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Chapter 268 Terrible Plague

The city owner's mansion, which everyone came all the way, is different from the city owner of the mountain city. It is just a separate courtyard, and has been affected by the plague. At this time, it has become a refugee home. If you want to find a city owner, you are also a good city owner who loves the people like a son.

There is no place in the hall. There are people who have been infected with the plague. The surface of these patients who have been replaced by the plague is very different from those of outsiders. They don't seem to have strength, and their skin has mild ulcers. The doctor who treated everyone said that this is also designed for mild infection, and their bodies will ulcerate over time. Water will die incurable.

Shuiyue had a sympathy, but was told by the city lord, "You shouldn't come to this place. The plague is transmitted by air. At this time, it is fate. It doesn't care about people's physical strength or weakness. This plague is fierce and has a rejection reaction to drugs. The last medicine to treat the plague has almost no effect on this plague.

The plague has become resistant to drugs. Shuiyue doesn't care at all that the city owner said that she will be infected. The city owner is still here, so what is she afraid of?

Several people came to a small house. At this time, the city owner closed the door and whispered, "I suspect that someone has released the poisonous eye. Ten days ago, I received the news that there was also a doubtful man in black there and dug up the swamp!"

This also verified Shuiyue's speculation, "Sure enough, the whole thing is related to the darkness of Carat!"

"What is the darkness of Carat?" The owner of the city asked.

"A dark force on the mainland, the adopted son of the owner of Xifeng City is also in this force. They are also involved in the competition for artifacts. The fall of the mountain city is also caused by Carat."

The owner of the evening city is a thin middle-aged man, with his big arms patting on the table for a while. "There is such a force on the mainland."

And they had already planned to release the poisonous eye, let the plague break out again, and prevent the seven cities from adding reinforcements to the mountain city. In this way, they were well-intentioned, but released the poisonous eye. In this way, their sins were even deeper. Shuiyue looked at the situation in Twilight City, and the casualties Countless, it is estimated that other cities are the same. The army has also been infected and the drugs cannot be treated. Isn't this just like the first outbreak of plague? Seven cities are going to suffer another hardship.

"Little brother, the west wind once mentioned your predecessors to me. Today, I saw a lot of heroes. I don't know what else is there besides asking about our sending troops?"

Other things, Shuiyue couldn't think of. He came here to find the twilight and casually asked why the 50,000 army of Twilight City had not been able to assist the mountain city. Now everything has been understood. Twilight City has to draw troops back to defend its city, and it can't blame others in the enemy's plan.

"I'm sorry about the twilight!"

When the owner of the evening city waved his hand, there was no need to talk about this. I also knew about the situation in the mountain city. The people who broke out of the mountain city have returned to Twilight City, but my son's whereabouts are unknown. If you want to know the situation, I suggest you go to them and ask them!

Shuiyue's eyes lit up, "Are there any survivors?"

"I was arranged in the ward of the city master's mansion!"

Of course, Shuiyue had to ask, and he couldn't help asking, "Are they injured?"

"No, they were infected by the plague as soon as they returned to Twilight City. Now one third of the whole city has been infected, and this situation has happened in the army, so I ordered the gate to be closed. In order to replace the trespassers with the plague. If you hadn't called the door, I wouldn't have ordered it to be opened. In the last plague In the disease of gonorrhea, I also absorbed the lesson. This time, compared with before, there is not much panic or disturbance.

If the plague is not eliminated in a day, the owner of the evening city intends to trap everyone in the city, including himself?

Great and selfless thoughts.

In fact, only two soldiers from Twilight City ran back from the mountain city. What they were referring to was that one was him and the other. They lay calmly on the bed and looked a little good, but they didn't have the strength to speak. When they saw Shuiyue, they naturally recognized them and quickly got up.

Shuiyue was moved and said, "Both, you are all warriors guarding the mountain city. You can't come back during the battle and can't stand your big gift."

Recalling the sudden battle that day, they said that after the owner of Xifeng City ordered to break out of the siege, the whole mountain city was divided into several groups and killed all the way from the stone bridge to the foot of the mountain. Finally, the owner of Xifeng City led hundreds of people to live and die, and they had been following meteors and twilight to the foot of the mountain. Later, another magic soldier appeared, and the two of them dispersed with the army and had to return to Twilight City, but they did not think that Twilight City was also deeply affected by the plague, and the two of them were infected even more tragically.

Shuiyue lifted one of the clothes to check their situation. There were several thick small blisters on the soldier's belly, but the soldier didn't care. He said optimistically, "This is nothing, but it's a pity that we didn't die on the battlefield. I'm afraid it's hard to forget the battle that day in my life. Thousands of people Tens of thousands of anti-demon clans broke through the strict defense, and the magic soldiers lost tens of thousands of people!"

Shuiyue felt a little cold all over. Generally speaking, this matter has a lot to do with herself. The darkness of Clara is the manipulator behind the scenes. Did they cooperate with the magic soldiers? Judging from the outpost, the magic soldier is also one of the enemies of Kara's darkness, so the two are separated. Kara darkness uses the hand of the magic soldier as his own purpose.

Ccarat darkness is the biggest winner of the battle of the mountain city!

No, the biggest winner is Shuiyue, and the enemies did not succeed!

After learning about the situation in the mountain city, Shuiyue followed the city owner to the street. At present, the whole city is like a layer of death. After all, the Twilight City is not a mountain city. There are few doctors, few drugs, few people can be treated, and more people are still dying at home.

Xin'er and sweetheart couldn't see such a disgusting scene, so they stayed in the city owner's mansion. Shuiyue and the city owner came to a residential house with several healthy soldiers and opened the door. Shuiyue saw an unpainted coffin at a glance. A woman lay on the coffin board and cried. Seeing the city owner, the woman couldn't help spreading the sky. The grievance pointed to the coffin and said, "My man got into a plague ten days ago and just died today. Lord, you must find a cure. My son has also been ill for several days and his body has begun to ulcerate. If we can't find a way, our family will go to hell."

said that the water and moon are straight and bitter.

The plague is like a tiger, and the disease is like a mountain. A woman's heart has experienced the pain of life and death. How can Shuiyue, the man with the name of the son of the artifact, be embarrassed? Looking at his compatriots struggling in deep water and fire, how can Shuiyue be as if she had lost Xiao Xue?

Looking at the boy who could not move lying on **, he was about seven or eight years old. At this moment, there were also blisters on his little face. At this time, the doctor behind the city owner came to see and shook his head helplessly.

"This child can only live for a few days and has been moderately infected. In this case, even medicine is useless, and our drugs are limited."

When I heard this, the woman's eyes burst into tears.

"Use medicine, as long as you are not dead, everyone needs to be saved!" The city owner said in pain.

"However, the epidemic is still developing. In the later stage, we can't find a solution. If we run out of medicine, Twilight City will be in danger."

The doctor is right. At present, it is the peak of the outbreak of the plague. The dampness and heat in summer has accelerated the spread and growth of the plague. Only when the weather turns cold can it be controlled. However, the current situation is not optimistic. In just a month, one-third of the people in Twilight City will be replaced. I'm afraid that Twilight City will suffer. It's winter.

Human life is precious in front of human nature, but it is worthless in the face of disease. Shuiyue has a way in her heart. Although the mountain city has fallen, the medicine shops in the streets and alleys are still there. After the buildings are empty, Twilight City can go to the mountain city to get some medicine and return them later.