Divine Book

Chapter 20 Harmony makes money? Ghosts believe in you!

"Do you know that these women are controlled by miscellaneous families. They will do whatever they want them to do." Wang Laowu smiled very sinisterly, "Even if you are fierce, I'm afraid you can't do it in the face of so many women, right?"

Ma Xiaochao was shocked. Could it be that this obscene old man wanted this group of women and Laozi to sacrifice and contribute to the population growth of Zhongyou Empire (in order to prevent river crabs, I have to say so)?

"It's easy to say!" Ma Xiaochao quickly stole Wang Laowu's lines, "Mengaging makes money, tell these monsters to go away. I'll just give you the money!" Ma Xiaochao thought to himself that I don't have money. What should I do? Should I take up my identity as a son-in-law to scare this old boy?

"Naturally, the miscellaneous family is waiting for you to pay first!" Wang Laowu just raised his hand, and the women stopped, but they still stared at Ma Xiaochao. His eyes were like an obscene man seeing a single little beauty.

Ma Xiaochao bounced off a drop of sweat on his forehead and turned around three times. He found that Wang Laowu was really difficult to deal with, but he didn't know what move he made. If he knew, I would have knocked him down long ago.

"Brother, where's your money?" Wang Laowu smiled and seemed to be able to eat Ma Xiaochao. If he uses this trick to rob others, he must be a lark. I really don't know why this old boy chose to do legitimate business!

"I don't have any money!" Ma Xiaochao said honestly, "My baby, you can choose one. It must be much more valuable than your set of equipment!"

Wang Laowu's eyes lit up and stared at the divine book in Ma Xiaochao's hand. Unexpectedly, Ma Xiaochao shook the divine book and poured out one bright item after another.

Every time something is poured out, Wang Laowu's heart beats violently. Even breathing has become no longer uniform. Ma Xiaochao just poured out more than a dozen pieces casually, looked at Wang Laowu's expression and stopped.

How's it going? Which one do you like?" Ma Xiaochao kicked something on the ground, because he didn't know what he poured out, so he didn't care at all. What's more, several of these things must fall into Wang Laowu's hands.

"It's easy to say! Can you lend me the book in my hand? Wang Laowu's heart is not dead, and he is still thinking of the divine book.

Of course not! Ma Xiaochao stared at him. This book is my lifeblood. Although it is useless, at least it can keep me from knowing nothing about the world.

Wang Laowu naturally felt Ma Xiaochao's anger, immediately smiled and bowed, half squatted down, and carefully looked at the many treasures on the ground.

Feng Lingzhu, Huo Xianyu, Longfeng Iron, Magic Scorpion Stone, Jingjin... Wang Laowu looked excitedly at these things on the ground and his hands trembled.

"I only need these five things. Do you still have this gold? Wang Laowu stared at Ma Xiaochao's left hand, but this time it was not the idea of the divine book.

"Are these things worth your suit?" Ma Xiaochao did not answer Wang Laowu directly, but asked back. He doesn't want to be rotated by this group of monster women.

"It's worth it!" Wang Laowu has long been overwhelmed by interests. If there are enough materials, he can even create two magic swords with dual attributes.

"Then my gold needs to be charged separately!" Ma Xiaochao has long seen that these materials are not enough to build a weapon, so he began to ask for a lot of prices.

"Ten gold coins and one piece of pure gold, I want ten yuan." The price given by Wang Laowu is twice as high as the market price. At the same time, with a big wave, the women behind Ma Xiaochao disappeared like a mirage.

"Ten gold coins?" Ma Xiaochao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know the market price of fine gold, so of course he felt that Wang Laowu was cheating him, "Twenty, no two prices! Forget it if you don't buy it!"

Even if Wang Laowu doesn't buy it, Ma Xiao can't make this money. Of course, there will be no loss. What's more, Ma Xiaochao has to take revenge on Wang Laowu. How dare he let so many ugly monsters come out to scare me!

"Twenty gold coins..." Wang Laowu gritted his teeth and his face was covered with water. It was not clear whether it was sweat or rain.

"Give you three seconds to think about it!" Ma Xiaochao was ready to turn around and walk away. He always felt that he was still at a loss.

"Why don't you take a step back, 15 gold coins, and I'll buy ten gold coins. There may be opportunities for long-term cooperation in the future!" Wang Laowu is a businessman. Of course, he will not give up his interests. Moreover, from a long-term perspective, even if he has 15 gold coins, Wang Laowu still earns money.

"25, no bargaining!" Ma Xiaochao touched his earlobe and suddenly felt that the gold seemed to be very important to Wang Laowu and deliberately raised the price higher.

"You!" Wang Laowu didn't expect Ma Xiaochao to do this. He stamped his feet angrily, but he still endured it. "Well, since you insist on 20 gold coins, I will give blood once and buy 20 gold coins!" Wang Laowu's teeth were about to break, and he regretted not buying pure gold at the time of 20 gold coins.

"Thirty! No bargaining!" Ma Xiaochao hung an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, and he wanted to see what tricks Wang Laowu had!

"Thirty is thirty!" Wang Laowu knows the truth of taking action when he should take action. If it goes on like this, he may lose money. I didn't expect this boy to be a business man!

"Oh?" Ma Xiaochao didn't expect Wang Laowu to be so decisive, but he wouldn't let Wang Laowu win so easily. When Wang Laowu was ready to pay, Ma Xiaochao turned around and left!

"Hey! The miscellaneous family doesn't bargain anymore. Why doesn't the little brother sell it? Wang Laowu is really anxious this time. You know, how many warriors dream of a sword with two attributes and even three attributes!

"You bullied me and I haven't seen the world." Ma Xiaochao looked innocent, "So I deliberately kept the price very low, so I would suffer a big loss. Of course I won't sell it to you!" Ma Xiaochao knew that it was time to take action at this time, lest Wang Laowu go to other places to buy fine gold.

"Hahaha..." Wang Laowu laughed angrily, "Good boy, thirty-five gold coins, this is the limit!"

"Deal!" Ma Xiaochao did not hesitate this time. He poured out ten pieces of fine gold, took an amethyst card in Wang Laowu's hand, swiped it, and saw that 350 gold coins were indeed displayed in it, so he nodded and strode away.

Of course, Ma Xiaochao knows that 35 gold coins are definitely not Wang Laowu's bottom line, but if he doesn't take action at this time, Wang Laowu is likely to really give up this transaction.

Ma Xiaochao smiled when he made this money. Everyone would rush to do things without capital and profit. Ma Xiaochao instantly understood a way to get rich.

However, when Ma Xiaochao was preparing to find something in the Well of the Dead again, he met An Liang head-on. With obvious dissatisfaction between An Liang's eyebrows, he was still in golden armor, but he held a short dagger.

"Your Excellency." Ma Xiaochao is still a little guilty about An Liang. An Liang's strength is unfathomable, and his whole body also looks mysterious. Most importantly, Ma Xiaochao always felt that An Liang understood his relationship with An Caiwei.

"Lord Son-in-law. Where are you going?" An Liang asked knowingly. When he saw Ma Xiaochao's new equipment, he couldn't help but be a little surprised that the boy was so rich and his whole body was full of charm equipment.

"I'm going back to rest. I was almost exhausted when I went out to exercise just now. Ma Xiaochao's face is still tired, but An Liang can obviously feel the injury on Ma Xiaochao's body.

"That's good. Lord the emperor's son-in-law should go back quickly and have a good rest. I'll take you to the Dragon Empire tomorrow." An Liang raised his hand secretly, and an unreachable light fell on Ma Xiaochao's feet.

"Hmm?" Ma Xiaochao was puzzled, "The Kui Shen may invade at any time. If I'm not in the glorious city..."

" Needless to say, Kui Shen's strength will not be invaded for the time being until it is restored. And your strength is not strong enough now. Go to the Magic Martial Arts College of the Dragon Empire and practice hard for three years. When you come back, I hope you deserve the title of son-in-law! It also deserves the princess's expectation of you!"

Ma Xiaochao was silent and clenched his fists more tightly. Indeed, An Liang was right. Now he is still too weak. How can you be worthy of the name of son-in-law? Ma Xiaochao once promised himself that he would protect An Caiwei and shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting human beings for her. How can he retreat!

"Lord, please rest assured that I will not disappoint Weiwei." Ma Xiaochao pounded his heart, "Please wait and see!"

The reason why Ma Xiaochao respects Anliang so much is that Ma Xiaochao knows that his life was saved by Anliang. Ma Xiaochao is not stupid. He knows that if An Liang hadn't kept a secret for him and even spoke for him in front of the emperor, I'm afraid that even if Ma Xiaochao had nine heads, he would have been cut off.

Just now, all the wounds on Ma Xiaochao's body healed, and he naturally understood that it was An Liang's handwriting. All these things made Ma Xiaochao regard An Liang as a teacher-like figure.

"Hmm." An Liang nodded, "Your son-in-law, please remember that you are not only the hope of this empire, but also the hope of all mankind. If you don't cherish your life, then we will no longer have a reliable guardian. So, you must come back here alive."

An Liang's words made Ma Xiaochao doubt whether the magic martial arts academy of the Dragon Empire is the Dragon Pool Tiger Cave? It's like saying goodbye to life and death.

Of course, An Liang will not explain too much to him. When he arrives at the Dragon Empire, he will naturally understand everything.

It rained heavily for a whole day and a night, but there was no water in the glorious city. And the bright morning sun shone on the earth, which also made Ma Xiaochao and other people energetic.

Her Royal Highness is also shabby enough that she didn't have a car or a horse. She took Zhang Xiaofei and Bu Qianxue to play with Ma Xiaochao outside the west gate of the glorious city.

Ma Xiaochao noticed that there was also a black tight suit beside An Liang, with long black hair tied into a ponytail, sword eyebrows and star eyes, red lips and white teeth, and a heroic tall woman who followed An Liang with a sharp sword.

"It's a pity that I can't escort you." An Liang looked at An Caiwei lovingly, "Let Tiantian go to the Dragon Empire with you!" There are many crises on this road, you have to be very careful!"

"Well, we understand." An Caiwei bowed to An Liang, and An Liang nodded and returned to the glorious city.

"Yo-ho--" Zhang Xiaofei shouted excitedly: "Dragon Empire, here we are!"

PS: Arara, it seems that Chapter 19 is a bottleneck. Every time I write 19 chapters, I want to rewrite it. Fortunately, the first volume is over. * After the introduction, the second volume begins, and the plot will unfold comprehensively and compactly!