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Chapter 267 Twilight City

"Do you want to go to the seven cities?" Xin'er asked stupidly.

After dinner, there is no need to clean up the mess on the table. Shuiyue took the horse and stopped at the door of the hotel. He had already figured out where to go. "Of course, I'm going to seven cities to see where the situation is. You can think about what I told you. If you follow me, my life will be in danger. If you go back to the Protos to treat you I'm all good!"

Xin'er pouted, "I don't want to leave you. I'm not afraid of any difficulties!"

"Then take it with you, cook for us, and it's good to have a big tooth sacrifice!" Sweetheart likes the letter very much, and Shuiyue can see it.

How can a man fight two women?

Shuiyue stretched out her arm and said immediately, "Come up, let's go to Twilight City first."

Xin'er can't ride a horse, so she has to ride the same horse as Shuiyue.

"Let's go!"

"We are not going on an outing!" Shuiyue emphasized.

"I know!" Xin'er snuggled in the arms of the water moon, like a happy bird.

I can only tolerate Xin'er's reckless once.

Twilight City is the first stop to arrive with the years, because before the war, Twilight City sent a large number of reinforcements and did not come to support on the road. If the army of Twilight City could have reached the mountain city a moment earlier, the situation would not have been like this. Could it be said that they escaped from the battle and abandoned the mountain city in deep water. Regardless?

Obviously, the twilight is still in the mountain city, which is impossible. What on earth has happened to make the army in Twilight City unable to act?

On this way, Shuiyue raised its whip. Twilight City is in the south of the mountain city, a hundred miles away from the mountain city. If it is fast, it can be reached in half a day. On the way, Shuiyue met the camp that used to rest as the army of Twilight City. In a forest, the pot stove is still there, the tent is still there, and a team of 50,000 people. I have been stationed here for several days.

Shuiyue got off his horse and went to check and found that it was very chaotic, indicating that the army of Twilight City was in a hurry when it withdrew. Judging from the ashes under the stove, the 50,000 army should have left for less than two days. There were still leftovers in the pot. Shuiyue walked to the headquarters of the Chinese army again. This used to be a temporary command post for combat, more chaotic than outside. General Our combat command map was still on the table. Shuiyue picked it up and found that the army was actually ready to raid the magic soldiers, but before it was implemented, the mountain city was captured. What caused them to be unable to send troops for a long time, and when they retreated, they didn't even bring everything with them?

Sweetheart walked in from the tent, holding a black dress in his hand, "Look at this, I found it in the woods outside the barracks, and there was a fight there!"

After taking it, Shuiyue was very familiar with this black clothes. At this time, the clothes worn by the dark warrior.

"Tear me to have a look!" Shuiyue feels that this matter has something to do with Kara's darkness, but how can Kara's strength control 50,000 people here?

Outside the woods, that is, outside the barracks, there were traces of fighting in a forest. The area was very small, and there were a few traces of blood on the ground, but they were all Ganze. At this time, the combat effectiveness that occurred many days ago simply did not rain in the past few days. The battlefield was completely preserved and the body was disposed of. Shuiyue Lenovo, this It is likely that there is a conflict between the patrols of Twilight City and the enemy. From this perspective, you can see the whole picture of the barracks. Maybe the enemy has been monitoring the actions of the Twilight City army?

"There must be other battlefields around!" Shuiyue judgment.

So the three people walked around the outside for a while and found seven or eight such small battlefields, but Shuiyue could not walk all of the 50,000 military camps, so they returned to the original place. They couldn't associate and guess anything. Shuiyue decided to go to Twilight City to ask about this matter clearly. There was always something in Shuiyue's heart. With such a little uneasy, something may have happened in Twilight City. If it hadn't been for the last resort, how could these 50,000 people be a huge military group to stay in the woods without doing nothing?

"It's not too late. Let's go to Twilight City immediately!" Shuiyue jumped on the horse.

"It's very strange. It's not far from the mountain city. You said they were the reinforcements of the mountain city, but why don't they support the mountain city?" Sweetheart has been hiding in the ground and suffering from the curse, but her mind is still there, and anyone can see the strange in it.

"Everything will be solved in Twilight City."

Xin'er hasn't said anything, and now she can feel that it's not the time to be naughty.

Twilight City is a city with many soldiers in the eight-city contract. It is located on a plain. There are two small rivers on both sides of the city. When the water moon arrived, I saw that the flag of Twilight City was low and lifeless. It was like a wounded young man lying motionless on the plain. Is it also windy today, and the flag is also Unable to float.

When I came to the gate of the city, the gate of Twilight City was closed, and few guards were seen on the wall.

How can the twilight city, which used to be thunderous, fall to this point, not a dead city, but dying?

"Is there anyone else in it?" Sweetheart muttered.

"I'll go and have a look!" Shuiyue came to the gate with Xiner and felt that there were still people in the twilight city. The cooking smoke could be seen, and the sound inside could be heard from the wind. There should be someone.

"Open the gate, the mountain city, the water and the moon want to see the Lord of the Twilight City!"

At this time, a guard showed his head, "Hasn't the mountain city been conquered, and our twilight young master is also missing!"

Didn't the twilight come back?

"Hurry back to the city owner and let him talk to me!" Shuiyue is most annoyed by this kind of dispensable dialogue. These little soldiers always take chicken feathers as arrows.

"Okay, wait!" The little soldier lost his head.

After such a while, Shuiyue has been sweating profusely. This day is getting hotter and hotter, but it is also a dying struggle at the end of autumn.

Shuiyue returned to her sweetheart's side. At this time, what the sweetheart said made Shuiyue feel uneasy, "What do I think? The city is dead. The door is closed in broad daylight, and no one comes in and out. The one who guards the city does not look like guarding the city, but seems to be guarding his life!"

The gate slowly opened, making the more eye-catching scene of Shuiyue appear. A team of people appeared from the gate, and many soldiers were still wearing white cloth.

White cloth is a symbolic thing used when people die. What tricks is the twilight city doing? Could it be that there are dead people in the city? Isn't it an important task for so many soldiers to die? Shuiyue subconsciously first thought of the twilight, and her heart suddenly sank.

A middle-aged man in the team came slowly. He was wearing a casual clothes. His eyes looked a little confused and his footsteps were a little motionless.

"Is the water moon in the mountain city opposite?" Middle-aged man opens his mouth!

"Are you?" Shuiyue dissed.

"I'm the owner of Twilight City. I'm sorry about the mountain city, but I can't abandon Twilight City again. There has been a plague here."

"Plague!" Shuiyue quickly walked over and said, "How can there be a plague?"

The owner of the evening city invited three people to the city and warned: "There was a plague in the city a month ago. I think this west wind has told you that this plague broke out decades ago. At first, we thought we didn't have to care if we found a cure, but suddenly half a month ago The plague broke out on a large scale, and many people died in Twilight City. In addition, there were misbehaving people in black in Twilight City, which delayed the dispatch of troops. In recent days, Twilight City has been besieged by people in black. In desperation, we can only transfer our troops back to participate in the defense of Twilight City, but it was unexpected. In this way, the mountain city will be captured!" The owner of the evening city was hoarse and looked very tired.

After entering the city, there were painful wailing everywhere, and the streets and alleys were filled with a smell of rotten smell. What the city owner said was not wrong. Many people died here. The white cloth on these soldiers was filial piety for their families.

But Shuiyue still knows that the culprit of this plague is not the poisonous eye under the swamp of Zecheng, and hasn't that poisonous eye been blocked? How can the plague break out now? And it comes so quickly, coupled with the invasion of carat darkness, it is justification for Twilight City to protect itself!

Is the plague caused by the darkness?