Divine Book

Chapter 19 Overlord Trading, angling the upper body

The first rain of this summer fell on Ma Xiaochao accurately. Through the robe, it flowed into Ma Xiaochao's wound.

The coldness deep into the bone marrow made Ma Xiaochao's pulse beat. The heartbeat also gradually began to clear.

Isn't it summer? Why is it so cold?

Ma Xiaochao kept complaining in his heart and slowly opened his eyes before he found that he had been lying at the mouth of the well of the Dead for a whole day and a night.

With no strength, Ma Xiaochao did not try to stand up, but let the rain continue to wash away the stains on his body and swallow the rain with mud around him. Reliench your thirst.

Fortunately, the world has abundant aura, and there are many magical elements in the air. As a result, Ma Xiaochao gradually regained his physical strength. Finally, he stood up and walked in the direction of the glorious city.

She didn't see Ma Xiaochao for a day and a night. An Caiwei didn't send anyone to find him. She knew that Ma Xiaochao must have gone to explore the imperial mausoleum. Because only when you encounter any adventure can you improve your strength quickly.

Once An Caiwei sends someone to find Ma Xiaochao, she will not only not save him, but also bring him a death. An Caiwei naturally wants to save Ma Xiaochao, otherwise who will defeat Kui Shen for her!

Ma Xiaochao suddenly stopped and smiled. He returned to the well of the dead and brought out a large number of treasures with the dragon saddle. Ma Xiaochao didn't look at it. As long as it glows, he would put it into it. So when Ma Xiaochao came back to the ground, he didn't know what he was pretending.

When Ma Xiaochao came back to the ground, Kui Shen's body suddenly shook and shouted to the Beast Emperor and others: "There is a young man who wants to stop our great cause. Can you tolerate such a person in this world?"

I can't! Of course not! Everyone under the confisation of Kui Shen came up with the same idea.

"Then, I want this teenager to disappear from this world! However, you don't need to do this. I have sent six pioneers, and I don't think that boy can live!" Kui Shen turned around, looked down at everything on the ground, and suddenly let out his iconic sneer again, "Ha ha."

Ma Xiaochao finally returned with a full load this time. The first thing he thought of was to go to the glorious city for a good meal. I don't know if there are any traditional sliced noodles here! Since he came to this world, he seems to be eating his own barbecue every day.

Walking on the West Street of the Brilliant City with a frown, I found that the various shops on both sides of the road were dazzling, but there was never a noodle restaurant that Ma Xiaochao was looking for.

Suddenly, Ma Xiaochao saw an equipment store that looked different. In this prosperous imperial capital glorious city, almost all the shops are magnificent. Only this family is extremely simple. The gate is very narrow and can only accommodate one person. The walls are made of stone, and the ceiling is made of mahogany with excellent texture.

Ma Xiaochao walked in with curiosity and found that the store was the same. There is only one counter inside, with countless equipment hanging on the wall behind the counter, but there are various weapons on the left and right walls.

Ma Xiaochao looked around and found that they were all knives, swords and halberds, and there were no weapons such as magic wands. He couldn't help but be a little disappointed. He was about to leave, but he heard the shopkeeper stop him.

"This guy wants to find some objects for the mage?" The shopkeeper has two goataches, and his slender eyes have no luster at all. His thick eyebrows are covered by a felt hat with countless copper coins. His nose is like a funnel. I really don't know whether the big head goes in and out of the small head or out of the big head.

"Yes!" Ma Xiaochao rubbed his scattered hair washed away by the rain and agreed with the shopkeeper.

"The miscellaneous family is called Wang Laowu, which is the largest equipment dealer on this West Street. Although this store is inconspicuous, the miscellaneous family dares to say that there is nothing that can't be bought in this store." Wang Laowu proudly showed off to Ma Xiaochao, holding his ring and bracelet, flashing in both hands.

"Real?" Ma Xiaochao didn't believe what Wang Laowu said very much. He knew that there must be no knife-cut noodles in this store!

"If it is too strange, the store is not guaranteed to have it. But the ice bear bile in the wilderness of the far north, the red rhinoceros horn of the Silent Island, and the amazing dragon saliva of the sea are all collected in the small shops. Wang Laowu smiled and seemed to be very confident in the hidden goods in his store.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Ma Xiaochao didn't know what Wang Laowu was talking about. He only knew that he wanted to buy a decent robe and a decent staff, but he didn't know what the mage needed to equip.

"Oh, this little brother, it's not a good thing to be angry. Looking at your bruises and describing fatigue, you must have been after a fight. Although you were lucky enough to win, you also escaped from death. The three things I just mentioned are all good medicine for life. You are not moved by the raw materials that pharmacists on the mainland dream of?

I said, boss, please help me see what equipment is suitable for me. It's better to have one set. I don't want to hear so much nonsense from you!" Ma Xiaochao was extremely angry and shouted at the counter.

"Well, good to say, harmony makes money!" Wang Laowu still smiled, and his slightly fat figure made him look a little like Maitreya Buddha, which made Ma Xiaochao's impulse to beat people disappear in an instant.

"Level 21 fire mage. It seems that we have just reached the realm of enlightenment. Wang Laowu looked at Ma Xiaochao while pinching his fingers, as if calculating something, "Look at your deputy weapon, it's an artifact. The main weapon is also good, but it is actually a rhyme. Then you just need to buy a set of protective gear!"

"Fights?" Ma Xiaochao looked at the staff in his hand and the divine book. He didn't expect that this bitch was actually an artifact!

"Generally, female mages use hair pins on their heads, and most men wear masks or hairbands. Shoulders, chest, waist and abdomen and limbs are different armors. Look at your appearance, you have just become a mage, right? Haven't you been certified by the Magic Guild yet, have you?

Every inference made by Wang Laowu was extremely accurate, which even made Ma Xiaochao doubt whether they had known each other before. And Wang Laowu's tone was completely like an elder teaching his disciples. This also makes Ma Xiaochao very unhappy.

"Old man, I'm here to buy things, not to listen to your nonsense! Hurry up and take out the things you mentioned. I'm going to have a good meal after I buy it. I'm starving to death!" Ma Xiaochao's last sentence is also the biggest reason for his bad mood.

"Good to say!" Wang Laowu shook his fingers, and a set of fiery red legal equipment appeared on the table.

"This is a set of rhyme equipment. It should be the best choice from the realm of enlightenment to the realm of Ningyuan. Wang Laowu explained, "The robe, trousers, belts, shoes and hairbands can improve your defense ability to a higher level."

Ma Xiaochao looked at this set of equipment, touched the earlobe, made a few strokes on his chest, and then took off his robe and put on this set of mage's equipment. I don't know whether it was tailored for Ma Xiaochao, or the ductility of this set of equipment was too good. In short, Ma Xiaochao was very suitable for his body.

"Well, I'm really handsome!" Ma Xiaochao said such a sentence endlessly, turned around and walked out of the store.

"Hey! Brother, you haven't paid yet!" Wang Laowu's voice came from the store and was ignored by Ma Xiaochao.

"Damn boy!" Wang Laowu saw that Ma Xiaochao walked away leisurely and slowly, he couldn't help cursing, and at the same time, he hung a strange smile on the corners of his mouth.

Ma Xiaochao continued along West Street and found that there was not even a restaurant on the street. He couldn't help but be disappointed. He had to walk to the end and turn right to North Street.

"Little brother, you have good equipment!" This North Street seems to be much more lively than West Street, and there are many restaurants and restaurants. A young man who just came out of a restaurant pestered Ma Xiaochao and knocked on Ma Xiaochao's head without warning.

Ma Xiaochao was stunned for a moment and sent out a lost fireball and hit the man's clothes in an instant. The young man just shook the folding fan gently, and the fireball fell to the ground.

"Who are you?" Ma Xiaochao can conclude that the person in front of him must be the enemy.

"No matter who I am, I just went to Wang Laowu's store to buy something and didn't pay. If the government knows about this, you won't be able to leave!" The folding fan young man shook his head, "I'm helping you!" After all, the government is not easy to mess with!"

"Do you know that the son-in-law is not easy to provoke?" Ma Xiaochao sneered in his heart. Where did this boy come from? He dared to block the way of his son-in-law.

"As a son-in-law?" The young man was obviously scared. He had never heard of the princess's recruitment, so he heard the son-in-law in Ma Xiaochao's mouth, which was a little unclear.

But Ma Xiaochao didn't bother to explain to him, pedaled on the ground, started, and disappeared at the end of the North Street. The young man came to his senses after a long time, but he immediately smiled and did not chase Ma Xiaochao.

Ma Xiaochao came to East Street and suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right. Because everyone is paying attention to him. Moreover, the ratio of men to women in this street is seriously unmartrained. Ma Xiaochao looked at it and found that it was all women!

Cut noodles! Is this a daughter country? These women's eyes are full of smiles, but this smile is creepy, because these women...

In Ma Xiaochao's words, is it illegal to run out and make people sick?

"Brother, you'd better pay obediently!" Wang Laowu unexpectedly appeared silently behind Ma Xiaochao, making Ma Xiaochao's cold sweat spilled on the ground in an instant.

The heavy rain in the sky has not stopped, and Wang Laowu calmly stretched out his left hand to Ma Xiaochao. And those "girls" behind Ma Xiaochao rushed over like wolves!