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Chapter 339 Toxic

Zhao Yunlei (from Yichang, Hubei)

Date of birth: August 25, 1986

Zhang Nan: (People from Shijingshan District, Beijing)

Date of birth: April 30, 1986

Couple Champion

Item: Badminton Mixed Doubles

Final time: August 3, 2012 22:30 p.m. Beijing time

Venue: Wembley Stadium

won the 20th gold medal for China

In the empty river in front of Shuiyue, a dam appeared, and the sound of running water sounded in my ears.

The promotion is very high, and it took a lot of effort to climb up.

In front of Shuiyue, a wide surface appeared. The water quality is a little turbid, but not black. The water flow is very fast, because there is another very narrow river on the left and right side of the dam. Shuiyue can imagine that this dam is artificially made to regenerate the river.

The dam has been formed for some time. The surface of the dam, next to this side of the water, is hand-polished stone, while the other side is made of earth, and there are weeds growing on the dam.

The small river that guides the river water is also artificially chiseled and made of stone, so that it can withstand the erosion of the river. The flowing water is on the edge of the small river, constantly colliding with the stone surface, splashing everywhere, the water moon stepping on the water to the small river and below, and the surging river is slowed down in the distance of the small river.

It turned out that the old river was artificially blocked, and its purpose was to rechannel the river here. Shuiyue walked along the new river and came to the foot of Montenegro.

The water surface is divided into two strands here, one in the direction of the water and the moon, and the other around the foot of the mountain. The water flows as if there is no flow. The key is that the river here turns black.

Seeing this, Shuiyue has understood that the original river has been reed. The river, which was originally far away from the foot of the mountain, has been recircling and turned around the mountains. The color of the river has also turned black because of this. Some people especially hope that the river can pass around the mountains. It is estimated that the whole river surrounds Montenegro. Zhou, the exit is on the back of the mountain.

When the meteor and dusk came here before, they did not find the water source, because it was far from the camp. Shuiyue ran back from the water to see what was found on the sweetheart's side.

At this time, sweetheart had already recovered from the bottom of the river and recovered her human form. Her expression was a little ugly, waiting for the water moon in place.

The speed of the moon is several times faster than the falling moon. A water line is left on the river, and the moon jumps to the river bank.

"Grandma, what did you find here? I found an artificial dike in the upper reaches of the old river. The water quality there is not black. This black water river is man-made."

Sweet eyebrows, "That's right. I said why the river** below is stained with poison. It turns out that someone deliberately designed it to protect this Montenegro?"

Shuiyue went to look at the black water, "Grandma, do you think this is a poisonous river?"

"Don't be nervous. The poison is attached to the riverbed, and the river water is not poisonous. This poison is a kind of poison called poison soil. It does not dissolve in water, so the water quality will not be polluted. This poisonous soil is black. I just went down and found that the poison soil covers the whole river. Once it touches people, this poison On the body, toxicity will occur, and there is no antidote, so there is no aquatic plants or fish in the river **. It is estimated that they have been poisoned.

Shuiyue was surprised, "Grandma, are you all right?"

"My scales can resist this poison, and I didn't get poison soil. When I went down, I found this!"

Black water passes around the mountain. Is this principle like a moat, and some people are covered with poisonous soil under the whole riverbed, but they don't want anyone to step over the river. Is there any secret hidden here?

Shuiyue saw the color of Montenegro, which was also black, and suddenly suspected, "Grandma, the surface of Montenegro is also black. Will it also be covered with this poison to turn the mountain into what it is now?"

On Montenegro, all the trees are also black, and their leaves are also black. The water and moon always feel strange. In this way, the whole mountain seems to be dead, and there is no half of weeds growing on the mountain.

"I think it should be like this. The plants on the mountain have been poisoned." Sweetheart judged.

Shuiyue stamped her feet and shouted, "Oh no."

Xiaoya was nervous, "Why Brother Shuiyue?"

"The meteor has just been sent to Montenegro by me. If it is contaminated with this black soil, will it be poisoned?"


The moon ran back and saw the twilight by the river.

"Where are the meteors?"

Twilight said nervously, "What's the matter? What happened? Wasn't the meteor sent to Montenegro by you, and Hua Shao also followed!"

Shuiyue had a headache and immediately rushed over the water and told the twilight, "Tell all the soldiers to be vigilant, don't go to the river, don't go to the black mountain, and don't touch anything black things.

"What's wrong?" Duese said to herself and was a little confused. She didn't know what had happened. She wanted to ask. Shuiyue had already flown to the opposite side of the river.

At this time, sweetheart rushed over and explained to the twilight, "Twilight, this river was formed by artificial reducting. The originally depleted river is the real river. Under the river bed in the new river, the poisonous soil was buried. I think you should have heard of this poison. Shuiyue suspect that the black on the black mountain in Montenegro is also the role of poisonous soil."

After listening to the twilight, he quickly ran to the crowd and said, "This is bad. They don't know that they have rushed over!"

Xiao Ya stamped her feet urgently, "What should I do?"

"Don't panic. Let everyone know first. I think Shuiyue will definitely catch up with them." Sweetheart sighed.

When the water moon crossed the black water and came to the foot of Heishan Mountain, I saw that there was no black soil at the foot of Heishan Mountain. However, hundreds of meters up, black appeared, and there were no shadows of meteors and others nearby.

"Meteor, Hua Shao, where are you?" Shuiyue shouted.

I haven't answered for a long time. Shuiyue rushed to the mountain, and [Spiritual Power] sent a warning white light, which showed that Shuiyue's speculation was not wrong. The mountain was covered with poisonous soil.

[Spiritual Power] also has the characteristics of detoxification, so Shuiyue is not afraid of this poisonous soil. When Shuiyue sets foot on the black land, there is a weak sound of meteors behind her.

"Shuiyue, don't go up, these black lands are strange!"

Shuiyue turned around and found several people lying not far away, including meteors.

"Meteor, how are you?"

It seems that the meteor has been poisoned, his lips are very black, and his face has turned black. He stretched out his hand, and the meteor held Shuiyue's hand. "It doesn't matter, but the soldiers behind me are all dead. As soon as we arrived here, several people came into contact with the black land and slid down from above. I thought there was an enemy here, waiting for me. After touching the land, I found that there seemed to be something wrong with the land. Now I don't have the strength!"

"Don't talk now. These black soils are all poisons. Someone covered them. It's my negligence." Shuiyue beat her chest and stopped her feet and regretted it.

Meteor grinned, "It's okay. It's okay. As long as you know, it's fine. Go and see the others. Their problems are much worse than mine."

Four or five soldiers, facing the ground, Shuiyue turned them over, tried to breathe, and died.

Shuiyue shook her head at the meteor, "It's hopeless. They're all dead."


The meteor coughed a few times and spoke weakly, "It's all dead. How can it die? Who is the enemy?"

Shuiyue doesn't know who the enemy is, or that the other party is not the enemy, but it is set up to prevent someone from rushing into Montenegro.

After a week, Shuiyue asked, "Where's Hua Shao? Didn't it come with you? What about him? Why can't I find him?"

Meteor opened his eyes hard and looked tired. "Go, go, save him, he's still on it!"

After saying that, the meteor closed his eyes.

"Meteor, meteor?" Shuiyue called, like a crazy beast. When he felt that the meteor only fainted, his excited heart recovered.

Shuiyue has lost Xiao Xue and can no longer lose anyone else.

Looking at the meteor's head, Hua Shaoguo is really not far away, lying flat on the ground, with his head leaning against the black land and his lower body on normal land.

When Shuiyue rushed over, Hua Shao had no sage and pulled Hua Shao down. After calling for a few times, Hua Shao did not answer herself. Shuiyue subconsciously stretched out her finger and put it on Hua Shao's nostrils. Suddenly, Shuiyue sat on the ground, and her brain was blank. She didn't know what else to do.

The man in front of him stopped breathing.

"Hua Shao, wake up, Hua Shao!" Shuiyue shouted crazily, and the sound resounded throughout Montenegro, and even everyone on this side heard it.