Divine Book

Chapter 8 Brothers Reunion

The two dragon cannons needed 20 people to launch, and one of these 20 people was a pair of captains. When he saw Ma Xiaochao getting into the formation of the magic dragon family, he immediately stopped firing dragon cannons.

And Ma Xiaochao knew that if he delayed further, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave the Dragon Castle. And today I have seen almost all the strength of the Dragon Castle. Ma Xiaochao also knew that it was impossible for him to succeed in revenge tonight. No, or he has successfully revenged. After all, the culprit Ao is dead at his hands.

Ma Xiaochao looked at the situation. There was no way to guarantee that he would completely let go of his strength under the threat of two dragon cannons, so he decided to retreat. Even if the wide-scale strong attack fire magic of Tian Wrath was launched, several people of the magic dragon family were forced back and opened up an open space, Ma Xiaochao immediately drilled out of the formation with a light and shadow skill, and at the same time, the dragon cannon outside the door was banned by two ice. Although Ma Xiaochao is not very proficient in this primary magic, his strong spiritual power and clear memory of the order of magic elements enable Ma Xiaochao to emit primary magic in an instant.

Of course, the ice ban is useless to deal with the dragon cannon. However, the two cold stars in Ma Xiaochao's hand caused a brief panic. It was in this brief panic that Ma Xiaochao immediately killed a bloody road from the 20 people, and at the same time built an ice wall behind him to stop the pursuit of the people of the dragon family, and then seized the road. Escape.

When Ao Tian and others saw Ma Xiaochao running away like this, they would not give up. They ordered the two dragon cannons to fire in the direction of Ma Xiaochao's escape. They only heard two roars. The sky seemed to tremble, and the earth was no longer so stable. A huge shell flew out of the barrel, bringing out heat and compactness. The waves made the magic dragon castle tremble.

Ma Xiaochao heard the sound of gunfire behind him and did not stop. He directly opened the rosefinch wings and flew to the south quickly. Ma Xiaochao did not dare to fly too high. After all, he was very afraid of flying high. The close flight doesn't seem to be very fast, and Ma Xiaochao is not very anxious. He knows that the dragon cannon is very powerful, but the operation is relatively complicated, as long as he avoids it once.

Sure enough, the shell flew behind Ma Xiaochao and blew up a big pit on the ground. The mushroom cloud formed by a mass of smoke was extremely spectacular, and the land around the big pit turned black. Ma Xiaochao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and continued to fly forward. He narrowly dodged the second shell, and then flew out of the range of the dragon cannon. Ma Xiaochao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When Ma Xiaochao disappeared from the sight of everyone in the Magic Dragon Fort, Ao Tian waved his fist fiercely and said angrily, "This boy is so strange that I actually hit this boy's track. Today's hatred, I, Ao Tian, must double up!"

"Kid, don't underestimate yourself. If you don't know that boy, I'm afraid it's not certain who will die!" The elder touched his beard and said, "We should send someone to monitor him now and find out everything about him, including his identity, *, and what means he has. As long as we know his detailed information, he may not be our opponent!"

Ao Tian nodded: "Yes, in that case, Ao Xin, this matter is up to you. Remember, don't appear in front of this boy. Since our magic dragon family has caused such a * trouble, we must get rid of him as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" After listening to Ao Tian's words, the archer left the magic dragon castle directly. At the same time, he picked up the corner of Ma Xiaochao's black robe, put it on the corner of his mouth for a while, and then quickly chased south.

To the south of Storm City, there are towering trees, and among the trees is a four-lane wide road. Ma Xiaochao is moving forward from this road. He knew that the Dragon family might send someone to chase him, so he always took the road. Because although the path is hidden, it is difficult to move forward after all, and who knows if there will be any accident.

If you choose the road, first of all, the road is wide and easy to walk, and the speed will naturally not be slow. Secondly, on the road, if someone chases behind him, he can easily detect and solve it! Finally, the night view of this road is also very good. Although it is cloudy, the low-flying fireflies dot the whole night sky.

Ma Xiaochao has no time to appreciate these. His heart has already flown to the glorious city hundreds of miles away. The brilliant city is actually not far from the storm city. As long as it passes through the Yinyang city, the Xianling sea, the Longdis Mountains, and then crosses the weak water to enter the glorious plain, the brilliant city will appear in front of you.

This Yinyang City is very close to Storm City, and this road is Ma Xiaochao's first time. The road was very calm, and there were no unexpected situations, which also made Ma Xiaochao breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, before dawn, Ma Xiaochao had rushed to the gate of Yinyang City.

Yinyang City has returned to calm at this time. The North Gate is as cold as Storm City. Ma Xiaochao doesn't think so. He is already immune to this cold. Slowly entering the Yinyang City, there was a continuous sound of hawking. Ma Xiaochao knew that this must be the ordinary people who got up early * had breakfast. They did not practice, but they still had the right to survive. As long as they were safe, they could still live and work in a peaceful city.

But now, the army of the heavenly clan has invaded the whole continent, and I'm afraid this Yinyang city will not be spared in the end. Ma Xiaochao secretly celebrated that the time had not passed since he saw Kui Shen from Xiu Micheng. And now I'm afraid I have the strength to fight against Kui Shen!

If he had delayed another two years, he would have annexed the continent long ago. Just look at the elves and dragons. Once the heavenly clan invades, it must be a thunderous situation and will not stay at all. This is one of the reasons why Ma Xiaochao is in a hurry to go to the Brilliant City.

He bought a breakfast casually and ate it carelessly. Ma Xiaochao continued to move forward. He didn't dare to sleep at all. After all, the Tianzu has built the base on the glorious city a long time ago. No one knows whether the glorious city can be preserved after such a long time. And that time when I went to the demon clan, I didn't bring out the great master An Liang.

Although Ma Xiaochao doesn't know whether the glorious city is safe, he really can't think of a second place to place his friends and lovers. This glorious city has become a boulder in Ma Xiaochao's heart. Therefore, Ma Xiaochao did not dare to stay at all. He entered the city against the morning fog that had just appeared in the morning. By noon, he had walked from the north of the city to the south of the city.

The north and south of Yinyang City are well divided. Naturally, it is the cold and hot channel. The transmission arrays on both sides of the channel are facing the south of the city and the north of the city respectively. Ma Xiaochao knows that these two transmission arrays are only effective for the interior of Yinyang City, so he did not stop.

All day, Ma Xiaochao came out of Yinyang City, and the temperature gradually rose. Ma Xiaochao's eyes lit up, and the light of dusk shone on the bright red sea of flowers in front of him. The flying petals floated everywhere with a warm aroma. The softness from his feet and the beautiful scenery in front of him made people feel relaxed and happy. Ma Xiaochao was not in the mood to appreciate it. He knew that all these flowers were highly poisonous. Ma Xiaochao didn't know what was hidden in the depths of the flowers. But he knows that under the beautiful appearance, there is always a deep city and dark heart.

The fresh spirit sea is a huge sea of flowers, which is not so easy to finish. Ma Xiaochao smiled helplessly and recalled the scene when Qianxue opened her arms, blew the warm wind, and her long hair flew, accompanied by the petal rain stepping on the sea of fresh spirits. That is the most beautiful picture in the world!

sighed, and Ma Xiaochao looked at his magic and almost cooled down. So he used light and shadow and teleportation to catch up. He knew that ordinary people could not catch up with these two magics. For myself, it is to speed up the return to the glorious city.

After the Xianling Sea, there is the Londis Mountains, which is not a peaceful place. When I came here, it happened to be another night. Ma Xiaochao smiled bitterly and decided to spend the night in the Longdis Mountains. After all, the rapid Mercedes-Benz for two consecutive days has long made Ma Xiaochao feel exhausted.

"Longdis Shankui! I'm back again. If you miss me, come out!" Ma Xiaochao is no longer the young teenager who needed to rely on the power given by the ghost bank to deter the mountain thief. Today, he has enough capital to be arrogant. He has completely taken no attention to the Shankui in the Longtis Mountains.

Since experiencing a series of masters such as six pioneer gods, three dragon knights, Yu Youyuxi brothers and sisters, nine forces in the bloody city, fourteen-star guardians, several super mythical beasts, wind hunter Hill, demon master, jealous Nie Huang and Kui Shen, Ma Xiaochao only remembers that he is still alive and strong. It's wonderful.

"I didn't expect you to come back!" Ma Xiaochao felt that he had been hugged by a bear, and the appearance of the person holding him was too sudden. Ma Xiaochao only vaguely remembered that he saw a black-spotted golden tiger when he came over. Ma Xiaochao patted his head and laughed: "Brother Tiger Head, why did you suddenly disappear last time, which made me worry for a long time."

The last time Ma Xiaochao said, it was the time when several people broke into the underground palace of the First Emperor's Mausoleum together. However, when he arrived at the palace of the Seven Kills, Chap disappeared. Ma Xiaochao was worried all the way. Now that he sees Chap again, how can Ma Xiaochao not be excited? He immediately punched Chalp in the chest and said, "Brother Tiger Head, I don't know if your strength has improved over the years?"

Chap shook the blonde hair on his head, looked at Ma Xiaochao carefully, and was surprised, "Have you reached the realm of burning your heart?"

Seeing Ma Xiaochao nodded, Chapp immediately said, "Hey, I just entered the realm of soul. Why don't we compete with each other at the peak of the Dragon Teeth Peak in the Longdis Mountains!"

Ma Xiaochao spread out his hands and just wanted to say no. Who knew that Chap had turned into a fierce tiger again and rushed to Ma Xiaochao!