First-class immortal

Chapter 10: Disaster Road and Life

Feng Kui had a faint feeling from the endless darkness, and only the fairy and demon gossip was slowly turning in his mind. His idea is attached to this fairy and demon gossip. This weak idea woke up and was shocked. He felt that he seemed to have broken contact with his body, and there was not even a trace of pain in his mind, as if he was wandering in a wonderful situation, painless and disaster-free.

This is what happened one night after Feng Kui came out from under the cold pool.

No one noticed that the sun natural disaster pattern on his left hand and the purple moon heart pattern on his right hand suddenly began to rotate from the silence, and gradually a flame rose in the palms of his hands.

The ball on the left hand is like a flame, but there is an evil black fog inside, which always gives people an inescapable pressure, and there seems to be natural awe and fear in the heart.

A group of evil purple gas in the right hand floats slightly like a nebula. Inside, it seems to be something to seek, love, hate, and all kinds of charming images. There is a strange feeling of touching the heartstrings at a glance, but behind that appearance is a demon beating ferociously in the fog, but it makes people I was frightened when I saw it.

Suddenly, the two flames suddenly turned into two airflows, followed the wind's head and shabby body all the way into the head, and then unexpectedly combined with each other. The divine thoughts of this guy felt a strange suction and was taken away to a space full of flames, and the ceiling showed an evil dark purple space. Looking around at a loss, the vicissitudes of life are cruel and natural. As soon as the idea had such a feeling, it suddenly began to distort and change in front of him. Unexpectedly, a twisted face appeared out of nowhere. At first, it looked extremely ferocious, but after careful observation, it gave birth to a feeling exactly the same as his sigh at that time. The vicissitudes of life was cruel and natural. It is strange that there are no facial features on the face, which is flat. Even if the cruel and natural feeling of such vicissitudes become clearer, as if this face with nothing was born for this purpose.

The idea suddenly sank into that face. Feng Kui's head only felt countless natural disasters, man-made disasters, old diseases, deaths, floods and beasts collapsed. All of them were ruthless disasters. He also saw all kinds of demons running out of their hearts to make trouble. Some were ferocious, some looked like immortals like poisonous scorpions, and some were ethereal and invisible. Xu Many of them do not kill people.

It's as if it's the end of the world, it's all destruction and sin!

From then on, that hint of thought was full of natural disasters and man-made disasters. It seemed that it had experienced enough of this guy's thoughts. There was a sudden roar in the idea, and the picture disappeared, and suddenly there was a strange feeling, like a clear understanding, like a sigh.

said: "The natural disaster comes from heaven and earth, and it is difficult for the heart to live according to desire. Cruel disasters are the fairest test. After experiencing the vicissitudes of life, we know that natural disasters, man-made disasters and demons are taken for granted. If you know the disaster, you will know the value of life, and it is difficult to know the poison of desire. Three thousand avenues, disaster is impermanent!"

The mask-like face suddenly came into Feng Kui's head's mind and quietly suspended on the fairy and demon gossip, which was extremely evil.

There was a roar in Feng Kui's mind, but four words appeared strangely - the mask of robbery!

I don't know that at this moment, the whole Lingxiu Peak is in a strange scene, and this wind also stirs up a huge movement. The disaster miasma gathered all over the sky and earth to Lingxiu Peak, and the endless magic spirit also enveloped the whole Lingxiu Peak, suddenly turning a fairy mountain treasure place into a demon Taoist field.

At this moment, Daoqiong is not the only one staring at Lingxiu Peak under Lingxiu Sendai. The peak chief elders on other peaks of the Miaojian faction have also turned their eyes to Lingxiu Peak one after another, looking at Lingxiu Peak, which is shrouded in miasma and demonic, one by one, looking uneasy and surprised by these unknown Why did Qi suddenly gather at Lingxiufeng and go to Lingxiufeng to see what was going on? He was blocked by Daoqiong and gave the man a quiet and safe environment, and he did his best to help him.

Suddenly, endless disasters, countless demons suddenly flowed quickly and formed a huge spiral nest, as if they had suddenly found the place to return to be absorbed by a huge force. Those people who observed on Lingxiu Peak had different faces. Those who knew the inside story were not surprised that this prisoner with a fairy demon would make trouble. With such a movement, those who don't know can't help shouting the demons and demons. If it hadn't been for Dao Qiong's sadness, I'm afraid that she couldn't help killing this unknown boy.

As if everything returns to the sea, those evil spirits hit the body and got into the evil face in the sea of Feng Kui's first consciousness. Only then did they find that there was a bulge and depression on the face, which was completely like a mask, with a dark purple color as the bottom, and the face was covered with a layer of dark miasma, and the eyes Everywhere, there are two purple air masses formed by anger, murder, resentment... Wait for a group of heart demons to float and rotate slightly inside. All kinds of heart demons are ready to move, and this mask has a sense of danger to give people disaster and the terrible evil that they dare not look directly.

There was a void roar in the head of Feng Kui's head, and his consciousness was fully recovered. Gradually, he felt that his consciousness returned to his body, and his whole body was in severe pain. When he opened his eyes and tried to get up, he could not lift any strength at all. Only then did he find that his bones of his body had already broken into scum, and he saw that there were no more than ten peerless highs hanging in the air around Lingxiu Peak. People are looking at themselves with different looks.

This guy can't control so much. He has infinite doubts in his heart, and suddenly feels that he has some differences. Although the body is dilapidated, the solemn dragon spirit is still there. Now there is a trace of destruction and a trace of strange evil in the solemn dragon temperament, which is more and more incomprehible and strange everywhere.

"What is the cloud mask? Sister Yi actually gave me the way of disaster, I'm afraid it's also one of the three thousand roads! Well, the word "guo yi" is a disaster. Sister's name turned out to have such a heavy meaning that she had never noticed it before!" Feng Kui looked at the quietly suspended mask of disaster in the sea of consciousness, full of doubts, but did not dare to easily show these people. He could only temporarily hide them in the bottom of his heart and slowly uncover the truth.

At this time, Daoqiong had come down from Lingxiu Sendai in the sky and looked at Feng Kui with a shocked face and said, "You are really unexpected. You not only made a shocking noise of the birth of the big demon, but also attracted the whole ethereal sword faction for a while. I didn't expect that you could wake up in a blink of an eye. It's really a cockroach's life. You can't kill it!" Although the old man was already a peerless master, he was also quite surprised and couldn't help sighing. Which of the monstros is not a well-informed person, which can make such a person sigh that it is indeed extraordinary.

Dao Qiong pressed Feng Kui who was about to get up and said, "There is no main bone in your body, so don't struggle to get up. Run the method of creating qi and blood quickly and make up for the lost blood first."

When everyone saw Dao Qiong come down to help the boy, they eliminated their objections and quietly left. The goods quietly ran "Taishang Zun Long Qi and Blood Decision" for three days by the cold pool. They couldn't eat and couldn't speak, and their skulls were broken. They lay there shockingly and practiced for three days, making the girl cry several times, and finally sat down. He looked at it quietly with his face by the edge of the cold pool. When his tears dried up and quietly left, he would come again soon, hoping to see this guy suddenly stand up from the ground.

After three days, the wound around the product had healed, and the surface was intact as before, but the internal muscles and bones were severely injured, so he was taken to Lingxiu Sendai by Daoqiong, pinched the bones and put the organs in place. He fed a big tonic elixir into the mouth and said, "Extreme to urge Zunlong "Wrath" method, if you can wake up in one night, you are destined to be higher than other achievements. As for what level you can achieve, it is the result of your own efforts!"

Feng Kui blinked his eyes to show his gratitude, then calmed down, threw the pain out of his mind, and calmed down to concentrate on practice. This guy fell into cultivation for the luck of nearly dying. He went there for more than ten days at once, and his blood rose like a flame. The slightly dry body of this guy sat up at some point.

Daoqiong was also surprised by the long time of cultivation. After a little thought about it, she thought that Feng Kui must have reached the realm of forgetting things and me, and she was in another enviable and wonderful situation.

This guy has consciously turned into a dragon and rushed to the earth on an ancient battlefield. Where he passed is blood and water, nothing can be used, without any weapons or any Taoism, as if this body is the most powerful weapon in the world, and a collision is the deepest Taoism, and he is in a happy and domineering mood. How refreshing.

Feng Kui's body made unusual changes. He only saw that the Taoist true spirit began to appear in the most subtle blood vessels in the flesh, making the details of the whole body transparent and unimped. Dozens or hundreds of acupuncture points began to loosen, and the silk real gas went in and out of it, and opened it.

Daoqiong looked aside and saw the scales slowly emerging on the guy's body and gradually turned into a dragon man. The girl also stared at her little eyes wide and covered her little mouth and said, "It's so majestic!" The girl's brother has no intention to practice for a long time, and he comes to Feng Kui's side to watch it from time to time. Dao Qiongfang said slowly, "I'll help you. I can concentrate on practicing when I enter my family earlier!"

After saying that, Daoqiong took out a huge ancient tripod, threw hundreds of medicinal herbs into it, and picked hundreds of flowers and herbs and morning dew into the tripod. Unexpectedly, she suffered in it. When it reached a certain temperature and heat, he threw the wind and threw it in. The ancient tripod tightly | closed it tightly, and Daoqiong increased his firepower to make the broken fish in it. Cook with medicinal herbs.

Feng Kui suddenly felt a blazing flame all over his body. He turned into a dragon and tossed in it, sometimes rising to the sky and sometimes into the sea of fire. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, he was comfortable.

After Daoqiong changed more than ten times of medicinal materials with a painful face, presided over Danding for a month and ten days, and finally stopped. Looking at the closed medicine tripod, she had a relaxed mood and said with a relaxed smile: "If you don't come out, you will eat me down! You greedy boy, I don't want to help you again!"

As long as the words fell, I saw a bumpy shaking, as if an egg was about to hatch. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. As if it had been hit by some huge force, it was split apart. The steamy wind in a rag Taoist robe jumped out, and I couldn't help being complacent and made a deafening epil. Laughing wildly, he smiled and said, "Richness is in danger! I didn't suffer for nothing! Haha..."

How could Dao Qiong Suxi stand such a noise? She calmed down a broken fish, pointed to the stunned daughter, and walked away with an incurable face.

The head of Feng Kui saw the stunned expression of the girl. This guy was first stunned and then embarrassed. Finally, he smiled thickly and walked over and pinched the girl's face and said, "Brother is such a person! The child will get used to it, right?

The girl nodded in silence, and Xu still whispered in shock, "Brother Akui laughed so hard..."

Feng Kui smiled carelessly, picked up her girl and put her on her shoulder, pinched her cute face and said, "Let's bake wild animals and eat it!" I'm in a good mood.