God Stick Paradise

Chapter 96 unwarranted provocation

Maybe it was because the three-fait pirate ship rented by Liu Yunfeng was really out of sight and was moored by the ship owner in the northernmost part of the Holy Spirit Harbor, and even out of the scope of the harbor, which allowed them to see the southern fleet from afar after the departure of the race.

Because in late autumn, the cold wind from the mainland can provide direct propulsion for the ship, so the pirate ship does not have to travel in a curve. Although their ship was completely transformed by the third prince from St. Thiago, he did not use magic to accelerate like the ship set out in the harbor for some reason! Liu Yunfeng and others don't seem to care much about this game except Yeluo.

The maids of the third prince brought four canvas lounge chairs for them. They can lie on them and enjoy the fresh fruits produced in the wild continent, while enjoying the blue color of the East China Sea and the indescribable bright sunshine. The sea breeze blows into people's hearts with a salty taste, which seems to broaden people's hearts. Even people like Liu Yunfeng who are more willing to spend time sleeping stay on the deck because of this rare first experience. Looking at their appearance, it is more like coming to the East China Sea for a vacation than to participate in the competition.

But such a pleasant time did not last long, and it was interrupted by the exclamation of a maid.

"Oh, my God! What is that?"

Liu Yunfeng and Edward looked in the direction pointed by the maid at the same time, and then they found that a faint black fog rose from the southern sea and quickly spread over the ships. This made the atmosphere on the deck weird.

"Don't worry! It's just the fog of the necromancer, but the scope is relatively large. Oh... I'm afraid there has been a fight over there. Edward waved his hand, signaling that his people should not make a fuss, and then turned his head to Liu Yunfeng and others and others, "Don't worry, we actually have no conflict in interests."

Liu Yunfeng looked at Edward in surprise and didn't know what he was thinking. Because once the fight starts, it means that they are also in the hostile camp, and the most embarrassing atmosphere on the ship is that there are three colleges on the ship, which is a rare situation in the history of the game.

Originally, they didn't consider this situation when they were with Yero. After all, Yuna didn't care about this game, just wanted to experience this different experience, and Liu Yunfeng and Alicia were her Cherin and maids respectively, so they didn't take this seriously. And when Edward joined, they only thought that he had a purpose. When it was against them, they just drove him and his people off the ship. But until now, they have not guessed the real purpose of the third prince.

Just as Yuna was about to respond, the gentle sea breeze became violent and the waves gradually rose, which made the not too big pirate ship a little bumpy.

Then there was a burst of fire from the southern fleet, and violent explosions followed. The sea breeze was very strong, and the fleet was about to sail out of the casting area of the elemental capital, so in Liu Yunfeng's vision, the black spots in the distance gradually became larger.

At this moment, the originally strong black fog has been dissipated by the typhoon-like spell. As the distance approached, Liu Yunfeng and others gradually saw the situation of the fleet.

At first, the God of War was the Necromancer College that planned to unite with the Elemental Capital to eat the inferiority first, but not long after the plan, the War Seminary was immediately stood up by Oji, the Elemental Capital. Under his order, the fierce fireball attack covered almost all their colleges. Even more than a dozen ships of their own elemental capital were directly covered by the thick fog and then blown over by the gust of wind because they were closest to the fire with the Necromancer College at the beginning.

At this moment, they have tragically become the object of all students. More than a dozen ships with six-pointed star flags were quickly submerged by endless dark spells and arrows comparable to siege hammers. The light on the ship dimmed in an instant and sank into the sea in a moment. Hundreds of students in the elemental capital kept cursing that they had already gone to Auggie when they flew to the floating island in the sky. The vicious language could even make others forget their noble legalist identity.

After killing those unlucky people, the two colleges turned their targets to the ships of ordinary colleges.

This made those students complain. The hardest hit by this bombing is the students of ordinary colleges, because both in terms of strength and the technology depicted by the magic array, ordinary colleges are far inferior to them. After being bombed by dense fireballs, some of the weaker ones were directly eliminated, and Most of the rest are also dim light. This quickly made them the cutting board meat of the two colleges.

Destroying other ships and eliminating other students is a record. After all, no one can guarantee that they will safely climb the rooftop of the Holy Spirit. In some chaotic situations, even if a single combat power is strong, a little luck will be eliminated. In fact, in previous years, most ordinary students have increased their achievements by eliminating other students. Their strength is generally weak. Even if they climb the roof of the Holy Spirit, they can only become a stepping stone of the three colleges. But at this moment, they have become the record data in the eyes of the two colleges.

Some fast-responsive students hurriedly drove in the direction of coming at the maximum speed when the storm weakened! But the reaction of the two colleges was not slow. The steel ship of the war seminary dragged out a long wave on the surface of the water, like a supersonic plane cutting through the tail cloud left by the sky, passing through a wave, actually pressing the whole ship to a dimly lit ship!

It's powerful! Mount Tai is at the top!

The people on the ship saw the shadow on the deck rapidly expanding and jumping into the sea in curses. After all, it is better to be eliminated than to die. As soon as they jumped into the sea, there was a violent roar behind them. The steel ship wrapped in chal gas was like a huge war hammer, which was destroyed all the way. The dim ship was like a soap soldering iron. The middle part directly turned into ashes. When the wood chips flew, they splashed waves in the sky. The waves confused everyone's eyes. The sea seemed to be a tsunami out of thin air, fluctuated. The surrounding ships, and the bow part of the ship shot rapidly to the north under this momentum...

The students who saw this scene on the Xiling rooftop were excited! It made the students of the ordinary college, who were already aggrieved, completely exploded.

"Is there any mistake! This will kill people!"

"It's so shameless! You don't take such a bully because of the good boat, do you?

"Oh, ordinary colleges have no human rights..."

And other thought-in students also saw the northernmost ship that was almost ignored by them from the screen. When they saw the almost holiday-like posture of several people on the ship, the little expectation that had just risen was immediately thrown out of the sky.

On the three-masu pirate ship, everyone looked at the rushing fleet and had their own thoughts.

Yero, the simplest among them, couldn't help saying first, "Can I earn some achievements? If such a good opportunity is let go, my father will definitely not look good!" A pair of big eyes looked at Liu Yunfeng and others hopeful.

The three of them looked at Edward together.

Edward smiled openly and said, "Oh... No problem, you can use this boat first!" After saying that, they waved to the knights and maids, and they obediently followed Edward into the cabin.

After a while, there were only four people left on the deck.

"Why do I think that guy doesn't look like a good man?" Yero scratched his head and asked innocently.

The three were stunned when they heard the words, but before they had time to think, a huge shadow rushed to them! After seeing that it was a bow, Liu Yunfeng couldn't help scolding a pervert! His right hand was raised high, and a silver beam of light burst out of his hand, which suddenly condensed a hundred-foot-long sword!! He grabbed the huge sword and threw it over.

A loud noise permeated the sea!

In the explosion, the deck under Liu Yunfeng's feet cracked. Fortunately, with the protection of the magic circle, it did not cause greater damage. It just made the pirate ship's waterline drop a few meters in an instant and bounced up again, causing huge bumps, but the feet of the people on the ship seemed to stick to the deck and remained motionless.

And the bow of the ship collapsed in an instant! It turned into wood chips flying all over the sky, but the remaining steel horn shot back at the boat group like a baseball! The collision angle the size of a table was extremely fast in the air, like a meteor, roaring, passing countless ships and crowds, and finally shooting at the boat in an open sea.

On the only mast, Lancell of the Theological Seminary of War is independent.

He raised his eyes slightly, looked at the sharp steel horn, and waved the blood-red gun in his hand, as if he had arranged a fly.

The tip of the gun collided heavily with the steel block, almost at the moment of contact, there was a loud bang. The air hitting the center was directly crushed at this moment, a fierce wind overflowed, and Lancel's hair was blown upside down. He felt a fierce force passing from the gun, and there was a sudden shock in his palm. He, who had been unsurprising, changed his face for the first time.

The boat under his feet was also tilted by this force, and the hull was pushed out hundreds of meters horizontally, and an oval pit appeared on the sea! The only mast bent to 90 degrees, and finally couldn't stand this huge force and collapsed in everyone's dull eyes! Lancel smashed on the deck slightly awkwardly. As soon as his feet landed, he collapsed into a pit several feet in size. In order not to sink the whole ship, he stepped back three steps, and each step burst out with dense cobweb-like cracks.

After standing firmly, he suddenly looked up, and the lines around his eyes were as sharp as knives, revealing a cold light. He saw the pirate ship a few kilometers away and saw Liu Yunfeng, who was stunned and innocent on the deck.

"I've seen you. Can I take this as a signal of challenge?" The sound is as cold as the cold wind in winter.

The whole sea seemed to be quiet at this moment, and even the beginning of the melee was stagnant for a moment, and then a shocking uproar broke out!

PS: I went to school today to get my graduation certificate............................

The update is a little late, please forgive me......................................

Finally, I still ask for collection............................................