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Chapter 337 quarrel

Zhang Jike, (born in Qingdao, Shandong on February 16, 1988)

Item: Men's table tennis singles

Time: 22:30 Beijing time, August 2, 2012

Venue: EXCEL Stadium

won the 18th gold for China.

"Although the blood bamboo is the same thing, the blood bamboo is not on the human body. You say it's useless. It can only prove that there is such the same thing in the world. Isn't there still nothing to do with how to use the mask?" Hua Shao splashed a basin of cold water on Xiaoya's head.

Xiaoya didn't care at all, "I just want to tell you that blood bamboo is just this kind of thing, and I didn't say that it can be used on masks!"

But Shuiyue doesn't think so. Maybe she was wrong at the beginning. The mask only needs to mark something the same to communicate. She was misled by Xiaoya's words, thinking that only things on the human body can be used in combination with the mask. If you put the blood bamboo on the human body, and then mark the blood bamboo on On the mask, blood bamboo has become an inseparable part of the human body. Isn't it also possible to convey information? It's like a glass of water. It was originally an outsider. After drinking it, the human body absorbs it and becomes a part of the body. Blood bamboo can also be the same, but there is no need to eat it and integrate it into something, not only It is only limited to becoming a whole body with the body, and it can also form a whole body and mental resonance.

Shuiyue seemed to find a way and asked, "Where is the blood forest?"

"What are you looking for Xuelin? Do you really want to find Xuezhu?" Hua Shao asked.

"I want to have a try. If the blood bamboo is divided into several pieces, let the soldiers wear it, and then mark the blood bamboo on the mask, it is likely to have a communication effect."

Meng Hao nodded, but shook his head again. "It's okay to try, but the blood forest is in the north of the mainland, and we have to go to the south to find the blood bamboo, and there are many dangers hidden in the blood forest. Many people who go anywhere have not come back. At present, the most important thing is to go to the sand city. We can't do it for a Shang. If you don't know the success of the attempt, go back?"

Meng Hao has been very calm. His words woke up Shuiyue, "Meng Hao is right. It seems that we can't go to the blood forest. If we get to Shacheng, let's find another way!"

Shuiyue handed the mask back to Xiaoya and asked, "Dead girl, why did you take out the mask again? Do you miss your sister? I miss you from the night village for half a year. Your beautiful sister must miss you."

If there is really such a sister, Shuiyue will also think that without a sister, even if it is a sister, Shuiyue has nothing, and even her lover will be lost.

"I'm about to contact my sister. Maybe my sister can help with the blood bamboo matter!"

There are blood bamboo in the night village. Of course, Shuiyue knows, "But those blood bamboos are the guardian gods of the night village!"

If you lose the blood bamboo and the night village, you should change your name. What else can you hide? It is no different from other small villages. Compared with the night village, the night village is more like a quiet town deep in the dense forest. In the town, each warriors are strong.

"You've only been there once. How do you know that we don't have extra blood bamboo? The blood bamboo has been hidden as a treasure by my sister. I think I can transform her and let her contribute it and give it to us for the experiment. And the night village is not far from here. At least we don't have to rush to the blood forest, can we?"

The village head of the previous night has such a hobby, "If you can transform your sister, I will..."

Xiaoya blinked, "What are you going to do?"

"I came to apologize."

"I don't think Xiaosha will hand over the blood bamboo. Think about it, when we get the blood bamboo and the blood bamboo is full of human soldiers, is there any secret in the night village?"

Xiaosha, the beautiful village head of Qianye Village, is very beautiful. After being with Xiaoya for so long, Xiaoya has not revealed her sister's name, and Shuiyue has never known it.

"Xiaosha, Xiaosha's, is really kind. In fact, this matter should be left to Caesar. When a woman falls in love, she is desperate. Maybe she will hand over the blood bamboo for Caesar. We don't have to embarrass Xiaoya, right?" Meteor and Xiao Tian are not here, and the rest of the people can say the most.

"Haha, Caesar is a golden son-in-law. I think I'll leave this to him!" He laughed innocently.

Xiaoya rushed out from the side and said, "What are you doing? You are obviously bullying my brother-in-law."

Kaiser smiled and really couldn't deal with these people.

Shuiyue stood up and said a fair word, "Don't make it difficult for Caesar. In my opinion, let Xiaoya do this matter. If it is the best, it doesn't matter. Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing. We can't harm the interests of others for our own interests. Caesar's statement makes sense. With the flood of blood bamboo, the night village can't be hidden.

"Brother Shuiyue, thank you. I will definitely tell my sister your attitude!" Xiaoya said mischievously.

Shuiyue still remembers what happened in the night village at that time, but she was miserable by the beautiful village head. I haven't seen her for a long time. Shuiyue still misses me a little. Anyone who grows up can have so many times when she is bullied and laugh when she looks back on the past.

The soldiers ahead came to report that the meteor and twilight had come back.

Let's talk about the terrain here. Why does Shuiyue think that she has reached the end of the grassland? Of course, this is not nonsense. The clouds over the grassland are different from those in other places. For many days, Shuiyue has become accustomed to walking under the light blue thin cloud sky. In front of it, the clouds are very thick and very low. There seems to be black hidden in the clouds, and some people are unhappy to worry.

The nomadic old man said that between the desert and the grassland, there is a black mountain with a black water, and the black sky may be the black mountain, so the water moon sent meteors and twilight to check.

The meteor led the dark horse, and the twilight followed. Seeing the moon, the meteor said first, "The front is indeed the border of the grassland, but 30 miles away from here, there is a river at the edge of the grassland. The river is black, but the surface is not black. It can be drunk. I let the twilight try it!"

Twilight actually jumped up, "You bastard, you dare to fuck me. I said there was something wrong with my kettle. There was more water than before, and it smelled like water grass!"

The meteor laughed, "Who called you stupid, but it doesn't matter. Your poisonous arm can detoxify, even if it is poisonous, you won't die. On the contrary, you proved that the river is bad, but you can drink it."

"Is there anything else?" Shuiyue asked.

"Uncle herdsmen is right. In front of the Black River, there is a big mountain. The mountain is black and very high. It can be seen from here." The meteor pointed back, referring to the black in the clouds worried by the water and the moon.

"The two of us also walked to Montenegro and found that there were few people and there was no sign of animal survival. I don't know where the black water came from. Maybe it was on the top of the mountain, because I heard the sound of the waterfall. The two of us didn't finish watching it, so we rushed back. If we set out now, we can reach the foot of Montenegro at dusk, where there are An open river, where we can sleep out and send people to the mountain to see the situation!" The twilight is very detailed.

Meteor opened his mouth and added, "Yes, where else can we replenish the water source!"

There is autumn frost on his twilight face. "If you dare to mention this again, I will kill you."

"If you hit it!"

"Okay, okay, you two are endless. When we get to the black water, we will punish the meteor to drink until we are full, and we actually joke about the lives of our teammates without authorization!"

"Hey, I'm not joking about his life. I reminded him before drinking."

Twilight stretched out her hand and said, "You're asking me if I'm thirsty!"

In the quarrel between the two, Shuiyue set out, and Shuiyue walked in the front, followed by the meteor twilight, and the two were still arguing.

At dusk, the two were tired, stopped, and the water and moon also saw what they wanted to see, but the first thing they saw was not the black water, but the black mountain. How high can the so-called mountains be? Is it that the clouds are too low and halfway up the mountain, or do they have limited vision and can't see the top of the mountain?

Xuanwu Mountain is high enough, and Montenegro is at least higher than three Xuanwu Mountains.