God Stick Paradise

Chapter 93 Chaos War is about to start

After a year, the seventh day after the complete clean-up of the beast tide of the blue continent, with the boiling voice of the whole blue continent and even the Xiling Empire, the blue comparison officially began!

Located more than 3,000 nautical miles away from the Holy Spirit Harbor in the blue East Sea, a cluster of T-shaped buildings stand alone on the blue sea. It was Shiluo Qinghai, the president of the Matil Lais Necromancer College, who cut a whole piece of fine iron ore on the seabed. Later, countless tutors participated in the design and in the inscription engraving, such as Now it has become the famous Holy Spirit rooftop of the whole Hilling!

At the top of the Holy Spirit rooftop, there is a lot of voices. Xiling's countless nobles and students who have not participated in the competition have now gathered in the large viewing field of the rooftop. This viewing hall is like a box that has been dug a pit, and the recess is facing the sky.

This viewing field is more than 30 times larger than the football hall of Liu Yunfeng's first-class football league in his previous life and can accommodate more than 5 million people, but this number is still far from meeting the huge number of people watching Xiling, so in addition to this giant viewing field, the platform is still floating in the sky. There are many small floating islands, and the island is also crowded. Looking down from the sky, you can almost see the sea of people as rough as the sea, and the half blue and half black of the sea, which is very spectacular! At this moment, all the people surrounded by the ribbons and cheers of the crowd feel an inexplicable excitement coming from the bottom of their hearts, which makes people's blood boil.

The viewing field is divided into four regions, and there is a large magic screen directly in front of each area to give the audience in each district the best angle to watch the game. However, it has also been specially vacated special seats for the students of the Hilling Third College. At this moment, theological Seminary of War, the Capital of Elements and the Marty Lais Necromancer College are even more Entering the white-hot stage of invisible struggle, everyone looked at the students of the other school with almost white eyes, and everyone stared at the students with rising anger above their heads.

The three colleges have used magic materials to set up their own banners and slogans in the sky, and each slogan is resounding and trembling.

"War Seminary punches the dead and kicks the French man! Land is invincible! The sea is also king!" He put out his own banner and glanced at the other two colleges.

"The name of the capital of elements resounds over thousands of mountains! Only I am the only one! Smiling in the starry sky!" The capital of elements is not willing to show weakness. It also hits banners and fights back like a knife in the eyes.

"Marty Rais is angry with the second ugly! As soon as the dead spirit comes out! Who will compete with each other!" The Necromancer directly ignored the hostile eyes of the two colleges and held their heads high.

Although most of the other colleges have also launched their own banners, due to their strength, they keep a low profile. Compared with the three colleges, they are all overtified and difficult to match.

Just when the atmosphere on the rooftop of the Holy Spirit is getting hot, the image in the magic screen above is the docks of the Holy Spirit Harbor. The docks on the coastline are densely displayed with warships transformed by the students! All the contestants are staying on their own warships at this moment, waiting for the start signal of the competition.

And many students and even professors without tasks began to speculate about the final winner of this blue game.

"From the data currently researched, the victory of the War Seminary and the Elemental Capital is relatively large. The sixth-level students are almost four times more than in previous years. This year's lineup is really shocking!"

"That's not true. Well, the number of sixth-level students in the Necromancer College this time was twice that of previous years, but I didn't expect that so many masters suddenly appeared in other two colleges before the competition! This time, the Necromancer College is dangerous..."

"Oh... That's not necessarily true. Who will be right until the last minute?


At this moment, in the Holy Spirit Harbor, more than 200,000 players from nearly 10,000 colleges such as the Necropolis, theological Seminary and the Elemental Capital are still preparing in their temporary camps on the beach.

The colleges in the Blue Land are all three-year and are not allowed to repeat the grade. They will leave the Blue Land after three years, and the achievements in these three years often determine the future fate of most students. However, each person has only one chance to participate in the competition. If they can achieve good results, it will undoubtedly add a big weight to their future competition.

Almost everyone is beating drums in their hearts, waiting for the passing of time. Sweat drops can inadvertently scratch their cheeks. At this moment, the long second ticking sound is undoubtedly a cruel suffering for anxious people.

"All students, attention, all students, the blue competition will start in ten minutes. All participating students are invited to gather at their own docks! All non-college students, please leave the dock! Repeat, all students should pay attention..."

Ten minutes of preparation time passed, and the temporary camp students of various colleges rushed out and rushed to the sea to gather their own warships.

At this moment, in the viewing field of the Holy Spirit rooftop, the lens on the big screen of the magic crystal of the sky dropped rapidly, and the crowd was stunned. The above is the situation of all the college students in the harbor more than 3,000 nautical miles away from the rooftop. Many team members are still improving the defense array on their warships, and some people are looking around. , couldn't hide the nervous expression on his face, and the people on the field looked up to distinguish the classmates, friends and children they knew on the image.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to watch our first grand event in the Blue Continent, the Exchange Competition of Blue College! This competition still implements the elimination system. Everyone has only one chance. If you are judged to be out, it is equivalent to being eliminated!" Hod's voice came through the large magic loudspeaker equipment placed in all directions, and the sound waves spread all over the sea, encouraging the morning air. Therefore, in order to win the game, our players can only use their strength and courage to win the qualification to go to the rooftop of the Holy Spirit, or use any wisdom and means you can think of to eliminate their opponents!"

Once this word came out, there were bursts of applause on the rooftop, which lasted for a long time...

"This knockout will last half a month. Please look at the screen. This is all the islands in the East China Sea." The team members waiting in the harbor on the big screen replaced with an image of the East China Sea islands recorded in the air, with dense jungles and strange flowers and grasses, comparable to tropical forests.

"As you have heard, after a hundred years, countless professors have arranged countless huge arrays in this sea area, covering the whole East China Sea. One of the most basic arrays is to disturb the students' senses and difficult to distinguish the direction, and we have placed some on these islands that can be The positioning magic guide will begin to signal the students three days later, and at that time, the students can only find these magic guides through the signal, and finally come to the Holy Spirit rooftop where we are under the guidance of the magic guide!"

The crowd was stunned.

"On the way, as long as a student falls into the water and is covered with a half of his body, it will be counted as elimination! Students can hit their opponents by any means!"

The crowd is uncertain. Even if you know this rule, you still can't suppress the shock from the bottom of your heart! With any means, they can imagine how fierce the game will be!

At this moment, in the Holy Spirit Harbor, nearly 10,000 warships transformed by the students are parked in each section of the sea. Many of them were originally human oars on both sides of the hull. At this time, there are two rows of objects that are a little like steel plates. In terms of size and thickness, this object is seven or eight times larger than ordinary oars. This is to better exert the power of martial arts!

All the students' own team stood in the bow and quietly listened to Professor Hod's reading of the rules of the game from the front.

"Classmates! Now we are about to face a competition that may involve life. You will go to those islands to find magic weapons through the positioning of signals in this extremely chaotic sea area transformed by us! Through it, we came to the final stage. Hod floated in the sky and was silent for a few seconds, waiting for many people to feel numb, and then said in a low tone, "This game, like your life, has no other clear rules, and no real fairness. Take out all yours and ruthlessly trample all your opponents one by one. At your feet! Climb to another step in life!"

Now it's the turn of the participating colleges of each college to make a burst of exclamation, which is mixed with a lot of female voices.

At this moment, Hod's ruthless declaration and the reactions of many students were broadcast on the big screen of the Holy Spirit's rooftop, causing a noisy hum.

Hold pointed to the sky, "Now above your head, there are no less than 20 small floating islands and nearly 500 professors from various colleges. They are the referees of the sky, closely watching every move below. Once someone falls into the water and falls into more than half, it will be regarded as eliminated, and the referees will Sending the eliminated students out of the field and the players sent out of the field means losing the qualification to continue the game!"

Such a harsh and even horrible game makes tension climb on everyone's cheeks...

"There are still three minutes before the official start of the competition. Please take your positions!" Hod glanced at the nearly 200,000 contestants under his feet and roared angrily, "Fight for your future! Go! Children!"

At this moment, under the order of Hod, all the students could feel the strong smell of gunpowder in the air even when their eyes were intertwined. Many students have been staring at the warships around them. Once the war starts, it is almost guaranteed to be a stormy attack.

And everyone on the overseas rooftop stared breathlessly, and there was little time left before the beginning of the blue ratio, that is, the last few seconds, the crowd was secretly gathering strength, waiting for the time of stormy cheering...

PS: Don't worry, it is by no means a pure competition. This volume will be the flashpoint of all contradictions and a big turning point in the previous plot, and many will not be spoiled. Students who think it's good can click on the right side of the book page to add a bookmark! It is convenient to read next time, which is also my greatest encouragement!

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