Divine Book

Chapter 9 Short Tranquility

Chalp's attack came suddenly, and Ma Xiaochao had to fight back on the spot. Avoid Chap's bite. He shouted loudly, "Brother Hutou, I haven't eaten or slept for two days. Let's wait until tomorrow morning and I recover to learn from each other."

At this time, Chap turned into a black-spotted golden tiger. Hearing Ma Xiaochao's words, he immediately rushed to the distance. Ma Xiaochao couldn't catch up with him, so he waited in place and expected to sleep peacefully tonight.

Ma Xiaochao only felt that his feet were weak, his head was dizzy, and his stomach was also purring. It seemed that he had exceeded the limit of his physical fitness this time. Think about it. After a series of wars, he ran wildly and rushed on his way. It would be strange if he didn't feel tired.

While waiting, I recalled my first visit to the Longdes Mountains. That day, I didn't know where the courage came from. I actually cursed so many mountains and finally fought. Unexpectedly, I won!

With a smile and looking at the dark clouds gradually dissipating, Ma Xiaochao sighed: "I hope the glorious city is still the same as before. Don't be occupied by the heavenly clan, or I will regret it."

Ma Xiaochao waited for a while, and the tiger transformed by Chap has also returned, with a goat in his mouth. Ma Xiaochao's eyes suddenly lit up. This is a good ingredient! Even if the seasoning of the world is not so rich, Ma Xiaochao knows that he will never make something bad.

Chap turned back into a human form and threw the goat next to Ma Xiaochao: "Brother, the rest is up to you."

Ma Xiaochao smiled and threw up the goat. The light in his hand kept flashing. In less than a moment, he cleaned up the whole goat, and then directly made a bonfire beside him and waited for the barbecue to be eaten.

After a while, Chap couldn't help asking quickly, "It's so delicious. When can I eat the delicious food made by my brother?" Ma Xiaochao shook his head: "It's not working now. If you don't have the heat, you will have a stomachache after eating raw meat."

Chalpe scoffs at people who practice wild fighting spirit, but they never avoid eating raw meat. Only raw meat with blood can make people's wildness clearer, but Chap does not hate eating cooked meat. After all, if you have been eating raw meat for a long time, wildness will gradually gain the upper hand and slowly replace human nature.

When the roasted whole lamb appeared, Chap's saliva had flowed three feet long, and his eyes were wide. Looking at the charred and tender barbecue, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said, "Brother, you can eat it now. I can't wait."

Ma Xiaochao tore off a leg of mutton, handed it to Charp, and nodded: "After eating, I will rest first. I'm exhausted, Tiger Head Brother, do you have a tent here?"

Chapp laughed and said, "Of course, the whole Longdis Mountains have now become my territory. I have been observing the movement of the heavenly race in the Longdisi Mountains. I didn't expect that they would use the trick of hiding the sky and the sea, which made people think that their focus is on the Zhongyu Empire. In fact, except human beings, several other races have been hit hard, and the elf clan has been destroyed. The dragon clan is better. After all, the land is large and rich in materials, and it can resist for a while, but several other races are not so lucky. The goblin clan is directly merged into the Tian clan, and the demon clan is uniting with the Tian clan and has not been attacked. Now there is only human power left, and there is almost no attack.

Hearing Chap's words, Ma Xiaochao's hanging heart was finally relieved a little, but Ma Xiaochao was still worried about the black castle above the glorious city. After all, his relatives and friends are all in the glorious city, and this dark castle has been proved to be the outpost of the heavenly clan.

There are all the masters of the heavenly clan, which is definitely a tiger cave and dragon pool. Ma Xiaochao did not dare to break into this black castle easily, and after so long, no one knows what new masters the heavenly clan has absorbed to join the heavenly clan.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaochao held his head sullenly and lay down in the tent. Chap did not disturb him. He stood not far outside the tent and slept, which was also a kind of practice.

I was speechless all night.

The next morning, Ma Xiaochao was ready to leave without saying goodbye, but Chap was awake and stood in front of Ma Xiaochao and said to Ma Xiaochao, "Brother, I'm afraid it's not * complete to go to the glorious city this time. After all, the heavenly clan has almost cleaned up several other races. This glorious city is the most gathered by human beings. Many cities, I believe that the heavenly clan will choose to attack here first.

Ma Xiaochao smiled and said, "That's just right. I'm just going to see how far I am now. Brother Hutou, you won't choose to compete with me at this time, will you?"

Chap laughed and said, "Of course not, bro, let's go together. One more person always has more power!"

Ma Xiaochao thought for a moment and did not object. Chap is already in the realm of soul, and he is in the same realm as himself. He should not be much worse. And Chap seems to have some unknown hatred with the heavenly clan, and he should not be able to defect.

So the two went on the road together. After crossing the Longdisi Mountains and crossing the weak water, they did not encounter any accidents. When passing through the weak water, both of them sighed for a while. Now the scenery is still the same, and the ferry is still the ferry, but the name has been changed to worry-free ferry. The ferryman is still Wang Laoqi. The weak water is still so magical. The difference is that there is no giant spider called Ghost Bank here, and there is no magical weak water fragrance.

The two passed through the weak water and looked back, a little reluctant, but they still rushed to the glorious city. As long as you arrive at the glorious city, I'm afraid everything will be clear. Or, this is just the beginning of everything...

After galloping on the glorious plain for a long time, I finally arrived at the foot of the glorious city. Ma Xiaochao was surprised to find that the black castle above the glorious city had been far away from the glorious city and hung high in the sky.

Looking up at the sky with difficulty, Ma Xiaochao frowned. What on earth is this heavenly clan doing? It is no longer suppressing the glorious city. Doesn't this give mankind a chance to breathe? Ma Xiaochao was puzzled for a moment and listened to Chalp say, "This black castle is rising a little every day. Now, it has been more than two years."

more than two years? Ma Xiaochao was surprised and said, "Has it been more than two years that this black castle has risen so high?"

Seeing Chap nodded, Ma Xiaochao laughed at himself: "I didn't expect my appointment with him to be a year earlier. But it's okay, I've been tired of this kind of fighting and killing life. When everything was over, I still took my wives to a hidden place and ignored everything here.

The place Ma Xiaochao said, of course, refers to his hometown, the earth. When it comes to the earth, everything in this world naturally has nothing to do with him. However, before this, what should be solved still needs to be solved, and the revenge still needs to be revenged!

The glorious city is not as lively as before. Several pedestrians pass by, and most of them are behind closed doors. There are not many people doing business on the street. Ma Xiaochao is not surprised that the war is approaching, and most cities are like this. Ma Xiaochao ran directly to the imperial city and arrived at the palace to get the most accurate information.

An Caiwei is the princess of the empire. Naturally, she will not know what happened in this glorious city recently. As long as Ma Xiaochao finds An Caiwei, then everything will be understood. Soon Chap and Ma Xiaochao arrived at the Zhende Hall. This palace is usually the place where An Zhiqi handles major events, while Xuande Hall is the place where meetings are held. At this time, the morning has passed and noon has not arrived yet. Naturally, we have to go to Zhende Hall to find An Zhiqi.

Ma Xiaochao has no impression of this father-in-law, but hastily met him several times. There seems to be a lot of grudge between the two. An Zhiqi has some opinions and doubts about Ma Xiaochao's son-in-law. However, when he saw Ma Xiaochao at this time, An Zhiqi's eyes were full of surprise and joy. Ma Xiaochao's strength in the realm of burning his heart, looking at the whole continent is a figure who can dominate one side. At this time, Ma Xiaochao came in a hurry, which must be for the safety of the glorious city!

"Father-in-law!" Ma Xiaochao didn't have so many empty-headed etiquette. He directly covered his head and asked, "How is this glorious city recently? Is there any special movement in Tianzu? How are Weiwei and others doing?"

An Zhiqi naturally knew what Ma Xiaochao wanted to know most, so he said lightly, "Wei and the others are fine, but they don't dare to go out, and they also miss you very much. I hope you can come back soon. There is not much movement, but our people have detected that this clan is brewing a huge storm. Now it's just a brief calm before the storm. We still have to be careful!"

"Father-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely protect the people of the glorious city and the glorious city." Of course, there are also my lovers... Ma Xiaochao added the second half of the sentence in his heart.

An Zhiqi didn't know Ma Xiaochao's mind-reading skills, so he smiled and said, "Good boy, the future of the empire and the future of mankind are all on you. By the way, how are you collecting the sacred artifacts you collected?

Ma Xiaochao was stunned and suddenly remembered what An Caiwei said before. If you want to defeat the Kui Shen, if you can't let the life system and the light system merge and produce sacred attributes, you can only rely on sacred weapons to defeat Kui Shen!