God Stick Paradise

Chapter 122 God's Grace

Elves have skills and can explore the soul.

Natalie calmed down and closed her eyes again.

At this moment, there are three souls in front of her, one blue, one gold and one green. What shocked her is that the power of two souls is more powerful than her! What shocked her most was that these three souls coexisted in one body, which she had never heard before.

In ancient literature, only two souls have been seen for a brief coexistence, and in the end, there is often only one result, that is, one side devours the other.

And there is only one kind of creature to do this, ghosts and gods!

Is the person in front of you a ghost or a human being possessed by ghosts and gods?

But in the end, these two answers were rejected by her, because the three souls were tightly intertwined, like the snuggle of love in the world, the fetters of fate, without any devouring, some, only dedication.

The golden and green souls are weak and are in the deepest sleep, especially the green soul, which has been faintly damaged, as if it may face destruction at any time.

And the blue soul continuously sends the most precious soul power to the other two souls without hesitation.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't recover your memory with my strength." After a long silence, Natalie opened her eyes again and apologized. Just when Liu Yunfeng was a little disappointed, Natalie said truthfully, "There are three souls in your body. And your memory is sealed by a unique curse.

"Meow! Is there any mistake! Three souls?" Margaret, who had been lying quietly on the Queen's fragrant shoulder, burst into her hair and screamed. Her eyes looked at Liu Yunfeng were a little strange.

And all the night elves in the hall were also shocked when they heard Margaret's scream. God gave the night elves a long life, and this long time was enough for any elf to become a scholar, and the more they knew, the more they received when they heard about the strange event of the three souls. The bigger the shock.

At this moment, the eyes of all the elves in the hall looking at Liu Yunfeng have completely changed.

Doubt, very deep doubt!

Three souls? Is the spell sealed?" Liu Yunfeng said to himself without changing his face. Somehow, when he heard the three souls, he felt extremely relieved.

Looking at Liu Yunfeng, who was still calm, Natalie's eyes were a little complicated. The man in front of her was unconsciously paying for others, even if it cost her most precious soul power.

Such a noble human being must not refuse his request. Thinking of her current behavior, Natalie, who was simple in her heart, showed a trace of guilt and shame, and a faint blush rose from her jade-like ears.

Natali said with some difficulty, "I have a request, and I hope you can agree."

Liu Yunfeng, who calmed down his complicated mood, was stunned when he heard the words. He really couldn't think of anything he could ask for, not to mention the high-ranking dark elf queen in front of him, but he did not hesitate to respond: "If it is within reach, he will do anything."

Hearing Liu Yunfeng's quick answer, Natalie was also slightly stunned. According to the ancient books, aren't human beings all cunning and self-reliant? She was ready to put forward equivalent conditions. Maybe the man in front of you is the legendary good man.

Natali, who was simple-minded, secretly sent him a good person card without Liu Yunfeng's knowledge.

Natalie squeezed her seductive lips and said softly, "You can listen to my request and think about it."

"It's okay. I believe that the kind queen will not bring up embarrassing things." Liu Yunfeng smiled.

The Night Queen, who had never been in contact with men, was a little overwhelmed by this praise, and the blush on her face became stronger.

This makes the many eyes that originally looked at Liu Yunfeng even more strange.

Natalie slowly said, "After the invasion war of the fantasy world ten thousand years ago, we elves settled here to resist the re-invasion of the fantasy world at any time, and a long period of stability will make the elves lose a tenacious heart. Therefore, we night elves meet with the day elves every 500 years. In a war rehearsal, we rely on the spring of life left by the gods under the tree of life. Any physical trauma can be restored through the vitality provided by the spring of life.

However, with the departure of the gods, the spring of life that has lost the support of divine power is gradually shrinking. As you can see, there is only a small circle of spring under the tree of life. And the 'war' between us and the shining elves has not been carried out for nearly 800 years due to the increasing scarcity of the spring of life. Today's children have not been trained by the war and have gradually lost their enterprising heart. They are already too naive and only know how to enjoy it. This includes me.

If the fantasy world attacks, it may only be enough for three years of a full-scale war. Three years later, we will lose the fountain of life, and the outcome can be imagined.

Speaking of this, Natalie looked a little gloomy.

And the elves around also lowered their heads with shame under Natalie's words.

Liu Yunfeng looked at the group of elves shockedly and was in awe, but what followed was a kind of sadness, which was quite worthless for them, and said in a low voice: "You have no obligation to do this..."

"No, maintaining the balance of the world is the mission given to us by the true God before he left, and we also have the responsibility to atone for the mistakes committed by our ancestors." Natalie said unquestioningly and powerfully.

And the elves who were ashamed also raised their heads again, with piety and firmness in their eyes.

Looking at these persistent elves who have reached the level of stubbornness, Liu Yunfeng was silent. After a long time, Liu Yunfeng asked, "What can I do for you?"

"In your body, one of the souls has an endless breath of life. If I guess correctly, it should have some kind of ancient god..." As soon as Natalie saw Liu Yunfeng's eyebrows raised slightly, she hurriedly said, "I just want to stimulate some of the power of life, which will hardly waste anything for the divine object. More importantly, it can heal the trauma of your soul while stimulating the power of life!"

Liu Yunfeng looked at Natalie's anxious and pure eyes, slightly.

"Liu Yunfeng, thank you, you are a kind human being." Seeing that her explanation was approved by the other party, Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. A green light lit up in his hand. When the light disappeared, there was a small opening on her round and white fingertips, and a drop of bright red blood beads gushed out and gently touched Liu Yunfeng's eyebrows.

In Liu Yunfeng's sea of knowledge, in the weakest green soul, two black fragments circled around her. Suddenly, a drop of blood fell on the fragment with a green inscription. The rotating fragment suddenly stagnated after blending into the blood. A strange force rippled away with the green ripples, three souls At this moment, it seems that they are much more energetic,

A green light burst out from between the two of them in an instant, soft and full of vitality. The whole hall was shocked, and all the elves felt that their feet sank slightly, but the green light that burst out quickly dispelled their panic, as if bathing in the spring of life.

Outside the hall, the surrounding trees, which were already towering into the sky, seemed to be pulled up by an invisible big hand, and even the grass that usually crawled on the ground grew as tall as shrubs. In the center of the forest, the small circle of spring of life also spreads towards the grassland like being irrigated by spring water under the green light, and the leaves of the tree of life rustle, as if to express their joy.

The elves in the dark moon forest opened their mouths into circles...

PS: There is another chapter in the evening...

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