God Stick Paradise

Chapter 123 Sacrifice of the Moon

It's one thing to hear it and another to witness it with your own eyes.

It is rumored that the great moon god has sacred and powerful power to revive everything. They have only seen it from ancient books handed down. But now, the power that makes all elves worship is displayed in front of them. How can this make the night elves move!

"The moon god is really the purest power of life!" Many night elves in the hall covered their mouths and covered their gaffes.

"Meow, it's more comfortable than taking a bath in that water pit!" Margaret, who slept on the queen's shoulder, stretched comfortably.

Natalie, the queen of the night, looked at Liu Yunfeng in front of her with burning eyes, as if she had found a rare treasure.

"Cough." Although Natalie's appearance was very enchanting, this naked eyes still made Liu Yunfeng slightly hairy and coughed twice.

Natalie couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She was so shocked that she sat back a few steps on the king's chair and restored her gentle and dignified appearance, but her face was stained with a layer of red glow due to embarrassment, and continued to spread to her neck.

Seeing Natalie like this, Liu Yunfeng realized that the queen in front of her may not be as old as she thought, but just a little girl who doesn't know the world.

Marguerite, who couldn't be idle on the way, told herself a lot about elves. Although elves live long, their mental growth is very slow. In addition, living in this isolated continent makes the elves develop a particularly simple character. When they reach adulthood, most elves will drink that kind of spring to get pregnant to continue their race, and elves generally only grow up after giving birth to children.

Hilton, the old-fashioned bodyguard beside the queen, was already a grandmother-level elf who had given birth to two generations. When Liu Yunfeng asked Queen Natalie, Margaret smiled mysteriously, which aroused his appetite and then said "Guess" that made him very angry.

Now looking at the queen's occasional expression, Liu Yunfeng probably guessed it in his heart. The queen's mature and gentleness is just pretending to have more prestige, which is really difficult for her...

After the whole hall fell into a brief silence, Natalie seemed to have made a difficult decision. She stared at Liu Yunfeng's eyes and bit her crystal teeth and said, "God's grace is temporary! Maybe this is really God's will..."

"Ah?" Liu Yunfeng looked at the queen of the night in front of him and said to herself.

"God's will?" All the elves in the hall look pious when they hear the word God.

"Mr. Liu Yunfeng, would you like to serve as the sacrifice of my night elf moon?"

This sentence was like a thunderbolt in the hall, and all the elves were sluggish for a moment, followed by overwhelming noise and opposition.

The sacrifice of the moon, the moon, the incarnation of the god of the elves, the sacrifice, the god of the elves. Sacrifice is a person who has received the favor of God. In the distant era of gods, every elf tribe will have a moon sacrifice that can communicate with the moon god, and without exception, all those who serve as priests of the moon are the purest virgin elves!

And with the departure of the gods, the elves have never had a sacrifice of the moon, but now, their queen is going to appoint a human to sacrifice the moon, the most noble, sacred and inviolable position. What's more ridiculous is that this human being is still a man whose chastity is uncertain, which is the most unacceptable to all elves.

Among them, the bodyguard Hilton's reaction was the most intense. She immediately stepped forward and knelt down in front of Natalie and said angrily, "Your Majesty, please take back your order. The sacrifice of the moon has only been the purest and noblest elves of our family since ancient times. How can you give it to a human being? Besides, he is still a man, what a waste... It's disdone!" Hilton originally wanted to say how ridiculous it was, but due to his identity, he changed to dignity.

Queen Natalie saw that the elves reacted fiercely, but her face remained unchanged. She looked firm and said in a deep voice, "I have made up my mind, Hilton, please retreat!"

"But!... Yes, Your Majesty." Hilton swallowed his words under the queen's unquestionable eyes, but still refused to retreat.

Natalie ignored the old-fashioned and stubborn Hilton and continued to look at Liu Yunfeng with the same entangled face.

Although Liu Yunfeng does not know the tradition of the sacrifice of the moon, he also knows that it is a very important position from the reaction of these elves. What's more, although the environment here is really good, he can't stay here forever. His greatest hope is to recover his memory. He has a feeling that he has a Many people are waiting for him, and there are many things that need him to complete.

"Please!" Just as Liu Yunfeng was about to refuse, Natalie's voice came from his head! We elves need a sacrifice, and for countless years, only you have brought divine grace. I know that what you want most is to find your memory. You can't stay here forever, but I just ask you to stay here until you find your memory, okay?"

Liu Yunfeng looked at Natalie's big black and watery eyes, full of begging, and the ghost almost nodded his head.

"From now on, Liu Yunfeng is the moon sacrifice of my dark night elf family." As soon as Natalie saw this, she showed two rows of jade-like white teeth and immediately announced in the grief of countless elves. Sacrifice, please go forward."

Countless sharp eyes swept at him, making Liu Yunfeng's scalp a little numb. If his eyes could kill people, he would have died thousands of times at this moment. Under Natalie's hopeful gaze, Liu Yunfeng had to cross the pale bodyguard Hilton and come to the queen.

Natalie slowly stood up. Under Liu Yunfeng's stunned mouth, Natalie's white jade-like hands actually held up her face. Her exquisite and unparalleled face was slowly approaching, and a pleasant fragrance came. He suddenly felt a feeling called desire like a flood that broke the levee. It is usually flooded.

The body fragrance emitted from Queen Natalie is absolutely deadly for human beings, especially for an unprocessed man like Liu Yunfeng!

Liu Yunfeng glanced at it inadvertently. The queen's neck was slender and straight. From the jaw, a straight curve drew a nearly perfect arc, extending all the way down, and then suddenly stood up on her white chest and squeezed out a deep breast. Come on. The elf's clothes are very thin and open in style, with a relatively low front flap, exposing the small half plump breasts.

It's so big! So white! So deep.....

Liu Yunfeng's eyes almost fell, and the remaining reason made him quickly withdraw his eyes.

Although the light in the hall is not very bright, many elves still put the blush on Liu Yunfeng's old face into their eyes.

Liu Yunfeng really wants to find a hole to get in...

Liu Yunfeng, this is a sacred ceremony for our elf family! You don't have to be so shy." Her voice was like a yellow warbler, but it trembled slightly. Although she said so, Her Majesty's face was also a little red. Her long eyelashes trembled and her eyes were full of water.

For Natalie, who has never played with the opposite sex, Liu Yunfeng's short but naked gaze is also very lethal.

Under the complicated eyes of all the elves, their queen kissed Liu Yunfeng's forehead.

Hilton stared at Liu Yunfeng with a happy face, and the anger spewed from his eyes seemed to melt the hardest rock.

After kissing, Natalie hurriedly escaped from Liu Yunfeng's hot body like an electrocuted kitten.

Liu Yunfeng only felt that his forehead was so warm and soft, and then he felt a little itchy and hot.

The complicated green inscription condensed in his eyebrows, a green leaf with a curved moon, which is a symbol of the sacrifice of the moon.

Natalie took a complicated look at Liu Yunfeng in front of her, knelt down in front of him on one knee, and said respectfully, "See the sacrifice of the moon!"

All the elves looked at each other, and also knelt down on one knee one after another, and said in unison, "See the sacrifice of the moon!"

Hilton's concave and convex body trembled, but after all, he knelt down on one knee like all elves, gritted his teeth and said, "See... The sacrifice of the moon... Big... My lord..."

PS: Please collect................................................................................................................