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Chapter 338 Black Water

Dong Dong (from Zhengzhou, Henan)

Date of birth: 1989.4.13

Project: Men's Trampoline Final

Time: August 3, 2012 22:40 p.m. Beijing time

A venue: North Greenwich Stadium

won the 19th gold for China.

There is a dry river adjacent to the Heishui River. This is a sandy land with a large area. It is estimated that it is the original river of the Heishui River. Later, due to some relationship, Shuiyue spent the night here tonight. Kaiser took people to inspect one side nearby and planned the position of the sentries. Although the magic soldiers have become Dumb, but be careful to avoid being exploited by the enemy when everyone is asleep at night.

The order was issued, and the soldiers began to set up tents in the river.

By the river where the water moon came, the meteor also followed and opened its mouth and said, "Well, this river is black, isn't it?"

"I'm not blind!" Water and moon damage.

"Well, although this water water looks black, it is colorless when picked up. What's the reason?"

The river flows slowly and is not as turbulent as a big river. It goes all the way south, around the foot of the Black Mountain and follows the flow of the river. The Black Mountain blocked the way, and you can't see it.

Shuiyue squatted by the river and held the water in her hand. The meteor said it well. The whole river looked like it was mixed with ink, turbid, but it was colorless in his hand, which was incomprehensible.

"This river looks black, but it is not actually black. This is the role of the foil. Look, the whole reflection of the Montenegro in front of us is thrown into the water. Looking at the bottom of the lake, the river is colorless, so we see that the shape of the water is the bottom of the river, and the river bed is black! " Meng Hao came from behind, holding a stone in his hand, throwing it into the water, stirring up a splash, and the stone disappeared.

"Do you think this is all the role of riverbed?" Meteors don't believe it.

When Shuiyue went to see the riverbed, he couldn't tell whether it was black or the riverbed itself.

Generally, there is a large amount of river sand or silt under the riverbed. The silt is black, but not pure black, but earthy. The river sand is slightly yellow, just like the old river where the soldiers are resting. There is a sand layer on the river, followed by a silt layer.

Meng Hao said, "If you don't believe it, you can go down and have a try!"

The meteor shook his head, "Forget it, it's too cold now. If it's midsummer, I don't think you need to say it. This water moon knows that we used to play by the river when we were young."

Shuiyue smiled and said, "Yes, the water quality of the meteor is good. It plunges into the water and can't come up for a long time."

The meteor curled his lips and said, "That time I was caught by the underwater water grass and almost drowned me!"

"Haha, I thought you were really good at water!" Meng Hao laughed.

"Let's go somewhere else. I always feel that this place is strange." Shuiyue stood up, and her figure could not be reflected in the river. Is the river too dark?

The meteor has been staring at the river and doesn't know what it is thinking.

"Meteor, if you don't come, let's go for a walk nearby?" Shuiyue said hello.

"Do you think there will be any fish in this river?" The meteor showed a bad smile.

Meng Hao shook his head, "As long as there are fish, we can't see them. The bottom of the riverbed is black, and the fish is also black. Do you want to catch a few?"

The meteor quickly followed, "Forget it, there should be no fish here. There is not even a water plant under the riverbed."

The river should not look too deep, but the river is very wide, enough to be 300 meters. Three people walked up hundreds of meters along the Blackwater River. At this time, the twilight belt people caught up behind.

"Hey, where are you three going?"

"Walk around and look at the terrain. What's wrong?" Shuiyue asked.

"I found a problem. I just came to you!"

Shuiyue is a little nervous, "What's the problem?"

In Montenegro, there are many problems with black water. It's too strange. A river water, colorless, can show black, and life can't be seen in the black water.

"Our soldiers dug a lot of bones under the dry riverbed." Twilight explained again, "But it's not a human head. I judge it to be cow bones or sheep bones."

The meteor didn't agree, "It's nothing. Maybe the cattle and sheep accidentally fell into the water when they were drinking water in the past and drowned below. What's strange about finding a few bones?"

"I've said a lot. Well, come and have a look. Let the patrol be done by the sentry." Twilight said.

The dusk can only show that this matter is very strange. The moon went back, "Let's go and have a look. I also think there seems to be something here!"

The soldiers have set up tents and stoves in the river**. In the middle of the river, many soldiers gathered together.

Twilight walked ahead and shouted, "Let's get out of the way. The water moon is coming. Let's take a look. Let's go and do your own business first."

The warrior retreated, and a pit with a diameter of more than one meter appeared on the ground. On the edge of the pit, there were many bones and many more in the pit.

Shuiyue picked up a thick bone and looked at it, "This should be a cow bone!" He picked up a curved bone on the edge, "This is a sheep's horn."

There are still more bones in the pit, but they are buried in the sand and cannot be identified.

The meteor squatted down to explore the bones in the pit. In a while, he took out a complete cow's skull from inside, and it was still there.

"Oh, why are there so many bones in it? Was it the place where the bodies of cattle and sheep were buried in the past?"

"What did I say? This is a little strange. I can't help but think that this place exists. We all have it under our feet. You also said that cattle and sheep accidentally slipped down when drinking water. This river has been abandoned for at least decades, and the bones of decades ago will still be preserved so well. If these cattle and sheep fall into the water while drinking water. Li, the bones have been decomposed for a long time, and now the bones in front of us are obviously not long ago.

The body layer is soft and there is no trace of rotting worms. Look down at the water and moon.

"So, these bones are buried in it. How can it be? Who would do this?" The meteor was surprised.

The dark uncle said that black water in Montenegro is very evil.

Shuiyue threw the bones into the deep pit. "Don't think about it. We'd better send everyone to patrol nearby. No matter who buried the bones here, as long as the other party doesn't attack us, we'd better not mind our own business. In addition, you can take the mountain climbers to Montenegro to see if we can find them. If we can't find the road, we can only go around.

The bones are buried here, which proves that there are people here, and Shuiyue doesn't know who they are.

Meteor nodded, "Then I'll go. You go and look nearby. I always feel strange and feel monitored!"

Looking around the water and moon, Montenegro is very quiet. It walks towards the black water and accelerates to stand on the surface of the black water and want to go up the black water to have a look.

Floating on the water? Brother Shuiyue, when are you so powerful? Xiaoya came here without knowing anything and saw Shuiyue running to the surface of the water.

Shuiyue looked back, and the sweetheart was also there. "I have learned it a long time ago. Grandma knows. Oh, by the way, Grandma, I have one thing to trouble you. You are proficient in water. Can you go down and see how deep the water is and what color the underwater riverbed is?"

Sweetheart is obviously not willing. Now she is used to being a human being. "Well, who makes you my grandson? I'll help you. Girl, stay here and I'll come."

The sweetheart turned into a python, penetrated into the water, and a bubble appeared on the surface of the water.

Shuiyue said, "I'm leaving too. You wait for grandma here."

Xiaoya nodded, "I know, Brother Shuiyue, you should also be careful."

Shuiyue blinked, "It's not dangerous here, silly girl, you're cursing me!"

The water moon ran wildly on the surface of the water and ran towards the corner of the black mountain. The river of this black water river formed around the black mountain. In the vicinity, there is another river, but the dry and dry river is very different from now. In this section, the dry river also runs around the mountains, but this point seems Under the division, the new river goes around the mountain, and the old river does come from Don.

When Shuiyue came to the river bank, it felt strange. Even if the river changed its course, it should not be so outrageous. The new river and the old river are obviously two strangers who don't know each other here. One is close to Montenegro and the other is far away from Montenegro. They meet here and walk parallel.

When I came to the old river, the water moon walked five or six miles along the riverbed. A hill was formed and appeared in the view of the water moon, like a dam on the old river.