First-class immortal

Chapter 11: Disciples of the Sword School

Feng Kui and the girl left Lingxiu Sendai to play on Lingxiu Peak. Daoqiong frowned and watched the two leave. After a long time, she said anxiously, "This wild boy has some fate with my girl. Seeing that he came to Lingxiufeng and my girl, she didn't practice much. The last retreat also hurried out and shocked The disaster of turning immortals has not been completed. I have to think about separating these two for a period of time and not allowing them to play freely. The talent is excellent, the sky is jealous, and the time can't be wasted. The child's heart does not know that he only has a double ten life, but we and other elders are anxious. Even if the girl can't give up, I will send this boy away this time.

Feng Kui's first guy only knew that the girl's talent was a true genius, but he didn't know that there was another disaster. As soon as he and the girl fell in love, he took care of her like a sister, and the girl also liked to be with him. This kind of heart always made Feng Kui Shou have infinite love and pity.

After playing enough in Lingxiufeng, the girl returned to Lingxiu Sendai. Feng Kui stood by the edge of the cold pool for a long time. Looking at the familiar cold pool, she recalled the huge monster that almost strangled him to death that day. More and more felt that the cold pool was not small. I don't know how many powerful creatures are in it. I'm afraid there may be a big demon in the deepest part.

After thinking for a long time, Feng Kui shook his head and laughed at himself: "Thinking about these things! Since I didn't die, I got a big bargain, and the second Zunlong anger attack of Zunlong III has also been effective. Now my body is broken and then practiced with the art of hegemony, and I am as strong as a dragon. Although it is still far from the realm of perfection, I only need to practice hard to enter the smooth road and will eventually be successful. When he is so powerful, you will understand everything when you go to the bottom of the pool!"

This guy sat down in the cold pool and began to inspect his body. He was surprised to find that more than 300 acupuncture points had been opened. The true qi in his body completely changed greatly from the past. The golden qi evolved into real dragon qi. Feng Kui was surprised to find that more than 30 acupuncture points were not contained in the acupuncture map, and the true qi inside was different. The black color was evil, and it was quite difficult for him to dispatch. This guy guessed that he had realized the role of the robbery mask in the sea of spiritual knowledge, and opened the acupuncture points in his body. Feng Kui subconsciously raised his palm and looked at it. The patterns of the big sun natural disaster and the purple moon heart were no longer there, and he also understood it in his heart. He secretly sighed, "The big sun natural disaster and the purple moon heart disaster turned out to be the introduction left by Sister Yi sister. We must not waste our sister's painstaking efforts!"

Feng Kui's first calculation, there are still 89 acupuncture points on the Zunlong True Body Acupoint Map, most of which are on the hands, feet and brain, which are places that have never been cultivated before. This guy turned to think about the third Zunlong Zhenqi Cannon of Zunlong Sanshi.

Feng Kui's head did not notice the difference around him. The guy suddenly looked up and found that there was one more person beside him. The righteous robe looked at him with no expression on his face. Feng Kui's head was so shocked that he almost screamed and found that it was Dao Qiong who didn't know when he arrived at the cold pool and squinted his eyes. Then the guy relaxed and jumped up.

Dao Qiong then said something to him bluntly. Feng Kui was overjoyed and looked at Lingxiu Sendai for a long time. Half of the surprise and half melancholy followed Daoqiong out of Lingxiu Peak.

The ethereal sword school site is a Cangshan, and dozens of mountains like Lingxiu Peak form a circle on the periphery, and inside they become a world. The mountains surround the inner part into a hundred-mile basin. A towering mountain in the middle of the basin is higher than any other mountain peak. It is extremely majestic and straight into the sky. The palaces on the mountain are continuous. From the foot of the mountain to the place where the clouds cover the fog, you can't see the reality clearly.

At this time, in front of a magnificent palace in this basin, hundreds of disciples gathered here. They are all good talents for selection. They only wait for the door of the fairy palace to open, and then enter the inside to be tested by the sect and prepare to step into the long-awaited inner door, becoming an enviable inner disciple. There is no need to live a hard life with hundreds of thousands of disciples. So they all seemed confident and eager to try.

These outer disciples who are about to enter the inner door are all in groups of ten people. They stand still in groups, whispering, and vaguely discuss the existence of the demons of the country at the other side of Tiangai Mountain. They also have a lot of elegant talk and laughter.

Suddenly, the huge door valve of the Fairy Palace suddenly opened, and the Zhuqi door under the high pavilion creaked and slowly opened. A young man with extraordinary clothes came out of it, swept across the vast sea of people, frowned, and spit out a few words indifferently spit out a few words in his mouth: "Now I am eager to try and want to break into the inner door. At that time Don't be so desperate that you can't get it back. One by one, they don't know how to do what they can. I think they are most self-respecting people!"

The young man was talking to himself, and one came out of the door again, and his clothes were elegant, but when he was a little older, he smiled faintly and said, "Brother, didn't we look like this at the beginning?! There is always a thing that can't come and never have a chance to cross the single-plank bridge. These are not things for me to consider. Let them in first!"

When the young man who came out first nodded, he changed his cold look and shouted loudly, "You should line up in turn and prepare to receive the experience tokens. Don't make noise. Those who don't comply will be disqualified!"

The young man glanced coldly, with a cold and arrogant look. The bottom was quiet, and the crowd lined up and walked into the gate in turn.

After first-in-first-out, I went to the edge of the square and whispered about this time's task. They were all sent to the Cangmo Kingdom to kill the chaotic demons. Suddenly, many depressing voices said, "This test is too difficult. Wouldn't we wait to feed the devils!"

There was a bold sneer on the side: "Do you think you want to deal with the big devil? Don't lift yourself to the sky. We will just pick up the magic soldiers and take action, but if we can bring back a token to slaughter the devil, it will be passed. Those big demons naturally have a master in the door to take action, but don't worry about the sky!"

After saying that, everyone was clear and relaxed a lot.

Soon the square had gone to Ten*, and the two inner disciples who were supervised outside the door were about to end their work. They were about to close the gate and leave when they saw a man running over in the distance. As he ran, he shouted, "Don't worry, there is me!"

The two young men frowned, and the younger brother said contemptuously, "If you come alone, you will go through the back door. I can't be selected on the surface. I went to the back door to ask for a place. If I don't have the ability, I will die when it comes to the slaughter!"

Next to him shook his head and said, "You have to see the results to say, but don't make a conclusion first!" I'm afraid it's too late."

The two talked softly. The man had rushed in from the gate and rushed straight to a hall. Seeing that several masters inside were preparing to leave, the young man quickly shouted, "The Miaojian sent foreign disciples to receive the testimonies. It's too late!"

A thin old man stopped and said coldly, "I know it's late. Fortunately, let's talk about it next time!"

The young man's face was originally happy. Hearing this, he looked excited and stiff, so he silently pestled in the middle of the hall and stared at the unreasonable old man. A man next to him slowly turned around and looked at the young man and said softly, "Take this thing and go quickly!" After saying that, he threw something to the young man and left slowly.

The young man took something and put it in the bag around his waist and left without looking back. When the young man came out of the Zhuqi gate, the talking old man said strangely, "If you don't let him go, don't let him go. Since he is late, why do you still open the net?"

The old man who allowed the belated disciple to shake his head and said, "Brother Yuanling, you didn't come to Lingxiufeng that day to see it. The boy who just went there even saved the elder Dao Qiong once. It's not good for us to embarrass him according to the rules. It's not too good to give him a chance!"

Yuan Ling's face** and left silently with a dry cough.

The young man walked out of the gate of the Immortal Palace and sighed with emotion: "It turns out that the practitioners are also very sinister. If I don't come late, someone will talk about it, and there are also people who go inside. Senior Daoqiong didn't make it clear, which made me run away from the wrong road, otherwise I wouldn't be late. However, I, Feng Kui, finally stepped into the fairy gate and became an inner disciple who envied others. I'm going to be transferred!"

This young man Huo Ran is the prisoner Feng Kui of Lingxiufeng. If Dao Qiong didn't think that he was delaying his cultivation in Lingxiufeng and sent him to the outer gate as an outer disciple, I don't know how long he will be alone in Lingxiufeng.

Feng Kui was very happy. As he walked away with the current, he took out the object that the old man had just given him. It turned out to be a jade card. I don't know when his appearance had been engraved on it. It was shining outside. The goods broke hard in vain, and bit it in his mouth without any trace. He was shocked. Qi said, "Such precious tokens can't be imitated by those impersonators. It seems that the sect attaches great importance to the selection of disciples!"

However, this little jade card has its own mystery. If it falls into the hands of others, the portrait on it will disappear and become waste. Go out with this token, and you are not afraid of other spies to sneak in when you return. It can be seen that the sword party valued the inheritance of the sect, and also requires the holder to keep it carefully and not to be lost.

All the assets of this goods are in the small bag at his waist, and there is no need to go back to the shabby hut assigned to him by the sect. Then he quietly put the treasure bag in a close place, went out of the mountain with another experienced disciple, and finally came to the world outside the Piaomiao Mountain after a year.

However, the loach in the mud in the past has been different. It not only became a toad and ate the first-class swan meat that day, but also stepped into the immortal sect. What he thought was no longer a full meal but to strive for the top on the road to cultivation.

Feng Kui gradually found that others were a team of ten people along the way. On the way, there was a division of labor in the plan, but he was alone. Here, he was led by true disciples from the State Gate of Cangmo to cross the mountain of Heaven. Feng Kui's head was a revisit of his hometown, and he was quite emotional. He thought that he had several ups and downs and opportunities to be a thief here in the past. The sparse face full of ruffians came to his mind, so he quietly left the team and went to the front of Liu Yuzi's grave bag and took a look, which took half a day.

Feng Kui was eager to catch up with the brigade and took a shortcut in Tianmao Mountain, hoping to catch up with his fellow door in front of him. He was also happy and comfortable. Suddenly, he heard someone whispering in front of him.

This guy was shocked and quietly watched in the dark. He found that three young people were whispering, "Brother Tianji, this sect sent us out to practice and kill demons, but what did you take us to Tianmao Mountain in Yunmeng? What's the mystery!"

The young man named Tianji smiled mysteriously and said, "Naturally, he came to look for treasure!"

Another young man also said curiously, "Brother, don't sell it. We came out of Chihua Mountain far away but came to Tiangao Mountain to look for treasure. Brother, aren't you looking for us happy?"

Tianji stared angrily and said, "Zhang Meng and Wu Li, don't you understand what kind of person I Tianji is? I also trusted the two brothers to bring you together, and I also want to help you. Let me tell you the truth. I had already heard that Xuan Zanzi, the former elder of Chihuazong, was buried in Tianma Mountain. Xuanzi's predecessor disappeared for many years, and then it was rumored to have fallen on Tianzhan Mountain. I have verified for a long time and confirmed that there are ten * this matter is conclusive. Let's look for it. Maybe we will find the remains of our predecessors. Isn't it necessary to increase our strength? Even if we delay the killing demons and go back and get no reward of the sect, it won't it?

Zhang Meng and Wu Li nodded in a row and said, "That's true. I hope the rumor is really true. Let's not run away in vain!" Then he was also happy and excited.

Feng Kui's head followed secretly with a crooked head and said to himself, "I can share your benefits!" If they can't find it, they will go back to the desert country to kill demons. I'm not afraid that I can't find a place to go if I follow them. Thinking in his heart, he quietly followed the three people around Tianmao Mountain with ghosts.