the field of vision, with a muffled sound, and the huge sword protected by Liu Yunfeng in front of him was swept by the blood-red light belt!

So a slender light belt is like a flying mountain! Unexpectedly, Liu Yunfeng was kicked out with a giant sword. In Liu Yunfeng's eyes, it seemed that the whole world was spinning, and countless mysterious voices sounded in his ears at the same time, and all kinds of strange pictures in his consciousness came one after another. Although his inhumanly strong body did not make him faint, the successive violent impacts also completely put him into a state of chaos, stumbled and retreated...

"No! My business is not finished yet!!" Liu Chuan, who was in a dizzy state, simply directly toss the huge sword in his hand!

In Raphael's eyes, a huge dark shadow pressed directly on her. What is the concept? At this time, it was like a skyscraper pressing towards her. After all, Raphael was not good at close combat, and the huge force on the blood-red light belt was also a comprehensive product of inertial potential energy and magic. She had to whip the huge sword with the power of rebound. Dao's body burst back.

And the giant sword collapsed after flying half of it and returned to nothingness...

PS: Please collect..............................................