God Stick Paradise

Chapter 97 Undefeated God of War

"I've seen you. Can I take this as a signal of challenge?" The sound is as cold as the cold wind in winter.

The whole sea seemed to be quiet at this moment, and even the beginning of the melee was stagnant for a moment, and then a shocking uproar broke out! And on the rooftop of the Holy Spirit, it is boiling at this moment.

"Oh, my God, the first person of the God of War is going to take action so early! This year is really wonderful!"

"Who is that boy who can make Lancel so embarrassed!"

"Is he Liu Yunfeng who showed his limelight on Xiling Holy Mountain that day? The data is suspected to be the sixth level!"

"Oh... Even if he is really the sixth level, Lanser is the peak of the sixth level, and there is no suspense in this fight!"

Although many people said so, almost everyone stood up and looked forward to this battle. Lancell, like the real God of War, made many of his peers afraid. Few people dared to challenge him, and now he is going to fight against Liu Yunfeng, who has also been very beautiful recently.

Although they all thought that Liu Yunfeng was no match for Lancer anyway, Liu Yunfeng showed off on Hilling Holy Mountain that day. Although he solved the crisis, out of some psychology, many male students still wanted to see him shrive.

Now, he will fight with Lancel. No matter whether he wins or loses, this will be a battle worth looking forward to!

Liu Yunfeng naturally couldn't hear the remarks on the rooftop, but on the sea, almost all his eyes were projected with Lancel's words. Even the eyes of Yero beside him were a little stupid. Elia was a little incredible, but Yuna's eyes looking at him were bright and full of Looking forward to it.

Almost everyone thought that he was deliberately provoking. Although no one was optimistic about him, at least his courage was commendable, and because of some jealousy, many people secretly stood on his side. They even hoped that a miracle would happen. Liu Yunfeng could directly have a big explosion and knocked Lancell down from the altar.

The gaze of thousands of professionals was definitely a huge pressure. Liu Yunfeng faintly felt that the air around him was a little stagnant. He dared to swear to God that he was really unintentional. At that time, the wreckage of the warship came suddenly. In order to avoid accidental injury, he chose an empty sea, but did not notice the uninhabited sea. There is also a small boat in the domain.

At this moment, Lanser has stood in the bow, his eyes are full of wildness and coldness, his majestic body is flowing with invisible chalk, and the majestic momentum like a mountain slowly disperses.

Although Liu Yunfeng's unintentional actions made Lancer a little embarrassed, even so, the quality of good tutoring did not make him angry and did not put forward the idea of fighting. However, when he looked up and saw Liu Yunfeng, his heart was slightly condensed. He found that he could not see through the strength of the other party. His family is ancient, even beyond the history of Upper Gumoko. Legend has it that their family has a trace of divine blood, which also makes some of his senses different from ordinary people. He is confident that there is no spell that can hide it from his eyes. If he can't even see through, then there is only one possibility, that is, the strength of the other party is by no means weaker than him. This made his blood boil for many years.

Seeing Liu Yunfeng's stunned and innocent face, he did not respond to his words at the first time, which made him a little angry: "Don't I deserve to be your opponent?" His voice is powerful and powerful, which is beyond doubt.

Liu Yunfeng smiled bitterly. Although it was an unintentional move, at this moment, he thought he was intentional, so there was no need to explain anything. He remembered the first time he met Lancel in the sunset forest. At that time, he was directly ignored by him and gave him the idea of surpassing him. I just didn't expect that this day would come so fast, so sudden, and so ridiculous.

"Oh... That's good." Liu Yunfeng calmed down his thoughts and laughed loudly, "Then let's fight!" After saying that, Liu Yunfeng pulled out the dragon sword at his waist, stepped on it, soared into the air, and shot directly into the sea in everyone's stunned eyes.

Just when someone thought he was going to jump into the sea to admit defeat, Liu Yunfeng's toes fell on the sea and jumped up again like a flat ground! Go straight to Lancell's boat! A scene of light work floating on the water was staged! This made the students who had been silent make noise again. Although some warriors can do it, it is the first time to see them so elegant.

Liu Yunfeng learned this technique from Catherine, but now, he can use the invisible force in his body without the power of thunder and lightning to make the same effect without the smell of fireworks.

"Stupid Maple! You must win!" Suddenly, Yero shouted behind him, turned his head and finally looked at the three women who were still on the ship.

Yero bit his little tiger's teeth, his two small fists pulled tightly, and his little face turned red. Yuna cast an encouraging look, and even Elia, who had always liked to hit him, was full of appreciation in her eyes at this moment. This made Liu Yunfeng's psychology full of some indescribable emotions and full of strength!

On a ghost ship hidden on the sea, Flanders looked at Liu Yunfeng, who galloped towards Lancer and showed interesting eyes: "How much power can he force Lancer to use?"

On another seven-maze boat, Corona rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked out of the cabin. Suddenly, a figure flashed from the sea in front of her. Corona was slightly stunned, scratched her head for a long time, and then muttered, "Alas? Isn't that Liu Yunfeng around Yeluo? When did it become so powerful? Wait, Yero?!" Corona's sleepy eyes suddenly stared, revealing a bright light.

In the place where ordinary college ships gathered, on an inconspicuous small fishing boat, two figures covered with cloaks stood side by side. Among them, the fists under the wide cuffs of the taller were white, and the eyes covered by hood were full of cold murder.

Both Lancer and Liu Yunfeng are the focus of the spotlight. Their battles can't be attracted by others. Everyone looks at it, and it attracts the attention of some professors who serve as referees in the sky.

Liu Yunfeng's speed was fast, but only a few kilometers. He stepped on the waves and left ripples all the way...

At this time, it is close to noon, and the sun is shining from the sky, but in this late autumn, people still can't feel any warmth. But Lancell's floating hair flashed with brilliant brilliance, and the invisible chalk sublimated the brilliance, giving people a feeling that he could not open his eyes. His eyes suddenly burst out cold, killing like the sea. Although he had no intention of killing in his heart, the years of fighting stained him with a strong murderous atmosphere. As soon as he thought moved, he was like a prison!

When Liu Yunfeng approached rapidly, he raised the red gun in his hand without a trace of trembling. Where the tip of the gun pointed, the murderous breath swallowed out made the hearts of the students on that line beat and their faces pale.

On the other side, Liu Yunfeng's black hair flew, his eyes were clear, and he rushed to his opponent calmly. The invisible fighting spirit stirred between the two. Before the war began, it made people fall into the ice cellar. Both body and mind were cold, and the powerful fighting spirit and terrible murderous spirit were permeated.

Just 100 meters away from the boat, Liu Yunfeng picked up the Cangyan dragon sword into the water, and as soon as the broken red blade entered the sea, the sea was suddenly boiling and violently lifted up!

Lancell stood on one side of the bow.

With a muffled sound, a huge wave full of hot bubbles rose up with Liu Yunfeng's long sword! The waves were like knives. With the tip of the sword pointing directly through the hull, the boat was cut in half, and the waves shot hundreds of meters away one after another!

Many sea fish swam quickly and wanted to leave this terrible place, but before they rushed far, they suddenly collapsed and became blood flowers.

"How did the intelligence department do it! What is suspected of the sixth level! There are all these six-order high-level sections!"

"Oh... Only in this way will it be wonderful! There are not many people in our generation who can compare with them..."

At this moment, Lancer moved again, and he rose up in the air with a clear roar, full of murder! When his feet left the wrecked ship that was about to be silent, he clicked, and the hull couldn't stand it. It collapsed directly and burst into pieces of wood.

Lansel, who rose up, shot out with a shot, "buzz!" The barrel of the gun suddenly trembled strangely. A wild momentum permeated the air. An invisible brevature rotated along the tip of the gun, like a sharp cone, and then quickly compressed and aggregated, and gathered a dazzling blood red at the tip of the gun. The god of the gun seemed to have become more than several times longer. At so fast speed, Liu Yunfeng did not have time to dodge at all.

A red light spot expanded rapidly in Liu Yunfeng's eyes. He didn't expect that this gun could shoot like an extension! The space seems to have been drilled, and the penetration is terrible! He can only take it hard, and the long sword will come out!

The tip of the needle is against Mai Mang!

With a soft sound of 'ding', a huge force came along the body of the sword, and the body strengthened by the dragon's blood was shocked and numb! He snorted and saw the scenery in front of him passing quickly, and suddenly there was a roar behind him! There was a scream in the ear of the wood chips flying.

When Liu Yunfeng stood on the sea, he found that he had been pulled out thousands of kilometers away by a blow! Three warships were smashed! The sea I rowed was already a deep gully. The whole sea seemed to have been split, and a bottomless whirlpool with a radius of 100 meters appeared in the center. The scene was terrible!

kilometers away, Lancel also stood on the sea with a red gun, calm and waveless, like an undefeated god of war! But if you look closely, his hair is messy, and the corners of his clothes are rolled up by the high temperature! Also a few hundred meters away from the original place, the wreckage of several warships in front of him was gradually sinking, and hundreds of students who fell into the water were carried to the floating island by the professor.

In the distance, everyone was shocked. Liu Yunfeng was bombarded by a move, which was expected by them, but his appearance was also unharmed! What surprised them more was that Lancel was also bombarded hundreds of meters by him.

Although Flanders's face was calm, his heart was still a little shocked. He asked himself that Lancel was absolutely seriously injured, let alone forced the other party to be so embarrassed, and his original playful eyes became deep.

Krona opened her little mouth and looked surprised. He didn't expect Liu Yunfeng to become so strong!

Da Vinci and Rafier's faces were a little stiff and their hearts were shaken.

Yero in the far north clenched his tiger's teeth and shook his little fist with joy. Elia's appreciation was even stronger. Yuna squeezed her lips and her eyes flashed.

Lancel's eyes were as compelling as a knife, and his fighting spirit and wildness were fully displayed. He said in a low voice, "I really saw the right person. You are very strong!"

PS: Please collect......................................................................................