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Chapter 31 Merchants 2

Judging from the lightness of the other party's walking, Shuiyue knows that this young man who is not much older than herself is also a warrior, otherwise he would not have held such a high-level long knife. Although the whole caravan escort is not satisfactory, once there is such a person in the caravan, it will be very different. When the young man walked into Shuiyue, Shuiyue did not dare to be careless and showed unusual politeness.

"Hello, my name is Kaiser. I'm the deputy leader of this caravan. I heard that you are the warriors of Licheng and Fancheng?" The young man raised his eyebrows and his eyes were not aggressive, but after all, it was the original aura of others, and Shuiyue was also awe-inspiring. After asking, the young man took back the long knife that leaked in everyone's sight. He also felt that this was a little inappropriate and would show an extreme provocation.

"Oh, it turned out to be the deputy leader of the caravan. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Xiao Xue's expression was very Mueller. Unlike Shuiyue, Xiao Xue's eyes were full of admiration for his weapon, but she did not pay attention to the young man. Although her mouth was in harmony, her heart did not know where to go.

"Ha ha, a female leader is really rare." The young man glanced at Xiao Xue's body for a long time, and Shuiyue seemed to see that his eyes were also full of admiration. A woman like Xiao Xue, who has both masculine soldiers and feminine softness, is basically rare on the mainland!

"What's rare about this? In fact, I just robbed someone's title." After saying that, Xiao Xue pointed to the water moon thinking about.

"Ah, I'm not a leader!"

"Haha, you two are really interesting and matchable!" The young man joked and talked for a long time, but no doubtful useful information was revealed. But it can't be said that there is absolutely no. Shuiyue at least knows that he is just a deputy leader, so where is the leader of the other party?

"Don't talk nonsense, we are just partners who accept the same fate!"

Xiao Xue has a good definition. Perhaps this is the most appropriate relationship between herself and Xiao Xue at this time. Shuiyue nodded on the stretcher, and then asked Xiao Xue in a low voice, "Can you let the brothers behind have a break?"


Accepting Shuiyue's invitation, the young man ordered the attendants behind him to stand by, while he followed Shuiyue and Xiao Xue to a relatively clean place in the forest. After sitting down, Shuiyue also sent away the four people carrying the stretcher, leaving only Shuiyue, Xiao Xue and Kaiser in the woods.

"What can I say?" Everyone was transferred, and Caesar was not confused. Isn't it possible that Shuiyue has something to say, and she doesn't have to come in person. Talking about important matters is the reason why several people came here?

What to say? Shuiyue did not have an independent opinion, which was completely Xiao Xue's attention, but when she saw Caesar's straightforward attitude, Shuiyue had to reveal it truthfully.

"You also know something about the situation on our side. Xiao Xue has just said that both of our cities have been eaten by demons, and now we are going to the mountain city!"

"Is her name Xiao Xue?" Kaiser nodded. Although he listened carefully, he did not respond to Shuiyue.

"Oh, yes, her name is Xiao Xue, and my name is Shuiyue. She is a descendant of Fancheng, and I am the holder of the artifact who escaped from Licheng. If it hadn't been for Fancheng's efforts to rescue..." It's really impolite. Caesar introduced himself when he came up, but Shuiyue didn't introduce him until now. No wonder Caesar's expression was wrong just now!

"Ha ha, I know, and thank you for your trust in me. I won't hide it from you. We also went to Shancheng on our trip!"

"I guessed right!" Xiao Xue then whispered in Shuiyue's ear.

What, just now Xiao Xue thought that the other party was a caravan going to the mountain city, but no, the mountain city was in front of the road in the direction of his own troops, and Caesar walked behind his back!

"There's nothing strange. I think there's another reason why the caravan turned around?" Seeing Shuiyue's doubts about herself, Xiao Xue had to explain: "According to my understanding of the mountain city, the pharmaceutical industry is developed, and there are countless doctors. There are tens of thousands of people on the mainland to seek medical treatment in the mountain city almost every day, so the mountain city is also the city that consumes the most medicine on the mainland. The people who just went to find out about the situation said that Caesar The escort is likely to be herbs, and there are ten cars. I think if they don't go to Netshan City, there will be no way to go, because several nearby cities will not need so much medicine supply. After saying that, Xiao Xue looked at Caesar proudly, "Am I right?"

"The girl is right! We really have something to delay here, otherwise we would have arrived in the mountain city to deliver the goods!" Caesar also looked at Xiao Xue with admiration, but she didn't expect that what she said was so accurate that her next explanation was dispensable.

"So where did you pick up the goods, Yaogu Town or Linshui City?"

"Yugu Town!"

Shuiyue couldn't interrupt at all. He had to listen, so he listened, and he became more and more confused. Why does Xiao Xue know so clearly about the other party's receiving point? Isn't this too amazing?

In fact, this is not Xiao Xue's problem at all, but Shuiyue's own problem. From childhood to age, Shuiyue followed Helan Qiushan almost every day, and the number of times he walked out of Licheng was limited, which led to his lack of geographical understanding of the mainland. However, Xiao Xue is different. She was sent everywhere by her father Xiao Zan since she was a child. Learning, in addition, Xiao Xue was born to be an idle girl. After walking through more places and understanding more things, she naturally developed a cognition of various parts of the mainland. Xiao Xue also has a good understanding of what customs and prosperity there are.

Yaogu Town and Linshui City are recognized as industrial bases for the production of herbs by the mainland. Almost 80% of the raw materials needed for drug manufacturing on the mainland are supplied by these two locations, because the climate and geography of these two locations are very suitable for the growth of various grass leaves and are available almost all year round!

And at this point, Shuiyue sighs that she is not as good as herself!

The sitting of the three people turned into a conversation between two people, and Shuiyue couldn't get in, so she had to sit on the stretcher and listen to them.

From asking each other, it didn't take long to become a chat... I'm afraid that only Shuiyue hasn't forgotten that there are more important things waiting for them to do. Caesar's information has not been completely dug out!

"Yugu Town is a good place. I visited a herbalist when I was a child, and I have learned about medicine since then!"

"Well, I'm also a native of Yaogu Town. When did you go to Yaogu Town? Why haven't I seen you?"

"About ten years ago, and a lot of interesting things happened there!"

Two allies, we don't have much time. What do you want to say? At this time, Shuiyue needs to tell a few stories that happened in Yaogu Town before continuing to ask, what happened to the caravan that caused the U-turn?

Shuiyue, who can't wait, can only use his physical movements to tell the vivid Xiao Xue. Hurry up and ask!

Is it caused by the trend?

After saying a few nonsense, Caesar took the lead in saying, "Don't say that. Maybe we have really met in Yaogu Town, but I want to ask you two to do me a small favor!"