God Stick Paradise

Chapter 94 Cup of Life

At this moment, no one made a sound on the rooftop of the Holy Spirit, and even the small floating islands patrolling in the sky were scattered far away, waiting for the warships to appear from the dock.

At this time, Hod, who originally participated in explaining the rules, had been taken over by another female tutor in the capital of elements on the rooftop: "The Blue College Exchange Competition has officially begun! Here, the final reward of this game is hereby announced. The students who won this year's competition will win the Emerald Dream, which represents honor and dream, that is, the _____ Cup of Life, which has been treasured by the blue for thousands of years!"

As soon as this word came out, it was like a forbidden spell thrown into the capital of Xiling, and a stone stirred up thousands of waves!

"What! Is that right? Cup of Life! Are the blue executives crazy?"

"Is this the antique they said? What a great courage! What a big hand!"

"Oh... It seems that this year's competition will be very crazy..."

Some students who did not participate in the competition suddenly beat their chests and couldn't wait to jump into the sea to ask for the competition now!

The dream of emerald, that is, the cup of life, can even be said to be the symbol of the whole blue continent. The blue continent ten thousand years ago, like many wild continents, is a barren land. In one night, a meteor crossed the sky and hit the continent. Since then, the continent has undergone great changes. It is like a seed with great vitality, rooting and sprouting on this wild continent.

The barren land blooms with beautiful flowers. Green began to appear in this desolate land! Years have passed, it has changed the whole continent, and it will bring vitality to this dead continent! Finally, it was excavated by a group of scholars and named it the Cup of Life. Then, colleges took root here. Since then, there has been a blue continent and a paradise for students...

On the other hand, it is said that the cup of life is comparable to a divine object, and it can even extend its life. In addition, it also has some mysterious ability. All this makes everyone greedy for it......

"Bum! Bang! Bang!..." The shocking cannons resounded over the whole Holy Spirit Harbor, representing the sound of the salutes starting from the blue, touching everyone's hearts. As a salute, there are more than a thousand main city-level siege forts...

At this time, in the harbour dock.

The salute bombarded and shook the hearts of all the students. Some students who were not in a good psychological state had shown timidity. For them, this game may be tantamount to participating in a life-and-death battle. Among them, the blue and harsh competition environment has highlighted the cruelty of the whole game, which is definitely a The difficult journey, which represents the cup of life of dreams and honor, will even rise to tragedy, and is likely to have really become a short and fleeting dream in some people's lives.

On a three-masu ship at the northern end of the harbor, after hearing that the final prize was the cup of life, a small face turned red with tension and excitement, and Elia's arm gently wrapped around her small waist to soothe her emotions.

Liu Yunfeng looked at the two women sticking together like lilies with some envy. Yuna thought he was also very nervous. Close to him, she poked Liu Yunfeng's chest with her green fingers and wrote in consterred: "Don't worry, I... I will protect you!"

"Who, who wants your protection!" Liu Yunfeng blushed and turned his head to stare fiercely at Ye Luo, who suppressed his smile.

When Yuna saw that his reaction was so fierce, she knew that she would be wrong, and then wrote, "Then you must protect me well!"

Liu Yunfeng nodded like pounding garlic when he heard the words...

But a clear "hum" sound rippled and melted in the air, and Liu Yunfeng was like someone hitting his heart fiercely with a heavy hammer at this moment, almost hitting a thrill.

Liu Yunfeng turned her head, but saw Elia turn her head aside, still calmly comforting Yero, who was a little excited. But Yero turned around and made a face at him...

Edward saw the movements between them from afar, showed an unclear smile, turned to look at the sea level outside the sea mouth, and muttered, "The cup of life...!" Under the wide cuffs, hold your hands tightly...


"Ladies and gentlemen, what is about to be shown in front of you is the warship carrying our trainees to the dream! Please wake up, because the beginning of this game is by no means as smooth as you think!"

After an almost suffocating silence, a decisive voice finally came.

"Let's go!"

The crowd of people in the field shrugged and cheered, and the crowd in all directions stood up from their seats.

The whole Holy Spirit Harbor emitted bursts of 'gargling', and the bodies of tens of thousands of warships rushed out of the dock with colorful light. Some ships carrying elemental holders even released explosive spells directly on the coast, using powerful anti-attacks in the collapse of the dock and the scolding of some students. The momentum rushed to the sea mouth like a cannonball! Like thousands of water dragons, break through the boiling water and roll forward!

The crowd cheered like a tide, and the game was so extraordinary that it did not disappoint them.

Many students' parents came from the outer continent specially. It was the first time for them to watch the blue competition at such a close distance. Many people were so excited that they held the audience next to them and said repeatedly, "There are my children in there!"

"Oh! We rushed out! Look, my God, there are so many boats!" This is the exclamation of a trainee looking left and right on a warship from an ordinary college located in the east of the coast.

"You are still happy! Be careful, the beginning of this year is absolutely not calm!" A student beside him stared closely at the warship around him and said solemnly.

"We have to hurry up and try to rush out first. I always have a bad feeling!" A third-grade senior of their college appealed uneasily.

"Although the seniors can rest assured, as long as we don't meet the disaster stars of the three colleges, we will still have a struggle!" This is a student's encouraging words, but the effect does not seem to be good...

Many students in the middle of the harbor have secretly regretted. At the beginning, they chose to rent a boat in the center because the water was deep and there were no reefs, and most of the students tried their best to avoid conflicts at the beginning of the competition in previous years, because it would cause great damage to the durability of the ship and was not conducive to the later outbreak, but there was also one Conflict broke out at the beginning of the years, but it was also a small part.

However, this year, with the news of a cup of life, the whole atmosphere seems to have changed, which is quite unfavorable for many students. I only hope that the three colleges will not clash, otherwise it is likely to affect the pond fish, and the originally excellent harbor center, It will become a hell for some students!

And when those students were analyzing the form, what they were most worried about happened. Due to this open intelligence, the sixth-order students of Necropolis are far inferior to the Billyian War Seminary and the Capital of Elements. This made many students of the two colleges secretly reach a consensus...

In the Harbor Center, many seniors of the two colleges immediately gave operational instructions. More than a dozen warships slowly pushed towards the Necromancer College, and the combined ships of the two sides almost reached the total number of warships close to the Necromancer College. And it was a two-sided offensive situation, and the situation of Necromancer College was extremely serious for a while...


On the blue sea, there is a dark ship floating like a ghost! The default conductor here is Flanders in the third grade. There are several sixth-level members of the Necromancer College. At this moment, he is aware of the situation. His face is as heavy as water, and he is also thanks to the good psychological quality he has been trained at ordinary times. He still facing danger. He raised his right hand, jumped out of a screen on his bracelet, and said in a low voice:

"Students of Necromancer, you must have found out that we are afraid we have encountered the worst situation that is rare in a century. The War Seminary and the Elemental Capital plan to join hands to eat us first. If we continue to fight separately, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to survive. Now, we need to block both sides. The warships come to ensure the safety of more of our college ships, mainly defense, supplemented by attack, and take into account cooperation. Their two sides are divided into troops, and the cooperation is very insufficient, and our advantage is that the cooperation is tacit enough. Don't be afraid to fight down the warships that dare to attack!" Flanders is indeed the first person of the Necromancer. At a glance, he can see that although the other party has a large number of people, he does not have a corresponding strong cooperation compared with his own side. The strong and weak situation immediately became obvious. "Other students, we can only provide five minutes of cover and seize this period of time to break through. When we go to the deep sea, it is us. The world!"

Other students responded!

After a warship full of metal luster circled the sea, it drew an arc and drove straight towards a peripheral ship of the Necromancer College. The splash was broken and splashed around, and a sharp roar in the air was amazing! There is a broken sword flag floating on the mast, which is the ship of the War Seminary!

Some ordinary college ships have also seen signs, with a gloomy face and a secret bad luck! Unexpectedly, I encountered the beginning of a once-in-a-century chaos! And the ships next to the Necromancer dispersed one after another, lest they be affected by the pond fish.

PS: Finally, I still ask for collection................................................

That's the greatest encouragement for me→_→............................................................