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Chapter 32 The Missing Leader

Without gossip, when Shuiyue saw it, Caesar's face, who stopped behaving, was instantly covered with a layer of frost. What did he ask for? His expression would suddenly become so solemn.

With no response from Caesar, Xiao Xue was also much quieter. In contrast, she still behaved more carefully than Shuiyue.

"What happened to the caravan? Isn't it about the leader?" Xiao Xue pouted and asked weakly. This woke up Shuiyue. No wonder it seems that Xiao Xue is right. From the time she met the caravan to now, Caesar is only a deputy leader. So what about the team leader? How can a caravan not have a leader?

With the understanding of Caesar's strength, Shuiyue has definitely imagined that the leader of the caravan must not be simple!

Hearing Xiao Xue's question, Caesar's expression eased a lot. After this question, the Buddha met the morning sun and resolved the indifference. Kaiser also had to give a thumbs up to Xiao Xue's careful heart, "Girl, you are so awesome. I'm about to talk about the captain!" Caesar praised brilliantly, as if his request had been approved by Shuiyue.

I don't know what happened to the caravan, and Shuiyue's heart also follows. For Caesar's request, if he is within his own ability, he may be able to agree, but if it is beyond his own ability, Shuiyue can only say sorry. At this time, he is not allowed to mind his own business!

"Then what do you say?"

"Yes, what do you think, what the hell happened?" Xiao Xue reflected her words and took the opportunity to let Caesar speak.

"You two, in fact, this matter is big or small, and it doesn't matter whether you help or not!" Caesar stressed that maybe Shuiyue can also read his doubts. After all, this is the first time for both sides to meet. Why do they have to ask for something? It sounds very awkward!

"To the point, what's wrong with your leader?"

Facing Xiao Xue's anxious expression, Caesar swallowed a spit and whispered, "Missing!"

"Missing?" This answer boosted Shuiyue and Xiao Xue. From where to start? Shuiyue is a little disbelieving. As the leader of the caravan, he is naturally a relatively strong guy. How can he say that he is missing and not a half-year-old child?

"But I can't say that the city is missing. I don't know how to express it. In short, the leader has been away from the team all day, and there is no reply!" Caesar's dejected tone still made it difficult for Shuiyue to accept. In Shuiyue's heart, she smoothed the matter in an instant.

The captain left and talked about the disappearance with Caesar. It seems that Caesar knows that the leader has left, but he has not returned to the team yet.

"You mean, let us help find it?" Xiao Xue stood up and patted the dust on her skirt, as if I had accepted your request.

"Kaisa hasn't finished talking about this yet. What are you worried about?" Shuiyue looked sideways at Xiao Xue, but met a straight face of a leader.

My God, Xiao Xue really regards herself as his hand, "Well, you continue to express your opinions." Shuiyue lowered her head in shame and didn't dare to look into her eyes again. She let Buddha Shuiyue interrupt one more word, and Xiao Xue was about to be punished.

"Shuiyue is right. I haven't finished yet. If I want to ask you for help, I should also tell you the whole story in detail!"

Story, narrative, nagging?

Shuiyue thinks that we should send someone to tell the brothers who are resting, don't stop, set up a pot of rice, and wait, and we will eat breakfast and dinner together.

It's not that I don't want to listen, but in front of Shuiyue, those precious times, like meteors, fly away, and like tails, the magic soldiers who smell their own smells are getting closer and closer.

Before opening her mouth, Caesar touched it in her arms. Shuiyue thought that he was looking for something like paper, which was evidence about the departure of the leader, but when she turned around, it was not. The leader left and left any written text. Maybe it was the reason why she had experienced the scroll left by the city owner. Everything in her arms turned into a scroll... It was not until Caesar took out a cowhide kettle and came to her mouth to take three sips that Shuiyue felt how long the narrative should be!

"The thing is, we received an order to escort ten carts of herbs to Shancheng in Yaogu Town. From Yaogu Town to the sixth day, that is, when we arrived near Fancheng, we were catching up with the magic soldiers to attack Fancheng. In fact, we also hate the magic soldiers, but there is nothing we have something to do. In order to avoid the war, the captain ordered us to drive the team to the forest path, and when we first stepped on the forest path, we heard the news that Li Cheng was fighting with the magic soldiers.

Our leader is also a temperamental person, so he decided to go to Licheng to see the situation. Almost all the people in Yagu Town know one thing about Licheng, that is, the artifact. The leader is also full of curiosity about the artifact, which is also the reason why he insisted on going despite our discouragement.

We agreed to turn on the path at dawn the next day, so I temporarily took over the caravan and slowly marched in the direction of the mountain city. Didn't you think that the leader hadn't come back at noon the next day before we accelerated our pace to find it, so we met you!"

These mouthfuls of water were not drunk in vain. There was almost no break in Caesar's narrative, and Shuiyue almost fell into it.

From the perspective of a captain, the promise he made is more important than the order he said, unless the leader did not come back. In addition, the leader found something more important, so he had to miss the agreement with his brother. No matter what, Shuiyue did not expect the leader to be good, even if he prayed. Fu Hefu had a great life, but it is true that he didn't come back.

After the narration, Caesar's expression was obviously not as good as before, especially after he finished speaking, and Shuiyue and Xiao Xue did not speak, which made him ask in a low voice, "Captain, will nothing happen?"

"I don't think so?" Xiao Xue listened to the relief, which was comforting Caesar, and Shuiyue could see it.

"I think the leader will be fine. He is known as the most powerful escort leader in Yaogu Town, and he is in his hand...!" At this point, the voice was rattled.

"And what, I have never doubted the strength of your captain. I didn't praise you. The weapon in your hand is really good. Where did you get it from?

Xiao Xue, a girl, has become more and more mindless. At this time, she even coveted other people's long knives!

"You said it was [Yutang]?" In front of Shuiyue and Xiao Xue's face, Caesar pulled out the long knife again, which was originally in the knife bag on her back!

"The leader gave it to me!" Caesar lost his way.

"What, you said that this weapon was given to you by your leader. What's your relationship with him? Why did he give you such a valuable weapon?" Xiao Xue grabbed something around her in surprise and almost ashamed with envy.

"My hand...!" Shuiyue didn't dare to speak loudly.

"So what's the weapon your leader took?"

This is also concerned by Shuiyue. Just now, Caesar's words suddenly stopped on the leader's weapon. Could it be that this weapon is sharper than his long knife?

Of course, Shuiyue has never seen anything in the leader's hand, and it will be worse than his subordinates!